

259 Uppsatser om Substance - Sida 8 av 18

Miljöoptimera avfallsindustrin i Sverige : - återvinn restprodukten gips

One of the most common ways to produce heat and electricity in Europe today is by the incineration of waste or combustion of coal. These materials can be very sulfurous and during combustion sulfur dioxide is produced. This is an environmental and health related toxic Substance which is why power plants have strict regulations on removing it from the flue gas. Sulfur dioxide is removed from the flue gas by adding a limestone reagent. The sulfur dioxide reacts with the limestone and the synthetic product obtained is ?Flue Gas Desulfurization gypsum?.

Motkrafter till missbruk : Prevention som samverkan med målgruppen: exemplet Thailand

Vad försöker man göra inom ungdomsinriktad drogprevention och vad uppfattas som viktigt? Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vad som händer inom preventionsarbete i Thailand. Analys med grounded theory av intervjuer med 27 personer, främst thailändare, med praktisk erfarenhet av drogpreventiv verksamhet. Motkrafter till missbruk i Thailand genomsyras av en moraliskt betingad grundhållning med en i grunden autonom människosyn. Genom sociala och pedagogiska nätverk, positiva alternativ, utveckling, relevanta budskap och kritiskt tänkande arbetar man med målgruppen för de preventiva insatserna som en autonom och aktiv part.

Vem är expert? : En kvalitativ studie om praktikers uppfattning av brukarinflytande inom socialtjänstens missbruks- och beroendevård.

Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker hur praktiker inom socialtjänstens missbruks- och beroendevård förhåller sig till brukarinflytande. Vidare undersöks hur brukarinflytande i relationell mening påverkar förhållandet mellan praktiker och klient. Studien utgår från en hermeneutisk forskningstradition med en kvalitativ ansats. Studien bygger på fem semi-strukturerade intervjuer med yrkeserfarna praktiker inom socialtjänstens missbruks- och beroendevård. Resultatet tolkades utifrån relationell pedagogik som det beskrivs av Jonas Aspelin och Sven Persson samt Moira von Wrights pedagogiska rekonstruktion av G.H.

Gör det själv! Fansinet i Sverige

The purpose of this masters thesis is to examine the fanzine, a form of amateur publication, in Sweden, both in the traditional paper form and the more recent electronic form. It deals with what is distinctive about the fanzine as a publication and also as a social and cultural product. It also looks upon how the fanzine uses the Internet and the new possibilities it brings. The people behind 18 fanzines, 10 electronic and 8 in paper, have answered a questionnaire about how they produce, publish, distribute and promote their fanzines, what they think about the fanzine as a mode of expression, and how they use the Internet. The masters thesis uses theories within cultural studies as a theoretical approach to the fanzine.

Flykten från sig själv i jakten på jaget : Klivet in och klivet ut ur medberoendets gastkramande famn

Uppsatsen syftar dels till att försöka nå en djupare kunskap om medberoende som begrepp men undersöker även hur medberoendet kan förstås samt förklaras från en medberoendes eget perspektiv. Vidare undersöks också på vilket sätt tolvstegsprogrammet kan förstås som en fungerande behandlingsmetod för medberoende, varför samtliga intervjupersoner aktivt deltar samt verkar i en tolvstegsgemenskap för anhöriga till missbrukare. Studiens resultat presenterar olika typer av uttryck samt symptom som verkar framträdande för medberoende och knyter även an dessa till dels varandra och dels till varför samt hur tolvstegsprogrammet kan verka förebyggande mot dessa. Slutligen diskuteras även hur medberoende samt tillfrisknandet i tolvstegsprogrammet kan förklaras med hjälp av anknytningsteorin samt en sociokulturell teori om ett relationellt själv..

Produktutveckling av mobil förstahjälpenstation

This thesis is about a part of the marquetrytechnique, scorching. Scorching is made by heating up something, put a veneer into the heated Substance and make a controlled burning. This technique is old but still used today and have according to me great potential for development. In my work I wanted to give the scorching greater room then I earlier have seen. I wanted the scorching to be the dominant ingredient for a decorative element in a piece of furniture or an interior.

Maskrosbarn : Att växa upp med minst en förälder som missbrukar alkohol

Our study aims to investigate whether resilient children share common factors that could explain them not following the expected course of development for said group. The study also sets out to explore which strategies resilient children implement in order to cope with their situation.The study is based on the following questions:How do resilient children describe their experiences from growing up with parents with Substance abuse problems? What risk and protective factors do they mention in their biographies?We use the system theory and Goffman's dramaturgic perspective as analytical tools.  The system theory could help us see the family as a system, while Goffman's theory might help us understand how resilient children find different strategies, and why they implement these strategies, to hide their family problems.The results show that the most important factors with a positive effect on resilient children were: to have somebody else important in their lives, to have goals in life, to have a safe haven, to think independently and to develop a high level of independence early in life..

