3138 Uppsatser om Sunday service - Sida 43 av 210
Har kvalitén på barnets delaktighet ökat i barnavårdsutredningar efter att BBIC har börjat tillämpas?
The purpose with this examination essay was to find out if participation of children in social welfare investigations had increased since the social services had started to work with BBIC. I compared the participation of the child before BBIC, then when social service had started to work with BBIC and I tried to see if there were increased participation in the investigations. My theoretic starting-point was the symbolic interactionism and I used the qualitative method of investigation. In my investigation I found that there is not yet any increase in participation of the child in the investigations when social service work with BBIC. What I found was that the reason to start an investigation often was that the parents made the problem for the child and that conditions at home for the child influenced the possibility of the child to communi- cate with an adult that the child did not know.
Högtrycksbrandsläckning - Ett beslutsunderlag för Räddningstjänsten
The purpose of this report is to collect, compile and complement the scientific and experience based knowledge concerning high pressure fire fighting today. The goal is to produce a decision data for the Rescue Service concerning the use of high pressure systems for fire fighting. Focus is on hose reel high pressure systems but other systems are discussed too. The report begins by describing the technical properties of the different systems. Then the fire fighting properties are evaluated, including manoeuvrability and safety for users.
Att förverkliga intentioner. Tankar om teknik och om teknikfortbildning
The objectives of this paper are to discuss experiences from in-service courses, INSET, in the new school subject Technology..
Mobila arbetsplatser : Handdatorn som hjälpmedel för serviceteknikern
Mobil teknologi integreras idag i allt högre grad med centrala stödsystem. Studien har undersökt vilka möjligheter som finns för fältservicetekniker att arbeta direkt i stödsystem, Service Management System (SMS), m.h.a. nya tekniker. Hur kan en bra mobil arbetsplats utformas? En enkätundersökning har utförts där 14 personer som arbetar som fältservicetekniker eller som servicechefer har deltagit.
Vilken arbetssituation, ingångslön och upplevelse har den nyutexaminerade tandhygienisten av sitt arbete som legitimerad tandhygienist -En enkätstudie
The aim of the study was to describe how hygienist`s receiving their certificate during 2003 and 2004, perceive their working situation, salary and impression of their first employment as a registered dental hygienist. A questionnaire was sent out to new dental hygienist`s examined year 2003 and 2004 in Sweden. Most of the new examined dental hygienist`s found the education adequate or more than adequate. A few individuals found it inadequate. The ones finding the education inadequate wanted more clinical practice and more training in administrative work.
When the Network Strategy Is Not Enough -The Case of European Full-Service Airlines
The 1990s were one of the most profitable periods for European airline companies, mainly because of development of world economy and increasing globalisation trends. However, towards the end of the decade, a global economic downturn, high oil prices and new forms of competition turned the industry towards troubled times. The European air-travel industry had to face and accept the new airline business concept, called low-cost or no-frill airlines. In these conditions, traditional airlines had to rethink their strategies and question the old business model. As a response to the competition, European traditional full-service airlines formed alliances or networks to expand the route network and to increase efficiency.
Äldres framtidssyn och funderingar med fokus på vård och omsorg
The western societies is characterized by a strong future concern and the
members of the society are valued most of all according to their capability to
produce. In our time the elder ness is representing a rapidly increasing number
of relatively well kept elders. What sight of the future does the aging human
have? Are one meditating of what kind of service and care one are going to
need? The purpose with this study was to describe how individuals in ages
between 60 and 96 sees, both the future and their coming need for care in
relation to sex, age, social activities and experienced health. The material
was taken from ?SNAC-Blekinge? witch is a part of a bigger national study; SNAC
(The Swedish National study on Aging and Care).
Resebyråns oklara framtid : En kvalitativ undersökning av Stockholms fysiska resebyråer
Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån resebyråernas synvinkel undersöka behovet av den fysiska resebyrån med utgångspunkt i kundernas behov av service. Utöver detta undersöks hur resebyråerna tolkar kundernas förändrade köpbeteende.Uppsatsen utgår ifrån en kvalitativ metod. Datainsamling till empirin har skett genom intervjuer via telefon, e-post och personliga möten. De resebyråer som har undersökts är Ving, Apollo, Resecity, Resevaruhuset, Ticket och Koh Phangan. De teorier som använts behandlar konsumentbeteende och distributionskanaler.De fysiska resebyråernas funktion har förändrats i och med den teknologiska utvecklingen.
Uppmuntra till att klaga : En kvalitativ studie om hur B2B-företag uppmuntrar till klagomål
Många service-företag börjar att i, allt högre grad, mäta kundlojalitet som ett mått på lönsamhet. Samtidigt kommer rapporter om att kundnöjdheten minskar inom många branscher. Ett sätt att öka kundernas lojalitet är genom service recovery, då företag aktivt jobbar med att ta emot och hitta klagomål för att kunna åtgärda dem. Detta eftersom att de på så sätt kan omvända missnöjda kunder till lojala sådana. För att kunna utföra service recovery måste dock klagomålen först och främst komma företagen till känna, vilket har visat sig vara ett problem.
