1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 13 av 81
Analys av konsignationslager : inom tillverkande industri
In this composition, a study of consignment inventory on basis of the factors which are important for implementation and application of consignment inventory are made. Logistics chain from subcontractor to end customer is becoming more complex when the volume of items constantly increases to satisfy the needs of the market. From that perspective, companies had large inventories but today it is a lot of different solutions to streamline inventory management. One way that recently becomes increasingly common is to let the subcontractor fill up the customers stock using different approaches such as VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory). A further step in the evolution can be to make use of consignment inventory where the vendor owns the stock of the customer.
Prissättning av ishockeybiljetter : Utbud, efterfrågan, monopol och nya arenor
This thesis is about pricing of ice hockey tickets in Swedish ice hockey. Ice hockey is a large sport in Sweden, with clubs that more and more are acting like companies. These clubs tend to build new arenas that in many ways change basic variables.The thesis is an analytic thesis based on information about the clubs and interviews. The purpose is to study the basic variables for pricing of tickets in Swedish ice hockey. Furthermore the pricing itself and its connection to the new arenas are studied.The focus of the thesis is on the three clubs HV 71, Färjestads BK and Linköpings HC.
Inköp i läkemedelsbranschen- Jämförelse med Best Practice modell - Novo Nordisk Danmark
Läkemedelsbranschen är idag hårt konkurrensutsatt vilket skapar incitament till förändring av de interna processerna av vilka inköp utgör en. Läkemedelsbranschen har av tradition ansetts ha en eftersatt inköpsverksamhet för att vara en så mogen bransch. Vår undersökning gick ut på att jämföra en Best Practice modell för inköp med inköpsverksamheten i läkemedelsbranschen. För läkemedelsbranschen finns helt klart utvecklingsområden och utmaningar i förhållande till den gängse inköpsteorin och Best Practice modellerna. Vid en jämförelse med Best Practice modell för inköp och vårt fall identifierade vi ett antal avvikelser beroende på rationella, politiska och ekonomiska orsaker.
Lokal etisk produktion ? är den globalt hållbar?
In modern society globalisation is a fact within all industries, the textile industry included. Due to improvement in areas such as logistics and communication international trade have developed fast. As changes occur rapidly on the global market and companies must adjust and revise their processes in order to stay competitive.Because of the global price reduction consumers around the world expect low-price products, which mean that the companies have to find new ways to produce in a cost-efficient way. To maximize profit most of the textile production is situated in low-cost countries due to its labour-intensive character. It is crucial for fashion companies to allocate their activities in their value-chain effectively in order to reduce lead-times.
Hur butikschefen påverkar butikens lönsamhet
Under det senaste decenniet har den svenska elektronikhandeln präglats av en allt hårdare konkurrenssituation och lägre lönsamhet. Det har lett till att stora butikskedjor gått i konkurs. För att vända trenden måste företagen hanterar sina butiksverksamheter effektivt. Det blir därmed avgörande hur butikschefen sköter butiken. Av den anledningen är det intressant att underso?ka butikschefers arbetssätt för att se vad som leder till hög lönsamhet.
Strategisk kommunikation inom franchising, en fallstudie av Gallerix
AbstractTitle: Strategic Communication within franchising, a case study of GallerixNumber of pages: 60 (65 with enclosures)Author: Charlotta Babington ThorszeliusCourse: Media and Communication DPeriod: Spring 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University, SwedenPurpose/Aim: To find out, by doing a case study, how communication between the two parties in a franchising relationship works, and how communication can strengthen the concept and brand. By analysing the communication, identify strengths and weaknesses and make suggestions for improvement.Material/Method: Qualitative method by using interviewsMain results: The understanding of the concept and the relationship between franchiser and franchisees are vital for the success of the franchising chain. The main internal communication channel today is the Intranet, and more personal contacts and meetings are requested. The yearly meetings are appreciated by the franchisees, but the content of the meetings are of varied quality. The chains value words, which are important for how the brand is perceived by the customer, are slightly different from how the franchiser and the franchisees sees them.
Varumärke och univetsitet - Varumärkeskapital ur tre målgruppers perspektiv
The purpose of this thesis is to outline an appropriate model in order for companies to successfully act and compete physically as wholesalers at the same time as acting on the virtual market by selling directly to the end consumer. The approach of this thesis is hermeneutical and abductive with elements of hypothetically deductive approach. Our research has a qualitative research strategy based on case studies and interviews as well as on secondary data. Interviews were conducted with the case company JaymJay Wear AB as well as with other companies, so called mini cases. The secondary data consists mainly of textbooks, web sites and journals.
Människan, kalven eller gödselbrunnen? Mjölkens destination och fördelning - hos mjölkbonden
A variety of food is produced and passes the whole chain by processing, transport and trade and finally it ends up with the consumer. But in many cases, the food is disposed before it is eaten. Some of the produced food does not even pass the whole entire chain before it turns to waste. The question about food waste in debates is a case of access to food for every human beeing. It is question of consumption of the resources, waste management and an issue of environmental impact.
