

2684 Uppsatser om Student majority - Sida 29 av 179

Patienters skattning av hindrande smärta och self-efficacy före och efter diskbråcksoperation

Objectives: The purpose of the study was to examine if a pre- and post-operative difference could be seen in self-reported pain disability and self-efficacy among patients undergoing surgery as treatment for spinal disc herniation in order to improve process of rehabilitation.Method: A quantitative and descriptive design was used. 10 patients awaiting surgical treatment for spinal disc herniation were included at Akademiska sjukhuset (The Academic Hospital) in Uppsala. Participation was voluntary and the selection was made by convenience. Data was collected using The Pain Disability Index and Self-Efficacy Scale by which the patient would estimate how hindered they felt because of their pain in everyday activities and their self-efficacy to perform everyday activities. This was done the day before surgery and two weeks after surgery.

Ungdomars kunskaper om dental erosion och deras konsumtionsvanor av sura drycker- en enkätstudie i åk 2 vid en gymnasieskolaAdolescents? knowledge of dental erosion and their consumption habits of soft drinks -a questionnaire study among secondary school

The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of dental erosion and the consumption habits of soft drinks among secondary school students. Differences between the sexes should also be investigated. The study consisted of 102 students, 60 women and 42 men, in the eleventh grade from a school in the south of Sweden. A questionnaire with 25 questions, divided in two parts with focus on knowledge respective consumption pattern and behaviour, was handed out and collected by the authors. The data showed that more than 50% of the participants had knowledge about dental erosion.

Integration, separation och allt där emellan - En studie om romska barns skolsituation

Our purpose was to investigate the schools and the social welfare´s experiences of Roman children´s school situation in a Scanian town. We have done a qualitative investigation, interviewing 14 persons from both school and social welfare. Through the interviews we wanted to find the factors which influences the Roman pupils schooling and which efforts the professionals has to their disposition to influence these children´s school situation in a positive direction.The main result of our study is that the majority of the Romans is an isolated group, both in the Swedish school system and in the society. The Romans got access to the Swedish comprehensive school first in 1965, which implies that the Romans have a young school tradition. Most of the Roman pupils have a high absent, which is grounded in a complex of problems.

Den svenska statens dilemma : En fallstudie om samernas grupprättigheter

The Swedish society has trough decades developed into a multicultural society. Minority groups such as Sami have been a part of the country for a long time. By being separated from the majority through culture, language etc. minorities demand the right to become independent and have the ability to practice their culture. History show that minorities all over the world have been discriminated and abused by the majorities. Democratic procedures are often advantages for the majority.

Inte ett leende före höstlovet : En kvalitativ textanalys av lärarens ledarskap sett genom fem läroplaner med auktoritetsperspektiv

This is a qualitative textual analysis of curriculum for primary education in 1962, the curriculum for primary education in 1969, the curriculum for primary education in 1980, the curriculum for the compulsory school system in 1994 and the curriculum for primary school 2011th. Purpose of this thesis is to see how the government through the curriculum specifies directives for how teachers should be more or less authoritative. The boundaries of the essay are to only look at the claims against the teacher in elementary school. The questions are what is required of the teacher directly or indirectly from the curriculum 1962,1969,1980,1994 and 2011, focusing on the concept of authority and what change has taken place? To answer these questions, I have read the current curricula and other research publications in the field.

Roller under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning : Om roller som synliggörs i interaktion mellan lärar­student och handledare

Denna studie handlar om lärarstudenters upplevelser av verksamhetsförlagd utbild­­ning och synliggör roller som uppkommer i interaktion mellan handledare och student under handledning. Studien genomförs med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med lärarstudenter och utgår från följande frågeställningar:Hur upplever studenterna omedelbar interaktion med handledare under verksamhets­förlagd utbildning?Vilka roller kan identifieras bland lärarstudenter och handledare under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning?Resultaten framhäver att studenterna, på grund av relationens asymmetri, ofta rättar sig efter handledarens agerande och förväntningar. Handledningen sker i de flesta fall på handledarens villkor. Enligt resultatet har handledarens synliga inställning till studenten och VFU betydelse för studentens agerande.

Elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En kvalitativ studie om metoder och åtgärder i klassrummet

Individual adaption to the student´s needs is a recurring main theme in the new Swedish curriculum (Lgr11). The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine how teachers work with individual adjustment for students with reading and writing difficulties. The study was based on five questions;In what way do teachers organize their teaching in the classroom individually for students with reading and writing difficulties?What methods do they use for student´s with reading and writing difficulties?What difficulties do they encounter in their teaching?How do the teachers reason to curriculum goals regarding individual adaptions?How do they think about their own knowledge regarding reading- and writing difficulties and dyslexia?The method for my study was qualitative interviews. Five teachers were interviewed in semi-structured interviews.

