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Syftet med denna uppsats var att utifrån Hadenius och Weibulls synsätt se hur en händelse blir en nyhet och ur ett historiskt perspektiv studera hur Krylbosmällen blev en nyhet i tidningarna. Syftet var även att se vilken teori tidningarna hade om orsaken till Krylbosmällen. För att besvara syftet användes en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ metod, där jag undersökte fem olika tidningar och litteratur. När andra världskriget startade förhöll sig Sverige neutrala mellan de västallierade och Tyskland och deras allierade. Efter påtryckningar från Tyskland ingick Sverige ett transiteringsavtal med dem.

Borrning och gängning av laxkilar till vågkraftverk med industrirobot

To make wave power more competitive on the market Uppsala University leads projects that examine how to accomplish better efficiency in the production. One of these projects is described in this report and examines whether it is possible to make the production of dovetails more efficient by using an industry robot of type ABB IRB6000 S3 M91. This project is using an already presented working method, from a previous project, which involves that the robot picks up the dovetail and moves against fixed cutting machines where the dovetail will be drilled, threaded and milled. Drilling and threading are the sub operations that will be examined in this project where experiments are made with the presented working method and with equipment from Uppsala University.Experiments show whether it is possible to drill the holes in the dovetail within specifications by using the specific robot and the presented working method. The threading operation is examined theoretically if it is possible to accomplish by using the same working method.

Dimensioneringsberäkningar av medföljande jordlina i kabelnät

Mellanspänningsnätet består till stor del av markförlagd kabel. Praxis hos Vattenfall är att förlägga medföljande jordlina tillsammans med kabeln. Denna studie tittar på frågeställningen om vilken dimension som ska användas på medföljande jordlina.I studien kartläggs distributionsnätets uppbyggnad utifrån de ingående komponenternas bidrag till jordfelströmmar. Överslagsberäkningar används för att lösa uppgiften.Uppdraget var att undersöka vilken dimension som erfordras på medföljande jordlinan i mellanspänningsnät, (10-20kV) för enkel- och samförläggning. Studien rör anläggningar med kortslutningsström på högst 16 och 20 kA.Beräkningsmetoderna utgår från kända felströmmar och impedanser i kablar och stationer.

Operationsklinikers riktlinjer och arbete med oavsiktlig anestesiinducerad hypotermi.

Background: Students, at a secondary upper school, attending a practical programme have a lower physical capacity than students from theoretical programs. Our physical self-esteem has a great significance for our motivation in being physically active and thereby also for our health. The purpose: of this study is to find out if there is a difference between perceived physical self-esteem and objectively measured physical activity between students attending a practical programme and a theoretical programme. Method: Four classes, in a medium-sized town in the southeast of Sweden, participated in the study, two classes from practical programmes and two classes from theoretical programmes. All the students were in their final year at the upper secondary school, when they were part of the study during the autumn of 2011.

Atopon. En intersektionell studie över svenska gymnasieungdomars tal om religion, etnicitet, klass och kön

This master?s thesis problematizes how students in two Swedish secondary schools think and speak about, and relate to, topics such as gender, class, ethnicity, religion and sex, but also how they move in, make use of, and interact within, the school space. What categorizing and positionings, if any, can be found? Students in two Swedish secondary schools, in a medium sized Swedish town, have been observed (using participant observation) and interviewed (open ended), the material was then examined with intersectional theory. A majority of the ethnic Swedish respondents position ?the religious? as ?superstitious?, ?frightening? and/or ?backwards?, also many of them equated religion with ?muslim/islam?, a greater understanding for the others religious outlook was shown by students with an ethnic background from outside Europe.

