

291 Uppsatser om Subjective well-being - Sida 14 av 20

Kyrkans sociala ansvar i Argentina : En kvalitativ undersökning om ansvarsfördelning mellan kommun och kyrka i Salta, Argentina

The aim for this master thesis is to create an understanding of the intersubjective processes of how individuals are experimenting with their identities in social media and the consequences for the identity and embodiment. The thesis is completed with the help of discourse analysis and a starting point in four complementary theories. Central to the implementation of the analysis is the concept of diffraction. Therefore the thesis is, which is reflected in the choice of theoretical approaches and methods, critical to many aspects of classical philosophy of science and method. The empirical material is based on interviews.

Prevention och orsaksinriktad behandling av gingivit, parodontit och karies med hjälp av motiverande samtal

Background: Traditional oral health education is seldom enough in order for dental care personnel to motivate their patients to good, long-lasting oral health care habits and there is a need for evaluation of other more efficient methods. One of these methods is motivational interviewing. An overview of its origin, definition, theoretical background and practical methods is given by way of introduction. Aim: The aim of the investigation was to review studies that had used motivational interviewing in order to obtain oral health, focusing on prevention and treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis and dental caries. Method: Systematic review. A search question was run through the databases ASSIA, ERIC, PsycINFO, Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts and PubMed. The articles were reviewed based on defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Five publications (based on three studies) met the inclusion criteria.

Goodwill : Tillgång eller belastning?

Leverage buyout?s is an opportunity for companies, who can strengthen its market position by expanding its operations, and it add?s value to the company. At every LBO, copmanies make different values of the target company to finally come upp to a final bid. The final bid may in many cases be made of a surplus value, which is the differens between the value of the net-assets and the final bid. This we call goodwill and it has been a target in many discussions.

Lärande organisation ur ett medarbetarperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetarnas uppfattningar om det gemensamma lärandet på en förskoleenhet

The purpose of this essay is to develop knowledge about how learning among employees is perceived to occur practically in a pre-school unit seen as a learning organization. From an employee perspective the intention was to gain an understanding of how they perceive the organization regarding employee learning in the workplace when it comes to in which contexts and what conditions that enable collaborative learning. Because learning organization is mostly a vision from a management perspective thereby it should in this case mostly be viewed as the context in which the employees work in.The essay is based on a qualitative research approach with eight semi-structured interviews. It was based on hermeneutics as method of analysis with the intention to gain an understanding of the employees' subjective perception. It is a case study on a selected pre-school unit in Stockholm.

Experiences in enabling elderly people for communion and solitude in a South African context

Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the care providers' experiences in enabling communionship and solitude in daily living for elderly living in old age homes in a South African context. Method: This study was done using a qualitative analysing method, with empirical data obtained from nursing staff of elderly. The study was phenomenological which aims at deepen the understanding of human experiences as phenomenon. The data was collected by using a groupinterview which included five informants from an old age home in Pretoria. The analysis included two steps; Naive reading and structural analysis in order to transform the individual elucidations into an abstract which had no individual touch.

Räddaren i nöden : En studie om inividens upplevelser av socialbidrag

This essay is about persons who have had social assistance and the individual?s experiences of social assistance. The focus is on how the individual develops in a new life situation and if and how they are motivated to get out of it. The essay has an individual perspective where the relation between society and the individual is important. The result is based on four qualitative interviews with a hermeneutic perspective.

Utvärdering av Di35M-PrLO-projektion av armbågsleden för utlinjering av mediala processus coronoideus hos hund :

The aim of this study is to evaluate an alternative projection of the Medial Coronoid Process (MCP) of the canine elbow joint. The projection (Di35M-PrLO) was, to my knowledge, first mentioned in an article by Haudiquet et al in 2002. In that article the projection was tested in vitro, and a good sensitivity was showed for the Medial Coronoid Process. The projection might be helpful in cases of suspected Fragmented Coronoid Process (FCP) . This study is divided into three parts. The first part is an in-vivo test of the projection, including technique and subjective evaluation of the outlining of the MCP.

Förskollärares uppfattningar av ljudmiljöns påverkan på den pedagogiska verksamheten

Den pedagogiska verksamheten påverkas av ljudmiljön som antingen kan främja eller motverka kommunikationsmöjligheter. Då tidigare forskning genomfört objektiva mätningar efterlyses mer subjektiva studier, vilket denna studie syftar till. Syftet i denna studie är att undersöka hur de medverkande förskollärarna uppfattar att ljudmiljön påverkar den pedagogiska verksamheten. Studien ämnar även undersöka vad förskollärare uppfattar sig göra för att främja en god ljudmiljö. För att besvara syftet har följande frågeställningar använts:Hur uppfattar förskollärarna att ljudmiljön påverkar verksamheten?Vad uppfattar förskollärarna vara en god ljudmiljö?Hur uppfattar förskollärarna sig arbeta för att främja en god ljudmiljö?Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för studien är von Glasersfelds (1995; 2000) radikal konstruktivism och kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts.

