

2684 Uppsatser om Student majority - Sida 42 av 179

Utvecklingssamtal : om vikten av förberedelse

Fokus i vårt examensarbete ligger på utvecklingssamtal med föräldrar och elever med annat modersmål än svenska. Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka hur lärare förbereder utvecklingssamtal. För att ta reda på detta undersökte vi vissa förhållanden. Kallar läraren till möte eller inbjuder hon? Bestämmer läraren plats eller får föräldrarna vara med och bestämma? Hur får föräldrarna veta syftet med mötet? Verkar föräldern uppfattas som en jämlike/jämbördig till läraren? Vi delade ut enkäter på två skolor, en på skola A som ligger i en av Stockholms förorter och en på skola B som ligger i en större ort i Dalarna.

Ett enhetligt budskap? : En textanalys av publikationer från Skolverket kring sambandet mellan resurser och resultat

There is a general conception among those who are involved in the school-sector that there is a relation between resources and results. Better qualified teachers, smaller classes and schools with more finacial funding are regarded as better learning and development conditions for pupils (Gustafsson 2008). In spite of these widespread understanding, educational and economic research studies at the beginning of the 20th century had reached the verdict that resources have no bearing on educational results (Gustafsson 2008). The Swedish board of education (Skolverket) have published several reports, studies and surveys regarding the relation between resources and student outcomes.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the message of six publications from the Swedish board of education around the relationship between resources and student outcomes on the basis of the decentralization of the Swedish school in the 1990´s. The central question at issue is whether the Swedish board of education has been consistent in their message about the relationship between resources and results in the six publications between 1994-2009? I have also attempted to answer the resulting questions of my conclusion.This study is based on a qualitative text analysis.

Örter som fodertillskott till häst : populärt komplement utan risker?

In the Swedish market, there is a wide selection of herbs as supplement to the horse´s feed. A trend today is that many companies are marketing herbal remedies with allegations of medical effects. If you want to sell the product for that purpose it must be verified and approved as drug or natural remedy by the Medical Products Agency. Some herbs may contain active substances. Nevertheless, only a few studies have been conducted on single herbs to investigate safe doses for horses.

Ska du verkligen komma in? : Missbrukare och deras relationer till majoritetssamhället

This essay will focus on drug addicts and their relations to the majority society in Sweden. The concepts of ?subculture? and ?stigmatization? applied to drug addicts are central in the analysis. The essay is based on interviews with two different groups of informants: one consisting of drug addicts and the other of non-addicts. The essay describes, analyses and interprets the informants? ways of relating to society and the observed tendencies of being a part of a subculture as well as obejcts of stigmatization, both individual and structural..

Ett student anpassat inredningskoncept : - för restaurangen Down Town i Eskilstuna

Examensarbetet har innefattat att utforma ett inredningsförslag till restaurangen Down Town i Eskilstuna. Förslaget har anpassats till den primära målgruppen studenter i åldersgruppen 18 ? 35, på Mälardalens högskola i Eskilstuna. Vår uppdragsgivare har en vision om att restaurangen i framtiden ska bli en naturlig mötesplats, där studenter till förmånliga priser kan äta lunch och umgås. Utifrån en enkätundersökning, intervju med uppdragsgivaren, resultatet av rums analysen, inspirationsresan och litteraturstudier har vi arbetat fram ett helhetskoncept anpassat till målgruppen..

Lokala förortstorg/stadsdelscentra : Hur och i vilka former ska de bevaras/utvecklas?

It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..

Utanförskapandet - en diskursanalys av begreppet utanförskap

In this essay my aim is to examine how the term utanförskap is constructed and defined as a social problem in the public arena of the Swedish Parliament. The term utanförskap was widely used in the election-campaign prior to the Swedish Parliament election in the year 2006. The term, mainly articulated by the Right-wing Alliance, was used to describe indi-viduals and groups that were depicted as being outside the Swedish society. In the political debate, work and benefit dependency were constructed as binary opposites, with the latter describing the individuals in utanförskap. Translated to English the term utanförskap would be something like ?the state of being outside? or ?outsidership?.

Aktieåterköp och undervärdering: : En empirisk studie av signalling-teorin

This paper tests the information signalling hypothesis on a sample of firms making open market stock repurchases. Using an earnings-based valuation model, we find that a majority of repurchasing firms are undervalued relative to their economic value. This result is consistent with previous academic studies, which claim that undervaluation is the prevalent factor explaining the observed abnormal return following the announcement of a repurchase program. We do not, however, find any evidence that the repurchase is consciously made by management to provide the market with new information. .

