152 Uppsatser om Suicide attempted - Sida 5 av 11
Om repatrieringsdebatten i Lund 2005. Forskningsvärdet, upprättelsen och det dåliga samvetet.
In December 2004 the Jewish congregation Judiska Församlingen i Malmö wrote to Lund University regarding the cranium of a Jewish man, which had been in the University's possession ever since he committed suicide while in custody in Lund in 1879. The congregation requested that the remains be given to them and buried according to Jewish custom. In February of 2005 Lund University decided to appease the request. This essay examines the debate which followed.The main focus of the study is on which kinds of arguments were used in the debate, who participated and which aspects of the human remains were considered important by the debaters.The study has shown that clear differences exist regarding the types of arguments used by those in favour of the repatriation and by those who opposed it. There were also differences in who took a stand in favour of it and who was against it.
"Man hittar olika vägar" : En studie om irakiers väg in på den svenska arbetsmarknaden
This paper deals with Iraqis in the Swedish labour market. The main goal was to point out on positive aspects of the Swedish labour market integration. Previous studies were mostly problem oriented on immigrants? situation in finding a job, especially when related to immigrant from non-European countries. Instead this study is focused on the more positive aspects.
Att växa genom lidande: posttraumatic growth och positiva förändringar efter en nära anhörigs suicid
Sammanfattning:Denna studie syftar till att fånga upplevelser av hur livet kan förändras i positiv riktning efter bearbetandet av en nära anhörigs suicid, med fokus på posttraumatic growth och positiva förändringar. Studien utgör ett bidrag till forskningsområdet där trauma ses som en möjlig grogrund för gynnsam utveckling hos den drabbade individen. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med sex personer som alla mist en nära anhörig i suicid. Deltagarna uttryckte PTG inom temana självperception, interpersonella relationer och livsfilosofi. Följande positiva förändringar framkom: förändringar i personligheten, ändrade prioriteringar, möten med människor på ett djupare plan, ny syn på döden, värdesätter tid med familjen mer, djupare glädje och tacksamhet, samt nya möjligheter.
Elevers uppfattningar av musikundervisning i skolan
AbstractWe´re surrounded by music in many different ways. Sometimes we choose the music ourselves and sometimes it?s just there. The purpose of my thesis is to illustrate the students apprehension and understanding of the teaching of music in school. Moreover, my own interest in this subject and its influence during my school years motivated me in researching my thesis.
Suicidal patients? feelings and experiences of the meeting with nursing staff in residential psychiatric care
Background: Suicidal patients feelings and experiences of the psychiatric service can be a decisive moment of the following treatment. Although suicide is a common problem all over the world we know very little about the feelings that the patients are feeling in residential psychiatric care. Purpose: The aim of this litterature studie was to describe suicidal patients feelings and experiences of the psychiatric service. Method: Literature study was conducted through a search of articles in different databases. The data has been done as an overview and the data has been analysed with content analysis.
Delat ansvar för ett enat Sri Lanka: asymmetriska relationers påverkan på fredsprocessen
Since 1983 the people of Sri Lanka has endured an ongoing Civil war, however the intencity has varied over the years. The aim of this theses is to examine what influence the asymmetric relationship between the Sri Lankan goverment and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has on the process of negotiating a solution to the civil war. I am also examining whether the asymmetical relationship has changed over time and if these changes have had any effect on the process.To analyze the asymmetries I divide them into material and non-material. I measure the material asymmetries in economic and military resourses, and to measure the non-material I use indicators such as commitment, alternative, controll and legitimacy.The results show that the asymmetrical relations between the parties in Sri Lanka have changed since the 1990s. Factors like 9/11 and the recurrent suicide bombings by the LTTE has had a great influence on the singalese-tamil relationsship.
Registrerad : - En förklarande studie av Skånepolisens romregister
In 2011, a crime prevention initiative was undertaken by the Swedish police department in Scania. Two years later, the Swedish media reported on this initiative, claiming that it had been intended as an ethnic registration of Romani people. This revelation resulted in a great deal of controversy and sparked a national debate on the issue of ethnicity and public registration in Sweden. The police in Scania had difficulties explaining the purpose of such a registration effort, and could not provide evidence that it had been legitimate and legal. This paper will attempt to explain the motivation behind the original police initiative with a theoretical analysis based on assessments from public authorities.
Tjejer vs. killar på Facebook : En studie om ungdomars identitetskonstruktion och deras syn på andras identitetsskapande på Facebook sett ur ett genusperspektiv
The purpose of this study was to examine the experience of organizational culture among salespeople at a specific workplace. The purpose was also to investigate what motivates these salespeople in their work and the impact culture has on their motivation. We have used a qualitative research method to collect the empirical material. With the help of seven interviews, including six salespeople from one of Sweden?s biggest electronic retailer and also one information interview with a sales consultant, we attempted to find the answer to how they perceive the organizational culture and how it affects their work motivation. The following questions are used to fulfill this purpose: ? How do the salespeople experience the organizational culture? ? What motivates the salespeople in their daily work? ? What effects does the organizational culture have on the salespersons motivation? As analytical tools we have used are the concept of organizational culture, Schein's description of the three components of culture and Herzberg Motivation-Hygiene theory. The results of the study indicate that the salespeople experience a positive organizational culture and that this culture promotes fellowship and unity between colleagues, which in turn contributes to an enhanced motivation.
