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Trycksår : ? undersköterskors kunskaper om att förebygga trycksår

Background and aims: The population of older people in our society is increasing. Agerelated changes in the skin results in a diminished perception of pain and pressure and a decreased microcirculation in the skin affects its ability to adapt to injury. Occurrence of pressure sore on geriatrikal clinics are 5-10%, witch means that between five and ten thousand patients gets daily treat for pressure sores. When the patient gets a pressure sore the need for help increases. A common apprehension is that if the patient?s affects with pressure sores it?s because of deficiency in care.

Design av taktad monteringslina för glasformningssektioner

Bucher Emhart Glass är ett världsledande företag inom glasformningsindustrin. De producerar maskiner som används vid tillverkning av glasförpackningar, så som till exempel glasflaskor, matburkar och vid förpackning av medicin. Bucher Emhart Glass erbjuder i dagsläget sina kunder fyra olika typer av maskiner, de äldre IS och AIS samt de nyare NIS och BIS. Maskinerna kan producera upp till en miljon glasflaskor per dygn.Bucher Emhart Glass har fabriker i Sundsvall, Örebro och i Malaysia. Företaget genomgår nu en omorganisation där delar av produktionen flyttas till Malaysia vilket medför att ytbehovet på dess fabrik i Sundsvall minskar och fabriken byggs om.

Automatisering av härdugn

Examensarbetet har utförts på Metso Refiner Segments AB i Hagfors, Värmland. Gjuteriet arbetar mot pappersindustrin och produkten de tillverkar kallas för malsegment. Malsegmenten sitter monterad på två stora skivor i en raffinör, vilket används för att framställa mekanisk pappersmassa. För att minska personalkostnaderna och för att få bort ett monotont moment för operatörerna vill Metso automatisera den station där malsegmenten härdas. Värmebehandlingen sköts idag av två operatörer och är tänkt att efter en automatisering kunna skötas av en operatör.

Språkförmågor hos barn som deltar i läsfrämjande aktivitet

In a school for children from 6-9 years in a small town in the southeast of Sweden, is areading activity program in progress since 8 years. The original purpose of this program wasto enhance the student?s reading interest. All of the students read at least one book a week andthen they review the book in front of the class.The purpose of the present study was to examine vocabulary, word retrieving, narrative skillsand grammatical abilities in children in this school. The objectives were to investigate if thechosen language abilities in these children were different compared to normative data andearlier studies in children at comparable ages.

Business Navigator : Anva?ndarcentrerad utveckling av framtidens internetbank

This thesis deals with an iterative user-centered IT-development project in a bank setting. The aim is to present a solution for deployment of future Internet banking for small businesses. The project features a design of IT-related concepts and ideas with a strong emphasis on scenario-based design and the usage of patterns as a documentation tool.The project plan featured an iterative framework and was carried out by a group of designers in collaboration with a reference group representing the future users of the system. This group consisted of company managers and bank employees, all from the small town of Åtvidaberg in Sweden.The method used in the development process was Scrum. A total of three sprints were completed with user meetings at the end of every sprint.

Vem bestämmer egentligen? : Om handelsetableringar och kommunal samhällsplanering

Denna uppsats behandlar kommunal samhällsplanering, med fokus på handelsetableringar. Uppsatsen tar avstamp i den utveckling med externalisering och koncentration av detaljhandeln som pågått under de senaste decennierna. Denna utveckling är såväl lokal som regional och har inneburit att detaljhandeln koncentrerats till centralorternas stadskärnor och externa stormarknader. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken aktör som bestämmer över denna utveckling. De aktörer som undersöks är dagligvaruhandeln och samt kommuner.

Optimering av produktionsflo?de fo?r hydraultankar : Fo?r en ba?ttre och sa?krare arbetsmiljo?

?Optimizing the workflow of hydraulic reservoir tanks? is a degree project made by Jonas Olsson, student within the faculty of technology and science, during spring semester 2012. The project comprise 22,5 ECTS.Volvo Construction Equipment, located in Arvika, was the client in this project. The mentor at Volvo CE was A?sa Barck, and the mentor at Karlstad University was Monica Jakobsson.

"Det är precis som vilket ställe som helst i världen" : En studie om prosociala aktiviteter för ungdomar ? insatser, aktörer och samarbete

Many Swedish urban neighborhoods have since they were constructed suffered from a bad reputation and have had a lack of strong socioeconomic groups settling there. This study is about a suburb in a medium-sized Swedish town and the purpose is to find out which social problems that exist there. The aim is also to explain the actors who work with adolescents in the area, which interventions and activities are offered, and whether they can be characterized as pro-social, as well as how the cooperation between the actors looks like. A qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews was carried out, involving nine respondents, who are active in the public and nonprofit sector. The interview guide used is designed and divided into different themes based on the survey questions.

PPP - Ethernet gateway RS232 - RJ45 network adapter for an Echelon ?Data Concentrator?

