

2905 Uppsatser om Strategical urban planning - Sida 34 av 194

Hur påverkar spårvägen rumsligheten i staden?

Integration policies have failed to make diversity into anything more than occupying the same physical space. People of different cultural background still do not share their lives to any real extent. Attempts made within planning and landscape architecture to catalyst the integration process have mainly been focused on structural measures, such as residential policies. As for outdoor environments, non-verbal casual encounters in the shape of crossing paths are assumed to lie at the heart of urban social integration.The aim of the thesis is to question this assumption and, as the thesis will show, there is literature supporting this aim. Looking at the works of Gordon Allport, Lewis Coser and some of their followers, I find intercultural contact to require more complex ways of interaction in order to reduce prejudice and to generate tolerance and understanding.

Prim, Stadsförnyelse i Barcelona

This final project discusses renewal and upgrading of the area of Prim. It is discussed how this industrial area can be an attractive neighborhood with a varied range of services and commercial trade. Prim is located 2km north-east of the center of Barcelona. The area boarders to a deep railway valley that historically has separated Prim from its neighboring districts. At present there is almost no housing, services or commercial trade within the area and the industry is discontinued or the existing industrial buildings are derelict. There is also a lack of green recreational areas.

Hur hushållas det med mark och vatten? en studie av tillämpningen av hushållningsbestämmelserna i 3 och 4 kap MB

The national spatial planning guidelines and the subsequent legal regulation in the Natural Resources Act and the Environmental Code has been a part of the Swedish planning system for almost 40 years. In the recent years, critics have claimed that the regulations are outdated and does not work the way it was intended. This paper examines closer why it is perceived that the regulations does not work, with a focus on how the national interests are managed in the municipal planning. Why is the national interests not applied in the municipal planning as intended? Is the error in the system or in the implementation of it? The aim of this essay is to study the gap between theory and practice by studying how the land management provisions in the Environmental Code is applied in five selected municipalities. The aim is also to find interesting issues for futher studies of the topic.

Odla i Staden för välbefinnande : om Sevedsbornas upplevelser av Barn i Stans odlingsprojekt

Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av det odlingsprojekt Barn i Stan bedriver i stadsdelen Seved i Malmö. Studien hade två syften. Det första var att undersöka Sevedsbornas upplevelser och hur Seved påverkats av Barn i Stans odlingsprojekt. Det andra vara att undersöka hur man kan arbeta med urban odling i miljöförbättringsprojekt i befintlig urban miljö. Intervjuer, observation och deltagande observation har använts som metoder för att inhämta empiriskt material.

Utveckling av Gamla hamnen i Reykjavik

In Scandinavia today many old harbour areas are developed into residential and commercial areas. For example are both Helsingborg city and Malmoe city in south Sweden planning to restructure some of their harbour areas to accommodate shops, schools, offices, residences et cetera. In Copenhagen in Denmark new plans for Nordhavn is also underway. In almost every plan proposal to redevelope an old harbour area the harbour activities are set a side to give room for new development. In Reykjavik, however, this has not been the case.

Sveriges kommuner och kampen om kreativiteten: om Richard Floridas teori i svenska kommuner

Flera svenska kommuner använder sig av den amerikanska professorn Richard Floridas teori om den kreativa klassen och ?creative cities? i sin marknadsföring. Syftet med mitt kandidatarbete är att undersöka om svenska kommuner är kreativa enligt Floridas teori. En jämförande fallstudie har gjorts där tre kommuner som använder sig av Florida i sin marknadsföring har undersökts. Kommunerna är Södertälje, Botkyrka och Ronneby.

Markhushållning & förtätning - en studie om den skånska jordbruksmarken och en fallstudie i Lomma kommun med förslag till förtätning

Mycket av vårt lands mest högklassiga jordbruksmarker finns i Skåne. Samtidigt befinner sig många skånska kommuner i expansiva faser och behovet av nya bostäder är stort. Städernas behov av utveckling och expansion och bevarandet av landsbygd och jordbruksmark kommer då ofta i konflikt. Jordbruksmarken är en ändlig resurs, som är viktig för mänskligheten genom bland annat livsmedelsförsörjning, förnyelsebara tillgångar och för de naturliga ekosystems funktioner, men även för människornas behov av rekreation. I Miljöbalken benämns jordbruk vara av nationell betydelse.

Virtuellt ledarskap i näringslivet: Hur affärssimulering kan skapa kompetens, samsyn, och ökad ekonomisk förståelse i en organisation

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore the topic of business simulation from a theoretical foundation in social constructivism and theories concerning leadership as the management of meaning. The most important findings are that business simulation can be used for strategical leadership by management to create a common vision in the organisation members, which affects their perception of the business and the decisions and actions they make, which in turn can lead to a more efficient organisation that becomes better at meeting set goals. This can be viewed in different ways from different theoretical viewpoints: as inducing targeted changes in mental models to create changes in decision making and actions; as a secondary socialization process where the vision of management is externalized as a business simulation that is in turn internalized by the organisation members that participate in the business simulation, or as a way to frame and define the reality of the organisational members which creates a shared reference point against which a feeling of organisation and direction can emerge. In the future, business simulations may become increasingly used by organizations to create a common vision or to communicate a new decision to the organization members..

