

291 Uppsatser om Subjective well-being - Sida 15 av 20

Kommunal redovisning : Ett verktyg för kommunikation och ansvarsutkrävande

Background: Previous studies have shown that intuition occurs in decision making in small enterprises. However, these studies have not illuminated which decision attributes leads to intuitive decision making.Purpose:The purpose with this study is to contribute with an increased understanding of which decision attributes leads managers in small enterprises to use intuition in decision making and why these decisions attributes have an impact on the role of intuition. The follow-ing research question will be answered in our study: Which decision attributes leads to intui-tive decision making in small enterprises, and why?Method: To answer the research question we have conducted semi structural interviews with managers in small enterprises to achieve a deeper understanding of the role of intuition. We have also used a method called Visual Card Sorting as a complement to the semi structural interviews.Result/conclusion: The result of our study indicates that the relevance and the uncertainty of a decision have the greatest significance in the use of intuition in decision making in small enterprises.

Centraliserad personalavdelning- bästa verktyget för chefsstöd? : En kvalitativ studie om arbetssituationen relaterat till chefsstödet från personalavdelningen vid Uppsala kommun.

Changes in the workplace have led to new ways of organizing and structuring organizations. Organizations? desire to increase competitiveness, efficiency and flexibility has resulted in new conditions in the field of human resources. The new conditions have also created new roles and changing responsibilities for those working within human resources.The purpose of this study was to investigate how the implementation of Ulrich's model for HR transformation can impact on the human resource departments managerial support to first-line managers in the municipality of Uppsala. Today the municipality of Uppsala organizes its human resources based on the Ulrich's model, which divides the work into the units service center, the expert unit and business partners.

Nu måste jag välja! : Hur ungdomar i år nio upplever och hanterar sin beslutsprocess inför gymnasievalet

Ungdomar idag står inför en mängd valalternativ. Syftet med studien var att få förståelse för hur ungdomar i ett individperspektiv hanterar och upplever sin beslutsprocess beträffande sitt gymnasieval. En kvalitativ metod användes och intervjuer genomfördes med åtta elever i år nio från en skola i en medelstor kommun. Resultatet visar att tanken på gymnasievalet initieras främst från personer i ungdomarnas närhet. De har periodvis tänkt väldigt intensivt på gymnasievalet.

Förhöjd kompetens eller välling i hjärnan?

The purpose of this study was to examine if women's career was affected by becoming a mother after 35 years old. It was also our intention to discover if it was an intentional or an unintentional choice to postpone giving birth just for the sake of the career. We have read articles that are implying that women´s career possibilities, combined with children, is difficult and of current interest in today's society. Science has shown that it no longer appears to be women's main life objective to give birth but they now also wants a career. We wanted to shed some light on the subject from two different angles, so we looked both from the women's perspective and from the employer's perspective.

Identitetens transparenta gränser : Iscensättning av identitet, begär och kroppslighet inom sociala medier.

The aim for this master thesis is to create an understanding of the intersubjective processes of how individuals are experimenting with their identities in social media and the consequences for the identity and embodiment. The thesis is completed with the help of discourse analysis and a starting point in four complementary theories. Central to the implementation of the analysis is the concept of diffraction. Therefore the thesis is, which is reflected in the choice of theoretical approaches and methods, critical to many aspects of classical philosophy of science and method. The empirical material is based on interviews.

Inspiration enligt lärare och studenter vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö

Title: Inspiration according to teachers and students at the Academy of Music in Malmö. The importance of inspiration is vital to teachers and students at the Academy of Music in Malmö, but what can we do to make it remain constant? The purpose of this study was to un-derstand the differences and similarities between teachers and students according to inspiration. The data was collected through qualitative interviews with three students and three teachers and went after that through a comprehensive analysis which resulted in four main categories: definitions, uninspiring factors, inspiration to creativity and the source of inspiration. The results showed that definitions are subjective but that lust is truly a significant part of learning and music performance.

Lévinas och den andre. Nycklar till en gångbar etik i det postmoderna samhället

Emmanuel Lévinas is one of the great ethics in the 20th century. His contribution to the philosophical discourse defies our thinking and behavior in a revolutionary way. He dismisses every categorization, every tematization, every moral based on an analytical reflection and compels us with an ethics that demands us not only to think, but to act and be responsible. The 21st century?s emphasis of the individual, globalization, plurality and the questioning of authorities has created new challenges for the individual who sees herself as the nave of morality.