Könsperspektiv på missbruksvården : en kvalitativ studie

Studiens syfte var att försöka belysa kvinnors situation i missbruksbehandling där män och kvinnor deltar i samma behandlingsgrupp. Frågeställningarna var: (1) Hur har kvinnornas liv som missbrukare sett ut? (2) Hur ser kvinnornas könsrelationer ut i behandlingen? (3) Vad innebär det att vara kvinna i en blandad könsgrupp under behandlingen? Studien genomfördes i form av kvalitativa intervjuer med en fenomenologisk hållning, och tolkades sedan med hjälp av meningstolkning. Resultaten analyserades med hjälp av könsperspektivet samt det psykodynamiska perspektivet. Resultaten visade att kvinnors situation i en blandad könsgrupp kan vara komplicerad och att både kvinnor och män lätt blir distraherade av varandra.

"Det går inte att lita på föräldrarna" : Hur skildras omsorgsbristande föräldrar i LVU-rättsfall?

The aim of this study was to, with a social constructivistic approach, examine how parents,regarded as neglecting their children, are depicted in 12 LVU-legal cases from the Supreme Administrative Court in Sweden. By using a document analysis influenced by discourse analytical tools, we found that there are repeated descriptions of the parents, which constructs an image of parents as shortcoming in the care of their children. The categories lack of emotions, mental disorder, Substance abuse and physical maltreatment were the main reasons for child neglect that the parents were described from. Attitudes towards authority, aggression and immaturity, lack of insight, and deficiencies in the home were repeated in the description of the parent. We further found that mothers were regarded as more responsible of the children compared to fathers.

Hot och våld inom socialtjänsten: socialsekrterares uppfattningar om hot och våld

The purpose of this essay was to investigate socialworker's perception of threats and violence in their daily work from the perspective of power. In order to obtain as clear and distinct responses as possible, I used qualitative interviews for this study. The respondents represent a "socialförvaltning" that handles financial assistance in a medium-sized city. This department was chosen because the socialworkers that handle financial assistance at this department have been identified by the media as particularly vulnerable. The study showed that verbal threats are commonplace but physical violence is rare.

Learning Resource Centre (LRC) ? en bibliotekstrend?

Learning Resource Centre, or LRC, is an international phenomenon and a response to the changing society that came with the development of information technology. The LRC concept spread internationally during the 1990s and began to influence Swedish collage libraries at the end of the decade. The main purpose of this study is to analyze if and how Swedish college libraries have incorporated the LRC concept. Is there a Swedish LRC model? Is the LRC concept still interesting or was it a trend that is now out of date? Interviews with eleven people from six college libraries aim to show how they define the concept LRC and how it has been integrated in to their organisations.

To start a project ? post-rehabilitation within substance abuse care

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur ett projekt startas upp, leds och drivs då det är kopplat till socialt arbete och efterbehandling för hemlösa kvinnor med missbruksproblematik. Bakgrunden är en tidigare b-uppsats som visade på brister i eftervården för dessa kvinnor. Examensarbetet har gjorts genom en litteraturstudie där vi undersökt projekt och projektledning, samt en halvstrukturerad personlig intervju och en telefonintervju med en nyckelperson med erfarenhet av projektarbete. Resultatet visade på att det är viktigt med samarbete och nätverk då det oftast finns många aktörer som kan hjälpa målgruppen, så som socialtjänsten, beroendecenter samt Röda Korset. Genom ett lösningsfokuserat arbete och en upplevelsebaserad metod kan målgruppen få hjälp att komma tillbaka in i samhället och få ett självständigt och värdigare liv.

Husdeklaration av Stadiums nya distributionscentral

The distributioncentral of Stadium has an area of 31,6 acre and is being build in Herstadberg in the region of Norrköping. It is Mattssons Fastighetsutveckling (Mattssons Real-estate development) who also has ordered the building. They will also take care of the operation and support of the distributioncentral. Peab has got the assignment as a total contractor and it is for them I have done my degree project.I have been drawing-up a description of the goods in the distributioncenter. In the declaration a description of the goods will be found, there Substance for all the materials that has been built in to the building describes.

Det avancerade klotterplanket: en studie av forum mot droger på Lunarstorm

This study is based on an observation of one of the biggest webcommunitys in Sweden today, called Lunarstorm. My main purpose was to research how young people use this media for talking about drug and alcohol-related subjects. The questions I posed were the following:- In which way do young people talk about drugs and alcohol on Lunarstorm?- What possibilities does Lunarstorm create for these questions?- How do the users relate to each other, regarding support for relatives to drug or alcohol-abusers or own Substance use?My method of collecting empirical data consisted of observation of the forum, and my method for analyzing the data was based on a discourse- analysis. Trough this I found that the media creates a way for young people to meet others with similar problems, both grown-ups and people of the same age.

Does Party Politics Matter? - En hypotesprövande studie om USA:s partipolitiska position till europeiskt säkerhetssamarbete

In his recent article Professor of International Affairs Charles Kupchan claims that Party Politics has become increasingly important for American Foreign Policy since the end of the Cold War. This assertion makes it valuable to assess how the Substance of the Foreign Policy differs between the two American parties in various cases and if this difference is characterized by consistency or by change. In this thesis I examine these Party positions in relation to the European Security Policy.In order to examine this I compare the positions of the Democratic and Republican Parties? policy concerning both the European Defence Community (EDC) and the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). The purpose of this thesis is to examine the hypothesis that the Democratic Party to a higher extent than the Republican Party is more concerned to maintain good relations to Europe respectively EU.The results show that there are small indications that my hypothesis concerning the two parties is valid.

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