1014 Uppsatser om Statsvetenskap - Sida 35 av 68
Medborgarsammanslutningarnas vara eller icke vara -en diskursanalys ur ett demokratiperspektiv
Medborgarsammanslutningar har funnits i Sverige sedan 1800-talet och delas upp i folkrörelser, som är av mer ideell karaktär, och intresseorganisationer som sätter de egna medlemmarnas bästa i första rummet. Medborgerligt deltagande i det politiska systemet motiveras med att demokratin ökar då medborgarna tillåts uttrycka sina åsikter. Det svenska systemet har länge präglats av en hög grad av korporatism där medborgarsammanslutningar i hög grad har inkorporerats inom kommunalt och statligt beslutsfattande. Idag talas det dock allt oftare om att det svenska systemet håller på att förändras, att det pågår en avkorporatisering. Enligt många forskare håller det svenska samhället på att ersättas av en växande pluralism där medborgarsammanslutningarnas starka band till staten löses upp.
Att tala fritt är stort, att tala rätt är större - En komparativ analys av statens användning av språk som instrument i nationsbyggnadsprocessen i Ukraina och Kazakstan
This thesis is a comparative analysis of language policy in the Post-Soviet states Ukraine and Kazakhstan, wherein the states are seen as rational actors using language as an instrument in the nation-building process. With a take-off point in an underframe of theories on the nation, national identity, instrumentalism, power and the particular role of language in the nation-building process, this thesis shows that language is a key instrument used by the two states.The Ukrainian and Kazakhian language policies create and put across a certain image of the nation, by emphasising the titular languages as symbols of the new states. The line of argument in the language policy is a balance act between large-scale promotion of titular languages and a careful and inclusive attitude towards the Russian language. The biggest differences are that Ukraine, compared to Kazakhstan, has a more comprehensive and consequent language policy with a deeply rooted historic rhetoric. The most obvious instruments of the states in language policy is censuses, corpus-planning and the state choosing one official language..
Kvinnornas fel? Om kvotering och organisering i det argentinska parlamentet
Argentina var först i världen med att införa lagstadgad kvotering av kvinnor till parlamentet. Målet med kvoteringen var att öka jämställdheten, detta genom att ge kvinnorna mer inflytande. Det har dock visat sig att kvinnornas inflytande över politiken inte ökat i samma takt som deras antal och vi försöker i vår uppsats förklara detta. Vi gör det med hjälp av teori om vikten av kvinnors organisering i politiska sammanhang, och det motstånd denna organisering ofta möter. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie baserad på feministisk teori, forskning om kvinnor i politiken samt material om främst Argentina och Latinamerika.
Bistånd som utrikespolitiskt maktmedel: En studie av hur USA har använt bistånd i Israel, Egypten och Pakistan mellan åren 1950-2003.
AbstractUSA:s biståndspolitik har främst använts strategiskt för att främja nationella intressen. Bi-stånd kan vara ett effektivs sätt för en stat att utöva ekonomisk makt över en annan. USA har gett bistånd till Israel sedan början av 50-talet då USA:s stora population av judar har skapat ett närmast inrikespolitiskt intresse i landet.Egypten har efter att fredsföredrag skrevs med Israel 1979 erhållit stora summor i militärt och ekonomiskt bistånd från USA. Det har varit viktigt för USA att se till att Egypten håller freden med Israel samt att ha en av arabstaterna som allierad i Mellanöstern. Egypten har varit det land som, efter Israel, fått mest bistånd från USA.Pakistans geografiska läge har under perioder varit ytterst viktig för USA, framför allt på grund av hotet från Sovjetunionen under Kalla kriget.USA:s strategiska biståndspolitik förklarar vi utifrån realistisk teori inom internationell politik..
