2905 Uppsatser om Strategical urban planning - Sida 5 av 194
Urban odling : möjligheter för framtiden
By exploring different forms of urban cultivation and looking into future gains of sustainability, I want to focus on unconventional and perhaps necessary ways of building, living and making a living. This will be made through study of literature on the topic.Urban cultivation could be anything from a pot of basil in the kitchen window to a city farm. The core of the concept is that the food is produced where it is eaten, in or in direct vicinity to the city and that it is produced ecologically. There will be many benefits, ecological, economical and social.The world is at a turning point right now where consumption patterns and the industry processed food are questioned and it is important that the things we consume are genuineand authentic. We want food that is locally and ecologically produced; food that we can trust.
Sveriges bebyggelsestrukturer
För att förstå den fysiska planeringen krävs förståelse för de sammanhang i
vilket planerandet utförs. Bebyggelsen består av många olika delar, byggnader,
vägar med mera, som tillsammans utgör vidare strukturer.
Det krävs insikt i hur bebyggelsen har vuxit fram för att förstå hur nya
strukturer ska utformas efter som de är sammanlänkade och påverkar varandra.
Den här uppsatsen är ett försök att identifiera begrepp för att bättre förstå
dessa strukturer.
En viktig insikt är den om att urbanisering är en komplex process och uppsatsen
grundar sig på en indelning av Nils Lewan i tre olika synsätt på hur
urbanisering kan ses: arkitektens, geografens och sociologens perspektiv.
Beroende på synsätt varierar graden av hur stor del av Sveriges befolkning som
kan sägas vara urban ifrån 70 till nära 100 procent.
Urban Village Järna
Projektet handlar om att möjliggöra förändringar och att gestalta generella rum..
Urban Symbios - stadsbyggnadsstrategi för King i Helsingborg
Examensarbetet behandlar det s.k. Kingområdet i södra Helsingborg. Planområdet
benämns som King i arbetet, har en storlek av ca 45 hektar och ett avstånd till
innerstaden på ca i kilometer. Området består idag främst av bangård och
verksamheter av olika karaktär. Under en kommande 20-årsperiod kan stora
förändringar förväntas ske i dessa delar av staden och det är i denna
utveckling som arbetet tagit sin utgångspunkt.
Riksintressen för kulturmiljövården i den kommunala planeringen. - En studie av Mölndals Kvarnby, Jonsered och Rydboholm. .
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:4.
Husbåtar - framtidens boende med flyt
Examensarbete om moderna husbåtar med Sverige som utgångspunkt. .
Social hållbarhet och förtätning : en kritisk studie i förtätningens sociala paradoxer
Densification is one of the urban visions for sustainable development - a vision that has become a part of the solution to the unsustainable sake dilemma. With the dense city land will be saved, energy consumption reduced and social cohesion improved. The dense city is considered to be ecologically, economically and socially sustainable. Applying an urban design concept has thus proven to be problematic. Density has been found to be a complex concept
which is far more complicated than measuring how much built surface that needs to be covered.
It is also not disputed what different degrees of densification mean and whether densification in itself is sustainable.
Planutvecklingens följder - En studie av enboendet och utvecklingen av planpraxis för bostadsbebyggelse
Detta kandidatarbete tar upp att det idag råder det stor brist på mindre
bostäder, så kallade enboende. Boendeformen efterfrågas av framförallt
fyrtiotalister som flyttar ifrån sina större hushåll till mindre samt
nittiotalister som ska göra debut på bostadsmarknaden. För att lösa tillfälliga
bostadsbrister och för att värna om en mångfald finns det idag en
planeringsdoktrin som handlar om att blanda och förtäta bostadsområden. Dock är
idéerna svåra att genomföra då detaljplanerna ofta är reglerade till att enbart
uppfylla de syfte och behov som fanns under den tid då de upprättades.
Genom en undersökning och ett tillämpat planförslag som arbetet innehåller,
uppmärksammas att det behövs mer flexibla detaljplaner som medger och inte
hindrar uppförandet av mindre bostäder. För oavsett om det föreligger ett
allmänt intresse eller ej så hindrar idag planpraxis möjligheterna till detta.
Vinterkvarter och sommarparadis - en fördjupning av översiktsplaner för Rälla och Stora Rör på Öland
Ett samrådsförslag till fördjupning av Borgholm och Mörbylånga kommuners
översiktsplaner för orterna Rälla och Stora Rör..
