

1273 Uppsatser om Start-up - Sida 27 av 85

Hälsa och välfärdsteknologi i tredje åldern : En explorativ marknadsundersökning kring teknik och hälsa inom äldreomsorgen

This report is a market research for the company 4 Body and Mind, a Start-upcompany that works with personal training online. They wanted to know if themarket for elderly care could be interesting for them to enter. This report is hence aresearch of the market for health and welfare technology in elderly care within thepublic sector in Sweden. A general fact is that the world's population is getting older.This combined with rapid growth of individuals in the age 65+ changes the demandson the elderly care in Sweden?s municipalities.

Att förebygga läs- och skrivsvårigheter i förskolan

Syftet med min undersökning var att ta reda på hur pedagoger uppmärksammar läs- och skrivsvårigheter på förskolan, hur de arbetar för att motverka läs- och skrivsvårigheter samt hur de vill arbeta på förskolan så att barnen inte får svårigheter i framtiden. För att ta reda på det här så använde jag mig av ostrukturerade intervjuer. Jag använde mig av de svar jag fick och jämförde vad tidigare forskning har sagt om hur man kan förebygga läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Mitt resultat visade att pedagogerna vill läsa mycket för sina barn för att de ska få en uppfattning om språket. Mycket pekar också på att det är viktigt att ta tillvara på barnens intressen.

Börja läsa : Den tidiga läs- och skrivutvecklingen

To be able to read and write is necessary to manage well in life. It is important to get a good start in one´s reading and writing development. My purpose in this study was to find out how to teach children to read and write. Obtain knowledge about how to best help children during the early years of reading and writing development, and what is required to teach good reading and writing skills.I wanted to find out how the pedagogues work in the schools, and if they use ant special methods in their teaching. This is something that I, as a future pedagogue didn´t have much knowledge about, which is very important for my future pupils.My research method was qualitative where I interviewed three pedagogues who work whit teaching reading and writing in the early years.

Utveckling av krigföringens principer i små stater. : Fallet Sverige

ABSTRACT:The aim of this essay is to analyze whether the development of the Principles of War in small states´ doctrine has been influenced by the doctrinal development of alliances after the start of an international cooperation.The author suggests that the development of the Principles of War can be understood through theories of doctrinal development. The theory used for this analysis states that small states depend on alliances, such as NATO, and therefore adapt their doctrine to better match the doctrine of the alliance. Since the Principles of War are the foundation of doctrine, such an adaption should lead to an adaption of the Principles of War as well.The analysis will be made using Swedish Army field manuals as a basis. These will be compared to NATO´s, in order to see whether or not Sweden has adapted its Principles of War following its membership of the Partnership for Peace.The results show that today the Swedish Principles of War are more similar to NATO´s than they were in 1982, which suggests that they have been adapted to better match those used by NATO. Although this essay does not analyze the reasons why, the results imply that theories of doctrinal development also include the development of principles of war.

Prediktering av komponenters mognad/kvalitet utifrån felkodsutfall

This master thesis has been carried out at Scania R&D at the department of Powertrain Control System Development during the winter 2011/2012. The purpose of the thesis was to produce a method that with the result of troubles codes from the field testing would be able to say something about the maturation of a component, in this case the VGT, variable geometry turbocharger. To start with, it was necessary to investigate hich information was available. After the information been summed up in tables and charts, this so that it was possible to understand the huge amount of data, the calculations started.Since the thesis was about maturation of a component the proportions were calculated of components that had a trouble code in contrast of those who passed the test without a trouble code. This Thesis includes background information about basic of statistics and about the company Scania and its testing process.

Is insourcing qualified human capital from China a future for Sweden’s wealth sustainability?

The Methodology used to gather empirical materials for this thesis has been different types of interviews. The interviews have been mainly unstructured personal interviews directly with our respondents, due to limiting factors some of the interviews have been carried out via phone or email. The theoretical framework consists of literature from well-recognised authors and is divided into four different parts: Insourcing & Outsourcing, Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, China & Intercultural understanding. The empirical foundation has been gathered from a great variety of different sources in an attempt to cover the many complex angels in which this subject can be looked upon. Chinese students, managers in international companies with experience from China, Chinese employees in Swedish companies and different people with good knowledge of different areas of China are all among our respondents. In our conclusion we have reached the three following conclusions for why one should start a “bridge building” enterprise in between qualified Chinese human capital and Swedish structure capital: 1. To fill future shortage of qualified human capital in Sweden. 2.

