

259 Uppsatser om Substance - Sida 9 av 18

Co-Creation - Synsätt inom marknadsföringslitteraturen

The creation of value is considered the core purpose and central process of economic exchange. Value creation is now conceptualized as shared by both producers and customers, and value is seen as fundamentally derived and determined in use, the integration and application of resources in a specific context, rather than in exchange, embedded in products and manifested as price. The field of research is abundant with publications but these do not fully further the understanding of value creation and co-creation in a way that is meaningful for theoretical development and decision making in business and marketing practise. Without a thorough understanding of the factors characterising value co-creation, the nature as well as content and locus of co-creation cannot be identified. In that case value co-creation easily becomes a concept without Substance. Until now, individual publications on co-creation have focused on few or different aspects, have emphasized the process from either the customer?s or from  the firm?s vantage point, have different theoretical approaches and have ignored the complexity in interactions between actors.The purpose of this essay is to analyse how five fundamental aspects of co-creation of customer value are perceived in contemporary marketing literature. Discussing the different views on co-creation, this essay concludes that thoughthere are evident points of agreement, finding one generally valid doctrine of predestination or value co-creation is improbable.

?Du kan göra skillnad i människors liv utan att ha en aning om det? : En kvalitativ studie om några socialsekreterares syn på suicidalitet

During 2010, 1446 people committed suicide in Sweden. Research shows that groups that are less favored in society have an increased risk of suicide. Social services often encounter groups of people that have a high risk of suicide, for instance welfare recipients or Substance abusers. The purpose of this study was to shed light on how social workers talk about suicide and how this might affect interactions with suicidal clients. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five social workers in Stockholm.

?Mer än att leka träslöjd? : En kvalitativ studie om vad en sysselsättningsverksamhet kan betyda för dess deltagare

This study was the foundation for an evaluation of an employment project in Sweden. The project offers occupations in carpentry as well as kitchen work for people with psychiatric disorders, Substance abuse and other social difficulties. This studies purpose was to analyze the projects significance to its participants and also to distinguish weather the project influences the participant?s life in a professional or private way. The methodological tool was five qualitative interviews with the participants and three qualitative interviews with the employees.

Vad för historia? : En kvalitativ undersökning om historieämnetsinnehåll ur ett interkulturellt perspektiv

This essay is called What kind of history? and is about how history teachers think when they chose what to teach about and why. In the curriculum there are no guidelines about what Substance you have to teach about. This gives the schools and teachers a big freedom. At the same time there is a kind of informal canon which says that it is the European perspective that is the important one.

Vården som sista utväg : Mångbesökare inom missbruks- och beroendevården i södra Halland. Upplevelser, behovstillfredsställelse och sociala sammanhang.

I denna uppsats beskrivs situationen för mångbesökarna inom missbruks- och beroendevården. Kvalitativt intervjumaterial belyser upplevelser och erfarenheter som rör deras beroendeproblematik. De bär alla på någon form av samsjuklighet och återkommer till psykiatriska intensiv- och akutmottagningen för avgiftning på sjukhus. Att hitta sätt att avlasta den mentala smärtan är ledande genom berättelserna tillsammans med uttalade behov av att bli lyssnade på och av att bli tagna på allvar. Genom makt att påverka sin situation och kraft att förändra den i gemenskap med andra kan de lindra sin ohälsa.

Metodutveckling för analys av klorfenoler i jord samt analys av förorenad jord från ett sågverk

In this final thesis, an existing method for analysis of chlorophenols (CP) in bottom sediments has been updated and adjusted for analysis of chlorophenols in soil. The covalent bonds between the chlorophenols and the soil matrix were broken through basic hydrolysis and the chlorophenols were then separated from the water phase through addition of sulphuric acid followed by ether extraction. The chromatography was improved through extractive acetylation of the chlorophenols.The updated method was then applied on soil samples from a contaminated area (a former sawmill in Hyttsjö, Östergötland, Sweden).The analyse was preformed by GC/MS with respect to 2-MonoCP, 4-MonoCP, 2,4-DiCP, 2,6-DiCP, 2,4,6-TriCP, 2,3,4,6-TetraCP and pentachlorophenol (PCP).Contamination of chlorophenols in nature can be explained by the former use of wood preservative chemicals based on chlorophenols. In the 1960s and the 1970s these chemicals were used in Sweden, but due to their toxicity they were banned by the Swedish government in 1978.In Hyttsjö a pentachlorophenol-based product named Santobrite was used for several years. The concentration of PCP in the soil samples from Hyttsjö varied from 0.2->1.8 ng/mg dry Substance.

"De öppnade portarna för mig och sa `hej då`" : en kvalitativ studie om personers berättelser som frihetsberövande på grund av misstanke till ett brott och tiden efter frisläppningen.

Being detained means that a person loses their freedom and have limited contact with others. Police can on suspicion of a crime arrest a person, in order that the suspected person won´t be able to eliminate evidence. Being convicted of a crime and go to prison is terrible, but what about the experiences of being detained on suspicion of a crime you did not commit? Our purpose with the study is exploring stories of people who have been detained. It´s about their time as detainees to the time they got free from suspicions of the crime.

