

58 Uppsatser om Succesiv bilingualism - Sida 2 av 4

?de tycker ja e mer en kulturell grej än en språklig sak? : En kvalitativ studie kring olika former av tvåspråkighet

En metod som har fått ett stort genombrott i Norden i grundskolans tidigare år är Arne Tragetons läs- och skrivinlärningsmetod, att skriva sig till läsning (ASL). Eleverna använder datorn som skrivverktyg och arbetar i par. Pedagogen har en betydelsefull uppgift med att utforma skrivarpar där elever utvecklas och lär av varandra för att metoden ska fylla sin funktion. För att få ett samspel där barnen bidrar till varandras lärande finns det olika egenskaper som pedagoger utgår ifrån när de parar ihop sina elever.Syftet med vårt arbete är att undersöka vilka komponenter som pedagoger utgår ifrån när de utformar skrivarpar samt processen vid byte av par. Frågeställningarna som förde oss till vårt resultat innefattar: Hur planerar pedagoger arbetet med att dela in elever i skrivarpar? Vilka kvaliteter hos eleverna utgår de ifrån? När byter de skrivarpar under terminen? Hur skapar de gruppkonstellationer vid ojämnt antal elever?Vi skickade ut en intervjuenkät och fick in 34 svar som granskades på ett systematiskt sätt och begrepp bildades till kategorier.

Årstafruns dagbok1793-1839 : Nöjen, sevärdheter och resor

The purpose of the study is to investigate into professional knowledge of the bilingual teachers, compared to monolingual, and what benefits they give to pre-school. Qualitative method was used to get an understanding of informant´s perspective on bilingual teachers. The informants believe that bilingual teachers are able to understand all the children. A bilingual teacher can make the children feel secure. If one has a positive attitude toward bilingualism, the bilingual children also show a positive attitude that in turn contributes to learning and development of the language..

Att leva med epilepsi

Multipel skleros (MS) är en livslång sjukdom som medför större eller mindre funktionsnedsättningar hos den MS-sjuke. I Sverige lever cirka 18000 personer med MS och sjukdomen debuterar oftast i 20-40 års ålder. Sjukdomen drabbar det centrala nervsystemet och orsakar succesiv nedbrytning av nervfibrer. Orsaken är fortfarande oklar och idag finns ingen botande behandling. Insjuknandet och funktionsnedsättningarna påverkar även närståendes liv och medför påverkan på hela familjen.

Hur stimulerar pedagogerna flerspråkiga barn i förskolan? How does the pedagogue stimulate bilingualism in school?

Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att få kunskap om hur pedagogerna inom förskolan arbetar med språkutveckling. Vi har inriktat oss på barn med utlänsk bakgrund i förskolan. Informanterna svarade att de bland annat använder sagoläsning, teckenstöd, konkret material i sitt arbete med flerspråkiga barn. På våra frågor vad gäller deras arbetssätt. Det visade sig att pedagogerna stimulerar barnen i deras språkutveckling genom att använda olika arbetsmetoder som t.ex.

Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder : Närståendes erfarenheter av att leva tillsammans med en familjemedlem med MS

Multipel skleros (MS) är en livslång sjukdom som medför större eller mindre funktionsnedsättningar hos den MS-sjuke. I Sverige lever cirka 18000 personer med MS och sjukdomen debuterar oftast i 20-40 års ålder. Sjukdomen drabbar det centrala nervsystemet och orsakar succesiv nedbrytning av nervfibrer. Orsaken är fortfarande oklar och idag finns ingen botande behandling. Insjuknandet och funktionsnedsättningarna påverkar även närståendes liv och medför påverkan på hela familjen.

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i förskolan : En jämförelse av Utomhuspedagogik och Montessori

The purpose of this study is to examine how educationalists work with bilingual children's language by looking at how and what approaches are used to encourage language development. I have chosen to compare two educational philosophies: Montessori and Outdoor Education, to see how big the differences / similarities are in working methods. The background to this study is that preschools uses various approaches and have different methods to stimulate the children. This means that the conditions for children's language development might look different depending on the preschool they go to. The information used has been gathered through interviews, where I have taken note of educationalists thoughts on their working methods, and through professional literature dealing with this topic.

När, var och hur? : En studie av kontaktlinsanvändares köpbeslutsprocess

The purpose of this essay is to find out how two schools work with newly arrived children and to see how they differ. There is a lack of national directives for those who work with newly arrived children and teenagers; this makes the introduction very different between schools.The study is qualitative, based on interviews with four teachers in two different compulsory schools. One school is situated in a suburb of Stockholm and the other one is situated in a minor community in Dalarna. One schools got a preparatory class for newly immigrated pupils and the other school doesn?t.The theoretical frame that I have chosen to analyse these interviews are literature and research on Bilingualism, Children with PTSD, Intercultural Pedagogy and Special PedagogyMy results also show that these schools work very differently, and that there is very little co-operation within the school and with the units around the school, regarding these children.

