

5883 Uppsatser om Supply Chain Operations Reference Model - Sida 39 av 393

Ersättningsmodeller för ballasttransporter : vid anläggning och underhåll av skogsbilvägar

Construction and maintenance of forest truck roads are a necessary element of industrial forestry. Payment for contracting services in this context can be done according to a number of payment models. This study will focus on the methods and consequences associated with a change of Holmen Skog?s payment model from per hour to per metric ton for ballast hauling. The aim of this study is to improve the economic efficiency of Holmen Skog?s ballast hauling in construction and maintenance of forest truck roads. This is done by formulating and evaluating a proposal for a payment model based on crowns per ton.

Kappa Control with Online Analyzer Using Samples from the Digester's Mid-phase

In the pulp industry, digesters are used to disolve lignin in wood chips. The concentration of lignin is measured and is called the Kappa number. In this thesis, the question of whether an online Kappa sensor, taking samples from the mid-phase of the digester, is useful or not is analyzed. For the samples to be useful, there has to be a relationship between the measured Kappa at the mid- phase and the measured Kappa in the blowpipe at the bottom of the digester. An ARX model of the lower part of the digester has been estimated.

Höggallring i praktiskt skogsbruk : beskrivning av en gallringsmodell för granskog som tillämpas på Trolleholms Gods

When Norway spruce is planted with large initial spacing and grows on highly productive sites in southern Sweden, a high proportion of the stems gets broad annual rings. The thinning programme carried out at the estate of Trolleholm aims to extract stems with too broad ring width. The 3-4 first thinnings are carried out as thinning from above, where only the thickest trees are removed. The internal distance may not fall below 5-7 meters depending on the number of thinning (short distance in young stands). The aim of this study was to examine the thinning model that is carried out at the estate of Trolleholm. A volume table is calculated to describe the model, and data is collected on temporary plots.

Modernisering av driv- och vändstation för timmersortering

The purpose of the rebuild of Notnäs AB timber sorting line is to renew the existing drive and turning ends of the transport chain, which has become old. This means that Notnäs AB have problems to get new parts if the gearbox and chain are worn out. They also require that the rebuild should have a maintenance schedule for the new spare parts that will be used in the rebuild. Maintenance workers placed great emphasis on that in a rebuild it shall be a service-friendly design. The maintenance schedule used in Notnäs AB in the current situation is from Statoil and the report uses SKF formulas and recommendations in order to obtain a lubricating schedule.

The development of CRITA-Score ? A hybrid credit rating model for predicting financial distress

Large companies in today?s business environment are to a great extent depending on their credit score by rating institutes like Moody?s and Standard & Poor?s. There is however indications that these big institutes are not always rating companies accurately. This is why this thesis aims at developing a new credit rating model, CRITA-Score, with the objective of determining a company?s financial health more accurately.

Produktionslogistik, effektiviseringav materialhantering

Atlas Copco Tools is a world leading company in tool manufacturing. The productionin Tierp works hard to improve their assembly to maintain its position. This thesis isa part of their improvement efforts to be a more Lean production.The main focus for this thesis was to identify the material flow in the kanban system,which used to supply the assembly groups, focusing on the material flow to assemblygroup 9 and the assembly group 3. Group 3's material flow within the kanban systemwas perceived to perform better than the group 9. The handling of kanban materialand their working methods in the two groups was identify those differences whichaffected the kanban system.As an alternative material supply a study were done in kiting.

Utredning av undervattensbastu

Nordic Marine Sauna AB has, since 2005, designed, manufactured and sold floating saunas. Theproduct are characterised by a well thought thru and appealing design and its high quality. Thecompany is now intending to open a new business area by starting a subsidiary, NordicSubmarine Sauna AB, which will design submerged saunas. The expected customers are leisureand conference centres as well as customers that seek an experience out of the ordinary.Due to the products technical complexity a master thesis was adverted. The task was to do aninvestigation whether such a product is technically viable.The job involved research of existing products and constructions material as well as designingthe product with CAD and FEM-programs.

Estimation av bostadsrättspriser i Stockholms innerstad medelst multipel regressionsanalys.

This report aims to study the condominium prices in central Stockholm and the factors thataffect these prices. A linear regression model was set up and data about relevant covariatessuch as floor area, mortgage rates and where the condominium is situated were gathered toassess if and how they influence the price. The raw data was processed and enhanced to gain asmuch relevant information as possible to the model. To determine the covariates? influence onthe final price, regressions were ran and various tests were performed on the output data.