Ledarskap inom fastighetsförvaltning : En kvalitativ studie av tre fastighetsförvaltarbolag
ABSTRACT Title: Leadership within property managementCourse: Bachelor Dissertation - LeadershipAuthors: Isabell Andersson och Marlene LundqvistAdvisor: Ingemar WictorKeywords: Leadership, property managementProblem formulation: How can managers within property management lead their employees to achieve company goals?Purpose: Our purpose was to identify similarities and differences between different property managers? way to lead their employees.Theoretical framework: In our study, we have chosen to use the four basic theories which we found most relevant to the subject after studying literature in the field of leadership and leadership within property management. In the theoretical framework we discuss theories such as practical leadership, motivation and commitment, service quality and communication which are all important components for succeeding with an effective leadership according to O'Reilly et al. (2010).Methodology: We have conducted a qualitative study with an intensive format and a deductive approach. The empirical data were collected through six interviews in which we interviewed three managers and a member of each managers? staff within property management companies.Results: In our research we have reached the conclusion that all our respondent managers are working to motivate their employees and communicate with them in order to guide them towards the company goals.
Hospitality Technology : Konsten att anamma dagens självklara, idag
I hospitalitybranschen arbetas det intensivt med att erbjuda sina gäster så bra upplevelser som möjligt. Nya teknologiska lösningar som påverkar gästers interaktion med branschen utvecklas ständigt, samtidigt som människors levnadsvanor blir allt mer integrerade med det teknologiska. Flera undersökningar visar att just teknologi inkorporerad i hospitalitybranschen är en bidragande faktor för en förhöjd gästupplevelse, men trots det är det få inom branschen som väljer att anamma den. Tron om att den typen av investeringar är allt för kostsamma, okunskap om att teknologin finns och en allt för konservativ syn är tänkbara förklaringar till att stora delar av branschen halkar efter.I uppsatsen redogörs för några i världen pågående trender och en litteraturstudie genomförs för att undersöka hur teknologi kan användas för att förhöja gästupplevelsen inom hospitalitybranschen med hänsyn till dessa trender. Uppsatsen diskuterar hur branschen är på väg att förändras och föreslår ett par exempel för hur ditt varumärke kan hänga med i utvecklingen redan idag..
Ska pyramiderna rivas?: en studie om mikromakt
It has been demonstrated in this study how people working in frontline jobs in service organizations are exercising ?micro power?. The use of ?micro power? is defined as ?to in ones professional role, without objectively defensible reasons, impose sanctions on a customer?. The interviewees are explaining their use of ?micro power? with mood, working conditions, and customers? behavior.
Våldsutsatta Äldre Kvinnor : Yrkesverksammas erfarenheter
The aim of this qualitative study was to explore which inner conceptions about the abused older women the professional social workers had and how they experienced the enconter of an abused old woman in an intimate partner relation. The theoretical background is social construction by Berger and Luckmann. This theory was uset to analyze the transcribed interviews. This study is based on nine interviews with five professionals in social services, three volunteers from the voluntary sector and one social worker who worked in a community based support group for abused older women. The result of this study shows that older women were often abused, by a relative they were dependent on, in their home.
Tillfredsställelse och lojalitet från ett kundperspektiv
Title: Satisfaction and loyalty from a customer viewpoint Level: Final assignment for Master degree in Business Administration Authors: Thomas Blomqvist and Per Nilsson Supervisor: Lars-Torsten Eriksson Date: Januari 2010Purpose: The overall purpose of our paper is to describe Alfas customers based on the level of satisfaction and loyalty. We also want to find out if there are specific characteristics of customers with a high degree of satisfaction and loyalty.Method: We have used both secondary and primary data in the paper. We started with a review of relevant literature to seek knowledge in the field of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Thereafter we conducted a prestudy by interviewing three of Alfas employees, and finally we conducted a quantitative survey on Alfas customers. The results were analyzed and compared against current theory of customer satisfaction and customer loyaltyResults & conclusion: The results suggest that Alfa is successful in meeting customer expectations in service delivery, even if we can confirm differences in outcome between the three businessareas.
Utveckling av nyckeltal för logistiska tjänster : En studie vid logistikföretaget Foria
The purpose of this thesis is to identify and define Key Perfomance Indicators (KPIs) and value adding services which are used to describe the quality of Forias logistics services from different aspects. The KPIs should be attractive to both Foria and their customers, with the aim to strengthen the interaction between both parties.The basis for this work is a research in which a literature review and a survey of the market for Swedish logistic service providers were carried out. An analysis of the present situation of Foria was carried out, where a number of people in the company were interviewed. These elements were used together with definitions of KPIs to perform the analysis of the work.The result of the work is ten KPIs that have been created and developed for Foria and which are considered to be attractive to both Foria and the selected customers. The KPIs are: · ECO-driving (binary) ? the company has ECO-driving-educated drivers· ECO-driving (comparison figure) ? all drivers individual driving and its resulting exhaust emissions are compared· The environmental impact ? a total of exhaust emissions from all vehicles belonging to a single business, measured in tonne-kilometres· Complete order ? portion of fields with accurate information (in an order), with the possibility of error categorization· Delivery reliability ? time difference between expected and actual delivery, average for all orders· On-time ? the number of days and hours of difference between the expected and the actual time, for all activities of the order· On-time (activity) ? the number of hours and minutes of difference between the expected and the actual time, for each individual activity of the order· Divergence ? a categorization of all causes of divergence and its responsible department· Level of integration ? the level of cooperation between the logistic service provider and the customer· Customer satisfaction ? how well an order will meet the expectations of the customer The KPIs are described in detail with definitions, how they can be used and what is required to implement them in the service process of Foria.