Fonologiskt korttidsminne hos tvåspråkiga barn med och utan språkstörning

Repetition of Non- word (make- up word that has not some semantic content) has been proposed as a reliable index of phonological memory in children with language impairment (LI). The aim of this study was to find out the possible similarities and differences concerning phonotactic non-words and working memory in 18 bilingual Swedish-Arabic children with and without LI ages 4-6 years. The investigation was undertaken by conducting three tests including NEPSY, WPPSI-III and a Word repetition test. The results showed that there are not significant differences between the two groups regarding various parts of NEPSY. On the other hand the results showed two significant differences in WPPSI-III regarding Picture categories and Word repetition tests for Swedish Non-word.

Erfarenheter och behov hos flerspråkiga föräldrar till barn med kommunikationssvårigheter som gått KomUng kommunikationskurs

The purpose of the study was to look into bilingual parents?perspectives on their own and their children?s communication andcommunication disabilities. Furthermore the study aimed to examine theseparents? needs regarding education in augmentative and alternativecommunication (AAC) and whether ComYoung communication course hadmet the needs. ComYoung address parents of school-aged children withextensive communicative disabilities and intend to give them increasedknowledge in communication and AAC.

Tre lärarperspektiv : En studie om olika arbetsmetoder i förberedelseklass och i ordinarie klass

The Swedish school reflects the society that we have today, a society with many different ethnical and cultural backgrounds. The purpose of this investigation is to study how the school is working with children that recently immigrated to Sweden. What kind of methods are they using at school, to get the best development as possible? Do the teachers manage to be concerned of the students in the school? What kind of reception do these children get in the school? What methods are the teachers using? And are these methods really the best to use to enhance the language and cognitive development of these students?The methods I have been using to examine these questions have been qualitative. I have interviewed three teachers about their everyday work in a multiethnic school south of Stockholm.

Modersmål : En undersökning om vad föräldrar med utländsk bakgrund har för syn på modersmål och modersmålsundervisning

My intention with this study was to examine the concepts ?mother tongue? and ?mother tongue education? and how these concepts are understood by some parents. To reach this goal I?ve conducted a qualitative study, wherein I?ve interviewed eight parents with foreign backgrounds. The study is inspired by hermeneutics in its interpretation of results.From this study I can reach several conclusions.

Bland "Masjävlar" och "Förortsungar" : - två skolors sätt att arbeta med nyanlända elever

The purpose of this essay is to find out how two schools work with newly arrived children and to see how they differ. There is a lack of national directives for those who work with newly arrived children and teenagers; this makes the introduction very different between schools.The study is qualitative, based on interviews with four teachers in two different compulsory schools. One school is situated in a suburb of Stockholm and the other one is situated in a minor community in Dalarna. One schools got a preparatory class for newly immigrated pupils and the other school doesn?t.The theoretical frame that I have chosen to analyse these interviews are literature and research on Bilingualism, Children with PTSD, Intercultural Pedagogy and Special PedagogyMy results also show that these schools work very differently, and that there is very little co-operation within the school and with the units around the school, regarding these children.

Berättandeförmåga hos svenska barn i en flerspråkig miljö från förskoleålder till årskurs 2

The present study investigated free narratives in 72 children between 3;11 and 9;0 years. Participants were recruited from a multilingual environment in eastern Gothenburg. The children were instructed to make up their own stories after being provided with openings, ?Story stems?. The stories were then transcribed and analyzed on micro- and macro level and narrative evaluation.

Två-Och flerspråkighet som "språkpolicy" i förskolan

The purpose of the essay was to investigate the way four different educators, at a pre-school with a bilingual profile, work towards strengthening the children?s bilingualism as well as their identity. The research questions concern which guidelines are being used, the educators perceptions concerning children?s bi- and multilingualism and in what way they believe that their pre-school distinguishes itself from others.Qualitative individual interviews and observations were conducted and the empirical data was analyzed using a theoretical framework, constructed of theories concerning language development, ethnicity and identity.The result presented in the study shows that the pre-school not only follows the national curriculum but also their own guideline. The guideline states that there should be both Spanish- and Swedish speaking personnel and that they are ?responsible? for the education in their own language.

?Det kändes mer som dansen, eller konfirmationen? : En studie om gymnasieelevers upplevelse av modersmålsundervisning

In this study I?ve examined bilingual high-school students? experiences of their education held in their native language. The purpose of this study is to examine bilingual high-school students? experiences of how their school organizes the education that?s held in their native language, and how the students feel that the education in their native language has helped their overall language development and also in terms of learning in general. To complete this study I?ve interviewed six high school students and analyzed their answers using other studies and theories on this subject.

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