Ambulanspersonals uppfattning om fysiska tester och fysisk träning inom ambulanssjukvården

There is no standardized test to control the appropriate physical ability in the Swedish ambulance service. The county in question does not perform annual physical tests. A project has been going to develop science-based physical tests, designed for the ambulance service. The research has resulted in the Aasa-test.Objective: The aims of this study were to examine the ambulance staff perception of the Aasa-test relevance, introduction of annual tests and the importance of their own physical training in relation to ambulance work.Method: A quasi-experimental study with a comparative design has been conducted. Aasa-tests were conducted in 41 randomly selected staff at an ambulance station in central Sweden.

Hur kan handeln på en mindre ort se ut och hur kan den påverkas av ett samarbete? : - En fallstudie av Skutskärs Centrum, Älvkarleby kommun

Bakgrund: En pågående centralisering av handeln sker med en förflyttning av handel från landsbygd och mindre orter till större städer. Denna urbanisering beror på bland annat de stordriftsfördelar som större butiker och köpcentra erhåller. Den ökade konkurrensen i städerna påverkar därför handeln på mindre orter och kan riskera att utarma denna helt.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur handelssituationen på en mindre ort kan se ut då stark konkurrens föreligger från närbelagda orter samt att kartlägga alternativa förbättringsmöjligheter som skulle kunna tillämpas för att nå ökad lönsamhet.Metod: Fallstudien utgår ifrån en abduktiv ansats där en kvalitativ undersökning har gjorts med sju respondenter. Även en kvantitativ undersökning har genomförts med 25 deltagande företag.Slutsats: På den mindre orten upplevs konkurrensen både genom kraftig extern konkurrens från närliggande orter och en intern konkurrens från andra företag på den egna orten. Ett samarbete mellan företagarna kan bestå i att anordna gemensamma aktiviteter och att tillsammans marknadsföra orten under ett varumärke.

Försvinn. Påminn. Eller återvinn? : om det industriella kulturarvets framtid genom Norra Sorgenfri

This essay deals with the industrial past, present and future and begins with the impact and importance the industrial revolution has had on us humans, socially, economically and structurally. Today's society has developed from industrial production of goods to the production of services but the industrial sites remains. The essay examines issues concerning the protection of the industrial environment, their status as a cultural heritage, what is done with our industrial heritage and the opportunities it has for the future. Malmö has a great industrial history and now one of the cities oldest industrial sites, the north of Sorgenfri, will be transformed. The essay compares the plan with guidelines for future development from the Town Building Office with an antiquarian investigation for the same area.

Arbetsförmedlare mellan uppdrag och verklighet : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsförmedlares handlingsutrymme

This is a study about employment officers at the Swedish public employment service. The aim of this study was to examine how they understand and use their discretion in their daily work. We used a qualitative method and the data was gathered by semi-structured interviews with eight employment officers working at the same office in a small town in Sweden. Lipskys theory about street-level bureaucracy and Lazarus description of coping theory are applied to analyze the empirical data. The work for the Swedish employment officers have changed over the last years with an increasing focus on control and administration.

Modeller för utvärdering av set-up för återvinning av lastlister inom IKEA

Reverse logistics is getting more and more attention both from companies and the public. It is an area with the possibility for companies to do good in the eyes of the public. This work focus on the return system of a one-way handling material called the loading ledge. The loading ledge is developed by IKEA as a substitute for the EUR-pallet in transports from suppliers with a long distance and even flow and in transports from suppliers with short distance and uneven flow. The loading ledge is made out of 100 % recyclable plastic.The purpose of this work is to find the most efficient set-up for recycling of loading ledges within IKEA on a European level from a transport and handling point of view considering aspects like cost, environment, time and, from an administrative point of view, user-friendliness.Who will the participants of the set-up be, where will they be located, which transports are needed and which income and costs does the set-up generate, are questions that will be answered.