Brännskuggat fanér - en metodanalys

This thesis is about a part of the marquetrytechnique, scorching. Scorching is made by heating up something, put a veneer into the heated Substance and make a controlled burning. This technique is old but still used today and have according to me great potential for development. In my work I wanted to give the scorching greater room then I earlier have seen. I wanted the scorching to be the dominant ingredient for a decorative element in a piece of furniture or an interior.

Interferences during analysis of polyphenols in fruit juices

One of the most commonly used methods for analysis of polyphenols is the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) method, where the FC reagent has been reported to interfere with some Substances in fruit juices. The interfering Substance that is present in the highest amount in most fruit juices is ascorbic acid. In this study, the total phenolic content (TPC) of three fruit juices was analysed by the FC method as well as with an enzymatic method with hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase type II (HRP) for comparison. To investigate how the interfering ascorbic acid affects the TPC, juice samples were analysed after removal and addition, respectively, of ascorbic acid. The samples were analysed with HPLC both before and after the extraction phase of the FC method.

Bostadsrehabilitering för hemlösa missbrukare i Västerås : Ur ett livskvalitetsperspektiv

Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett livskvalitetsperspektiv, indelat i resurs, nätverk och autonomi, undersöka den bostadsrehabilitering som bedrivs i form av en boendekedja i Västerås. Som metod valdes en kvalitativ och deskriptiv ansats för att söka svar på studiens frågeställningar. Empirin består av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju före detta hemlösa missbrukare som har genomgått bostadsrehabilitering i Västerås. För att få en ytterligare förståelse för boendekedjan i Västerås har även två nyckelinformanter intervjuats. Som teorier valdes livskvalitet, stämplingsteori, missbrukskarriärer och KASAM för att ge en djupare förståelse för hur livskvalitet kan variera utifrån olika levnadsförhållanden.

Var går gränsen och vem får bestämma vad? : En studie om hemtjänstpersonals tolkning och hantering av situationer med och kring omsorgstagares alkoholbruk.

The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for how home care services interpret and handle situations with and around caretakers alcohol use. Interviews have been conducted with two managers and six basic staff in two different home care service-groups. The interviews were individual with the managers and in group form with the staff. The interviews have been analyzed using Hasenfeld?s theory on Human Service Organizations and moral practice together with Beronius? interpretation of disciplinary exercise of power.

Demokrati och lagprövning - Om rättfärdigandet av en positiv respektive negativ inställning till lagprövning som institution i demokratin

This essay concerns the issue of democracy and judicial review. The main focus is on the justification of both a positive and a negative attitude towards judicial review, and the values these justifications are based on. The analysis is made by textual analysis of four authors with different opinions of the subject matter: Robert Dahl and Jeremy Waldron who has a negative attitude towards judicial review, and Erwin Chemerinsky and Ronald Dworkin who are positive about it. In the analysis an analytic frame is used which consists of different dimensions and aspects of the problem of democracy and judicial review. The study shows that there are important differences in democratic values between a positive and a negative justification of judicial review.

Ledarskap och efterföljelse : relationen mellan ledare och anställda på Lycamobile

In this day of age there is no clear definition of what leadership is and exactly what it means. Though something that all existing definitions of leadership have in common is that, it is a process of influence where the leader exerts influence over their subordinates. The concept of leadership can at first glance be seen as a clear Substance that is easy to understand. However, this is not the case when one delves into the subject and begins to realize that leadership is a complex concept which includes a variety of things. How to best exercise leadership is a divided perception that may be completely different, depending on whom you ask the leader or the follower.In this paper the aim is to explore the leadership within the company Lycamobile located in Sweden, with respect to management.

Turismrelaterade företags användning av sinnesupplevelser : Lukt, känsel, hörsel, smak och syn

The purpose of this study is to investigate how customers' senses can be influenced by the experience of a visit to a tourist company and how six tourism businesses today utilize this phenomenon. The problem is that the phenomenon of sensory impact is a relatively newly discovered Substance and not sufficiently established in the market.This essay is about how six selected tourism businesses use the human?s five senses during a visit by the companies. The information from each company is gathered by interviews that took place at each company with responsible employees. We have also met with experts in different sensory areas to best find out how companies can make best use of sensory experiences to influence their customers.

Integrering eller tillägg : En kvalitativ studie om inkludering av jämställdhetsperspektiv i historieundervisning på gymnasiet

The aim of this paper is to elucidate and analyze history teacher's didactic choices in the conflict between unequal educational materials and the requirements of equality in the curriculum of Swedish secondary school. The empirical data consists of interviews with five secondary school history teachers, observations of their lessons as well as analysis of their tests. The starting point was to investigate teachers' didactic work in the role as a bridge between the non-equal historiography presented in textbooks in history and the curriculum?s demands for equality. Three different approaches have been observed in the teachers' didactic work when considering gender perspective into their teaching: that women become extensions in a male-dominated historiography; that another part of the story is presented when a gender perspective is considered; and that the gender perspective is included in history teaching and becomes an integral part of all the content of the subject.Several of the teachers acknowledged that gender equality is less prioritized than the courses core content and related assessment criteria.

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