Elevportfolio som pedagogiskt verktyg

I denna studie har vi undersökt vilket syfte pedagoger i förskolan och skolan har att arbeta med elevportfolio samt hur detta arbete går till. Vi har även frågat oss om det syfte pedagogerna uppger tar hänsyn till elevernas kunskaps- samt personliga utveckling. Att arbeta efter portfoliometoden är idag ett utbrett arbetssätt i svenska förskolor och skolor. Portfoliometoden kommer ursprungligen från USA men har nu spridits till stora delar av världen. En elevportfolio kan utgöras av en pärm, mapp, datadiskett, cd-skiva eller dylikt.

Från internationell programstudent till regional skattebetalare i Kronoberg. : En återspeglingsstudie om ?Det entreprenöriella universitetet? och Linnéuniversitetets samverkan med det regionala näringslivet i kontexten av dess användbarhet i att behål

AbstraktHaving influence over questions that concern us is a part of the society that we live in, where every individual have the right to make her voice heard (Danell, 2006). For many decades, the school has had many different ways to give the students influence. Rönnlund (2013) is giving a historical overview of the history of students influence and enlighten us how the influence has changed over time. The influence from the students is very important and it is the students right to make their voices heard about things that concerns their work environment but also to affect their curriculum. The education in school should be fitted to every individual student (Danell, 2006).   According to Aaron Antonovsky (2007) our wellbeing is based on that we all can take part and deicide about the things we are meant to do.

Informationssökning och lärare: En studie av 4-9-lärare i övergången från utbildning till yrkespraktik

The main purpose of this Masters thesis is to contribute to the understanding of high school teachers information seeking behaviour in the transition from university studies to occupational practice. The theoretical framework encompasses theories of professional socialization, the sociology of knowledge, of professions, and of library and information science. The empirical material has been collected through interviews with six recently qualified high school teachers in different subjects. The interviews have been analysed on two different levels; first on a descriptive level and then on a theoretical level. The major findings are that the academic context limited the student teachers information seeking and they did not have the opportunity to choose cognitive authorities on their own initiative.

Barnmorska och Handledare - Barnmorskors erfarenheter av att handleda barnmorskestudenter på förlossningsavdelning - En kvalitativ studie

Att arbeta som barnmorska på förlossningsavdelning innebär att också vara handledare för barnmorskestudenter under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning. Stora krav ställs på handledaren som bör vara en kombination av skicklig yrkesutförare, reflekterande analytiker, pedagogiskt utbildad samt ha ett genuint intresse för studenter. Tidigare forskning visar på barnmorskors glädje och stolthet över handledarskapet men forskning visar också på stora brister. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur barnmorskor, som arbetar på förlossningsavdelning, erfar sin situation som handledare och bedömare. Studien har inspirerats av reflekterande livsvärldsforskning vars syfte är att upptäcka, analysera, klargöra, förstå och beskriva innebörder såsom de erfars av oss människor.

Skriva och referera: en studie av designingenjörsstudenters och sjuksköterskestudenters informationsanvändning i samband med uppsatsskrivande.

The object under investigation in this Master?s thesis is students? information use in connection to Bachelor thesis writing. The purpose of the study is to increase understanding of why nursing students and product engineering design students are using information in such different ways despite their comparable starting point. The empirical material consists of 18 student theses and a document comprising directives for thesis writing that are analysed from three different theoretical perspectives. A citation analysis of all 18 theses is carried out.

Reflektion vid handledning av sjuksköterskestudenter i VFU - En utmaning för sjuksköterskan : En intervjustudie

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskor som gått en handledarutbildning upplever användandet av reflektion när de handleder sjuksköterskestudenter i VFU. Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats med beskrivande design. Tio legitimerade sjuksköterskor som gått en handledarutbildning på minst 7,5hp och var verksamma på olika vårdavdelningar på ett sjukhus i Mellansverige deltog i studien. Data samlades in via semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Tre olika kategorier bildades vid analys och dessa var: Reflektionens användningsområden, Yttre och inre faktorer som möjliggör användandet av reflektion och Reflektion för lärande och som del i en handledarmodell.

Livets manuskript : En studie i livsåsfrågor i populärkulturen

It?s not for nothing the time we live in is often referred to as the age of information. Children and young adults who grow up I today?s society have greater access to facts and opinions than any earlier generations. This also applies to popular culture that during the last couple of decades have taken new expressions that no one could have ever dreamed of and more time goes to the consumption of it via visits to the cinema, television and computers.

Vem har bäst betyg? : en kvantitativ studie om betygsfördelning

Aim: The study aims to investigate the distribution of grades between students in a practical subject and in a theoretical subject.The problem:What is the grade distribution in physical education and mathematics, with respect to gender, socioeconomic background, parental education, ethnicity, and physical activity?Method:To answer the aim of the study a quantitative method was chosen. As the collection method used was questionnaires to 620 students in the 9th grade in Stockholm. Of the 620 questionnaires, 597 questionnaires were used for the static analysis. The method of analysis used cross tables and logistic regression analysis.

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