

526 Uppsatser om Structural changes - Sida 11 av 36

En modern projekteringsprocess : Utveckling av en effektiv arbetsmetod för konstruktörer vid projektering med BIM-verktyg

Utvecklingen av BIM har senaste åren tagit fart och många länder, inklusive Sverige har bland annat påbörjat en process mot gemensam struktur inom byggsektorn genom att standardisera informationshantering och processer (Nilsson, 2013). Denna utveckling innebär nya möjligheter för aktörerna i byggprocessen men också problematik då denna intensiva IT-utveckling möter en till synes konservativ bransch (Statskontoret, 2009:6). Syftet med föreliggande examensarbete är att utforma en moderniserad arbetsmetod för konstruktören som integrerar dennes BIM-verktyg i projekteringsprocessen. En förståelse för hur konstruktörens arbete ser ut idag skall utrönas, samt vilka möjligheter och svårigheter som denna aktör upplever.Det som framkom i studien var att trots den intensiva utvecklingen av BIM som varit de senaste åren tillämpas fortfarande traditionella processer, då förståelse för en mer omfattande inledande arbetsinsats ännu inte riktigt finns. Ökade krav ställs också på konstruktörens byggtekniska kompetens då det är svårare att ?fuska? i objektbaserade modeller.

De som fredsprocessen glömde- cementeringen av barnsoldatsproblematiken

In this study our aim is to display a series of possible mechanisms which operateswithin the regions and societies were child soldiers were frequently andextensively used in combat tasks. Our study is based on the assumption thattoday's peace-building strategies are inadequate to describe certain problemsfaced by many post-conflict countries, especially in Africa. We argue that largeformations of child soldiers will, if not properly and immediately addressed, causeserve and structural problems in society, gravely hampering growth andinstitutional capacity. The Issues of Post Traumatic Stress and societal insecuritybrought on by the use of child soldiers poses a serious threat to society as a whole.In this study we use Uganda as an illustrative case to describe the mechanisms atwork..

Kaos eller ordning? : Ambulanssjukvårdens organisationskultur. En fallstudie

This case study has its starting point in an unpublished study where the results showed that there is a conflict between the leadership and the employees in a private company. The conflict is identified as a result of the company leadership is steering for cost savings and efficiency The aim of this study is through analysis of  the open questions in a quantitative survey describe how the staffs  attitudes and culture is affecting the leadership of the organization. The ideological aspect is very clear and through the aspect of the structural differences between the public and private sector makes it possible to identify the staff?s social rules, ideology and group norms.  These are shown to be in conflict with the economical perspective of the private sector.

Idéer i förändring: : En idéanalys över den förändrade synen på välfärdens organisering i riksdagsdebatten mellan 1990-2010

This thesis aimed to describe how the ideological dividing line concerning the welfare state has changed between the two largest governmental parties in Sweden, the Social Democrats and the Moderaterna, during 1990 to 2010. The scientist Mark Blyth points out that ideas are important instruments for structural and institutional change by identifying ideas as weapons, blueprints and cognitive locks, which were being used in the theoretical framework. The empirical data was made by a qualitative analysis of the parliamentary speeches and debates from both parties held every year. The results shows that the budgetary law passed in 1997 became a new institutional blueprint, which changed the political conditions for the Social Democrats. Furthermore, the results point to a change in the Moderaterna?s rhetoric concerning the welfare state to a more pragmatic view. .

När vikten blir det viktigaste

The aim of this investigation work " What was it called...Equality...? is to study a clinics current gender equailty plan from a gender approach and by a field survey see if, and in that case, how it can be improved. A connection between existing gender norms and gender power strukctures is applied in the results of this survey in order to illustrate their significance from an individual as well as a structural perspektive.The survey has been carried through by a field survey as well as a discourse analysis as method. Yvonne Hirdmans gender power system is on of the main theoretical points of departure.The results that I have achieved in this essay is that gender can be looked at in different ways within the labour market where women have the main responsibility over the family and are considered more nursing then men. Men on the other hand are thinking of their carriers and have higher salary requirements.

Moral över lag : beslutsfattande dilemman

The purpose of this paper has been to reach a greater understanding in how moral inflicts social workers way of handling everyday situations. In what way, if in any way, moral comes to play a part in the making of decisions. In order to reach this understanding we have interviewed two different groups of social workers which we also later on came to compare . One of the groups contained six interviewees and the other group contained five interviewees. Both of these groups were in the ages between 27 ? 52.To shed some light over this phenomenon did we use two theoretical perspectives, first Kant?s morale theory and second, consequentialistic utilitarism theory.As a result from the interviews we?ve made, we came to an understanding that the meaning of morale and in what way it can be applied in the everyday work differs between these two professional groups.

