152 Uppsatser om Suicide attempted - Sida 4 av 11
Khmer Rougetribunalen - Integritet i personalrekryteringsprocessen för säkerställande av ansvarsutkrävandets syften
The communist party Khmer Rouge took over the power in Cambodia in 1975, and ruled the country until the beginning of 1979. During these years they attempted to create a completely new society, a true Khmer nation, which involved massive economic and social reorganisation and elimination of people which did not fit in the new ideal.Three decades has passed since the genocide, and the senior leaders of the Khmer Rouge will now be tried in the Khmer Rouge tribunal, which consists of both Cambodian and international judges and prosecutors. The integrity of those tribunal representatives will be crucial for the integrity of the tribunal as a whole and thus also for the outcome of the processes. It is hard to determine whether the purposes for demand of accountability will be satisfied, it is though clear that there are many obstacles in the way for an unproblematic and fair procedure..
"Masada ska aldrig falla igen!" : En studie om Masada som en israelisk nationalmyt under 1900-talet
??Masada shall never fall again!? A study about Masada as an Israeli national myth during the 20th century? by Sara Tibblin. This essay is about the Israeli national myth of Masada, a cliff in the Negev desert that was the setting of a collective suicide in 73 AD, at the end of the Jewish uprising against the Romans. This story has later been rediscovered and has during the 20th century become a national myth in Israel. This essay will examine how the national myth of Masada has been used in different contexts in Israel during the 20th century and which part it has played when it comes to the national identity of Israel. My findings have afterwards been explained with help of Eriksens theory regarding national myths from the book Historia, myth och identitet (History, myth and identity) (1996). .
Tillfällig nödvändighet : En möjlig(a) värld(arna)s paradox och den aletiska modalitetens gåta
The writer has attempted to discuss the distinction between the necessary and the contingent. It begins with a criticism against the possibility for a so-called ?a possible worlds realism? to give a ?philosophical explanation? of this distinction. The writer argues that this is impossible, since it requires that a notion of this distinction be already accepted (more precisely that the necessity of such a theory is already accepted).After this specific criticism, the writer intends to show that this is a more general problem that follows any explanation of the contingent/necessary distinction.The writer then discusses the counter-argument that the requirements placed on these explanations are set to high, therefore the writer shows in theory the problem can be solved and sketches a more specific way how to explain and show the basis for this distinction..
Måste det vara så grönt? Ett visuellt Förpackningskoncept för ett ekologiskt livsmedelsmärke
»Does it have to be so green?« is a visual communication project focused on packaging design. I attempted to challenge the clichés of graphic design for organic products and designed a packaging concept for a fictional food brand. The project had a special objec¬tive which was to explore ways to use the package as carrier for in¬formation about the enviromental impact of the packaging itself.The process included research about packaging design and its ef¬fect on the consumer, an investigation of the Swedish market for organic foods, creating and defining a brand, and designing a cohe¬rent packaging concept for a product line which communicates the brand?s values and appeals to the intended target group.The project resulted in prototypes for a muesli package, tea car¬ton and honey jar, as well as a manual that explains the application of the graphic program..
Grosz och hunden : En ikonologisk analys av hundens roll i Groszs målningar
Den här uppsatsen tar avstamp i en personlig erfarenhet av när representationen på sociala medierorsakat konsekvenser i den fysiska världen. Uppsatsen undersöker, genom en autoetnografiskmetod, processer för normerande tillhörighet inom speciella diskurser. I texten användsmusikgenren Black Metal som exempel för att visa hur normer styr och kontrollerar socialthandlingsutrymme för kvinnor. Begrepp som används för att beskriva dessa processer kommer frånErving Goffman och har kallats för det dramaturgiska perspektivet. Begreppen används vidare iarbetet som verktyg i det gestaltande arbetet där normer för subjektspositioner undersöks iiscensatta fotografier..
Vardag på ett särskilt boende för en äldre invandrare som inte kan det svenska språket : En observationsstudieAn observation study of the everyday life of an immigrant unable to speak swedish and living in a home for elderly
In Sweden the social assistance from a historical perspective, has been a part of the social legislation, since the 18th century. In that time called poor relief. Through the centuries this has established the social assistance we have today. With focus on the child, we have attempted to illustrate how the social workers consider the child perspective when they are dealing with the social assistance. We wanted to get a view of how the social worker reasons about needs the children have and how they can see that the benefit has been provided for.
Fantasygenrens kvinnoskildringar : Fördomar och möjligheter i den fantastiska litteraturen
In this essay a conclusion about the way female characters are portrayed in fantasy novels will be attempted through an analysis of one selected female character from each selected novel. The works that have been chosen are; J.R.R. Tolkien?s The Lord of the Rings, Robert Jordan?s The Eye of the World and A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin.The analysis will be done with the help of examples and theories from both feministic criticism and gender studies.
