

1634 Uppsatser om Student Loan Asset-Backed securities - Sida 64 av 109

Mobbning : ur årskurs nio elevers och lärarstudenters perspektiv

The purpose of our essay was to illustrate how pupils in a medium-sized Swedish town in the 9th grade apprehend and explain bullying. We wanted to compare the pupils' opinions with student teachers' in college.Our questions were: How do the participants in the study define bullying? What are the characteristics of the bully and the victim of the bullying? Where, when and how does the bullying take place? What is the reason for the bullying? Are there any gender-related aspects of bullying? What is the participants? view of the teachers? role? Are there any differences between the pupils' and the teacher students' opinions about bullying, and in that case; what are the differences?We used a qualitative method by interviewing groups of pupils and teacher students. Our survey showed that the pupils' and the teacher students' opinions about bullying were similar in most cases. Bullying is when a pupil is exposed to negative actions several times.

Grundläggande läs- och skrivinlärning : Är stavelsen en gynnsam arbetseneht?

The aim of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the syllable as an alternative to the phoneme at the basic reading and writing. This report is based on a qualitative analysis of Håkanstorp school´s approach to the basic reading and writing in class. Their approach to reading and writing is controversial, as it is based on the syllable instead of the phoneme, as usual in the traditional reading and writing. The education result, I have found, is that the syllable leads to a very clear and structured working procedure, which ultimately leads to class teachers being able to work from a diagnostic approach. This structure, with many parts of the course helps educators to clearly follow what level students are at.

Skolans arbete mot alkohol och droger : Lärarnas uppfattning om det alkohol- och drogrelateradearbetet.

This research aims to determine teacher perceptions on alcohol- and drug use among students, as well as how they implement the municipality framework against alcohol and drugs. The research was carried out in a midsized town in the centre of Sweden. It is characterized by an inductive approach and was performed through a qualitative method. Results were analyzed from a hermeneutic approach, and theories used are system theory, salutogenic approach and Mead?s symbolic interaction theory.

?What is going on??: En studie av internationella studenters informationsbehov på Högskolan i Borås

The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis was to examine the information needs of the international students at the University of Borås. A further aim was to examine the types of information sources the international students was using to satisfy their information needs and the environmental factors keeping them from achieving this. This was done through focus group interviews with international students from four different countries ranging from the ages 20 ? 35.

?Undervisning är inte per automatik lärande?: en intervjustudie om användarundervisning ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv

The aim of this Master thesis is, from a sociocultural perspective, to investigate the views the teaching librarians at Södertörn University Library (SHB) have on learning, information literacy, and their own pedagogical role, and how their views affect user education and their ideas about the future of user education.The research questions used were: How do the teaching librarians view learning? How is this view reflected in their work with user education? How do the teaching librarians envisage user education in the future, and how do they work to reach that goal?Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teaching librarians at SHB. The interviews were then analysed using qualitative content analysis.The results of the study show that the teaching librarians at SHB share a sociocultural view on learning, and take a communicative oriented approach to user education. They believe that communication and interaction support learning, and in the classroom they stimulate discussions both between librarian and student, and between the students themselves. In the future, they hope for improved collaboration between librarians and academic staff, and that user education will become a natural element of the curriculum..

Bedömning och betygsättning på mellanstadiet : Förr, idag och i framtiden

This report deal with grades and evaluation in intermediary school, which grading systemshas been and is used in intermediary school and their benefits and disadvantages. The purposewith this report is to find out how the different grading systems has functioned since thebeginning of the Swedish intermediary school to present day and speculate what the futurewill show considering the changes the Swedish school in general is facing. My main result isthat the literature and the teachers, both retired and active, share the same view regarding thepros and cons with grading. When it comes to the matter of in which class should initiate, allthe approached teachers has different opinions. The procedure which I used to get my resultsincludes a literature analysis about grading and evaluation, covering both printed andelectronic sources, where I have compared the views of the different scholars.

AB Bofors betydelse för skolväsendet i Karlskoga

The aim with this study is to explore if and how linguistic learning takes places when four pairs ofstudents in grade one writes on the computer. Observations of eight students took place duringtwelve lessons to investigate what happened during their writing processes. This study isimportant because students? computer writing is a relatively new phenomenon in the Swedishprimary school.It is clear that the peer collaboration creates a complex interaction that becomes the platform, andalso the prerequisite, for successful language training. The method can clearly give students profitsin their linguistic development.

Sovjets många ansikten : En historiedidaktisk undersökning av framställningen av Sovjet i historieläroböcker för gymnasiet mellan 1917-2009

AbstractThis essay is based on a qualitative and quantitative study. We have compared history textbooks on an upper secondary level and how the books handle the Soviet Union. This study is done in Växjö as a region. Furthermore we also made interviews with upper secondary teachers and forms with upper secondary students. Our study of the textbooks has been ranges within the period from 1917 until 2009: we choose the year 1917 because the Soviet revolution started at the former date.

