2737 Uppsatser om Strategy implementation - Sida 41 av 183
Förskollärarens professionalitet - ur ett verklighetsperspektiv
The preschool should lay the foundations for lifelong learning in a good educational activity. Preschool curriculum is designed to enhance the quality of the educational activities. To translate the curriculum in business, the importance of early childhood special education knowledge. With regard to the completion of theoretical knowledge requires the ability to translate theory into real action. Professionalism is essential to anchor the curriculum in daily operations.The study's purpose was to investigate preschool teachers' perception of professionalism and how the implementation of the preschool curriculum in their daily business functions.The study was an interview with four pre-school professionals with the spread in age and experience.
The impact of the EU Timber Regulation on the Bosnia and Herzegovinian export of processed wood
Illegal logging and its related trade is of great concern around the world. The European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) is a regulatory approach by the EU to prevent illegal timber and timber products to be placed on the European Union inner market. This means the regulation affects both actors in the member countries as well as the actors exporting timber and timber products to the EU from non EU member countries. This study aims to study the implementation process of the EUTR in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B-H), and its preconditions. Institutional theory is used to understand and explain how the EUTR affects B-H organisations? business environment, and how the organisations choose to respond to the EUTR.
Fem år med MiFID på svenska värdepappersmarknaden och dess inverkan på mindre investerares förtroende
Background: Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, MiFID, was implemented in Swedish law in 2007 and aimed to increase competition of the securities market in order to achieve efficiency and lower transaction costs and to enhance investor protection. Another aim was to increase confidence in the market. After the implementation of MiFID some doubts had been highlighted regarding its intentional effects. This evoked the authors? interest to examine the directive?s effects and its impact on investors? trust.Aim: To examine how various participants in the Swedish securities market experienced changes since the implementation of MiFID in 2007, and its impact on the securities market and minor investors' trust.Method: The study applied a qualitative method with a deductive approach to describe, interpret and understand the problem area.
Kategorisering av faktorer som påverkar flödeseffektivitet - En fallstudie på Capio St Görans Sjukhus
Swedish healthcare is in continuous need of cost savings and efficiency improvements in order to meet the increased demand for care. The theories of lean, developed from the industry, are applied more frequently on healthcare systems to increase effectiveness and reduce waiting times in patient processes. However, some processes seem to be more successful in their lean implementation than others. In this thesis, factors influencing flow efficiency in lean healthcare are examined. Through interviews with the top executive board at Capio St Göran's hospital, data is collected in order to analyze reasons for success.
Man måste tycka om att jobba med skitungar : En kvalitativ studie om implementation av nya riktlinjer på HVB
Det har sedan länge funnits en problematik kring att säkerställa barn och ungas välmående och rättssäkerhet i den sociala barnavården. År 2005 gjordes en dokumentär som fick namnet Stulen barndom. Dokumentären belyste hur vanvården i svenska barnhem sett ut historiskt samt hur det fortfarande kan se ut i dagens samhälle. Denna dokumentär kombinerat med olika utredningar och rapporter resulterade i att Socialstyrelsen år 2012 tillsatte nya riktlinjer för den sociala barnavården, med förhoppning att uppnå högre säkerhet för barn och ungdomar som är placerade i HVB (hem för vård eller boende).Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken omfattning de nya riktlinjerna implementerats i tre HVB-verksamheter inom Västerbottens län. Studien belyser hur föreståndare och personal upplever att det är att arbeta i en verksamhet efter de nya riktlinjernas tillkomst.
En simuleringsmiljö för distribuerad navigering
This master thesis studies distributed navigation which isa function implemented in a future network based combat information system to improve the accuracy in navigation for combat vehicles in a mechanized battalion, above all in the event of loss of GPS. In the event of loss of the GPS the vehicles obtain dead reckoning performance through the backup system that consists of an odometer and a magnetic compass. Dead reckoning means a drift in the position that makes the accuracy in the navigation worse. The distributed navigation function uses position and navigation data with measurements between the vehicles to estimate the errors and uncertainties in positions, which are used to improve the accuracy in position for the vehicles. To investigate and demonstrate distributed navigation, a simulation environment has been produced in Matlab.
Färghandlarens nya färg. : En studie kring implementeringsprocessen av rebranding för en franchisetagare.
SammanfattningBakgrund och Problem: Varumärkesarbete i företag har under senare år blivit av allt större vikt där insikter kring företags aktiviteter och omdöme har fått större utrymme och inflytande ut mot marknadens aktörer och deras val och interaktioner. Det händer ibland att ett företag helt byter varumärke, detta som fenomen kallas rebranding. Genom denna rebrandingprocess finns det flera kritiska moment vid implementeringen av det nya varumärket. Denna problematik har vi valt att studera med färgfackhandeln Happy Homes som studieobjekt och hur detta varumärkesarbete ut mot Växjö Färg & Tapet som franchisetagare fungerat.Syfte: Avsikten med uppsatsen är att redogöra för de steg och moment inom implementeringsarbetet vid rebranding som vidtas samt vilka olika påverkande aspekter som kan härledas till de aktiviteter som kan uppstå i processen. Vi har för uppsatsen ett syfte vilket ämnar att: ?Beskriva hur implementeringsarbetet vid en intern rebranding mellan ett företag och en ny franchisetagare kan ske på ett effektivare sätt.?Metod:Vi har arbetat genom en kvalitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats där vi gått från teori till empiri vilket vi sedan analyserat och dragit slutsatser ifrån.