För närvarande läses elmätare av en gång per år, detta leder till att kunders elräkning baseras på ett schablonbaserat belopp. Enligt riksdagens proposition 2002/03:85 skall dock alla elkunder, senast fr.o.m. 1 juli 2009, faktureras efter faktisk elförbrukning varje månad. Detta har lett till en stor marknad för fjärravlästa elmätare som nu är ett måste för att kunna utföra den tätare avläsning som krävs. E.ON ES Sverige AB som är beställare av detta examensarbetet har specialiserat sig på att installera, underhålla och läsa av fjärravlästa elmätare åt nätägare.

Värmning av avloppsvatten med spillvärme för att förbättra kvävereningen -Temperaturens inverkan på kvävereningen

The goal for this master thesis project has been to investigate the power quality in adistribution grid, which has a high fraction of dispersed power production due towindmills. The study has been done on a grid in Laholm South of Halmstad, whereapproximately 45 windmills are connected to the distribution grid owned by SHKEnergi. The investigation has been focused on to two radialy fed 20 kV lines, wheretwelve windmills are connected.Voltage variations have been studied by creating a model of the grid in the simulationprogram SIMPOW. The largest deviation that has been found in any point of the gridis ±1.9 % of the nominal voltage. This deviation is a result of varying powergeneration from the windmills and the voltage regulation at the connection point ofthe line.

Komponentuppdelning av elnätetpå lokalnivå

Sweden will, in accordance with the EU-directive 2003/54/EC, move from post-regulating the electricity power grid-tariffs by using a fictitious grid, to a regulation in advance which uses the actual power grid as a starting point. For this purpose a component breakdown of the grid needs to be made to determine the value of the network and by that the tariff price that is reasonable for the network business in question to charge.The primary breakdown criteria is the voltage-level and type of region. Voltage-level is crucial for the cost and complexity of a grid-part, because the higher the voltagelevel is, there are more and stricter laws and rules to follow. This work is limited to the distributionpart of the grid, in other words voltage levels from 20 kV and below.The type of region is crucial to the type of components you can and want to use. In city environments both overhead-wires and independent substations are undesirable for both practical, safety and aesthetic reasons.

Kvaliteter i bostaden och dess närmiljö, En utvärdering av ett byggnadsprojekt

AbstractThis report has been developed in cooperation with Peab Region Bostad Göteborg, mentor at Krook& Tjäder (through Chalmers), and examiner at Chalmers University of Technology. The report is the result of a research of a building project, constructed by Peab. The report is investigating and it means to identify and evaluate qualities in the dwelling and its surroundings. Its purpose is to evaluate how the residents in a chosen housing cooperative enjoy living there. It shall, with help of chosen quality aspects, identify what expectations the residents had before moving in, how they experience the dwelling and its surroundings today, and what hopes they have for the future planning of the area.

MEDIA LITERACY : En studie om mediepedagogik i forskning och empiri

Titel: Media Literacy - En studie om mediepedagogik i forskning och empiriFörfattare: Kristin Nilsson, Sofia RidalAntal sidor: 52Abstract: In the society of today we are constantly exposed to media messages, and much research investigate people?s interest in the media. Whatever theory we choose to believe in, the facts remain: today the media is a major part of all people?s lives. During our teacher training we have encountered the concepts Media Literacy and Media Education and as future pedagogues of media we are interested in what research can tell us about them.The main aim of this paper was to find out what researchers write about Media Literacy and Media Education and to empirically investigate whether or not teachers in the Swedish secondary school teach about, with and for media.

90-talskrisens effekter p? syssels?ttningsstrukturen f?r Lund och Malm?

The employment structure consists of different sectors, whose share of the total employment rate is all part of an economic structural conversion according to this thesis applied theoretical approach. A structural conversion, which consist of recurring crises, such as the financial crises in the early 1990s. This crisis and its effect on the Swedish economy is well-documented, while the shortage regarding the effect on a smaller scale, in a local and regional context, provides this thesis purpose. More specifically, a comparison between the two neighbouring towns of Malm? and Lund, will constitute the local contexts in this research.

Alternativa stråbränslen i växtföljden :

The purpose of this report is to find out which crops, that are good for strawfuel, and can be grown i the area around the city of Lund. The background of this report it that Lunds energy is planning to bild a biofuelheated thermal power station in Örtofta outside of Lund. I have in the report limited me to the crops hemp, whole crop (triticale), reed canary grass, elephant grass and jerusalem artichoke. I have through a documentary research checked the crops, cultivabillity in the south of Sweden, and how they should fit, in the Scanian crop sequence. Hemp is an annual crop which probably could manage in the Scanian crop sequence. Whole crop often triticale because of it´s high yield and low rate of shed seed. Could also fit into the crop sequence of crop in Scanian. Triticale is annual, and could be grown at the same kind of fields as used to wheat, whith is why it would be possible to grow it in Scania. Reed canary grass is a reedlike grass that is easy grown at most soils.

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