Fordonsbestånd och nyregistreringar - en statistisk analys av regionala skillnader och strukturella faktorer

The official statistics on communication and transports in Sweden is administered by Statens Institut för kommunikationsanalys (SIKA). SIKA?s commission includes production of statistics on the Swedish vehicle fleet. These statistics provide important information tofinancial institutes, ministries, industry and mass media among others. Furthermore, the vehicle statistics include measures of comparison between different counties and municipalities.

Lyckans land? : En ekonometrisk studie över nationshemvistens påverkan på upplevd lycka.

Does the country people live in affect the probability of them experiencing happiness? Can a country variable in an ordinal regression model be affected when microeconomic and macroeconomic factors are added to the model? The possible outcomes are either that the country variable affects less when the additional predictors are added to the model, or that they stay the same. The micro data is collected from the European Social Survey database, the macro data is collected from the World Bank. The country variable becomes less substantial when additional variables are added to the model. The variable with the most influence over expected happiness apart from the country variable is whether the individual often socializes with friends or not.

Resultatstyrning på Sida: Ett Sisyfosarbete

This study aims to examine how performance management is compatible with the operations at Sida, Sweden?s International Development Cooperation Agency, by performing interviews with representatives from Sida. The public sector is facing increased demands on accounting, which has emerged as an institutionalized social norm in society. The nature of Sida?s operations, however, proves to be highly complex, rendering results based management difficult to implement.

Modellering och simulering av hovrande helikopter

At the department of Electronic Warfare Assessments at the Swedish Defence Research Agency in Linköping one of the activities is modelling and simulation of the duel between a robot and a target. The aim with this Master's thesis is to develop a simulation model of an hovering helicopter. First a theoretical description of the forces and moments acting on an helicopter is given. Then the equations of motion are derived. These equations are simplified to be valid only for a hovering helicopter and the result is a mathematical model.

Samordnad varudistribution i Växjö kommun : En studie om returflödet av SRS-backar

Växjö kommuns mål är att minska sin miljöpåverkan från fossila bränslen och ett steg i detta är den samordnade varudistributionen. Rapportens fokus är inriktat på returhanteringen av SRS-backar som ingår i den samordnade varudistributionen. Rapporten redogör för hur processen för returhanteringen av SRS-backar ser ut vid en samordnad varudistribution i Växjö kommun. Underlag för en processkartläggning insamlades genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer och kartläggningen genomfördes i analysen. I en samordnad varudistribution där flera olika aktörer ingår och vill få sin röster hörda uppstår det problem. Rapporten ämnar utöver att beskriva processens utseende, även att redogöra för dessa problem. Problemen som upplevs i nuläget för respektive aktör är säkerhetsrisker på grund av kvarlämnade SRS-backar på de kommunala enheternas lastkajar enligt logistikhandläggaren vid Växjö kommun, extra transport samt lagerhållningskostnader för Växjö Partiaffär, identifikationssvårigheter för Scandinavian Supply Chain.

Urea som kvävekälla till växande ungnöt

The purpose of this study was to examine whether urea could be an option as a nitrogen source for young cattle, the study was limited to risks related to feeding, growth and feed efficiency. Microbes in ruminants have the ability to convert nitrogen to protein, this has been highlighted by beef producers as they are in search of cheap protein feed resources. Urea can be a worthy source of nitrogen for growing young animals, because of its high nitrogen content and the low price. Studies have shown that the replacement of a portion of the total protein content by urea in diets with low content of crude protein, like corn silage, may improve animal growth and feed efficiency. Replacement of all the true protein with urea can result in reduced feed intake and microbial growth.

Mobilt internet för skogsbruket med CDMA2000 i450 MHz - bandet :

Improved wireless datacommunication with the forest machines might be the next big step in the logging process. The use for wireless communicationsystems within the forestry is among other things to report the production from the forest machines, to supply the machine opera-tors with the right information and for safety. CDMA2000/ 450 is a third generation mobilecommunicationsystem which could replace the old NMT- 450 and for comparatively low costs. The reason for the low costs is that you only have to use the old NMT- 450 masts and supply them with new equipment. In the test of CDMA2000/450, that has taken place in northern Uppland, two kind of files have been sent.

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