From wheels to walking : exploring an alternative planning approach in Sub-Saharan countries - the case of the Axis in Nairobi, Kenya
Rapid urbanisation is putting strains on both the landscape and the city dwellers and the pressure on planning for sustainable and equitable cities is crucial. As many cities in Sub-Saharan Africa are expanding, city planning has trouble keeping up to meet the needs of the growing amount of urban dwellers. Many cities have also been planned with the cars in focus and the needs and comfort of the pedestrians have been overlooked. The capacity of institutions is limited due to centralized government and bureaucracy, as well as corruption. Planning is erratically implemented and it is difficult to know what will happen.
Central Peripheries: speculation and strategy for a land less mentioned
As the contemporary discourse surrounding urbanism is almost exclusively focusing on aspects of density and traditional urban qualities, it entrenches notions of what constitutes a proper city and countryside. But beyond this urban-rural dichotomy is another highly contemporary landscape. A territory usually mentioned as sprawl, peri-urban, wasteland, edge city, etc. Although its existence is due to mobilization, telecommunications, globalization and other phenomena of modern life, it is a landscape without an own name or place in public awareness.This thesis provides a case study of how to map and intervene in such a landscape, specifically along the border between Malmö and Burlöv municipalities in southern Sweden. Its structure is composed of a sequence of three parts:1 Spatial Conditions:Divided up in the sections Network, Fringe and Void.
Ljusföroreningar i stadsmiljö : Hur kan ljusföroreningar förebyggas vid nybyggnation?
Light pollution in urban areas - How to prevent light pollution at construction Jakob Sjöling Light pollution is a relatively new but rapidly growing form of pollution. Society's increasing demand for light coupled with the pace at which lighting technology evolves is accelerating that growth. The purpose of this study was to analyse how the construction industry plan and design outdoor lighting when erecting new buildings, specifically with regards to the issue of light pollution. It also investigated how local authorities work with these issues during urban planning. In both cases special interest was placed in ways to improve the planning and use of outdoor lighting in order to minimize light pollution.
Dialog om staden : En studie om medborgardialogens roll och betydelse för stadsplaneringen i Nacka kommun
This master thesis explores the nature of public participation as a central and most current subject in the field of urban planning. A first impression exposes a seemingly unanalyzed consensus on the values and benefits which public participation provides the process of urban planning. The city may be a concern to all its inhabitants; hence knowledge and opinions of the local public are of great importance for the urban development. But is there really something new to these assumptions, and are the advantages of increased public participation in urban planning always obvious? By using action research as a main method, I have put myself into the context of the Swedish municipality of Nacka and their projects dealing with the development of public participation.
How to future proof a Business Model : Capture and capitalize value in the field of Urban Mining
Context: During the 21st century several alarming reports have been published that deals with the depletion and pollutant of the earth by human interference. The earth is an ending resource and so are the mountains and bedrocks which are continuously mined in order to harvest its minerals. The idea behind Urban Mining is to (re)invent processes enabling further purpose for materials both from old deposits and new products providing secondary raw materials and energy. This thesis aims to investigate the challenges and opportunities of how firms and organizations can and will be able to strike a better balance between product-/service systems, economic growth and environmental stewardship in the context of Urban Mining as an approach. With the innovation of processes, technology, business- planning and creation in focus.Objective: How to future proof a business model for Urban Mining by the usage of business model design.Method: This thesis will be conducted using a case study approach, meaning that it will incorporate qualitative, exploratory and descriptive characteristics - aiming towards enabling both applied and fundamental research.Results: The result evaluates the business model element differences between traditional C&D industry and Urban Mining industry.
Hållbar stadsutveckling? : Problem och målkonflikter i planeringen av Hagastaden och Norra Djurgårdsstaden i Stockholm
The major environmental problems that we have today are frequently mentioned in the media today. One example is the ongoing debate regarding global warming and its causes and consequences. There are also several other problems in our society such as segregation and social tensions. Most agree that we must do something to solve these problems and that we must try to achieve a sustainable development for the entire planet. But how should it actually be done and what trade-offs, compromises, sacrifices and changes must be made?The purpose of this paper is to examine how these issues are being dealt with in Swedish city planning.