

510 Uppsatser om Story - Sida 3 av 34

Expedition Kon-tiki. Ett utforskande arbete om återgivning

My work has been an investigation project with focus on reproduction, method, structure and visual representation. The goal was to investigate how a Story changes through time and space as well as how graphic design can affect a Story depending on the visual representation. The result is a publication, an exploration of these subjects with the help of the book Expedition Kon-Tiki. Using more or less controlled methods of selections I have created different sorts of reproductions of the expedition. Just as subjective as reality itself..

Vikten av icke-diskriminering, barnets bästa och att få höras : - En studie i hur asylsökande barns rättigheter tillgodoses i svensk rätt respektive i Rawls rättviseteori

The purpose of this master's thesis is to examine children's communication and interaction during Story time at the public library. The aim is also to examine how to develop the Story time ? in terms of participation and equality ? at a specific library.Action research was used as a research strategy and participant observation, log, tutoring and interviews as methods to collect data. Since action research is done on the basis of practice, a significant collaboration with the librarian and the participant children is taking place within this study.Research from the fields of Library and Information Science, Education and Childhood Sociology form the interdisciplinary research area to which this study links. The theoretical framework consists of theory and concepts from the Socio-cultural Perspective, Poststrucuralist Feminism and Childhood Sociology.

Det fiktiva bibliotekets vindlande gångar

Libraries exist around us and for most of us they are a part of our every day life. But how often do we stop and think about their meaning?Libraries in fiction are usually not the center of the narrative, they play a role quietly in the background and offer a backcloth to the Story. Yet they are a vital part of the Story. Without them a big part of the magic in the stories would be lost.And what is their role in our lives? What do the libraries mean to the books they harbor, the readers who seek them out and society in which they have their axiomatic role?This essay?s focus is my Story ?Between the shelves?, which is about the young girl Julia and the mysterious passageway she discovers in her local library.

?Berättelsen om Hedvig och hennes son? : en narratologisk analys av en berättelse i Lars Ahlins Natt i marknadstältet

Natt i marknadstältet is considered as one of Lars Ahlin?s most significant works of fiction. The novel is complex in structure and meaning, containing numerous stories and characters entangled with the main Story. One of these stories is the subject of this essay:?Berättelsen om Hedvig och hennes son?.

Alternate Reality Games : Framtidens Marknadsföringsform

An alternate reality game, often abbreviated as ARG, is a mix between a game and a crossmedia interactive Story using mainly the Internet as a platform. The game is built around the idea of teamwork among its participants. The players cooperate to solve puzzles allowing them to go forward in the Story of the game. The marketing element is in different ways included in the Story.A few Alternate Reality Games such as The Beast, The Art of the H3ist and The Lost Ring have previously been launched as marketing campaigns. This bachelor thesis aims to examine the possibilities of Alternate Reality Games as an alternative marketing tool for profit-driven companies.

Att skriva, skriva om och skriva om sig själv : En komparativ undersökning av Inger Edelfeldts och Bengt Martins omarbetade berättelser om homosexualitet

Inger Edelfeldt (1956) and Bengt Martin (1933-2010) are two Swedish writers of different generations. Both of them did, between the years 1968 to 1983, write about adolescent men coming to terms with their homosexuality. Edelfeldt wrote two versions of the same Story, with slight but significant differences, the main being different implied readers (adult versus adolescent). Bengt Martin wrote about three young homosexual characters: Joakim, Bengt and Bengt. The Story about Joakim is presented as fiction but bears many resemblances with Martin?s autobiography.

Captr.net - Utveckling av iPhone-applikation och hemsida

Within the literature and film sciences there are clear models of Storytelling and methods of creating a good Story. In the game industry it's more difficult because the games are often non-linear, and games are a less established medium than the other two. With this study our purpose was to examine game developers and methods they used when creating a videogame, with focus on Storytelling. Four interviews were made with representatives from four different videogame companies in Sweden. The information from the interviews was put in relation to theories regarding the structure of videogames and an established model for creating videogames.

