

2172 Uppsatser om Street culture - Sida 60 av 145

Tough Guys Don't Cry : en diskursiv och semiotisk medieanalys av gråt och maskulinitet

My intention with this essay has been to examine how men?s tears are portrayed in three chosen films and what their crying does to their masculinity. In my analysis I have used the concept of hegemonic masculinity. I have worked from the assumption that in our culture men?s crying is problematic in some sense.

Bemötande inom socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialtjänstens bemötande gentemot unga lagöverträdare

Author: Nina Ekberg and Therese LjungTitle - Within the social services approach: A qualitative interview study of the social services attitudes towards young offendersSupervisor: Melker LaboryAssessor: Ulf DruggeThe purpose of this study was to see the social workers attitude towards young offenders and how this can affect the teenagers. The theoretical perspectives have been the theory of street-Level Bureaucracy, social constructivism and Stages of change. The material has been collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews and email-interviews with the social workers. The aim of this study was to examine if the social workers uses their theoretical experiences about their attitudes in their practical work and if their response can raise or reduce the young offenders motivation to change their behaviour. To collect information it was chosen that this study would only concentrate on the social workers opinions.

En studie och analys av omorganiseringen av de svenska honorärkonsulaten efter inträdet i EU

This thesis aims to analyse the problems concerning the reorganization of the Swedish consulary system, which took place right after the Swedish entry in the European Union in 1995. This thesis shows the underlying debate in the Parliament before the changes. It also discusses which factors caused the reorganisation. My work focuses on the Swedish consulary representation in Spain which exist of an embassy in Madrid and 20 underlying honorary consulates. The consulates are not foreign authorities but are still handeling a lot of cases as an govenmental authority.

Friskolor med muslimsk profil : En studie om fyra rektorers tankar kring arbetet på en friskola med muslimsk profil

Independent schools are a central issue in the school world, the perception of independent schools varies and many people express opinions about them in the media. An independent school is according to the National Agency a school that has a different principal than the county or municipality. Independent schools may not charge fees but their revenue comes from municipal grants from municipalities (Berglund 2007, p. 10). An independent school can be driven by an association, foundation or company and to run an independent school requires a permit from the Education Department.The purpose of this paper is to see how four principals at independent schools with a Muslim profile are working to strengthen their students? Muslim identity in relation to the society they live in and how schools work with value issues.

Socialsekreterares syn på bemötandet och relationen med klienter - en jämförande studie av försörjningsstöd och missbrukarvård

Our aim with this study is to explore socialworkers perception of what is a good treatment is and how to establish good relationship with their clients. We have decided to limit our study with social workers in Economic assistance and Abuse Units in social servises and explore if we can discern any differences between the units. We have chosen to use qualitative methods to achieve the aim of this study. We interviewed a total of seven social workers, of which three were from Abuse unit and four were from Economic assistance unit. One of the theoretical frame we have used is Goffmans (1970, 1974) theories about social interaction in which he explains the social encounter between social workers and clients.

Hur kunde det ske? : en studie av myndigheter och medias berättelser om ?fallet Louise?

2007, Swedish television, ?Uppdrag granskning,? aired their story about ?Louise? from Vetlanda. A drug dependent father had gotten custody of his daughter and sexually abused her from the age of 10 to 15. The local social services got several notifications about Louise suffering of negligence, and did investigate the family several times without taking any actions to protect her. At one time, father and daughter were living in his trailer placed in a gravel pit, and the police worried about her and called social services, because it was below cero degrees outside.

Att utmana en mansdominerad organisationskultur : En kvalitativ studie av Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionens värdegrundsarbete

Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka om det går att förändra en organisationskultur genom värdegrundsarbete, samt om det är en metod som kan användas för att utmana den mansdominerade kulturen inom räddningstjänsten. För att uppfylla detta syfte har vi utgått från frågeställningarna Hur tolkar brandmännen värdegrunden på Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionen? samt Kan värdegrundsarbete vara ett sätt att utmana den mansdominerade kulturen inom Räddningstjänsten?. Den tidigare forskning som gjorts kring värdegrunder är inriktad mot skolverksamhet i första hand vilket gör det intressant att undersöka möjligheten att använda detta som en metod även inom andra verksamheter.Uppsatsen inleds med en teoretisk bakgrund kring organisationskultur, värdegrund samt mansdominerad kultur. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och innebär att vi har utfört åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med brandmän på Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionen.

?Vad spelar det för roll då om inte alla syns på bild?? : En studie av representation i förskolans miljö

The aim of this study is, from a norm-critical approach, to find, investigate and analyse human representation in the visual culture of one preschool in order to understand if the children enrolled are represented or not. The research questions are: In what ways is there imagery of human representations in images and materials designed for play? What skin-colors and origins are dominant in the data collected?We carried out a qualitative study in the form of visual ethnography. This method allowed us to use a combination of different data collection tools such as photography and ethnographic field notes to collect our data. The photographs we took of images and material used for play, was then analysed through semiotic picture analysis.

