

5883 Uppsatser om Supply Chain Operations Reference Model - Sida 32 av 393

Energikartläggning av Fridhemsskolan 16:2

Increased energy consumption in the world has created an increased supply of various fuels, especially fossil fuels. The Swedish government has set up various energy targets for 2020. To reach these goals it?s important to increase the energy efficiency in local buildings such as schools. This work illustrates the breakdown between energy supply and energy losses over the school.

Variationer av klor, svavel och aska i havrekärna : odlingsfaktorernas inverkan på havrens bränsleegenskaper

The increasing oil prices during the last years have made it profitable to use cereal grains as a fuel. When compared with wood, cereals contain higher amounts of Cl, S and ash. The Cl and S content makes the gases from cereal combustion more corrosive than gases from wood combustion. The goal of this master thesis was to find out the variation of Cl, S and ash content for oat grain grown under different conditions. Oats was chosen because in Sweden it's considered as the cereal with the best fuel qualities.

Bakåtvänd eller framåtvänd bilbarnstol för dem mellan ett och fem år.

This paper aims to analyze how child restraint systems (CRS) in cars should be positioned to protect children at the ages 1 to 5. The study is preformed in co-operation with the Swedish insurance company Folksam. Data from Folksam´s database on car crashes in the years 1999-2004 is being used in this study. Every child in the ages 1 to 5 was searched for in the database, which resulted in 184 observations. To perform the analysis, categorical data analysis is suitable.

Hur RFID kan påverka logistisk effektivitet : en studie av den svenska dagligvarubranschen

Radio Frequency Identification, RFID, är en teknik för spårning och informationsbärande som har funnits i över 50 år. Det är dock inte förrän på senare år som användandet av tekniken har fått en bredare spridning. I Sverige finns idag ett flertal företag som har implementerat lösningar som bygger på RFID-teknik men samtliga är begränsade till att endast användas inom ett företag i ett slutet system. På frågan hur RFID-teknik och dess standard EPC påverkar företag i en supply chain, det vill säga i ett öppet system, finns inget klart svar utan detta bör undersökas för respektive bransch där ett införande kan vara intressant. Denna studie är en sådan undersökning, genomförd inom den svenska dagligvarubranschen, med följande syfte:Syftet med denna studie är att, på aktivitetsnivå, kartlägga flödet av fem utvalda produkter i dagligvarubranschen samt att för företag som ingår i dessa flöden skapa scenarier där RFID-teknik utnyttjas.

Prediktion av villapris och dess faktorers inverkan.

 A villas price depends on several important factors. By statistical data, a mathematical multiple regression model was modeled. The model has important explanatory variables such as living space, renovation year and standard points has been taken into consideration, in order to assess their impact on the final price for private homes.By using a statistical program,Minitab 16, the final model was selected with eight explanatory variables. The regression for this model explains up to 67.3 % of the variation on the final price.The results showed percentage wise that the standard points had the greatest impact on the price, there after renovation year and then living space..

Mean value modelling of a poppet valve EGR-system

Because of new emission and on board diagnostics legislations, heavy truck manufacturers are facing new challenges when it comes to improving the engines and the control software. Accurate and real time executable engine models are essential in this work. One successful way of lowering the NOx emissions is to use Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR). The objective of this thesis is to create a mean value model for Scania's next generation EGR system consisting of a poppet valve and a two stage cooler. The model will be used to extend an existing mean value engine model.

Finansiering av företag under rekonstruktion

In this study, company reconstructions and the financing of current accounts hereof are analysed from a perspective of insolvency law. The purpose with a company reconstruction is to maintain the operations of the company despite the insolvency of the mandator. In contrast to bankruptcy proceedings the person liable for payment stays in charge of the operations. However, this person is not allowed to sign for new loans, issue pledges of security for these loans or in any other way enter new obligations without the approval from the temporary company reconstructor. Besides providing for a successful reconstruction the reconstructor also has to consider the interests of creditors, especially to maintain the preferential order of the creditor's claims, keeping them unchanged in case of a formal bankruptcy.

Allsvensk fotbollssponsring

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the ERK model's relevance, validity and potential need of development to better reflect how it looks today (2013). Method: The study is conducted through three surveys; the first two were face interviews with companies that sponsor Swedish soccer teams and the third study was conducted with a questionnaire to supporters outside a soccer stadium. Results: A model that would better reflect the reality of today (2013) could contain company pride, chairman?s whim, exposure, relationships and associations..

Modellering och reglering av drivenheter i gaffeltruck

To enable the enhancement of the driver's environment in a forklift, an alternative form of steering has been evaluated. An earlier concept with a combined driving and steering wheel has been exchanged to a concept with two driving wheels. A link wheel has replaced the combined driving and steering wheel. The steering is done through differentiation of the velocities of the two driving wheels. The scope of this master thesis is to create a simulation model, create a control program and to evaluate the concept of two driving wheels.