Varför ska man dölja det? : -en kvalitativ studie av identitet i förhållande till läs-och skrivsvårigheter

In schools today, we expect student performances and achievements to be exceptional. Having good reading and writing skills are essential if students want to excel at their school assignments. Students with reading and writing difficulties have to work much harder than their other classmates. Their having to work harder coupled with being teenagers and facing all the uncertainties which are present at that age, these students face the difficult task of trying to find out who they are and who they want to be. In other words, they try to create their own individual identities.

Kvalitet ... vad är det? : om staten och landstingets definition och användande av begreppet kvalitet i bidragsgivningsprocessen.

The concept of quality is difficult to identify clearly. Many attempts to define quality havebeen made, but the resulting definition remains vague.The quality concept (in the artistic sense) has since 1974 played a leading role in Swedishcultural policy. In the spring of 2009, a publication, named ?Kulturutredningen? waspublished. This report suggested a number of changes for the Swedish cultural policy.

Gränsdragningen vid otillbörlig marknadsföring - Särskilt vid vilseledande reklam gällande utmärkande egenskaper

Companies and special interest organizations pays multiple millions each year in order to reach out with messages about that their products are biggest, best and most beautiful. The publicity happens among thing like TV, in brochures, on the Internet andin newspapers etc. places. This means that consumer permanently becomes affected of publicity, and is thereby in an exposed situation. Around the EU, the border of what to consider undue or not, have been in different levels.

"Det blir fällande dom i Hovrätten grabbar" : En fallstudie om Dagens Nyheters och Expressens rapportering kring våldtäktsfallet med de två så kallade Stureplansprofilerna

In our case study we investigate how media chose to illuminate the process of court proceedings concerning a one specific rape case in Sweden during the spring and autumn 2007. For our study we have chosen to investigate two Swedish daily newspapers, one known to be a serious morning newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, and the other an evening tabloid newspaper Expressen. We would like to see whether the reports of the trial diverge and if that is, how they differ.The rape took place in Stockholm?s posh area named Stureplan in March 2007. The two men 21 and 25 years old, accused for the crime were acquitted after the first instance.

Patienters upplevelse av livskvalitet i livets slutskede inom den palliativa vården : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Palliative care is a type of care, which does not cure but eases the suffering caused by the disease. The goal of palliative care is not to extend or shorten the patient's life, but to relieve pain and distressing symptoms and to promote the patients? quality of life (QOL). QOL can be understood as a subjective sense of happiness of existence, which means that the patient is experiencing life when her total life situation is consistent with her ??wishes.

Väljer man rätt? : en uppföljning av Svensk baskets regionsuttagningar

AimThe purpose with this study is to evaluate the selectationprocess and what happened with Swedish basketball players born 1986-89, that were selected to participate in Miki Herkel Cup (MHC), which is a camp for the 60 most talented players in Sweden.Metod  Together with the Swedish basketball federation, we decided to survey those who attended MHC as well as the players playing in the senior national team 2009.  The data collection has been made through a survey, with multiple choice questions in order to get as good as possible view of what factors that had influenced their development as basketball players. The survey was sent out to all players born 1986-89 that attended MHC and the senior national team of 2009. We used an electronic survey tool called questback which is an internetsurvey and sent out the survey to 320 players. To collect information we´ve searched within literature and databases.Result  18 % of the players answered the survey, which decreases the research validity.

Vinstdelning: En studie i hur affärsjuridiska advokatbyråers vinstdelningssystem är uppbyggda och hur valet av vinstdelningssystem påverkar organisationen.

In the last couple of decades, corporate law firms have rapidly grown to become both influential and highly profitable corporations in the business world. Today, the largest law firms are assumed to bear far greater resemblance to large and often multinational public limited companies than the small businesses generally associated with legal services. However, one interesting specific set them apart from the majority of other companies; the partnership and its interrelated profit sharing. The aim of this study has therefore been to investigate partner compensation systems in corporate law firms and further examine what implications chosen compensation systems have on the organizations. Using a multiple case study, including 7 of Scandinavia?s largest and most well known law firms, the results show that partner compensation systems are highly individual and the critical question is whether to employ seniority based or performance based compensation systems.

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