"Folk brukar vilja falla här" : En studie om religiösa kroppsliga upplevelser hos kristna karismatiker

In this paper I aimed to explore the bodily experiences and expressions that Christian charismatics interpret as religious.  The so-called presence of God and the so-called gifts of the spirit were in focus in the gathering of information. My purpose was to find out how the social community of the Christian charismatics affects the subjective bodily experiences that are interpreted as religious by the individual. The main questions were:1: How do Christian charismatics describe religious experiences and their effect on the body?2: What bodily expressions of religious experience can be observed in Christian charismatic contexts?3: Is there a common way of expressing the experience of God's presence (individually or in a group) and how, in this case, can any resemblance be explained?The methods used to answer these questions were qualitative interviews and participant observations, which then were analyzed by the anthropologist Thomas J. Csordas theory of embodiment.

Idrottslärares syn på kamratbedömning inom ämnet idrott och hälsa i grundskolan

AimThe aim of the study is to gain insight into how physical education teachers reflect on peerassessment in Physical Education (PE). The study was limited to investigate teachers? conception of peer assessment. The study also examines whether teachers can describe anymethods of peer assessment that they use or have used in their teaching, and what strategic choices they talk about when they describe their methods.MethodQualitative interviews were used to collect data. The interviews can be referred to as in-depthinterviews with a particular focus on concepts.

Utvärdering av en subjektiv metod för att skatta mängden trädbiomassa längs vägkanter :

Forest biomass is becoming an increasingly important source of renewable energy, and thereby the demand is increasing. There is currently 213 000 km of forest roads in Sweden that could be suitable for biomass harvesting. Harvest of biomass along forest roads both provides biomass and maintains the quality of the roads. Currently, the volume of biomass along roads can only be assessed post harvest, chipping and industry deliverance. As the decision of whether or not to harvest should preferably be based on more than experience, the TJ-method has been proposed. The TJ-method is a subjective method to quickly determine the dry matter quantity with the assessment being conducted from the roadside.

Var går gränsen? : Om sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the legal protection against sexual harassment at work functions, and where to draw the line. The study is limited to focus on the sexual harassment directed at women from men, because it usually occurs that way even though only a few report the incidents. The results are discussed from a gender perspective on how the distribution of power is between men and women as a way to explain sexual harassment.Sexual harassment is currently protected by the discrimination law and the EU principle of equal treatment for men and women. For a behavior to be considered as sexual harassment it has to be unwanted by the receiving party and the person practicing the harassments must be aware that the behavior is perceived as offensive. The behavior shall be of a sexual nature and contribute to a disadvantage for the victim in the form of a violation of that persons integrity.It is the victim that determines whether the behavior is perceived as sexual harassment or not, what one person believes is a friendly behavior may be perceived as offensive by another.

Wii Sports och Sport : En jämförelse av fysiska och emotionella skillnader och likheter i träningsspel jämfört med riktig träning

AimThe purpose of this study is to compare the level of activity between playing wii Sports Tennis and wii Sports boxing, and the usual sports, and to see how the two variants are perceived.Issues:- How much strain ratio and energy consumption it gives to exercise wii sports compared with the playing of sport for real?- How do the test participants experience the different tests?- How are the two wii sports games against each other in terms of activity and fitness in the school environment?MethodThis is an experimental study in which 10 test participants (5 men and 5 women) have carried out four different physical tests. The tests consisted of either playing an exergame or playing a sport for 25 minutes. Physical activity was measured during the test using a heart rate monitor. All test participants completed all tests in the same order.

Ett nödvändigt begränsat agerande - En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelse av handlingsutrymme

Social workers in the Social Services are seen as professionals and they are associatedwith a substantial degree of freedom to carry out their work in order to interpret theSocial Services Act and make decisions. This freedom is referred to as discretion andis a central aspect of the role of the social worker. But the social worker is employedwithin an organisation that exists in an environment influenced of political decisionswhich sets boundaries to how far the freedom stretches. The general aim with thisthesis is to gain insight in how social workers within the Social Services experiencetheir discretion. Secondary this thesis also aims to explore how discretion is shapedand negotiated.

Den ?okunniga? invandraren : Språkproblem för en invandrare

The aim of this study is to have a deeper understanding about the motivations and the obstacles of an immigrant?s language learning. I have studied the problem with focus on integration and language learning. The study is principally based on deep interviews with Turkish immigrants. I have studied the question by means of a socio-cultural perspective of learning; Mead?s conceptions I, Me and the generalised other; Scheff?s conception, the social bonds and Freire?s conception, dialog and Asplund?s conception social responsiveness.

? ? då lever man i två världar på något sätt ??: Om några vuxna kvinnliga läsares upplevelser av ?en bra bok?

This Master?s thesis provides insights into adult women?s fictional reading within the conceptual phrase ?a good book?. Eight qualitative and semi-structured interviews were performed in order to examine the nature of response and perceived benefits. The collected data were analyzed by Louise M. Rosenblatt?s reception-oriented transactional theory of reading and the cognitive psychology-based model of reading developed within the joint Nordic project SKRIN.

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