1110 Uppsatser om Supplier Collaboration - Sida 35 av 74
Produktionslogistik, effektiviseringav materialhantering
Atlas Copco Tools is a world leading company in tool manufacturing. The productionin Tierp works hard to improve their assembly to maintain its position. This thesis isa part of their improvement efforts to be a more Lean production.The main focus for this thesis was to identify the material flow in the kanban system,which used to supply the assembly groups, focusing on the material flow to assemblygroup 9 and the assembly group 3. Group 3's material flow within the kanban systemwas perceived to perform better than the group 9. The handling of kanban materialand their working methods in the two groups was identify those differences whichaffected the kanban system.As an alternative material supply a study were done in kiting.
Att skapa konsensus- En fallstudie av beslutsprocessen inom kommunsamarbetet NOSAM
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the construction of consensus in commune-collaborations. By a review of written material combined with elite interviews we have been able to follow the decision-making and the forming of consensus, in a commune-collaboration called NOSAM, in which they have decided to use consensus as a decision method. The thesis is based on a case study and we have decided to follow a specific issue that has been discussed for some time.We have created an instrument based on the ideal of deliberative democracy, through which we have been able to examine whether the decision-making in NOSAM can be described as a deliberative process or if consensus is formed by other incentives.The study shows that the decision-making in NOSAM cannot be described as a deliberative process, although there are some elements of deliberation. Consensus is formed in a proposition drawn up by the officials for the commune-representatives to agree on. Afterwards, the decision has to be brought up in each commune before reaching a final decision in NOSAM.Our opinion is that having consensus as the decision method leads to difficulties when deciding on bigger issues..
Samverkan mellan mark- och flygstridskrafterna : En nulägesanalys utifrån samarbetet kring Close Air Support
There are many kinds of joint operations and combinations of combined arms. This thesis puts its focus on Close Air Support, CAS. Throughout history there have been several cases of success, regarding these kinds of operations, but also failure. Much can be taught from organizational behaviour studies, applied on these military organisations in their cooperation with each other. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the cooperation between the Swedish army and air force to determine the functionality of their process.
Vad sjunger Elvis om? : Tre sångtexter av Elvis Costello betraktade genom strukturalistiska koder
The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis is to examine university librarians? perceptions of information literacy, of students? information literacy and of education in information literacy. The focus is on how they perceive the students? information literacy development during their university studies. Also of interest in this study is how librarians think that their teaching in information literacy should be included in the students? other courses. Three librarians at a Swedish university library were interviewed using qualitative interviews.
Utfackningsväggar ur lufttäthets- och fuktsäkerhetsperspektiv : En jämförelse mellan platsbyggda och prefabriceradeutfackningsväggar
The swedish national board of housing, Building and Planning,recommends that all stakeholders in the construction industryperform a moisture control design to make sure that the buildingachieves good moisture resistance. Since June 1, 2006 there are nospecific requirements or quantitative values for air leakage.Although the swedish national board of housing does presentrequirement that the building envelope must be sealed so that theclient?s requirements for specific energy consumption and installedelectric power for heating purposes are met. Despite this, studiesfrom SP shows that few buildings meet the client?s requirements inspecific energy, which increases the risk of occurrence ofcondensation-related moisture damage.This study aims to evaluate curtain walls connections from airsecurity and moisture safety.
Uppförandekoder inom livsmedelsindustrin : en fallstudie
The world has changed its understanding of environmental issues dramatically and more people are showing awareness of social and environmental problems. Various stakeholders have increasingly begun to show an interest in how companies are taking responsibility for their actions. This has led to an improved activity amongst organizations to make their production consequences positive. They work with Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR). In order to communicate their responsibilities, many companies work with CSR and ethical guidelines.
Uppfattningar om IT i undervisningen med utgångspunkt i Ostindieprojektet : Ett samarbete mellan Datatorget och Stadsmuséet i Göteborg
This thesis deals with options about information technology in education, the starting pointbeing a project in progress, namely Ostindieprojektet. This is the first collaboration betweenDatatorget and Stadsmuséet in Göteborg. The research is built on a phenomenological approach.The "backbone" information is collected from qualitative interviews, conducted mainlyduring March-April 1995.The questions for the interviews deal with the opinions about the reasons with Ostindieprojektetand IT in education, what conditions required to complete Ostindieprojektet and the ITdevelopment, the availability of the material, how IT-use can affect education, possible qualitiesfor the student with IT-use and how IT-use can affect the role of the school-1ibrary as ateaching tool.Some key subjects examined in the thesis deals with governmental investigations, viewsabout pedagogic and knowledge, problem-based leaming, computer-based education and therole of the school-library. The research shows that the interviewers have the same opinionsas the above mentioned key subjects. In completing the thesis we hope we have created aforum for critical discussion..