Artiststrategier - Där kultur möter kommersialism i den svenska skivbranschen

This thesis aims to explore the process where strategies for music artists are created by record companies. We describe and analyze how decisions regarding signing, distribution, marketing, bookings and co-operations are made. Through our study we find that the strategy process can be described as a pattern according to Mintzberg's definition. The "inside-out" perspective is dominating and the record companies base their strategies on internal core competencies and the artistry and will of the music artist. The underlying causes of this are the uncertainty that characterizes the industry; the focus on social relations; and the importance of cultural legitimacy..

Flygsäkerhet: Människan i Organisationen En jämförande studie av två flygförband inom Försvarsmakten

Syftet med denna studie var att samla in information som kunde ge en bild av den organisatoriska situationen i Försvarsmaktens helikopterorganisation i ljuset av de förändringar organisationen genomgått sedan 1998 och de allvarliga haverier som följt efter dessa förändringar. Ett tillämpat syfte var att denna bild skulle ligga till grund för en förståelse och diskussion av flygsäkerhetsläget inom helikopterorganisationen i synnerhet och inom Försvarsmaktens flygverksamhet i allmänhet. Som ett led i processen var syftet att undersöka säkerhetskulturen, organisationsklimatet och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön genom att jämföra ett helikopterförband och ett stridsflygplansförband inom Försvarsmakten. I studien ingick sådan personal som kom i personlig kontakt med den direkta flygsäkerheten vid respektive förband, såsom flygförare, tekniker, spanare/navigatörer och operatörer/ytbärgare. En enkät delades ut till 125 personer vid de två förbanden.

Investeringskalkyl på självtvätthall för Vetlanda Vägkrog AB

Background and problem: Since the new law took place in 1999, it has been illegal towash a car with substances that can damage the environment on a paved street or on a driveway through a garage. This has conveyed to a new industry where more and more self-service car wash facility have opened around the country. Vetlanda Vägkrog AB has since 2012 been planning to install manual self-service car wash facility at the back of their restaurant business. The authors mission was to make an analysis in order to examine whether an investment of carwashes are lucrative enough for Vetlanda Vägkrog AB.Aim: The study's main objective was to analyze the profitability of an investment in a self-service car wash facility at Vetlanda Vägkrog AB, based on given data. The authors sub-aim was to clarify which factors in general that had played the greatest part in the establishment of a self-service car wash facility.Method: The authors have used an abductive approach in order to fulfill the aim of the study.

FÖRTROENDE FÖR CHEFEN-En studie med enhetschefer inom två av Göteborgs stadsdelsförvaltningar

There is a relationship between confidence in management and personnel satisfaction. The personnel?s confidence in management can be seen as a fundamental tool which is needed to ensure the success of the organizations mandate. This study investigates how management works to create and maintain confidence. The conditions that management has for building confidence are explored, as well as the significance of leadership in the building of confidence.

När sjuksköterskan Maj-Britt möter patienten Lionel-Emilio : En litteraturstudie baserad utifrån sjuksköterskans upplevelse

Bakgrund:Sverige förändras och blir ett mer mångkulturelltsamhälle. Sjuksköterskan behöver arbeta utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv för attkunna ge en patientcentrerad vård. Utmaningar kan uppstå när det finnskommunikationssvårigheter på grund av språkbarriären och olika kulturellatraditioner, vilket kan medföra olika värderingar om vad hälsa -och sjukvårdinnebär. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kulturmötenmed patienter. Metod: En litteraturstudie med grund i kvalitativ ansats.Resultat: Kulturskillnader var något som väckte en reaktion hossjuksköterskorna i mötet med patienten.

Time and architectural representations: the illusion of being eternal

Att beskriva en byggnad som tidlös är bland det finaste en kan säga. Några av världens mest uppskattade byggnader har beskriv- its som just det, tidlösa. Hur kommer det sig att en av den finaste komplimangen och erkännandet en byggnad kan få, egentligen är intetsägande? Tiden går ständigt och det finns ingenting någon kan göra för att ändra det. Människor, djur och även byggnader utvecklas och åldras.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : Egenskaper hos styrelsen som påverkar valet att upprätta en hållbarhetsredovisning

The aim of this study was to examine the experience, knowledge and attitude to mandatory reports of mistreatments amongst first line managers and assistance nurses in municipal elderly care. The following questions were at the center of the analysis: how do the different professional groups view having to report their own organization? How can various factors affect the mandatory reporting of mistreatments? What knowledge do the different professional groups have of mistreatments and mandatory reporting? A qualitative research method was used to examine these questions in the form of semi structured interviews and a small document study. The interviews were carried out with assistance nurses and first line manages in elder care, we interviewed four respondents from both professional groups. The interviews were then transcribed and coded with help of a content analysis.

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