

594 Uppsatser om Strategic - Sida 3 av 40

Supportervåld och strategisk kommunikation : Hur arbetar fotbollsklubbar med strategisk kommunikation med avseende på supportervåld?

Aim: The overall aim of this survey was to show whether, and possibly how, Stockholm?s three biggest football clubs (in supporter counts) works Strategically with their communication regarding to supporter violence. A further goal of this paper is to contribute with knowledge that could be used by football clubs in their efforts against supporter violence. From this purpose two questions were constructed: 1) Do football clubs work Strategically with their communications with regard to supporter violence? In that case, how? 2) Can work with Strategic communication in terms of supporter violence improve? In such cases, how?Material and Method: The method used in this studie is of a qualitative character.

Taktisk planering med geografisk hänsyn : fallstudie med Heureka PlanVis på SCA Skogs distrikt Liden

SCA is the largest private owned forest owner in Sweden, with an ownership of 2 million hectares of productive forestland. To manage the planning of such large areas and to fit the traditional organization structure of a Swedish forest company, the planning approach is subdivided into three stages; Strategic, tactical and operational. The Strategic part, based on a statistic sample of stands, returns a harvest level estimate which should then be implemented at actual sites in the tactical part. This procedure can lead to incompatible solutions as the Strategic solution is not necessarily possible to translate into actual sites in the tactical plan. The geographic aspect is important in tactical planning due to the large costs for moving equipment and maintenance of a large number of forest roads.

Investeringsbedömningsprocessen för strategiska investeringar - en fallstudie av NordiCorp

The aim of this study is to examine the investment decision process for investments that arise due to Strategic changes and are of Strategic importance to the company. At the foundation of this study is the previous research in this area, done by King (1975) and Bower (1970), which examines the investment process on a more generic level. At the core is the investment decision process pertaining to Projekt X, an investment performed by NordiCorp. Having conducted a case study including six interviews with employees from various parts of the organization, combined with a large number of internal documents, the process regarding the investment decision was carefully illuminated. The results show that in many regards, this process follows the more generic investment process.

Fashionably fit for the future? ? A demonstrative study unravelling the concept of scenario planning

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to clarify and evaluate the concept of scenario planning.Methodology: Our research methodology has a qualitative approach and uses deductive reasoning. The theoretical field of strategy formulation has been reviewed and in specific the concept scenario planning was unravelled and mapped. Thereafter, our model was tested in a case study where the empirical data was collected through personal interviews. Theoretical field: Literature and articles from the Strategic management field have been reviewed with a focus on strategy formulation, scenario planning and Williamson?s theory for the creation of a portfolio for Strategic options.Empirical base: Personal interviews and secondary sources such as financial reports, articles mainly from industry media and articles found in the databases ELIN and Affärsdata.Analysis: The analysis work constitutes the testing of our model for scenario planning, integrated into Williamson?s portfolio of Strategic options for the future.Result: The work has resulted in a clarified model of scenario planning with links to Strategic management schools.

Nyheterna på Nova. Kan de bidra till att uppnå Schenkers kommunikationsmål? En stujdie av ingranätet Nova och förutsättningarna för dess nyheter att kunna hjälpa til i den interna kommunikationen kring värderingar

Background and Problem discussion: Strategic evaluations are important as they providecrucial information regarding Swedish development assistance and recommendations on howto face problems and inadequacies found in the evaluations. Therefore, the follow up ofrecommendations is of great significance as well. Unfortunately, SIDA?s ManagementResponse system for follow-up of Strategic evaluations has not been functioning in asatisfying way and needed actions have not been taken. Thus, Swedish developmentassistance has been criticised for the lack of implemented actions and the public has startedto question the work carried through by the organisations.

Den offrade alkoholpolitiken En studie av moderaternas förändrade alkoholpolitik

The Swedish alcohol policy has by tradition a restrictive composition, with high taxes and the Swedish Alcohol Retailing Monopoly as important elements. The Moderate Party has been powerful critics of the alcohol policy and has advocated a reformation. However, today the Moderate Party seems to have changed the attitude towards the alcohol policy and it even supports the Swedish initiative to create cooperation about alcohol matters at the EU level.This thesis examines why the Moderate Party has changed its attitude towards the restrictive alcohol policy. Three aspects have been considered: the rise of a European public policy, Strategic choice, and the influence of the political environment. The paper discusses the problem from a Strategic perspective, which means that the political change is viewed as a result of Strategic considerations.The party has indeed been affected by all of the three aspects, although to different extent.

Golanhöjderna, den strategiska betydelsen 1967-1973

The topic of this essay is the Strategic importance of the Golan Heights during the period 1967-1973, specifically targeting the following questions;-          Why were the heights Strategically important?-          What are the gains of either of the states in controlling the Golan Heights?A theoretical framework based on Jerker Widén´s and Jan Ångström´s Militärteorins grunder (The fundamentals in Military Theory) and its chapter regarding the Strategic context will be used as an analytical framework.The framework has been applied on the specific conditions of the Golan Heights during a given and limited period of time; stretching from 1967 to 1973, however, the study will not deal with the war of attrition in 1970 as the impact on the Golan Heights and the surrounding geographical Strategically important area was limited if at all. The two wars waged during this particular time are used in an attempt to give a somewhat objective picture of the Strategic importance of the area.The conclusions are that the importance of the Golan heights during the selected period was significant as the Golan Heights provided a ?Strategic lock? both ways and provides a favourable area to deploy artillery, intelligence and surveillance sensors..

