

155 Uppsatser om Submarine incident - Sida 2 av 11

En studie kring rapportering av near-misses.

The construction business is one of the most accident prone businesses in Sweden. In order to make it safer it?s vital that all employees of a company report all accidents and incidents that occur. This report intends through qualitative interviews, to analyze the knowledge and attitude towards incident reporting among the employees of the Swedish construction contractor JM.The goal of the thesis work is to hopefully contribute to an increase of employees? awareness on those issues.

Hantering av IT-incidenter : En fallstudie på ICAs IT-avdelning Operations

 Date: 2008-10-06Level: Bachelor thesis within Information Technology and business economics, 15p, EIK021Authors: Anna Karlsson, akn05009@student.mdh.seLena-Maria Lindström, llm05002@student.mdh.seMagnus Wretlund, mvd05001@student.seTutor: Marie Mörndal Title: Managing IT-incidents, a case study at ICAs IT department                            OperationsKeywords: IT-incident management, IT-incident management process, IT-incident, ITIL, CCTA Problem: An organization can benefit by having an established management process of handling IT-incidents. But how can this be achieved? Are there step-by-step procedures? What´s included in the management process of IT-incidents? Is the size of the organization relevant to which model is to be chosen? Can the work of the writers of this essay result in a recommendation of a specific model for IT-incident management? These questions lead to the following essay question; How are IT-incidents managed?Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and discuss how IT incidents can be managed.Method: The writers of this essay have performed a case study at ICA, a Swedish food retail company. Eleven interviews with nine different persons have been carried out. The interviews are analyzed in the chapter called Resultat och analys.Conclusion: Our conclusion is that there are both similarities and differences in Dept.

Tillbudsrapportering inom JM : En analys av förbättringsarbetet

The construction business is one of the most accident prone businesses in Sweden. In order to make it safer it?s vital that all employees of a company report all accidents and incidents that occur. This report intends through qualitative interviews, to analyze the knowledge and attitude towards incident reporting among the employees of the Swedish construction contractor JM.The goal of the thesis work is to hopefully contribute to an increase of employees? awareness on those issues.

Probleminventering av några forskares informationshantering : En fråga för biblioteket?

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate if the library can be a real partner for researchers in managing and dealing with their research information. In this study, six researchers have been interviewed about their problems with information management. This study uses the method Critical Incident Technique for the interviews with the researchers. This method focuses mainly on problems and what happens around those problems.

Vaccination av förskolebarn som inte vill medverka : En kritisk incident studie

Vaccination är en av de mest kostnadseffektiva åtgärderna inom sjukvården. Sveriges vaccinationsprogram innefattar tio sjukdomar och barnets femte dos ges vid fem års ålder. Barn i förskoleåldern befinner sig i ett utvecklingsstadium vilket kan försvåra vaccination. Tidigare studier beskriver svårigheter och den stress sjuksköterskor upplever i samband med vaccination av barn, kunskapsbrist finns däremot kring hur barnen bör hanteras. Syftet med studien var att utifrån betydelsefulla händelser beskriva barnhälsovårdssköterskans (BHVsköterskans) erfarenheter och agerande vid vaccination av förskolebarn som inte vill medverka.

Miljöterapi : En utvärdering enligt Critical incident-metoden

Syftet med denna studie är att utvärdera ett HVB-hem vilket bedriver miljö- och individualte-rapeutisk behandling av ungdomar i åldrarna 16-19 år. Vidare syftar studien till att utvärdera verksamhetens arbetssätt vid kritiska händelser enligtcritical incident-metoden. Således fin-ner författarna följande frågeställningar relevanta för utvärderingen: Vilka slags kritiska hän-delser uppstår i verksamheten enligt personalens upplevelser? Hur löses/slutar de kritiska händelserna i verksamheten? Är lösningarna av de kritiska händelserna förankrade i miljöte-rapeutisk teori? Utvärderingen grundas i uppgifter från nio respondenter, varav en av respondenterna är utvärderingens författare. Datainsamlingen utgörs i sin tur av observationer, frågeformulär och kompletterande intervjuer.

"En riktig våldtäkt" : - en kunskapsöversikt om föreställningar om våldtäkt

This essay is a selective review of Nordic literature with the aim to explore contemporary conceptions of male-on-female rape, to increase the understanding of how these can construct ?a real rape?. To achieve this two questions were formulated: What circumstances can cause an incident not to be defined as rape? What circumstances can cause an incident to be defined as rape? Searches in international and Swedish databases led to initial selection of peer-review journal articles and dissertations that were reviewed against set criteria. These criteria were met by 8 studies, that were assigned codes, from which comprehensive categories were developed.