Utvärdering av amningsstrategi : - Vårdprofessionernas perspektiv
Research show evidence for benefits of breastfeeding and that infant-feeding-plans are supportive. Family-centered care is the theoretical framework. Family support is crucial for successful breastfeeding. It is important that society creates opportunities for mothers to breastfeed and contribute information and support by healthcare professionals. The aim of this study was to evaluate how the midwives and child healthcare nurses found that the newest breastfeeding strategy influenced their breastfeeding- and rearing support in the County of Jönköping.
Är Sveriges detaljhandelsmonopol av alkohol en enda stor relationsfråga? : En uppsats om relationen mellan Systembolaget och dess leverantörer
The Swedish alcohol market has for many years been in the hands of the government. The question of the monopoly, its being or not being, has for a long time engaged both Swedish citizens and politicians. Since joining the European Union it has also been on the European agenda, trying to adapt Sweden to the more liberal alcohol politic in Europe.The suppliers find themselves acting on a completely different market than a market based on free competition. The suppliers are faced with one retail channel to the stores which creates dependence and uneven power balance towards the retailer. In addition to this, their marketing activities are strictly limited due to the laws and claims.
Relationen mellan utformningen av digitala bibliotek och användarnas behov. En intervjustudie vid Göteborgs universitets digitala bibliotek.
The aim of this thesis is to define digital library, and to investigate a relation between the construction of a digital library and user needs. The main questions to be answered are: 1 What criteria was used when constructing a digital library, particularly concerning issues like purpose, function, design, supply, services, resources and future development of the digital library? 2 How do the digital library system designers and system builders criteria correspond with those of postgraduate researchers? And what factors affect the use? A digital library is an enterprise that gives access to information stored digitally and directly available on the net. The crucial is that the enterprise has a control over collection of information and responsibility to make it available to a defined group of users. In order to investigate the relation between the construction of the digital library and user needs, I have interviewed five key people involved with the work with the digital library and twenty postgraduate researchers from the Gothenburg University.
Ökad återvinning i modebranschen : försörjningskedjans hinder och möjligheter inom produktutveckling
En ökad textilkonsumtion har lett fram till en problematik kring miljöpåverkan på grund av den ökade mängden använda textilier som ska hanteras efter produkternas död. För att ta till vara på de dyrbara resurser som har använts för att skapa textila produkter, har intresset för återvinning av textila fibrer ökat. Forskningen inom återvinning av bomullsfibrer har däremot inte kommit tillräckligt långt för att produktion av återvunna fibrer av hög kvalité ska kunna göras storskalig. Detta speciellt eftersom problem med exempelvis blandfibrer och separerbarhet försvårar arbetet. Det finns förändringar som kan göras av modeföretag i produktutvecklingsfasen redan idag, vilka kan underlätta återvinningsprocessen och syftar till att skapa ett slutet system i framtiden.
Logistisk tillämpning idag : en historisk återblick
In the rate of changes condition of the market in shape of increasing competitiveness situation, local as global, this leads to that logistics has to be developed in the same rate. Logistics has been developed from the military and after the war, logistics was figurative to the companies transport- and store problems. After this, logistics had been divided up into four different time phases (the seventies to the 21:th century). All these time phases have together develop the spectacle and focus of the logistics today. Afterward further developing of the logistics approach to Supply Chain Management (SCM) and afterward SCM, Demand Chain Management (DCM) was developed in aim to secure that the right products were manufactured on the basis of the end customers real requirement and wishes.This paper is taking the aim and problem formulation as a starting point.
Konstruktion och byggnation av testfixtur för 10Gbit/s transpondermoduler
This thesis for the Master of Science degree was performed at Solectron Corporation in Norrköping. The background for the thesis was a need to develop and build two test fixtures to automatize testing and adjusting of transmitter modules (TX-fixture) and receiver modules (RX-fixture) which are head devices in DWDM-systems. The basic elements for the test fixtures are: Test board, switch board and DC/DC board. The main function of the test board is to handle communication between the transmitter and receiver modules and supply voltage to these modules. The test board was insufficient and modified with a microprocessor to handle the communication between the PC and the receiver module.
Strategier för skogsägande i svenska skogsföretag :
This final thesis consists of an investigation of how suitable it is to vertically integrate forest in Swedish forest companies. Different strategies to obtain raw materials have been evaluated and the advantages and disadvantages have been weighted against each other.
The investigations contain a number of interviews with represents from companies with different strategies and persons that in different ways have faced the question of issue. An account study of SCA´s forest ownership has also been performed.
The benefits for a forest company to vertical integrate forest consist mainly of safety in delivery, control over the Supply Chain and company image.