Co-branding och dess effekter på Brand Equity : En fallstudie på samarbetet mellan Prada och LG
This dissertation is a case study on the Co-branding between Prada and LG, ?The Prada phone by LG?. The purpose of the study is to broaden the understanding of Co-branding and the effects this type of collaboration can have on a company?s brand. The research questions are: ?What effects can a Co-branding have on a company?s Brand Equity?? and ?How can these effects be measured??.
Operationssjuksköterskans upplevelse i samband med organuttag när donatorn är hjärndöd
ABSTRACT (english)Introduction: The possibility to transplant an organ is an important part of the health care system, which demands great resources and a well functioning organization with a level of high competence. The work with organ donation is complex and brings forward a great amount of different emotions for the operation room nurse. Aim: The aim with the study is to illustrate the operating room nurses experience when the organ donor is brain dead. Method: Data collection has been performed with semi-structured interviews, which have been interpreted by qualitative manifest analysis. The design of the study is pilot towards a study in full scale.
Källkritik, hur gör man: om lärares syn på källkritik i undervisningen.
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine and understand how teachers of younger children view the concept of critical evaluation of information and how their interpretations of the concept relate to their teaching. The need for the development of children?s ability to critically evaluate has been emphasized through research as well as the need for collaboration between teachers and librarians in order to help pupil?s process information into knowledgeThe study has a socio-cultural perspective and the material was collected through observations and qualitative interviews with teachers. The results of the study indicate that many teachers experience uncertainty when it comes to the area of critical evaluation and that they do not teach the subject to any substantial extent.
Outsourcing av UAS-data : Informationshantering av data insamlad viaUAS
This reports purpose is to give a general view on how to handle information collectedthrough photogrammetry and laser scanning with the help of UAS. The report ismade in collaboration with WSP Group and will briefly describe howphotogrammetry and laser scanning, also known as Lidar, works and how those areused in the construction business today. Then the focus will be on how gathered datais handled today, how outsourcing of data should be approached and if there are anyconsequences if data is handled in the wrong way. Interviews have been made with allparts in the UAS business. That includes authorities as Transporstyrelsen,Försvarsmakten.
Affischen - Ett döende medium? : En kvalitativ studie av evenemangsaffischering
As students of graphic design the craft of print is close to our hearts. One of the most essential mediums of the evolution of printing techniques is the poster. In a world where digital mediums are being utilized to a greater degree everyday, our love for the printed poster makes us wonder if the days of the poster are counted.What we did was to take a closer look at the role of the poster in promoting events. We focused on the Stockholm area and did qualitative interviews with three different event promoters. Live Nation which is an international live entertainment promoter, Dramaten which is one of Sweden?s most well respected theaters and Stockholm Live which is a stand up comedy promoter in Stockholm city.From doing this we learned that economics play an important part in defining the role of the poster.
Det industriella byggandets betydelse för skapandet av de estetiska egenskaperna i bostadens arkitektur - En fallstudie på företaget JM AB
The study aims to investigate the impact of industrialised homebuilding in the creation of the aestheticproperties of the dwelling architecture.The concepts of industrialised homebuilding and the aesthetic properties of the dwelling architecture aredefined by previously developed models. In these models, industrialised homebuilding is described byeight characteristic areas. The aesthetic properties of the dwelling architecture are described by sevenaesthetic qualities.The study was conducted as a qualitative study, and in-depth interviews were conducted. The companyJM AB is the analysed unit that the author of this report has chosen to study. JM employees and by JMhiredarchitects were interviewed.The report concludes that characteristic area planning and control of processes are considered to havepositive impact on the aesthetic qualities if the process is designed in such a way that the creations ofthese are admitted.
OSS-baserade e-postlösningar : En fallstudie
Syftet med studien är att analysera möjligheter och begränsningar med att använda programvaror baserade på öppen källkod för att förvalta en organisations e-post där utkontraktering inte är ett alternativ. Detta baseras på tio krav som identifierats som relevanta i relation till e-postlösningar. Inom studiens omfattning representeras OSS(Open Source Software)-lösningarna av programvarorna Zimbra Collaboration Suite, Citadel och Kolab Server. För att undersöka styrkor och svagheter hos dessa har hybridmetoden action case tillämpats. Genom ett interpretativt och iterativt närmande har representanterna ställts inför de identifierade kraven och deras förmåga att leva upp till kraven har analyserats.
Referenstaktiker : högskolebibliotekariers sätt att överbrygga kommunikativa gap
The aim of this master thesis is to study how academic librarians can overcome the gap between themselves and the user. The gap, as we see it, is generated by the user's deeper knowledge surrounding her subject in comparison to the librarian. This knowledge gives the user possibilities to handle certain discourses attached to the subject and a knowledge how sub-subjects relate to each other within the main subject. At the same time the user is in need of help to find information within her subject, this need needs to be explained to the librarian as a search expert. The scope of this master thesis is to find how the librarian, tactically, can reach the users need despite lack of subject knowledge.