Strategisk styrning av intranät: Centrala val att uppmärksamma

Having an intranet as a source for information and communication is common in most contemporary organizations. Research shows that the intranet in itself does not have an explicit area of use, and that leaves every organization to make decisions of the associated functionality on their own. At the same time the Strategic opportunities that the intranet could bring get lost somewhere along the way. This means that problems regarding the Strategic use of an intranet becomes apparent and may result in loss of investments for the organization. The purpose of this thesis is to identify central choices that can be used as points of discussion and help organizations to work with their intranets on a more Strategic level.

Kulturstrategisk inflytelse på COIN litteratur : Nagl, Kitson och Galula ur ett kulturstrategiskt perspektiv

In studying the art of Counterinsurgency Warfare we are usually inclined to the reading of several books regarding this matter. Because of this some writers have the power to influence the minds of the reader. This can be of great benefit since it enables information sharing and for the reader a chance to learn from the triumphs, but also mistakes of others. However each writer is the creation of the time and context under which he existed. Because of the wheel of time certain things change, and because of the context a myriad of factors came into play affecting the outcome and product of the doings and thoughts of that specific occurrence.

Co-Branding as a Tool for Strategic Brand Activation - How to Find the Ideal Partner; An Explanatory Case Study in the Fashion and Design Sector

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the interdependencies within the process of partner selection in the fashion and design sector and the emanating criteria for finding the ideal co-branding partner in order to use co-branding as a Strategic brand activation tool. Methodology: Multiple Case Study Theoretical perspective: Brand Building and Brand Activation, Relationship Marketing, Strategic Alliances, Affinity Partnering, Co-Branding, Consumer-Brand Relationships Empirical data: Interviews with expert consultants and company representatives (adidas, BMW, BMW MINI, Diesel, H&M, Opel, Philips, Sharp, Volkswagen) Conclusion: Partner selection depends decisively on the different co-branding aims and incorporates the crucial step when using co-branding as a tool for Strategic brand activation. The co-branding aim and the corresponding partner lead to various types of relationships, which, in this study, are anthropomorphized to connect the world of marketing and branding to real life. Fashion and design brands have proven to be particularly eligible as co-branding partners for brand activation due to their innovative and trend-oriented nature..

The Key Success Factors of Grameen Bank - A Case Study of Strategic, Cultural and Structural Aspects

The thesis aims to analyze Strategic, cultural and structural aspects of Grameen Bank and its micro-credit project, in order to identify key success factors. A case study was performed with an inductive and qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews. The data was collected by field observations and interviews on site in Dhaka, Bangladesh and surrounding areas.The main conclusion is that the critical success factor of Grameen Bank is the relationship focus, guiding and aligning its strategy, culture and structure. Also, local offices have been observed to utilize practices not permitted by the bank?s management, ultimately increasing the organizational efficiency..

Prevalence of selected infectious diseases in Samoan dogs

SCA is the largest private owned forest owner in Sweden, with an ownership of 2 million hectares of productive forestland. To manage the planning of such large areas and to fit the traditional organization structure of a Swedish forest company, the planning approach is subdivided into three stages; Strategic, tactical and operational. The Strategic part, based on a statistic sample of stands, returns a harvest level estimate which should then be implemented at actual sites in the tactical part. This procedure can lead to incompatible solutions as the Strategic solution is not necessarily possible to translate into actual sites in the tactical plan. The geographic aspect is important in tactical planning due to the large costs for moving equipment and maintenance of a large number of forest roads.

Kunskap & strategi : En studie av strategisk kongruens mellan affärs- och kunskapsstrategi i managementkonsultföretag

This study examines how management consulting firms work with business- and functional strategy and how these strategies are interrelated. More specifically we focus on business strategy (business unit level) and knowledge strategy (functional level) and whether these are aligned or not, i.e. whether Strategic congruence exists.A number of recent studies have examined the importance of business strategy and knowledge strategy in management consulting firms separately, but few have pointed out the importance of the alignment between them. With this study we contribute to the Strategic field of research with a model that describes how management consulting firms should work with their knowledge strategy given their business strategy. The model is developed through a synthesis between theories in the field of Strategic congruence, business- and functional strategies and thereafter tested by an empirical case study of six management consulting firms.

IT Konsulter : Den Framträdande Strategiska Konsulten

The changed role of IT continuously influences organisational development, the individual and his role in the organization, different kinds of structures, management processes and strategies. One of the big concerns for IT firms is the need for IT consultants with enough experience to effectively and rapidly understand the business procedures of the firm in or-der to become a resource. In the classic IT-consultant role in the early days of IT, quite dif-ferent features were expected from them in their work procedures. The structure of how and which tasks they were expected to handle has undergone an indisputable transforma-tion. Today?s IT consultants are expected to know how to think in business Strategic man-ners as well as the IT Strategic manners.

The Digital Content Era

In order to become even more competitive, a partnering with other niche players is essential in achieving a competitive advantage and it enables opportunities for reintermediation. From an intermediate perspective, there are great possibilities for those who become content coordinators to enter the market. By becoming a bundler of services and products, the content coordinators will become the actors that will capture the most profit in the value web. The value creating drivers that have been identified in the business landscape of intermediates concern owning the content or owning the customer relationship. We find the possibilities of an intermediate actor, such as a content coordinator to achieve competitive advantage through Strategic fit is subject to the context and the ability of creating more innovative and co-creative distribution systems.

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