Metodikutveckling för investeringar i humankapital
Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Metodikutveckling för investeringar i humankapital Seminariedatum:8 juni 2007 Ämne/kurs: FEK 591 Magisteruppsats, Företagsekonomi 10p Författare: Frank Fagerlund, David Gustavsson och Johan Lundquist Handledare: Ekonomie doktor och lektor på Lunds Universitet Christer Kedström Fem nyckelord: Humankapital, DCF, ROI, reala optioner och Strategy Canvas Syfte: Syftet är att utveckla en metodik för att underlätta beslutsfattandet för investeringar i humankapital. Metodiken ska kunna användas för att identifiera, strukturera och beskriva investeringens effekt, och på så sätt minska osäkerheten vid beslutstagandet. Metod: Författarna har valt en teoriutvecklande studie med deduktiv ansats. Genom ingående litteraturstudie av modeller och metoder för investeringar, humankapital och strategiska verktyg skapas en teoretisk referensram för analys av problematiken vid investeringar i humankapital. Författarna använder sig även av ett fallföretag med syftet att få inblick i det praktiska arbetet bakom investeringar i humankapital.
Implementering av BIM i ett projektledningsföretag inom byggindustrin : Implementation of BIM in a project management company within construction industry
Syftet med rapporten är att skapa en förståelse om vad BIM är och undersöka vad BIM för med sig i projekteringen. Det som kommer behandlas är BIM-samordnarens uppgifter, de olika negativa aspekter som påträffats vid användandet av BIM samt en presentation av olika program så kallade verktyg som används vid BIM-projektering. .
Styrning av strategisk implementering : En studie pa? Varbergs Stadshotell & Asia Spa
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie a?r att beskriva samt analysera styrningen av strategisk implementering pa? Varbergs Stadshotell & Asia Spa. Syftet a?r dessutom att fo?rklara och fo?rsta? styrning utifra?n begreppen: strategi, strategiskt ledarskap, beslutsfattande och strategisk implementering.Teoretisk referensram: Studiens huvudomra?de a?r styrning av strategisk implementering. Fo?r att beskriva styrning har vi brutit ner styrning till begreppen: strategi, strategiskt ledarskap, beslutsfattande och strategisk implementering.
Notes Towards a Mental Breakdown : det teknologiska traumat i J.G. Ballards The Atrocity Exhibition
This study examinates technology's traumatic impact on the male subject in The Atrocity Exhibition by J.G. Ballard. In my analysis I show how the protagonist uses a fetischistic strategy in order to make sense of the trauma that technology embeds. Paradoxically it proves to be the agent of his trauma, but also functions as his shield. The machine is thus in a position of the hinge, the point in a structural system that both enables and deconstruct the system.
Time Machine Computing for Media Improvisation
C3LOOPS is an application for DJs and VJs based on surface interaction. A system is said to be based on surface interaction if it presents content on a two dimensional, endless surface that a user navigates through zoom, pan and incremental text filtering where processing is tightly coupled with the content without breaking the workflow. C3LOOPS is designed to encourage improvisation and collaboration. During improvisation changes occur rapidly. Allowing navigation through time as well as the two spatial dimensions of an interaction surface the possibility of unlimited undo operations opens up.
Analys ac konstruktionsprocessen inom FTC
This thesis work was made to optimize the writing of the construction specificationsat FKA. These construction specifications are created before each plant modificationsthat is started because requirements from the Swedish radiation safety authority(SSM) and internally on Forsmarks nuclear group as constructions / implementationdocumentationThe study was done through seven interviews of two people at three different groupsinvolved in the construction specification and an interview from the group accreditedverification. The four selected groups were selected through an extensive analyticalwork resulted in an elimination matrix where these four groups was considered to bemost involved with the construction specification.The questions asked to these individuals were based on the instructions and sampletext that are described in the construction specification. To ensure the quality of thethesis were to limit itself to the chapters that were considered most relevant toimprove. The analysis revealed a number of points that should be improved, partlyinto the routines when writing the construction specification and when ether sampletext or suggestions should be changed and complemented.
En branschanalys av den svenska mobilmarknaden -Strategi, konkurrenssituationen och 4G:s påverkan
Background and problemThe Swedish mobile market is highly competitive despite the oligopoly that currently exists. A short product life cycle together with fads and new innovations puts pressure on the operators to respond to the ever changing environment and to develop and adapt their strategies after it.As a previous study regarding a specific operator?s strategy was cancelled due to the extensive confidentiality surrounding it, an interest was sparked to perform an industry analysis as this is clearly something the actors spend a great deal of time on developing. The launch of the 4G network will offer new opportunities for the operators regarding products services. It may also impact the competition on the overall market.PurposeThe purpose of this thesis is to present a deep analysis of the industry and give the reader a comprehensive picture of existing conditions.
ETT POLICYDOKUMENTS UPPGÅNG OCH (UT)FALL - En studie om hur styrning och autonomi inverkar vid implementering inom kommunal förvaltning.
The purpose of this essay was to study the implementation of a policy document, which concerns questions of integration, in a municipality with an indirect government. I have especially focused on issues regarding how civil servants describe the usage of a specific policy document and to what extent their autonomy and the indirect government have had an impact on implementation, and to what extent signals from surrounding institutions have had an impact on the creation of the policy document. The study was based on qualitative interviews in groups, pairs and with single individuals with twenty-seven civil servants and politicians working with issues concerning the specific policy document.One of the conclusions of my study is that the reason for producing the document in the first place is that the municipality as an organization strives to acquire a sense of legitimacy. The intentions of the document have only partly been implemented by the civil servants and politicians, since the document is not used in their daily work. Here, their autonomy has played an important part, as the choice to not use the document is the servants' own.