IT Governance med fokus på IT-investeringar

AbstractDate              2009-06-07Level             Master thesis in Information Technology and Business Administration, 15 hp, EIK024Authors        Anna Karlsson, akn05009@student.mdh.se                      Lena-Maria Lindström, llm05002@student.mdh.seTutor            Peter EkmanTitle              IT Governance with an IT investment focusKeywords     IT Governance, IT investments, IT decisions Problem       To control and manage IT and IT functions in the organization has been a big challenge for many businesses for a long time. In order to make the management of IT more efficient IT Governance is needed. If the organization is going to be successful IT Governance is necessary and this type of governance enables a more effective use of IT that supports the business and its operations. The problem questions for this thesis are: How is the company?s IT Governance built up? How are decisions regarding the company?s IT investments taken? How is the connection between the company?s IT investments and the company?s IT Governance?Purpose        The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze how a company?s IT Governance is built up and how the company uses IT Governance to reach the desired results from the IT investments.Method        The thesis is a qualitative study.

Internet : en arena för kommunikation och lärande

This study is based on an examination of students? habits of using the Internet in formal and informal environments. The focus within this study is on what kind of activities students use the Internet for and how and if their teacher connect the students actual usage of the Internet to base the education in school on it. What we have discovered in this report is that the student in this examination uses the Internet as a tool for communicative and entertaining purposes. Though, the use of the Internet is different depending on which physical environment it is situated in.

Ungdomar, religion & religiositet En undersökning om ungdomars syn på religion och religiositet

This is a study concern high school student?s view of religion and their religiosity. I dispensed a questionnaire to 124 high school students studying comparative religion in a large high school in Sweden, with the students from different socio-economic backgrounds. The result I came up with is that traditional religion activities have decreased, religion has not disappeared but taken other shapes than before. And I also came up to with the result that more than half of them who answered the survey likes the subject and there are tendencies by them who doesn?t like the high school subject religion that they live in a non-religious family.The study concerns following aspects: sociology, youth, human needs, religion, spirituality and individualization..

Vattnet i vår kropp : Förskolebarns tankar om vattnet innom oss

AbstractThis study deals with preschool children's ideas about water in our body. Ten children with the age of four to five were interviewed individually, the interviews were qualitative. The children were also asked to draw their answers and answer questions about a picture that represented the excretory system. The results of my study show that children did not have any knowledge about the water being vital for us. Preschool children had no knowledge of why it is important to drink water.

ISO 9000 och dess funktion i byggbranschen

The purpose with this examination task is to investigate what purchasers and building contractors think of ISO 9000 and the function of it within the building trade.In this material both the purchaser´s and the building contractor´s viewpoints and attitude towards ISO 9000 is being object to an investigation, in order to get a just picture of the function of the quality work within the building trade. The general opinion of ISO 9000 has proven to be positive. During the work with this investigation it appeared that nosystem is that good that it can´t be improved. A widely spread opinion is also that ISO 9000 means a lot of paperwork but also that the certified companies are well organized. Above all the majority demands a standard that is more adjusted to the building trade..

?Corporate Social Responsibility : ?Hur några svenska storbankers CSR-arbete implementerats på lokal nivå och vilka effekter som orsakats av CSR-arbetet på samma nivå

?SAMMANFATTNINGTitel: Corporate Social Responsibility, Hur några svenska storbankers CSR-arbete implementerats på lokal nivå och vilka effekter som orsakats av CSR-arbetet på samma nivå.Kursen: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, FÖA 400, 15 hpFörfattare: Gulafat Guliyeva gga09001@student.mdh.seGeorges Yenga Muhindo gya09001@student.mdh.seSeminariedatum: 2010-09-30Handledare: Esbjörn SegelodNyckelord: CSR, socialt ansvar, företagsetikSyfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur några svenska storbankers CSR- arbete implementerats på lokal nivå. Dessutom vill vi även undersöka vilka effekter som orsakats av CSR-arbetet på det lokala planet.Metod: Data har samlats in via intervjuer styrda av en intervjumall med öppna frågor samt en webbaserade enkät (Survey Monkey).Slutsats: Vi kom fram till att koncernövergripande policies inom CSR-området implementeras på lokal nivå i form av riktlinjer, direktiv och värderingar som lokala kontorschefer tillämpar i sina dagliga verksamheter. Vi har märkt att kreditpolitiken och kreditprocessen är en av viktigaste instrument genom vilka CSR-arbetet implementeras.CSR-dokumenten är viktiga men lider likväl av brister i det att de till vissa delar var obegripliga för några av kontorscheferna. Dessutom har det varit omöjligt att bekräfta någon implementering av huvudkontorets CSR-arbete vid några av de lokala bankkontoren.Vad gäller effekterna har vi för några av bankerna kunnat notera ett positivt eller begränsat genomslag i de områden där de verkar.

"Alla är vi olika" : Fem personers upplevelser av en exkluderande specialpedagogisk undervisning

The study aims to examine how the people who have received special needs education during their schooling have experienced it.Since I wanted to take advantage of people's experiences of special needs education, I chose to conduct qualitative research interviews. Five people in the ages of 21-26 years old participated in the study.A summary of the work says that special needs education creates mixed feelings, feelings of joy and alienation. The positive as described in the work is that the special education teaching has created a classroom that is aligned along the pupil's needs and circumstances. All informants have expressed that their negative experiences is about them having to leave the common classroom.Keywords: exclusion, inclusion, special needs education, student needs.

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