Webbpublicering av elevaktiviteter : en deskriptiv studie av gymnasieelevernas upplevelser

The aim of the present study is to describe the experiences of high school students as regards the effects of their activities, in and out of lessons, being published on the web. In addition, a further purpose is to acquire knowledge about whether a website could be used as means of increasing the students level of attention, and focus, to their activities in school; and, furthermore, how such a website should be designed to correspond with the students requests.The implemented methods are interviews with students, school administrators and teachers. A survey was conducted covering the student?s personal experiences and opinions. Furthermore, an interface test of the website was performed.

Banar spår väg för framtiden? En jämförande fallstudie av tre intraurbana kollektivtrafiksatsningar.

Dagens samhälle är helt beroende av transporter. Av alla de olika typer av transporter som finns inriktar sig denna rapport på persontransporter. Ytterligare preciserat så handlar uppsatsen om intraurbana persontransporter och kollektiva lösningar på detta. Rapporten är en jämförande fallstudie och har som mål att belysa hur olika kommuner motiverar när en större kollektivtrafiksatsning skall göras. Innan fallen presenteras ges en bakgrund i några av de problem och förutsättningar som finns inom ämnet.

Äga rum: Offentliga rum betraktade i ett politiskt perspektiv, fallet Pristina

In order to fully grasp the phenomena 'City' we must understand its political structure as an integrated part of its physical structure and vice versa. This thesis focuses on one crucial element of the City, the public space, and discusses it in relation to the public realm, or sphere, of the City. The aim is to see if it is possible to conceive public space as a spatial dimension of power, and if so, how to analyse this. With the help of the theoretical tool of two ideal types of the configuration of public space, "The city as civic public life" and "The city as authoritarian control" an empirical study is carried out on the case of Prishtina, capital of Kosovo.Conclusions made are that function and use of a city's public spaces can be understood in relation to changes in the political climate of the society. Furthermore, a void in the asset of concepts offered by the ideal types is found ? and therefore also need for new concepts to describe and understand a public space undergoing a dynamic transformation, as being a part of a city in political transition..

Dags att trappa upp tillgängligheten för äldre

Uppsatsen riktar sig till att öka tillgängligheten för äldre i Galgamarken, ett område som pekas ut som ett typisk exempel för problemet. Problemet är mycket aktuellt med en befolkning vars andel äldre ökar. Enligt regler fastslagna av Förenta nationerna, regler som Sverige beslutat att följa, så ska svenska myndigheter planera för samhällets svagaste grupper. Teori av goda lösningar som möjliggör god tillgänglighet gås igenom och olika forskares synpunkter ger en bred bild på hur lösningarna kan utformas. Genom användning av stråkstrategi så identifieras stråk med särskilt behov av åtgärder. Åtgärdas de utvalda stråken så kommer den generella tillgängligheten öka på Galgamarken. Situationen mellan teori och praktiskt utförande analyseras.

En undersökning av projicerat ljus i inomhusmiljö

BackgroundToday a common approach to solve a complicated problem is to assemble a temporary workforce in order to solve the problem by working together within a project. One of the difficulties with working in projects is to maintain the planned budget. Working hours and costs are often exceeded. Many companies presume that any certain project will succeed, a presumption that leads companies not to anticipate risks involved in a project. In companies today there is seldom time for evaluation or moderation of a project, in order to have time for evaluation there is a great need for an adequate planning of the project.IntentThe intention with this study is to create a model for planning, budgeting and evaluation of projects within consultancy companies.MethodWith the help of interviews and discussions within the group Hamnar och Byggkonstruktioner at Sweco has evidence to present a proposal on planning, budgeting and monitoring been developed.ResultsA model has been developed to ease for consultancy companies to plan, budget, monitor and evaluate projects.

What factors correlates with the use of game meat, wild fish, berries and mushroom in Swedish households : urban vs. rural areas

This study was made to see too what extent Swedes uses consumptive resources such as berries and mushrooms, game meat and meat from fish in their household on a yearly basis. I have also looked into the difference between rural and urban areas in Sweden. Further aim was to determine what factors that correlates with the participation in berry and mushroom picking and the use of game and fish meat within the household. The study was conducted in form of a mail survey that was sent to randomly chosen persons in every municipality in the six northern most counties in Sweden and in the county of Stockholm. In addition a sample was sent to randomly chosen persons on a national level.The results showed there is a difference in use between rural and urban areas in Sweden in all 4 investigated consumptive resources.

Stadsutveckling av området Sveaplan i Eskilstuna

I planeringssammanhang är begreppet ?attraktiv stad? vanligt förekommande. För att kunna utveckla en attraktiv stad måste man börja med att definiera begreppet. Dock är det ett begrepp som är svårt att definiera. Detta beror på hur starkt kopplat det är till individens egna värderingar om vad en ?attraktiv stad? är.

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