

5883 Uppsatser om Supply Chain Operations Reference Model - Sida 18 av 393

Hantering av överblivet material i järnvägsentreprenader - att effektivisera processer genom tillämpning av Lean

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Godshantering av flygunderhållsartiklar - En värdeflödesanalys ur ett förbättringsperspektiv

Saab Component Maintenance in Linköping, Sweden, offers maintenance, repair andoverhaul (MRO) services for civilian and military aircraft components. Lately, thedepartment has struggled with slow throughput rates, despite various counteractingattempts. Studies show, that large parts of the delays derive from the logisticsdepartment where goods arrive and dispatch. Therefore, Saab wants to carry out anextensive analysis of the department in order to further investigate what is causing itsslow throughput rates.The thesis begins with extensive mapping over Component Maintenances whole valuestream to find out how departments interact with each other and which roleindividual departments have in the total supply chain. Out of 13 000 different partnumbers, components were divided into five product families.

Anläggningsbranschens syn på personcertifiering - ? en byråkratisk pappersprodukt eller ett verktyg för att säkra kompetensen?

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

En guide till strukturerad partnering. Komplexiteten kring samarbetsformen partnering - med avtal och manual som åtgärd.

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Metod för att mäta förändring av city logistik : - En casestudie på Sandvikens kommun

To distribute goods to customers in urban areas is necessary to support the economic and social development in the cities, but has consequences that affect both residents of cities as well as the environment. The environmental effects of these types of transport involves not only the emissions of various pollutants, but also an increased noise level inside the cities. Many companies and organizations are working hard to change the distribution pattern to streamline transport in the urban area, while environmental impact is reduced. This is in line with what is called the City Logistics. The purpose of this thesis is to create a method for describing and measuring a given transport solution in order to compare it with an altered transport solution to achieve a more sustainable development.

Modellering av indunstning på Södra Cell Mönsterås

Evaporation is a part of the chemical recovery department at wood pulping mills. The purpose of evaporation is to remove water from the black liquor, which makes the liquor combustible. The process is very energy demanding, and having a well-functioning model of the system is of greatest interest. The model can then be used to study energy consumption and to test different control strategies. Two models have been developed during the master thesis.

"Sök Er ej till Stockholm" : -Om sambandet mellan bostadsbrist och tillväxt

Recent years there has been discussed how the critical situation in the housing market threatens the Stockholm region's growth. The thesis objective is to examine whether there is a scientific link between the lack of housing supply and growth. The thesis also intends to identify solutions for increased housing construction, for instance by examining the conditions for a greater regional perspective and influence on the region's housing supply. The thesis empirical study is based on semi-structured interviews with representatives from the Government, municipalities and the housing industry.In Sweden, research on the relationship between housing shortages and growth has not been conducted to that extent it can be said to exist scientific evidence regarding the growth threat. However, in Britain and the U.S, empirical studies show that a lack of housing supply has hindered growth through negative impact on countries' gross domestic product.

Statusbedömning och förbättringsförslag för startkedjemaskineri, startkedja och linspel för stränggjutningsmaskin

The main goal with the master thesis has been to do a status evaluation of the chain machinery with its start chain and wire to secure the production on a short basis due to that a reconstruction is not planned at this time. An evaluation of the condition of the start chain and the rollers in the chain depository has been done. An offer has been requested for a new start chain and the evaluation of the start chains may be a basis for the decision taking. The production has been able to go on, although it has arisen some problems which have been difficult to find the causes for. There is no gathered ?picture? of the machinery status and a mapping of each machinery has been compiled of comprehensive logs.

Klassning av fjällbjörkskog enligt FAO:s definition av skogsmark med hjälp av flygburen laserskanning

Sweden?s forestry legislation was updated in 2010 and a new definition of forest land was introduced. This definition was adapted to the one used by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for international statistics on the state of the world's forests. It is in short based on the lands ability to grow forest that reaches 5 meters, 10 % canopy closure and has a continuous distribution, according to FAO at least 0.5 hectares. A country-wide laser scanning is now carried out for the production of a new national elevation model; the laser data also provides information on forest height and density.

Leder kritisk publicitet till kritisk publicitet?