Hårdvaruimplementerad Webtuner

Den kraftiga ökningen av bredbandsuppkopplade hem världen över har lett till ett stort användande av s.k. webradio. Miljontals användare lyssnar dagligen på de tiotusentals tillgängliga webradiostationerna. Webradio är ett sätt att via Internet och TCP/IP sända radio. Oftast används de populära MP3-formatet men nya bättre standarder håller på att etableras.

En klimatanpassad järnväg : Långsiktig planering av infrastruktur i ett föränderligt klimat

Global warming is going to affect our society in many ways. One can say that the problem we face has two different sides. One of those sides has received a lot of attention, namely how we can reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases. However, because of the climate system's inertia the climate will continue to evolve over a period, no matter how much we will cut back on emissions. Because of this, we have to start adapting our society to the climate changes that we cannot influence.

Teaser trailer: konsten att väcka intresse hos en publik

Redan tidigt då jag besökte North Kingdom kom det upp förslag på studier som skulle kunna vara av intresse. Flera förslag fick man stryka direkt då de var mer programmeringsinriktade. Men det som fastna var förslaget att göra en teaser trailer. Tillsammans med Tomas Hillergren tog vi på oss den uppgiften, att skapa en teaser trailer till en fiktiv film eller ett spel. Då vi hade fria händer (det var inte kommersiellt) valde vi ett science fiction tema, inspirerat av The King In Yellow, en samling noveller av Robert W.

Att identifiera signaler för obestånd i tid

To be able to protect themselves from credit risk, the banks must constantly check the performance of  the companies they have lent money to. There are many mathematical models for predicting financial distress. These models use accounting-based ratios, which often are historical and not representative for the present situation. This study describes how the banks do in practice to find signals of insolvency in time and the variables they are observing for doing that.In addition to financial reports which the company sends in to the bank at least once a year, also the relationship between them and information from different information  agencies are of great importance to track  signals of insolvency. Poor profitability is the primary cause of insolvency.

Separationen mellan stat och kyrka i Sverige : En studie av Socialdemokraternas, Kristdemokraternas och Centerpartiets ställningstagande i frågan

The tradition of a strong church ruling in the Swedish society ages back to the very first start of Christianity reaching the country.  Due to the separation between the church and state in 2000 in Sweden, there have been a lot of changes. No longer would the church be able to influence the politics as it had been able to do before. Since Sweden is a democratic country, the decision had to be made in a voting amongst the parties. The purpose with this paper is to understand the argumentation made by the Swedish parties Socialdemokraterna, Kristdemokraterna and Centerpartiet. This has been made using a text analysis, which studies the argumentations made by the parties in their motions.

Ensam i en sal

Isolering är en åtgärd för att förhindra smittspridning eller för att skydda patienten från smitta. Vårdformen kan ge upphov till psykisk påfrestning och lidande hos patienten. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att göra en jämförelse av upplevelser hos patienter i smitt- eller skyddsisolering. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie och baserades på 16 vetenskapliga artiklar. Det framgick skillnader och likheter vid jämförelserna av upplevelsen hos smitt- och skyddsisolerade patienter.

Återfall i kriminalitet : Klientens eller samhällets val

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Improvements in milking management through imitation of calf behaviour

Approximately 20% of the milk within the udder of a cow is stored in the cistern and immediately available for milk removal, while activation of the milk ejection reflex is required for removing the remaining milk stored in the alveolar compartment. The aim of this literature review is to describe, evaluate and consider implications of the three different suckling activities that the calf displays during a suckling bout. In terms of milking, these phases are represented by pre-stimulation, stimulation during milking and post-stimulation. Pre-stimulation is commonly performed in order to induce the milk ejection reflex, whereby the hormone oxytocin is released and the alveoli in the secretory tissue are contracted. Time requirements regarding pre-stimulation must be considered in relation to lactation stage and milking interval.

Medveten måltid : Ett begrepp i förändring

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

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