En studie av framväxten av en europeisk asyl-och migrationspolitik
This thesis treats the development of the European Union asylum- and migration politics and the EU member states transfer of authority to the European Union. The main purpose has been to look closer with the use of the application of theory of neofunctionalism and liberal intergovernmentalism on the European Union case. The focus will be to answer the following questions: How has the political development within EU asylum and migration policy developed through the period of The Single European Act to the ratification of the Stockholm program? And how can the chosen theory explain European countries transfer of national decision regarding asylum policy in favor of a supranational European asylum policy? Based on the available material of European Union programs and harmonization measures for this area I have attempted to understand to what extent the European Union?s development in the area of the asylum and migration politics can be explained through the theories of neofunctionalism and liberal intergovernmentalism. The result of my analysis is confirmation of the European Union development of the area of the asylum and migration policy and also a series of explanations according to the theories regarding the member states transfer of authority to the EU.
Biblioteken och censuren: om försök att censurera HBT- litteratur på amerikanska folkbibliotek
The aim of this study is to look at censorship and attempted censorship of books about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual (GLBT) people in public libraries in the USA. People from the public can submit formal challenges to a book at the library when they find the material offensive which can lead to those books being taken away from the library shelves. The questions asked are why GLBT- literature is being challenged, and sometimes banned, and how do the libraries deal with the challenges to the books.It is nowadays the people from the public, rather than the government or the librarians that are behind many cases of removal of books with homosexual themes. The study presents some of the fictional GLBT- literature that has been cause for much controversy in the USA. All the five examples mentioned are children?s books concerning GLBT- themes and are among the most challenged books in American libraries in the past twenty years.
Konferens är inte bara ett möte det är även en upplevelse! : En undersökning av fyra konferensanläggningar i Stockholms län med olika koncept för framgång.
A conference is not only a meeting but an experience as well. The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate four conference organizers within the area of Stockholm Sweden, and to identify their range of activities. Studies were made regarding these conference organizers and how they cooperate with other companies to offer a wider aspect of range. The purpose was also to find out how the demand side of the market appears. The demand side of the market could give an implication of how the conference organizers appear from their perspective and how the conference organizers adjust to their demand.
Preoperativ analgetisk behandling med vedaprofen vid kastration av unghingst : utvärdering av pre- och postoperativt beteende
Pain related behaviour in 1.5 year old colts was studied both prior to and following castration. The horses were filmed 24 h prior to surgery and 24 h postoperatively. Parameters, inactive and active behaviours, were recorded in terms of cumulative time observed. Both groups of horses were exercised three times and the gait quality was evaluated. Few differences were observed between the groups.
Precision i placeringen av skruvar vid ryggkirurgi ? En CT-bedömning
År 2011 uppgick antalet personer som suiciderat i Sverige till 1387. Studier visar att den suicidbenägna patientens första kontakt med sjukvården är avgörande för hur det kommande vårdförloppet kommer att utvecklas. Ambulanspersonal är en av många yrkesgrupper som möter suicidbenägna patienter. Studier visar även på att om patienten möts av dåliga attityder så kan det medföra negativa konsekvenser för patienten. Syftet med studien var att översätta, re översätta och validera en engelsk enkät: the Suicide Behavior Attitude Questionnaire (SBAQ): för användning i den svenska ambulanssjukvården.
"Det är ett dilemma det där" : En studie om skolkuratorers resonemang kring dokumentation i elevvårdsärenden.
The school can be seen as a place that reflects the wider community. Here is a school welfare officer an important representative of the school social work. The main subject of our study is to clarify how the school welfare officers? talk about documentation in the individual meeting with the pupil. Through individual interviews with five school welfare officers in elementary schools in three municipalities in the southern part ofSweden, we have attempted to explore these main research question.In addition to qualitative interviews we have accomplished a survey study that included 178 school welfare officers throughout the country.The result of our two studies demonstrates the school welfare officers? free work where the choice to document or not is wide.
Det kan alltid bli bättre: Bibliotekens tillgänglighet för funktionshindrade barn och ungdomar
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine the accessibility and barriers of public libraries to intellectual and mentally disabled children and young people. This we will do by examining whether the library staff acts according to policies of the libraries. Our method has been qualitative interviews with library staff and we have also observed the environment, media and marketing of these libraries. As a theoretical starting point of the analysis we use Michael Buckland?s different aspects of access to information.