1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 28 av 81
Att fånga flödet i kollektivtrafiken : En jämförelse mellan handelsplatser i Hong Kongs och Stockholms tunnelbana
The retail sector is in a continuous development. What demand looks like and where the consumers want to shop has changed during the last years. Market place, demand, supply, external factors and politics affect how the retail sector develops. To make a market place attractive a variety of factors have to be considered.In Hong Kong a model called Rail & Property is used, this means that the development of the subway is integrated with the development of the city. The model is both successful and economically sustainable.Today the supply of shops and services in Stockholm´s subway stations is rather small.
Mervärdeskapande i traditionell livsmedelshandel : En fallstudie inom den svenska dagligvaruhandeln
Background: It has been shown that companies that lived under protected conditions for a long time have had difficulties to adapt to major changes. With that in mind an even more extensive low-cost competition in the Swedish grocery market will make a threat for the traditional grocery stores' long-term survival. The question then becomes, which strategies will be successful and lead to higher customer loyalty.Problem: Are the traditional grocery stores using strategies that can compete in addition to pricing and will those strategies lead to long-term survival?Objective: Is to analyse and evaluate two traditional grocery stores' strategies and to examine whether these are consistent with customer demand.Approach: First we have created a more fundamental understanding of the situation in the Swedish grocery market. Then we have implemented two interviews in each grocery store.
Flavour improvement of water solutions comprising bitter amino acids
The aim of this project was to improve taste of a liquid food product, comprising extremelybitter and unpalatable amino acids and one unrevealed ingredient. The amino acids were Lleucine,L-isoleucine, L-valine, L-threonine and L-lysine monohydrochloride. Experimentaldesign was set up as a screening of water solutions comprising these ingredients (called BCAAsolutions) and added ingredients with potential to improve flavour. BCAA solution withingredients that were potential bitterness suppressors were evaluated in flavour, bitternessand/or palatability. Solutions of separate amino acids were also studied.
Prisstrategier : En studie om dynamisk prissättning på Major events
Purpose: The purpose of this Bachelor is to analyze how the organizers of a Major event price their tickets and how these strategies consistent and differs from dynamic pricing. The study also aims to analyze whether there are conditions for dynamic pricing in Major events in the future.Theories: Dynamic pricing - Kimes model, Segmentation, price discrimination, variable ticket pricing.Method: The study used a triangulation where a qualitative interview was combined with quantitative data collection. Primary data was collected through a qualitative approach through an interview with General Secretary Tony Wiréhn and Marketing Director Malin Eldh in the local organization of the IIHF World Championship in Sweden. The quantitative data collection was to collect price information from the games played in the Swedish side of the World Championship organization arrangements.Conclusion: The conclusions that can be drawn are that the organizer of Ice Hockey World Championships today largely applies segmentation and also the second and third degree price discrimination. World Cup organization believes that it has something they call "semi-dynamic pricing", which according to this study involves a variable pricing with dynamic tendencies, then prices on some games adapted based on supply and demand during the sales period.
Folkbibliotekets pedagogiska uppgifter - en diskursanalys av fyra bibliotekstidskrifter
The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the contemporary educational tasks of the Swedish public library as they manifest in Swedish library journals. Our main question at issue is: Which educational discourses are there? And in relation to our main question: how do the concepts of information literacy, lifelong learning and adult education relate to each other? Is there an antagonism between the public library's duty to supply fiction as opposed to non-fiction? and: What are the consequences of these discourses in the service provided by the library?Our theoretical starting-point is the discourse theory as proposed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. We analyse 39 texts from four Swedish library journals: Ikoner, bis, DIK-forum and Biblioteksbladet. The analysis is done in two phases.
Leverantörsrelationer på Volvo Aero Corporation : En modell för val av lämplig strategi för leverantörshantering
Volvo Aero Corporation är en stor leverantör till de tre stora flygmotortillverkarna, General Electric, Pratt & Whitney och Rolls Royce. Komponenter som företaget producerar används i över 80 % av dagens kommersiella motorer. Nya motorprogram, där Volvo Aero eftersträvar att ha en mer aktiv roll gällande design och utveckling, har lett till nya utmaningar för företaget. Samtidigt har en komplicerad leverantörsmarknad, bland annat på grund av konsolidering, blivit svårare att hantera. Av denna anledning finns ett intresse av att förbättra företagets relationer och samarbeten med sina leverantörer, bland annat för att höja effektiviteten och sänka kostnader och ledtider.I ett led att klara detta, gav Volvo Aero oss uppgiften att studera och analysera teorier kring hantering av leverantörsrelationer för att se om vi kunde hitta passande modeller som är applicerbara på de nya situationer som företaget står inför.Vi utförde studier av en mängd teorier, och sökte att finna vilka som passade Volvo Aeros situation bäst.
Att ta vara på solens fulla uppvärmningskapacitet
The purpose of this bachelor´s report is to expand the knowledge about heat supply of a small house in Malmö. The heat supply will be provided from solar panels in combination to two accumulator tanks which will storage the up heated water and a pellet boiler.The technique used here is warmth storage in water over seasons, which will provide the total need of heating for the house. Accumulator tanks in combination to solar panels gets more and more common in Sweden but this far it´s unusual to use it for storage over seasons. This report will highlight many of the difficulties associated whit heat storage and give information about a system's possible design and function.The design of this system is decided early on. An accumulator tank is placed 2 meters down in the earth on the backside of the house.
