1014 Uppsatser om Statsvetenskap - Sida 36 av 68
Ondskans Axelmakter - Varför kärnvapen?
Iran och Nordkorea tillhör båda gruppen av skurkstater, även kallat ?ondskans axelmakter?, på grund av deras kärnvapenambitioner. Skäl för att tillförskaffa kärnvapen domineras av säkerhetspolitiska skäl. Vi skall här genom en jämförelse mellan två av världens ?skurkstater? utröna om skälen för ett potentiellt införskaffande härrör från säkerhetspolitiska skäl.
Venezuela under Hugo Chávez - en mätning av demokrati
The present state of politics in contemporary Venezuela portrays a country of polarization, a chase for power and accusations of authoritarian and even undemocratic rule. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the democracy in Venezuela, in order to clarify the sometimes vauge perception of the political situation. By applying the theories of polyarchical democracy put forth by Robert Dahl, one of the most highly regarded theorists on the subject, accordingly the discussion will therefore follow a theoretical framework. Dahl requires seven nstitutions to be guaranteed in a democracy, amongst them the possibility to vote, run for public office and the practise of freedom of speech. Measuring Dahl's levels of institutions in Venezuela, it is made clear that the level of democracy vary in different areas.
Medborgarförslag - ett sätt att stärka demokratin? En ideologianalys med kommunalt fokus
This thesis aims at analysing conflicts between different ideals of democracy, using the example of a newly implemented citizen´s initiative reform. This reform gives citizens the right to make policy proposals to Swedish municipal councils. The proposals are to be handled in the same way as proposals from the municipal council members. An ideology analysis of various government documents as well as of an official state study (SOU) is carried out to identify and discuss the ideals of democracy that underpin the reform. The analysis is based on participatory democracy and electoral democracy theory and Arnstein's Eight Rungs on the Ladder of Citizen Participation is used to discuss different types of participation by the citizens.
"Den Andre" och skapandet av en identitet En teoretisk studie av begreppsliggandet av "den Andre" och dess påverkan på identitetskonstruktioner
The aim of this theoretical study is to explain how the notion of the Other and Otherness affect individuals possibilities to form multiple, personal identities. This is done by the use of the theory of the Other and the construction of identities. In my analysis I will be using the power perspective presented by Lukes. The purpose of my study is also to investigate whether a focus on similarity over difference between groups can change the situation for individualsMy study shows that otherness affect individuals identity constructions through stereotyping and categorising. This is made possible by the use of power from outside and inside different groupings.
Europaparlamentets syn på jämställdhet - En undersökning om det finns några samband mellan EU-parlamentarikernas ideologiska bakgrund, nationella identitet, samt kön, och deras syn på jämställdhet
This paper is a statistical examination about how the European Parliament views questions about equality between women and men. It focuses on how the members understand gender equality depending on ideological standpoint, nationality and gender. In other words, it focuses on whether the politicians have different point of views depending on which parliamentary political group they belong to, which member state they are coming from or which gender (man/woman) they have.Equality between women and men is a complex problem. This paper is concentrating on two questions; the problem about setting up a European gender institute and the problem about gender mainstreaming.The examination, which is a statistical examination about how politicians were voting in both questions, shows that all variables, ideological standpoint, nationality and gender, are determining factors for their voting behaviour in questions about gender equality. Ideological standpoint is the most important variable, second in place is gender and the least important factor is nationality..
Smutsiga händer? USA:s samarbete med Iran 1953-1979
The hypocrisy of democracy is to help autocratic rulers to stay in power because it benefits their own country. This thesis examines how the United States of America justified their cooperation with the Iranian Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi during the period of 1953-1979, until he was overthrown by his own people. This case-study doesn´t make general conclusions about the US foreign policy towards other countries except Iran.The theoretical starting point for the empirical analysis is the political dilemma of dirty hands. With the analytical instrument, constructed with a normative analysis about the concept of dirty hands, it´s possible to discover which ethical discipline the American presidents had to uphold to justify their actions.There are three different aspects of their cooperation which are lifted in this thesis. The first one is about the circumstances that made them begin their cooperation, the second regards the features of the cooperation.
Paradoxer i feminismens namn - En studie av genus och kultur ur ett poststrukturalistiskt feministiskt perspektiv
This thesis explores the validity of feminist poststructuralist theory in relation to gender and culture. Within the theoretical frame¬work of Judith Butler, combined with insights from the field of post-colonial theory, different perspectives of the dilemma of universalism are discussed. Primary sources for the study are policy documents from the Swedish government, literary texts and newspaper articles. The results show a number of paradoxes which need to be continually and critically kept unsolved. This does not mean an end to feminist engagement in other contexts than one's own but rather the need for theoretical awareness and self reflection.
Har vi inte kommit längre än så här? - en studie om jämställdhet i Europaparlamentet
The aim of this thesis is to ascertain if women are discriminated in the European Parliament, and if so, how it is expressed. Our hypothesis is that female members of the parliament suffer a kind of double discrimination. The European Parliament consists of roughly one third women, but nevertheless the discrimination does not end there. According to our hypothesis women do not have the same opportunity to influence as their male colleagues, hence the double discrimination.The results of this thesis show that women are discriminated, mainly by not gaining access to the European Union's important issues, whilst the female dominated issues are scheduled on late evening and at the end of a session week. Another unsatisfactory issue was that even though half of the reports were given by women, they only received one third of the references to their reports while men received two thirds of the references.