Nanostrukturell ytbeläggning på utsatta delar av marina drivlinor

Nowadays naval units are participating in international missions, where new and in many cases tougher conditions will affect their propulsion. This essay deals with some of the now developed nanostructure coatings and gives a presentation of how the coatings could function on some exposed parts of the naval powertrain. The essay investigates the possibility that the coatings can be used as a protective layer that will reduce or prevent wear on selected parts of the naval powertrains. As a basis for the essay, nanotechnology is described, as well as different reasons that wear occurs and application techniques for coatings The conclusion is that nanostructured coatings can be applied and provide a much better result on hardness and wear resistance as of naval powertrains compared to micro-structural coatings, both for manufacturing and renovation. The essay presents a few examples of the military utility of the nanostructure coatings as well as suggestions for further research..

EU och pengarna : en undersökning om hur den översiktliga planeringen i två svenska strategiska regioner påverkas av Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden

The European Union is a 60 year long collaboration between the European countries. It was born from the intention to ease trade and thereby reassure peace. Within the 60 years EU has functioned it has developed and expanded further. In 1952 it evolved around the trade of coal and steel between six countries, today it includes 27 nations and oversees a large number of topics such as foreign affairs, a common currency and regional politics. EU has grown at several times, the latest expansion was the largest where 12 new countries became members. The unions of countries that only 60 years ago were at different sides of a world war can be considered an accomplishment.

Mäns våld mot kvinnor ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv

The essay begins by asserting that the theoretical approaches of men?s violence against women are just as important to study as its extent. The purpose is therefore to analyse and compare two theoretical approaches which is done by a comparative text analysis of two texts written on the subject. The essay attempts to answer two questions; what the theoretical approaches are and how they can be understood in light of feminist theory.Previous research on men?s violence against women discuss especially three theoretical aspects.

Om hemlöshet : Socialsekreterare om ett socialt problem i två kommuner

The aim of this study was to illuminate how social workers in social services work with the social phenomenon, homelessness in two municipalities. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with interviewees from a department of social services. Our theories that we used was resistant inequality, structural discrimination, exclusion, empowerment and representation. After compilation of our empirical our conclusions are that homelessness is a complex phenomenon. Social workers handles homelessness based on client?s needs and the work is individualized.

Exil hederskultur-ett narrativ

Drawing on a broad theoretical framework that includes theories about globalisation and honourculture, this thesis aim is to demonstrate that globalisation and honourculture, constitute a conceptual network, i.e a structural relational matrix in which concepts are embedded. Being part of conceptual network, these concepts are related to each other ontologically. The idea of conceptual network, and the thesis as a whole, draw upon what has been called ?relational perspective?This study aims to show the impact of globalisation on honourculture. The study shows the importance of narrative in the construction of discursive boundaries.

Integration ? allas vårt ansvar? : Tjänstemän och politikers reflektioner kring integrationen i Nyköpings kommun

This thesis is based on thirteen qualitative interviews with civil servants and politicians. The purpose of the study is to research these informants? attitudes towards integration and their reflections about immigrants? lower chances in an ethnically segregated housing and labour market. The theoretical frame of references is based on social constructionism and focuses on including and excluding power structures. The empirical material provides both structural and cultural explanations to immigrants? problems as regards inclusion in Swedish society.

Regionerna i Europa ?samverkan och påverkan i Europeiska Unionen

AbstractIn this thesis I will discuss the relationship between the European Union and the regions of Europe. The development of the European Union has meant that many decisions are taken in Bruxelles. Many actors participate in the policyprocess ranging from national goverment to policynetworks of different kinds. An emerging actor has been the regions of Europe. Their influence on the policyprocess have grown and today almost all of them are represented in Bruxelles through Region Offices.

Teknik är svårt, omsorg är lätt : Kommunchefers föreställningar om ledarskap och genus i äldreomsorgen respektive i teknisk förvaltning

The elderly care is an area of great importance to women. Women are more often in need of elderly care; they work with the service and provide a majority of the informal service. Research shows that managers? work-related prerequisites are significantly different between the male dominated technical administration and the female dominated care and educational administration. Studies also show that what the highest managerial organisation gives priority to, often permeate the whole organisation.

Djurplågeri enligt BrB 16:13 med fokus på djurs lidande

Interaction is an important part of children?s development. The school is a main arena in which children learn to interact, mainly through their playing. This study aims at investigating the role of interaction in a leisure school didactic setting. The aim of the study is to gain a better understanding for how the pupils develop though use of social interaction.

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