Grafisk profilering och identitetsskapande
This degree project has been done in parallel to the advertising agency Hera in Uppsala, and containsthe creating of a logotype and graphic profile for Aircall, a new big chain of shops dealing with telecommunication.Aircall was found 1 February 2004, when three smaller companies became one. Thisnew company were in need of a common brand and a uniform profile. The created graphic profile hasbeen applied to visiting cards, letterhead, envelopes, letter cards, bags, cars and advertisement. Thegraphic profile has also been used when designing the shop interior end exterior. Research has beendone on competitors graphic profiles and advertisement.
?Messlingen ? periferins periferi? : En studie av turismutvecklingens misslyckande och möjligheter i västra Härjedalen
Radio Frequency Identification RFID är en teknologi för att kunna identifiera produkter via radiovågor, detta med hjälp av radiosändare. Denna uppsats intresserar sig för hur RFID kan användas i tillverkningsföretag och om tekniken kan förbättra och förenkla materialflödesprocesserna. RFID är en relativt komplicerad teknik därför har denna uppsats som syfte att ge företag praktiska tips inför en implementering. För att kunna besvara problemformuleringen har Hästens Sängar AB används som praktikfall. Intervjuer har även gjorts med RFID leverantörer och av företag som idag använder RFID, för att få det praktiska perspektivet.RFID används mer och mer i tillverkningsföretag även om utvecklingen har gått långsammare än förväntat.
Högtempererat borrhålslager för fjärrvärme
The district heating load is seasonally dependent, with a low load during periods of high ambient temperature. Thermal energy storage (TES) has the potential to shift heating loads from winter to summer, thus reducing cost and environmental impact of District Heat production. In this study, a concept of high temperature borehole thermal energy storage (HT-BTES) together with a pellet heating plant for temperature boost, is presented and evaluated by its technical limitations, its ability to supply heat, its function within the district heating system, as well as its environmental impact and economic viability in Gothenburg, Sweden, a city with access to high quantities of waste heat.The concept has proven potentially environmentally friendly and potentially profitable if its design is balanced to achieve a good enough supply temperature from the HT-BTES. The size of the heat storage, the distance between boreholes and low borehole thermal resistance are key parameters to achieve high temperature. Profitability increases if a location with lower temperature demand, as well as risk of future shortage of supply, can be met.
Grundvattenskydd och markanvändning i tre olika länder- effekter för miljö och samhälle
AbstractDrinking water is an important resource on Earth both for humans and animals. Although most of the surface is covered by water only a small quantity is available as drinking water. Our manner of living creates a lot of pollution which has an environmental impact. Groundwater has a protracted turnover time in the soil and it can take many years before the effects of human impact are detected. The Swedish environmental object is ?Good groundwater quality? which aims to provide a safe and sustainable supply of drinking water today and in the future.
Effektivisering av inköpsprocessen i modeföretag via olika styrmetoder i interorganisatoriska relationer
Bakgrund och problemformulering: Inköpsfunktionen har under de senaste åren fått en allt mer strategisk betydelse för organisationer. De strategiska inköpsbesluten blir därför allt viktigare och siktar mot att skapa effektiviseringar och kostnadsfördelar i processen. Ekonomistyrningstekniker som kan anpassas till företaget kan därför vara en mycket värdefull tillgång på en konkurrenskraftig marknad. Interorganisatoriska relationer i syfte till relationen mellan leverantör och det köpande företaget blir även mycket betydelsefull då de största kostnaderna har identifierats uppkomma hos underleverantörerna för ett producerande företag. Det finns dock en begränsad kunskap angående hur dessa ekonomistyrningstekniker hos interorganisatoriska relationer kan effektiviseras i inköpsprocessen hos ett producerande företag.
Arbetsgivares ansvar för rehabilitering : Vägen tillbaka i arbete, lång eller kort?
Aim and questions: The purpose of this paper is to clarify the responsibilities employers have for rehabilitation and to explore how it conforms to an employers' actual condi-tions. Furthermore, the intention is to increase knowledge of how employers interact with other partners in the rehabilitation process and what affects sick people to return to work. The following three questions form the basis of this paper: What are employers? responsibilities for rehabilitation under the law and how is it consistent with an employer's actual conditions? What is the role of employers in the rehabilitation co- operation with other actors? What factors influence sick people to return to work?Method: The paper has used a true scientific and a legal sociological method to examine how the regulated employer responsibility for rehabilitation relates to what is practical in re-ality. To achieve the purpose, four empirical interviews were conducted with Örebro Municipality, Insurance, occupational health Previa and a doctor, which all of them have an important role in the rehabilitation process.
Hur ser börsnoterade fastighetsbolag på vakans : En undersökning av den kommersiellafastighetsmarknaden
The commercial real estate market makes up a large part of Sweden's property portfolio, as well as other open, free markets in the real estate market it is regulated by supply and demand. There are several factors that affect the supply and demand in the commercial real estate market, for instance the price, type of real estate and the condition of the real estate. In order to achieve success in the commercial real estate market it requires that real estate agents have a certain expertise and flexibility in their thinking to adapt commercial real estates to supply and demand. Active investors on the commercial real estate market are for instance private real estate agents, their knowledge and experience will help increase the value of commercial real estate in the long run. In order to provide the market flexibility in its real estate portfolio, vacancy is a factor that can be used.
Vegetationslösningar och andra metoder mot stranderosion :
Today 70 percent of the world's sand beaches are under recession due to erosion. The global warming may have the effect upon the sea level increasing and the erosion increasing on the sand beaches. To save these sand beaches, the erosion must be prevented. Coast erosion shelters like gabions and sea walls are functioning extremely well to protect the land behind the sand beach, but due to the wave reflections, created in front of these so called hard erosion shelters, the erosion of the front beach is accelerated. During the last decades, artificial sand supply (beach nourishment) has been the adopted praxis.