Effects-based operations : genomslagskraften hos nya försvarskoncept

Sveriges försvarsmakt skall verka som en dämpande kraft i nära samarbete med andraeuropeiska länder inom ramen för EU Headline Goals. Om en inom- eller mellanstatligkris skulle inträffa efter 2008 inom en radie på 6000 km från Bryssel kommer svenskaförband att använda nya metoder för krigföring vilka är under utveckling inom EU ochNATO.I uppsatsen analyseras Effects Based Operations påverkan på den svenska doktrinen förgemensamma operationer syftande till att ta fram möjliga principer för hur nyaförsvarskoncept bör påverka svensk doktrin.En kvalitativ innehållsanalys har valts för att uppnå syftet med uppsatsen. Metoden harvarit en kombination mellan textanalyser och semistrukturerade intervjuer i syfte att få enbred bild av EBO och dess påverkan på DGO.Uppsatsens resultat pekar på att doktrinarbetet står under stark påverkan av nya konceptvilket gör att försvarsmakten ständigt måste förhålla sig till detta på ett formaliserat sätt.Resultatet visar också att DGO innehåller stora drag av ett effekttänkande men attbegreppsapparaten inte är samstämmig med EBO.De viktigaste förändringarna i ett doktrinarbete inför 2008 bör innehålla några av de delarsom konsituerar EBO på ett tydligare sätt. Tankesättet kring effektänkandet finnsnärvarande men det är terminilogin kring EBO som saknas..

SJ's värdekedja : En kvalitativ studie om hur en organisations värdekedja påverkas av en vertikal integration

 Avregleringen av Sveriges järnväg ledde till att Statens Järnvägar delades upp i olika företag, SJ AB bildades som har i uppgift att bedriva lönsam persontrafik. Avregleringen har haft en stor påverkan på hur SJ bedriver sin verksamhet idag samt lett till att komplicerade ägarförhållanden har uppstått i Hagalund. Hagalund är SJ?s största depåanläggning för underhåll av fordon.I samråd med SJ?s Division Fordon och Divisionen för Planering och Trafikledning har vi fått i uppdrag att undersöka hur SJ påverkas om de införskaffar en depå i egen regi. Vi har valt att undersöka SJ ur ett värdekedjeperspektiv.

Granskning av Solibri Model Checker - En Svenskanpassning : Ja?mfo?relse av tva? egenkontrollsystem

The building industry are currently going through a huge alteration. The introduction of BIM (Building Information Modeling). Which also implements a lot of new ways of solving problems that building modeling can cause. This report is written for Uppsala University in cooperation with Temagruppen in Uppsala. However, it contains a comparison between two different systems that checks building models.

Balansen mellan kundernas krav och företagets förmåga att leverera rätt produkter vid rätt tidpunkt. : En fallstudie av Clas Ohlsons efterfrågestyrning.

Background: Today?s market offers customers many more possibilities to choose than before. With that the customer?s requirements on the company have become higher, products of the best possible quality to the less possible price when the customer demands them,specially concerning seasonal products that become out of date when the seasontime has finished.In the recent years the Supply chain management technic has gott attention because of its succesfully way to integrate the companys business processes. Demand Management is an important part of that technic since demand management is dealing with managning thedemand, with the pourpose to find the balance between supply and demand.

Kompatibilitet med BIM-koncept : Revit Structure 2012 och Robot Structural Analysis 2012

This thesis deals with the compatibility between analysis software Revit Structure2012 and Robot Structural Analysis 2012. The purpose is to become more aware ofinformation management models to be compatible across different softwareapplications. The structural model is made to be optimal for the compatibility of othersoftware Aim is also to gain an understanding of the transferring methods that exist,and which method is most convenient to use and to examine whether the methodswork in practice. Objective of this project is to make the modeling processtime-efficient for constructors. Models do not need to be structured in severaloccasions in different software; it only needs an optimal model that transfers properlybetween software.The method used in the thesis consist cases where the transferring process isexamined.

Dynamisk modellering av kärnreaktor

The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a tool for modelling and simulating the nuclear plant Ringhals 3. The model should be used to improve the knowledge on the dynamics of the plant. Ringhals 3 is being upgraded to produce more power and a tool for analyzing the new operating conditions is needed.The work in this thesis has consisted of improving and developing an existing model of Ringhals 3 made with the modelling tool Dymola. The model has been validated by comparing the results of a simulated house load transient with data from the actual plant. Validation shows good agreement with data from the real plant.

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