Därför flyttar vi till Nyköping : En studie av Nyköpings kommuns positiva flyttnetto

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

Strategier och strategiuppföljning i kunskapsintensiva företag. En studie av svenska srkitektbyråer

Bakgrund och problem: I takt med de utvecklade ekonomiernas framskridande och enalltmer långtgående automatisering har mycket av ekonomins fokus flyttats från de renodladetillverkningsindustrierna till service- och tjänstenäringarna, i vilka det intellektuella kapitaletofta är en viktig hörnsten. Med denna förändring har kritiska röster höjts angående attteorierna kring strategiformulering och strategiuppföljning inte täcker in de villkor somkunskapsintensiva företag arbetar under.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utreda hur svenska arkitektbyråers strategier återspeglardet i branschen stora beroendet av intellektuellt kapital samt att undersöka hur byråernaarbetar med ekonomistyrningsmässig strategiuppföljning. Studien syftar även till att klarläggahuruvida, och i sådana fall på vilket sätt, denna ekonomistyrningsmässiga uppföljning skullekunna utvecklas.Metod: En deskriptiv forskningsansats har använts för att tillgodose studiens forskningssyfte.Resultatet understöds av kvalitativ data av såväl primär som sekundär karaktär. Primärdatanhar i första hand inhämtats genom intervjuer med företrädare för svenska arkitektbyråermedan sekundärdatan till stor del härstammar från forskningsartiklar.Teori: Det teoretiska avsnittet grundar sig på teorier rörande strategiformulering, intellektuelltkapital, kunskapsspridning samt prestationsmått som ekonomistyrningsverktyg.Resultat: De undersökta arkitektbyråerna har inga genomarbetade strategidokument ellertydligt formulerade strategier. Istället arbetar de utifrån olika kärnvärden.

Biogas till kemisk industri En fallstudie som undersöker affärsmöjligheter och hinder för biogas som råvara och energi i industrin, med fokus på kemiföretag i Västsverige

Strömstad is a small city located on the Swedish west coast. Urbanization and development is acurrent issue for the municipally, as for many other in the current situation. The municipal housingcompany Strömstadsbyggen is one of the parties involved in the extensive development that mustbe implemented to meet the changes and developments which the issue holds.One area that is of interest in the discussion is Rådhusberget - this due to the existing infrastructureand unique qualities that the area holds. In order to achieve the best solutions possible for the area,Strömstadsbyggen wishes to listen to what the existing tenants at Rådhusberget thinks and feelsregarding the area and its future potential.This thesis has therefore been carried out in collaboration with Strömstadsbyggen and has beenaimed at identifying the current tenants' thoughts and opinions in the existing area of developmentand infill potential. The aim of this work was also to investigate how the tenants value their homeand local environment in its current state, and what their wishes are for the possible futuredevelopment of Rådhusberget.To achieve analyzable results concerning how the tenants perceive these aspects, an extensivesurvey have been carried out which were sent out to all tenants in the area.

Här är ej civilisationen spridd, här har indianerna ännu sitt hemland : Om möjligheterna att skriva om svensk bosättning i Amerika och indianernas undanträngande i samma historia, utifrån indianoroligheter i Minnesota 1898

AbstractThis essay is based on a qualitative and quantitative study. We have compared history textbooks on an upper secondary level and how the books handle the Soviet Union. This study is done in Växjö as a region. Furthermore we also made interviews with upper secondary teachers and forms with upper secondary students. Our study of the textbooks has been ranges within the period from 1917 until 2009: we choose the year 1917 because the Soviet revolution started at the former date.

Teaching English in Mixed-ability Classrooms. Some teachers' thoughts on responding to the needs of all learners

Vårt syfte var att undersöka några lärares tankar om hur det är att tillmötesgå elevers behov i en context präglad av olika kunskapsnivåer. Vi lyssnade genom semi-structurerade intervjuer på erfarna lärare och analyserade deras olika sätt att närma sig klassrum innehållandes olika kunskapsnivåer. Vi intervjuade tre engelsk lärare från ett högstadium och fyra lärare från en gymnasie skola. Våra iakttagelser visar att varierad undervisning är det bästa sättet att möta alla elevers behov och att det är nödvändigt att ha extra material till både avancerade elever och svagare elever. Våra intervjuer framhävde också vikten av kontinuerlig bedömning och behovet att individualisera så mycket som möjligt .

"Ska jag förklara det?! Alla har ju redan löst det så vad spelar det för roll?" Användandet av formativ bedömning i utvecklingen av de matematiska förmågorna i Lgy 11

The aim of this study is to investigate how mathematics teachers use formative assessment to make the course objectives clear to the student. This is part of a wider aim in Sweden to find ways for improving mathematics teaching. Qualitative semi-structrured interviews and observations were used for collecting data. Different approaches to integrate formative assessment in their classrooms is discussed: questioning, discussions in whole-class, group work and assessment and feedback. The analysis of the results indicated that the teachers thought differently about how to integrate the course objectives in their planning.

Coping och upplevd stress hos framtida poliser : en jämförande studie av stress bland studenter på polishögskolan och studenter på universitetet

The purpose of the following study is to examine whether or not differences can be found between a group of aspiring police students (N=59) and a student group (N=20). Comparisons were made between the following variables: general illhealth, subjective experienced stress, trait anxiety and the three coping strategies, which are emotion focused coping, problem focused coping and seeking social support. In addition the results were compared with former research on the general illhealth and trait anxiety of the police students with that of a group police officers with several years of experience (N=69).The result of this showed that the police students had a significantly better level of general than the studentgroup. Several positive relations between the variables were found, among others between illhealth and trait anxiety, subjective experienced stress and trait anxiety and also between different types of coping strategies and subjective experienced stress..

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