Psykiatrireformen - från intention till verklighet? : En analys av psykiatrireformens måluppfyllelse
The purpose with this essay is to examine if the Swedish government?s intentions regarding to the mental health care reform, have been fulfilled. We have classified the intentions into three categories, regulation, financing and responsibility for organizing the policy. The intentions have then been compared with the results of the reform.Our theoretical framework starts with a model, developed by Evert Vedung (1998). We use this model as a tool to examine the fulfillment of the mental health care reform.
Den norska pensionsreformen 2005. En studie av en välfärdsreforms tillkomst ur tre maktperspektiv.
The aim of this thesis is to spread some light over the coming into being of the 2005 Pension Reform in Norway. The point of departure lies within an interest in Welfare State politics and the development in this field. Pensions constitute a cornerstone in the Welfare State. Making use of J. Kingdon´s Theory of the Agenda Setting Process, Discourse Theory and Institutional Theory the thesis seek to visualize the implications of structures, central actors and discourses on the reform processes.
Civilsamhällets roll i etniska konflikter - hinder eller möjlighet? En fallstudie av Nigerias civilsamhälle
Nigeria är ett av världens mest etniskt mångfaldiga länder. Landet har under senare år, trots ett alltmer demokratiskt styre, erfarit ett uppsving av etniska konflikter. Med en konstruktivistisk syn på etnicitet är orsaken till konflikterna inte given, utan kan elimineras. De nigerianska ledarna har dock inte lyckats med detta, utan snarare gjort problemen än mer komplicerade. Därför syftar denna fallstudie till att analysera civilsamhällets möjligheter och hinder att få bukt med de etniska konflikterna.Genom tillämpande av teorier om inter- och intraetniskt civilsamhälle samt socialt kapital finner vi att civilsamhället, som genom en bred definition är livfullt och heterogent i Nigeria, i dagsläget är för svagt och fragmenterat.
Effektivitet eller valfrihet? - varför konkurrens inte verkar ge effektivitet i skolan
Konkurrens av privata aktörer på skolområdet verkar inte leda till ökad effektivitet, snarare tvärt om. Effekten på medelbetyg verkar vara marginell, samtidigt som de elever i en kommun som redan har svaga resultat drabbas negativt, och effekten i det sambandet kan växa över tid. De elever som drabbas behöver inte vara samma som går i friskolorna. Friskolor ser ut att ha en kostnadsdrivande effekt. Inom den teori som kallas New Public Management antar man att marknadens strukturer kan föras över på den offentliga förvaltningen, men det verkar inte stämma på skolområdet.
EU och folkomröstningarna En undersökning om de europeiska ländernas skiftande karaktär och hur dess väljare agerat i förhållande till detta
33 referendum has taken place in european states regarding the European Union since the fall of the Berlin wall. This thesis aims to initialy identify potential patterns in this group of referenda to launch and test a theory/hypothesis anchored in this pattern.The european states are differing in nature and the standard of living is chosen as the factor that can potentially have affected the outcome of the referenda held. The carrying thought here being that the voters in states with considerably lower standard of living than the european average would have a more positive attitude towards a deepened cooperation among european states.To try this connection between standard of living and how european citizens have placed their votes a main and principal quantitative test is undertaken. It is followed by discussion and arguments about the result of the test.The argumentation goes from being hopefull of the strenght of the hypothesis, to a more ciritical view of its' strength. The thesis is wrapped up in some argumentation about how and why it fails to explain what it was initially intended to do.
En diktator utan vapen en komparativ studie av amerikansk retorik och teorin om rättfärdiga krig
Den 11 september 2001 förändrades världen. USA var inte längre skyddat av stora hav utan var nu sårbart för anfall. En ny värld krävde nya krig och de gamla doktrinerna för rättfärdigande av krigföring och nationalstatens suveränitet sattes ur spel i sökandet efter terrorister.Efter att Talibanregimen var störtad i Afghanistan var det största hotet mot USA säkerhet och världens fred diktaturen i Irak och diktatorn Saddam Hussein. Man sökte nu ett rättfärdigande av en militär invasion av Irak och presidentens retorik sökte med snabbt legitimitet i teorierna om rättfärdiga krig.Det nya amerikanska försvarsdoktrinen krävde en modig retorik för att rättfärdiga det kontroversiella beslutet om att ? efter många år ? avsätta den Irakiska diktatorn.Gränsen mellan mod och dumdristighet är hårfin.
Jag vill att du tittar på mig när jag talar med mig - Om asylsökandes kommunikationsmöjligheter
This thesis has the purpose of developing a normative theoretical framework based on different political philosophers and scientists view on deliberative democratic theory, discourse ethics and a modified norm of citizenship. This framework is supposed to contain the ideal communicative situation for people seeking asylum. Hence, the thesis argues that political influence is best practised through communicative rights, and that people seeking asylum are in title to such rights. We conclude that the standards needed to be met in order to reach the ideal are: translators, translated information, arenas for- or channels of communication, language education, and deliberative education. Once the framework is established we focus our interest on the Swedish state.