Skattning av byteskostnader på den svenska marknaden för pensionsförsäkringar

Gender equality and gender equality work is relevant for today's working life, and previously male-dominated occupations may be increasingly under pressure to become more equal. This paper aims to explore and understand how the firefighters at a station are experiencing gender and gender equality in rescue services.Using theories of how sex is done, how a power perspective and a structural approach can show men's and women's different conditions in an organization, and theories that are more specific to gender and change management the firefighters talk about gender and gender equality are analyzed. Essay results were collected through interviews with seven firefighters and then analyzed and interpreted with the help of theories.The analysis shows that there is a perception among the firefighters that men and women are biologically different and that required physical strength legitimizes the exclusion of women. Inequality is seen as something natural and by pursuing an active gender equality women are given unwarranted benefits. When physical strength becomes a legitimate reason for exclusion, the responsibility for gender inequality is put on women and that women don?t have what it takes.There is also a resistance against gender equality analyzed in the paper, and it's stated opposition seems to be directed against the management's way of recruiting women.

Del projekt inom ClampCal - Utvärdering av mätmetoder för temperatur, viskositet och densitet samt röregenskaper

The dissertation were performed on SP, Technical Institute of Sweden. The dissertation were carried out on the measurement technical department, this dissertation is a part of a bigger project, project ClampCal. One of SP?s returning assignments are flow-measurement. When flow-measurement is performed, the flow has to be stopped so that a meter can be installed in the pipes where measurement is going to take place. At every stop there is time delay in the flow which causes the customers to loose money. This is why SP wanted to find a better solution so that measurement can be done without any stops in the flow. Usage of a so-called Clamp-on meter was considered, but since the measurement uncertainty is too large it takes some investigation on the parts where the largest uncertainties occur and thus find a solution that can diminish the uncertainty as much as possible. The parts that were considered to have an opportunity to reduce measurement uncertainties were the fluid temperature, its characteristics and the pipe geometry and its characteristics. For the fluid temperature a Pt100-sensor with four different radii for various pipes was used.

Manure evaluation in dairy cows :

Manure evaluation has been suggested as a cheap, fast and easy method which can give information about the digestibility of the ration, the function of the rumen, where in the gastrointestinal tract the feed is digested and the health of the cow. An experiment was conducted to study how manure evaluation could be used as a management tool in Swedish Dairy farming. Manure was collected from cows on Kungsängen Research Station and from 9 other farms. The manure samples were analysed for dry matter, ash, starch, pH-value and particle size (wet sieved). Also, the consistency of the manure was determined on a 5-point scale and the colour and smell were noticed. Penn State Forage Particle Separator was used for determining the particle size of the roughage.

Mötet med en socialarbetare. Om makt, sekretess och anmälningsplikt

Arbetets ansats är öka förståelsen för vad svenska ungdomar möter när de råkat ut för en allvarlig händelse och söker professionell hjälp. Arbetet berör juridisk bakgrund, det sociala arbetets organisation och närvarande faktorer i mötet mellan socialarbetare och klient. Vidare berörs hur individen påverkas av att möta socialarbetare utifrån symbolisk interaktionism och stämplingsteorin. Genom en enkätundersökning undersöks hur stor svenska ungdomars kännedom om tystnadsplikt och anmälningsplikt är och om det finns könsskillnader i denna medvetenhet. Enkätundersökningen utgår framförallt ifrån svensk stad med cirka 30.000 invånare i kommunen.

Ökad kapacitet i Stockholms kollektivtrafik - Kan T-Centralen med enkla finansiella medel öka sin kapacitet

By conducting interviews, studies as well as scanning the current scientific landscape, this paper examines the opportunities of increasing current capacity within the public transportation system in Stockholm with simple financial means for the benefit of the travelers. The paper focuses on the central station of the subway system and how adjustments of processes carried out in relation to the turnstiles could increase performance within areas of interest, given the preferences of the travelers. The theoretical framework of the paper includes models from the field of capacity management as well as theories related to the pedestrian behavior. Applying these theories and models to the collected data, the paper derives some main conclusions. First of, people using the public transportations system, and especially the subway, consider speed and dependability as the most important performance objectives for the caretakers of the public transportation system, SL and MTR to master.

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