Academic research indicates that critical publicity can have a detrimental effect on brand attitudes. The negative effects have been showed to be buffered by cognitive bias elicited by strong favourable attitudes, commitment, brand certainty and brand identification. It has been proposed that the influence of such bias in a news reporting context should be studied, something that also is interesting from a brand perspective. The study therefore investigated whether a well-publicised scandal in one period can lead to increased critical publicity in the coming periods. A case study of Swedish grocery chain ICA was conducted.

Hylasmotivet hos Apollonios Rhodios och Theokritos

An increasing global population and a worldwide growing urbanization has raised the questionabout the future food security in cities all over the world. Peak-oil limits the access to cheap fossilfuels which threatens the global food-supply chain. This has resulted in a larger awareness anddiscussion related to urban agriculture. Growing crops and keeping animals within the city-borderscould be one way of creating a more robust and sustainable food supply for city dwellers. However,to enable an expansion of the urban agriculture many theorists argue that policies and institutionalstructures that supports and promotes city farming have to be developed.

Kundtillfredsställelse i livsmedelsbranschen : Kundvård och logistik

Problembakgrund: Hur gör företagen för att upprätthålla en god relation med sina kunder? Hur klarar företagen att anpassa sig för att hålla god kvalitet och hantera logistiska problemlösningar med bibehållet goda relationer?Syfte: Att undersöka hur svenska livsmedelsproducenter gör för att förvalta och utveckla relationerna med sina kunder samt maximera kundnyttan genom ett logistiskt synsätt.Resultat: Båda leverantörerna anser att sitt respektive varumärke är starkt och att kunderna väljer varumärket före produkten. Kunderna å andra sidan säger att de väljer produkten före varumärket. Likheterna mellan de båda företagens arbetssätt är stora, förutom deras logistikstrategier. Det vill säga på vilket sätt som logistiken anses ge störst kundnytta i form av konkurrenskraft.Främsta skillnaden hos leverantörerna för att skapa mervärde åt kunden, är att Pågen arbetar med personliga relationer genom butikssäljarna.

Interna flöden och processer på Å&R Carton : processbaserad verksamhetsanalys och förbättringsförslag för ledtidsreduktion

Denna rapport syftar till att, på Å&R Carton i Norrköping, analysera de interna flödena och processerna samt ge förslag på hur ledtider ska kunna reduceras väsentligt. Ett sätt att uppfylla syftet är att dela in verksamheten i processer genom olika metoder och kriterier förprocessbestämning. Valda metoder i rapporten är; kvalitativ ansats med hög validitet och reliabilitet, processbaserad verksamhetsanalys och procedurbeskrivning. Genom omfattande litteraturstudier, insamlande av data i form av intervjuer, benchmarking, platsundersökningar och interna dokument har nulägesmodeller arbetats fram. Analysen av dessa visar bland annat på att såväl planeringsprocessen som inköpsprocessen idag inte fungerar värdeadderande och bör ses över.

Offentlig upphandling : Skillnader i de obligatoriska kraven i större och mindre kommuner.

Recent years there has been discussed how the critical situation in the housing market threatens the Stockholm region's growth. The thesis objective is to examine whether there is a scientific link between the lack of housing supply and growth. The thesis also intends to identify solutions for increased housing construction, for instance by examining the conditions for a greater regional perspective and influence on the region's housing supply. The thesis empirical study is based on semi-structured interviews with representatives from the Government, municipalities and the housing industry.In Sweden, research on the relationship between housing shortages and growth has not been conducted to that extent it can be said to exist scientific evidence regarding the growth threat. However, in Britain and the U.S, empirical studies show that a lack of housing supply has hindered growth through negative impact on countries' gross domestic product.

Bostadssektorns koldioxidutsläpp

Energy is an important issue in the current world which significantly affects sustainability and development. Energy generation and use are major sources of CO2 emissions which is one of the most important driving factors in global climate changes. The amount of energy used in house hold section can lead to estimation of the amount of CO2 emitted within this section which subsequently would be a ground to better management and maintaining a sustainable society. This study which is a bachelor?s project in sustainable energy, deals with estimation of CO2 emission from different types of residential houses in Sweden. An extensive literature review on energy use in Sweden by different residential sectors has been conducted.

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