Gränslös välfärd? En studie om den europeiska integrationen har nått området välfärd genom sysselsättningspolitiken
Social policy has now received an increased attention in the European Union. The European welfare states experience a high level of unemployment, which the EU now tries to handle through the European Employment Strategy (EES). The core of this essay is whether the welfare institutions of the European member states are integrating through an institutionalization process or not. Within the EU four different types of welfare models can be identified: the Scandinavian, the Continental, the Southern and the Anglo-Saxon. The welfare models differ in the institutional settings e.g.
ESDP - att vara eller inte vara -Rationella förklaringar och ledarskapets betydelse för ESDP:s födelse i Köln 1999.
At the EU summit in Cologne in 1999, a consensus was reached concerning the common foreign and security policy within the European Union. It was decided at the summit that the WEU (Western European Union) should be incorporated into the EU - whom would then be given military capability to act autonomously without the necessity of Nato involvement. This essay investigates the factors that made this agreement possible from a rational choice perspective, but also from the perspective of the power and influence on negotiations on behalf of various types of leadership present at the meeting. Many nations at the summit of Cologne where for the creation of a military force in the form of ESDP (European Security and Defence Policy) within the Union, and many where against such a decision. However a consensus was reached and that is what this essay shall try to explain.
Weimarrepubliken 1918-1933 En metodologisk individualistisk studie om demokratins kollaps
The purpose of this essay was to analyze the collapse of democracy in the Weimar Republic. This was done by analyzing some of the most turbulent crises in its history like the communists attempt to take power in 1919, the kapp-putsch of 1920, hyperinflation 1923 and the economic depression 1929-1933. The method that I used in this essay is called methodological individualism. It was an analytical framework which helped to understand the citizens view on democracy and legitimacy. The theoretical framework was based on Juan J.Linz and Seymour Martin Lipsets ideas on legitimacy and efficacy.
Staden som en kollektiv aktör En abduktiv fallstudie på Malmö stad
AbstractCities are once again becoming the locus of economic, social and political processes. The effect of these processes on the city is two-fold: one one hand they threaten to fragment and dislocate the city and the actors within them, on the other hand they give actors within cities new opportunities to react and mobilize resources towards different strategies of integration. The latter gives rise to what Patrick Le Galès calls the collective actor-city. The aim of this thesis is to explore the notion of the city as a collective actor in a swedish context by utilizing Le Galès theory of european cities as collective actors in an abductive case study on the city of Malmoe. By utilizing Le Galès five dimensions that make up a collective actor I analyze interviews conducted with city officals aswell as documents produced from the city wide plan of action Welfare for everybody.
Kampen om Din Världsbild - En Diskursanalys av Ekelunddebatten från Sydsvenska Dagbladets Kultursidor
AbstractDue to the success of the Populist Party Sverigedemokraterna in the Swedish election of 2006, the daily paper Sydsvenska Dagbladet published a number of columns written by well-known academics, writers and debaters. Their aim was to address the question of why this happened in the election and what it is in the Swedish society today that brought forward these trends. The first and the last word was given to the writer Fredrik Ekelund, and therefore the debate was named Ekelunddebatten.The debaters are fighting to present their view of the world as the only option when categorizing different societal groups and appointing themselves as group representatives. My aim is to unravel these different conceptions of the world and to do this I use the Dicourse Analysis as a method. I discuss the results with Critical Discourse Theory as a theoretical base and also from the view of the current societal discourses: the working class discourse, the multicultural discourse and the discourse of political correctness.I mainly observe four different conceptions of the world with different posing of problems.
Nordisk compliance - En studie av de nordiska EU-medlemmarnas implementeringsnivå
The following thesis is examining compliance with EU-law from a member state perspective. The variation in the compliance level between the member states from 1995 to 2005 is analyzed to prove the fact that the Nordic member countries during the measured time period experienced a low number of infringements. The infringements that did occur were resolved faster and more efficient in the Nordic countries then in the other member states. The theory used to explain the Nordic compliance rate is divided between external and internal pressure in a pull and push model. The external pressure is illustrated with argumentative persuasion from the EU-commission to the individual member states; how the state responds to the persuasion in order to act compliant.