Två sidor om korset : En studie om olika nationalismer i Polen

In the 10th of April 2010 the Polish Presidential plane crashed outside of Smolensk in today?s Russia. 88 passengers and 6 crewmen died a tragic death, among them the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Kaczy?ski. A national week of sorrow was proclaimed and citizens all over Poland went out on streets and markets to honor the newly deceased President.

Tillförlitlighet för automatiska sprinkleranläggningar - en analys av befintlig statistik

In this report statistics concerning the reliability of sprinkler systems from seven countries has been analysed. The objective of the report has been to determine the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden and to present suggestions on measures to increase the reliability. The main conclusion that has been drawn is that the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden is 92 percent according to the analysis of Swedish statistics, and that this figure finds support in statistics from other countries. Further results are that the quality of design, installation, maintenance and inspection of sprinkler has to be improved and that the Swedish incident report has to be revised..

Caso Skanska

Caso Skanska is an incident that occurred in Argentina and regarded corruption and bribes to government officials. This study investigates how this incident could occur and how it can be explained. The theoretical framework used is the dynamic interaction model, stakeholder theory, embeddedness theory, the political perspective and corruption theory. The method used is qualitative and it consists of data gathered through semi-structured interviews in Sweden and Argentina as well as other sources of written information of relevance for the study. The authors conclude that Caso Skanska could occur due to the lack of strong institutions as well as transparency.

Antibiotikaflödet i Sverige : Kvalitetsgranskning av försäljningsstatistik 2002

 Date: 2008-10-06Level: Bachelor thesis within Information Technology and business economics, 15p, EIK021Authors: Anna Karlsson, akn05009@student.mdh.seLena-Maria Lindström, llm05002@student.mdh.seMagnus Wretlund, mvd05001@student.seTutor: Marie Mörndal Title: Managing IT-incidents, a case study at ICAs IT department                            OperationsKeywords: IT-incident management, IT-incident management process, IT-incident, ITIL, CCTA Problem: An organization can benefit by having an established management process of handling IT-incidents. But how can this be achieved? Are there step-by-step procedures? What´s included in the management process of IT-incidents? Is the size of the organization relevant to which model is to be chosen? Can the work of the writers of this essay result in a recommendation of a specific model for IT-incident management? These questions lead to the following essay question; How are IT-incidents managed?Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and discuss how IT incidents can be managed.Method: The writers of this essay have performed a case study at ICA, a Swedish food retail company. Eleven interviews with nine different persons have been carried out. The interviews are analyzed in the chapter called Resultat och analys.Conclusion: Our conclusion is that there are both similarities and differences in Dept.

Psykologisk debriefing

Debriefing är en metod som används allmänt för att hantera och bearbeta starkt stressfyllda händelser, särskilt för personal i yrken där sådana händelser kan inträffa. Metoden har kritiserats efter det att den introducerades av Jeffrey T. Mitchell (1983) under namnet ?Critical Incident Stress Debriefing? eller CISD. Kritikerna hävdar att metoden kan förorsaka mer skada en nytta.

Méthodes et Outils d?Analyse des Incidents

Au sein de la direction informatique RENAULT (DTSI), la plupart des chaînes d?assistance pour les utilisateurs des systèmes d?information, sont modélisées à travers un outil de gestion d?incident (ARS/GII-v2). La majorité des ces incidents est créée par le service des Centres d?Appels, Téléphonie et Visioconférence (DTSI/DSO/CATV). Selon leur complexité ou leur caractéristique, les incidents suivent un cycle de vie qui fait intervenir plusieurs équipes des chaînes d?assistance.

Skadeplatsarbete : Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser från skadeplatsarbete

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbete på skadeplats med en till fyra drabbade personer. Metod: Fyra män och fyra kvinnor, med en erfarenhet mellan två och elva år av ambulanssjukvård, deltog i studien. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och data analyserades med innehållsanalys. Resultat: Sju kategorier identifierades: Kommunikation, Ledarskap, Medicinskt omhändertagande, Rutiner och riktlinjer, Organisation, Personlighet och relationer, samt Samverkan. Skadeplatsarbetet sker utanför sjukhusets kontrollerade verksamhet.

Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser under ett bestämt ambulansuppdrag då LUCAS? användes

Aim: The aim was to investigate the ambulance nurses experiences during a specific ambulance missions that led to usage of LUCAS ?.Method: Participating ambulance nurses were randomly assigned from a total sample group of 12 women and 39 men. Five women and five men participated. Qualitative interviews were conducted, where the Critical Incident Technique approach was used. Collected interviews were valued using qualitative content analysis.Result: Interview texts were divided into three domains, 10 subcategories could be identified which were sorted into three categories.

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