Kvinnliga och manliga gymnasieelevers upplevelse av hur de mår och hur de använder alkohol
SCB menar att ängslan, oro och ångest blivit vanligare bland unga i Sverige. En kvalitativ studie gjordes där syftet var att belysa hur ungdomar själva uttrycker att de mår. Hur de hanterar problem och om de använder alkohol som en möjlig copingstrategi, samt att ta reda på vad som påverkar deras humör. Tio gymnasielever i mellersta Sverige deltog. Resultaten visade att stress och nedstämdhet var förekommande och att sju personer använde alkohol, men ingen använde alkohol som copingstrategi.
Uppfattningsskillnader om ledarskapet : En undersökning om hur ledarskapet uppfattas av medarbetare
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze how employees perceive their leader / manager. How the leader / manager perceives himself in relation to employees and what differences exist.Research Method: The information was made through a qualitative approach. The study includes interviews with semi-structured questions and a subjective selection. The authors interviewed seven respondents from a service company. Based on the information the authors have attempted to draw parallels between the leader?s behaviour and theories involving different leadership styles and see how the employees perceive the leader.Conclusions: The employees and the leader have the same ideas about what is a good leadership.
Testning och parprogrammering : Går det att effektivisera testning med hjälp av parprogrammering?
The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of streamlining the test process by utilizing pair programming. During the process, pair programming has been practiced as is defined by the Extreme programming (XP) software development methodology, with the other aspects of XP discarded. The focus of the testing itself has been toward unit testing. The methods applied has been with an experimental approach where 93 cases were attempted to be solved by either single programmers or pair programmers. What has been investigated in these experiments was the time needed to complete a case, how many test attempts were needed to solve the case, and how high a percentage of the cases were solved.
Sjuksköterskans roll i omvårdnaden av patienter med suicidala tankar
Nurses have an important role caring with the suicidal patient as they often are the first to encounter these individuals. In order to develop their skills, nurses need to understand the complexity of the problem around the thoughts of wanting to die. The purpose of the study was to compile and elucidate research that describes how nurses can provide care to suicidal patients. The method used was a literature review. The results were divided into seven themes that can guide the nurse in the work: to be there, give time and listen, to recognize and assess risk factors, working in a team, to be attentive to own attitudes, to give hope, to be able to process their feelings, increased knowledge of the causes of suicide.
Avsiktligt självskadebeteende bland ungdomar i normalpopulationen
Avsiktligt självskadebeteende bland normalbefolkningen är ett välkänt men ännu relativt outforskat fenomen. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att kartlägga förekomst och former av, samt könsskillnader i, avsiktligt självskadebeteende i en ickeklinisk ungdomspopulation, samt att undersöka eventuella samband mellan självskadebeteende och hjälpbehov, självmordsförsök, självkänsla, copingstrategier och aggressivitet. En förenklad version av Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory administrerades tillsammans med övriga frågor bland 211 gymnasieungdomar i Mellansverige. Resultatet visade att 37 % av tonåringarna skadat sig själva under det senaste året. Signifikanta könsskillnader förekom gällande såväl prevalens som form av självskadebeteende.
Svårt sjuka cancerpatienters intresse för aktiv dödshjälp
Syftet med studien var att undersöka intresset för aktiv dödshjälp hos patienter som lider av en långt framskriden cancer samt vilka faktorer som påverkar dem i detta ställningstagande. I en litteraturstudie har relevant litteratur insamlats, analyserats och tolkats. Utifrån bevisen från sammanlagt fem kvalitativa studier har nya slutsatser dragits. Resultaten pekar på att det finns ett intresse för aktiv dödshjälp bland svårt sjuka cancerpatienter men att detta i hög grad är framtidsorienterat. Faktorer som påverkar intresset är uppfattningen om att vara en börda för andra, rädsla för framtiden, lidande, den demoraliserande inverkan som cancern har på individen samt religion och etik..
Självmord som problem: en teoretisk studie av sociologisk litteratur & svensk självmordsprevention
Denna uppsats redogör för hur sociologin samt svensk självmordsprevention konstruerar självmord som problem. För att ringa in detta har socialkonstruktionistiska teorier om sociala problem och förklaringar använts. Dessa teorier har i analysen applicerats på ett varierande material bestående av sociologisk litteratur samt intresseföreningar, socialpolitiska åtgärder och dokument som hör till dessa. Resultaten av denna studie har visat att självmord som avvikande handling ofta är i behov av förklaring. Dessutom framgår det att sociologin koncentrerat sig på självmord som teoretiskt problem vilket medfört konsekvensen att lösningar till stor del uteblivit.
Ensamkommande flyktingbarns motivation till skola och arbete : - ?Varje dag människor går framåt ett steg, och det händer genom kunskapen.? Abbe
The purpose of this paper is to examine motivation in studies and/or work among unaccompanied adolescents who received asylum in Sweden. We have examined how six unaccompanied refugee boys? ages 15-18 years describe their motivation, regarding both current studies and their potential future studies or work. We have attempted to capture the children?s stories about what the factors are that increase or decrease their motivation through qualitative research interviews.