Glaskrossare på hög nivå - en studie av strategier för jämställdhet inom två organisationer
I Sverige ser vi idag en arbetsmarknad som är långt ifrån jämställd, detta kan man se exempel på inom svenska företags- och organisationsledningar samt styrelser där kvinnor är starkt underrepresenterade. Den rådande strukturen bidrar till att kvinnor i stor utsträckning exkluderas från de högsta befattningarna och har svårt att överkomma de hinder som möter dem under karriären. Dessa hinder brukar benämnas glastak då de syftar till det osynliga tak som försvårar kvinnors tillträde till de högsta positionerna. Vi vill i denna uppsats belysa vikten av ett aktivt engagemang och arbete med jämställdhet för att hjälpa kvinnor att avancera inom den egna organisationen. Genom fallstudier av två organisationer som använt sig av jämställdhetsprojekt i sitt arbete för en jämställd arbetsplats vill vi analysera hur de främjar att kvinnor på lika villkor som män skall kunna nå toppositionerna.
Jyllandsposten och islamofobin - en postkolonial studie av diskursen om muslimer som "de Andra"
Efter den 11 september 2001 har det i väst blivit mer accepterat att göra negativa uttalanden om islam och muslimer i diskurser. Vår tes är att ledarsidorna i Jyllandsposten är ett exempel på en sådan diskurs där muslimer framställts som de Andra och ses som fundamentalt olika "danskarna". Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka diskursen om islam/muslimer på Jyllandspostens ledarsidor år 2000-2005. Detta görs genom en kritisk diskursanalys, utifrån postkolonial teori. Vi undersöker även om diskursen kan sägas vara en rasifierad diskurs, och hur diskursen har förändrats sedan år 2000.
Uteblev effekterna av 9/11? En analys av förändringen inom EU:s samarbete mot terrorism utifrån historisk institutionalism
In 1992, the European Union began institutionalizing the cooperation against terrorism within the EU structure. Since then, this cooperation has gone through a number of changes. From a historical institutionalistic point of departure we explain these changes by identifying sources of institutional resilience and institutional change. Based on these results, we were able to pose hypotheses of when and what category of change was most likely to take place.The results show that the cooperation against terrorism within the EU was most likely to remain stable because of strong sources of institutional resilience. If change would occur through an increase in the sources of institutional change, it was most likely to be of a less extensive category.
När de blir vi: institutioner, governance och förändring i Öresundskomiteen
In January 2007 the Öresund committy changed its statutes to become a more politically oriented lobby organization. This change can be interpreted as one part of a continuously evolving process where the Öresund region is emancipating itself from the national states in a multi-level European environment. By focusing on this latest development the thesis puts forward the importance of political institutions, as well as politicians and civil servants as actors in them, as crucial factors in the process where the region is gaining political power. The thesis shows how the political cross-border cooperation in the Öresund region is being institutionalized which affects its power relations to other levels in the multi-level system, predominantly the national states. In other words, there is a connection between power and institutionalization.The Öresund committee has by gaining better access to policymaking agendas on the national levels proven that the organizational change has already started to bear fruit.
Transition till demokrati: strukturella faktorers påverkan i de begränsade flerpartisystemen Kenya och Tanzania
This paper deals with institutional and structural factors' influence on democratic transition in limited multiparty regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Comparing the cases Kenya and Tanzania, of which the former has made a transition to democracy and the latter has not, this paper reaches the conclusion that political traditions, the coalescing of the opposition, and the elites ability to learn from the electoral process is essential for a transition to democracy. In the specific cases, the harshness of the Moi regime and the Tanzanian vision of national unity may possibly carry some explanatory power, alongside the pressure from international actors.These results have been reached through the application of a comparative case study, where democratic transition constitutes the dependent variable. It should be noted that a harsh definition of the term transition has been applied, according to which the incumbents actual loss of an election is a necessary indicator for transition. However, the Freedom House and Polity scores have been brought up as complement of this definition.