"In i sagans land" : Aktionsforskning i bibliotekspraktiken med syfte att utveckla sagostunden

The purpose of this master's thesis is to examine children's communication and interaction during Story time at the public library. The aim is also to examine how to develop the Story time ? in terms of participation and equality ? at a specific library.Action research was used as a research strategy and participant observation, log, tutoring and interviews as methods to collect data. Since action research is done on the basis of practice, a significant collaboration with the librarian and the participant children is taking place within this study.Research from the fields of Library and Information Science, Education and Childhood Sociology form the interdisciplinary research area to which this study links. The theoretical framework consists of theory and concepts from the Socio-cultural Perspective, Poststrucuralist Feminism and Childhood Sociology.

Manliga vampyrer och kvinnliga offer. En diskursanalys av det övernaturliga och könsroller i The Vampire Diaries

The purpose of this essay is to examine how the supernatural and the occult are portrayed inpopular culture. To be able to do this, I have chosen to perform a discourse analysis of the twofirst novels in the L. J Smith series The Vampire Diaries. The novels are called TheAwakening and The Struggle.I apply the following questions in my analysis to narrow down the perspective further.?In what situations are supernatural used in the books and what part does it play??How does the supernatural affect the main characters and how is this portrayed in the novel??How is the supernatural portrayed depending on the gender of the character?I will focus mostly on the vampires since they generally are the ones who introduce thesupernatural elements into the Story.I am applying gender theory in my discourse analyses of the novels, to hopefully be able togive a wider picture of the supernatural in relation to gender in the novels.I begin with analyzing the main discourses in the Story, revolving around the supernatural.Secondly I analyze what impact the supernatural has on the main character.

Berättandeförmåga hos svenska barn i en flerspråkig miljö från förskoleålder till årskurs 2

The present study investigated free narratives in 72 children between 3;11 and 9;0 years. Participants were recruited from a multilingual environment in eastern Gothenburg. The children were instructed to make up their own stories after being provided with openings, ?Story stems?. The stories were then transcribed and analyzed on micro- and macro level and narrative evaluation.


Eyjafjallajökull is made of textile, ash and pigment. Itis a publication which tells the Story of the ash cloudthat stopped Europe. The primary goal of the projectwas to use textile as material and screen printing asmethod to present the Story of Eyjafjallajökull. Theaim was to examine the relationship between artand graphic design. As the material and printingmethod was set from the beginning the processwas inverted: The information needed to fill thepublication was produced to fit the presentationand not the other way around.

Den oändliga berättelsen : En schematisk och tematisk analys av Michael Endes Den oändliga historien och två adaptioner

The thesis of this essay is concerned with how two adaptations of The Neverending Story have used the novel's vivid intertextuality and dialogism. The essay also discusses the possibilities of adaptation studies and whether an adaptation can explain a novel by emphasizing its themes..

En Bättre Människa : En normkritisk studie av föreställningar om kön och sexualitet i berättelsen om normbrytande ungdom

This study aims to make out, which notions and ideas about gender and sexuality that comes into expression in the description of the deviant youth. This study is a narrative analysis, based on a queer theoretical approach. The queer theory directs attention to the normative frameworks on gender and sexuality. Queer theory also illustrates the relationship between the normative and what is considered abnormal/deviant. The study's empirical basis is 8 legal texts, legal documents formed in a Swedish context, which include the welfare state´s judiciary and social services.

Jonatan - tronföljaren som inte blev kung : om en relation och dess konsekvenser

The Story of Jonathan and David is a part of the deuteronomical view of Israels hiStory from the occupation of the holy land all the way to the exile in Babylon. I am aware of that this is not true hiStory, but it is nevertheless interesting to ask oneself: Why are those people a part of the deuteronomical hiStory? What was the meaning in telling the Story in this way?Exegetes and researchers are trying to give the relationship between Jonathan and David a place in the political realm, but here I have used several sources to show that it is not only a political Story, but a loveaffair, where Jonathan is pictured as a submissive woman and thereby excludes himself from the throne of Israel. David on the other hand, acts as the perfect man, who is in command in spite of his youth. He does not break the rules of the patriarchal society, where the relation between two men was accepted as long as the older one did not play the womans role.

Strategy and change stories at work - Translating ideal official stories into real case stories

When referring to the same event, people can have different assumptions. What is interesting to see is why these assumptions are different, why do people have different stories? Some of the reasons could be different levels of expectation, different communication channels or even different cultural backgrounds. We have analysed all these by having a case study within a company that has recently gone through a change management/strategy implementation process.The research reviewed in this paper originates in two different worlds. One world is a research world where stories come from textbooks and articles.

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