

1273 Uppsatser om Start-up - Sida 18 av 85

Första plats, andra plats, tredje världen. : En postkolonial studie om hur begreppet tredje världen gestaltas i svenska medier.

The aim of the essay is to investigate how the term ?Third world? is constructed in media. With this I intend to make a historical survey of the conception. With the help of Swedish newspapers and their description of the concept, I am going to answer the following questions: How is the concept ?Third world? constructed in script, in a historical context and in modern time? Is there a tendency of racism in the term?The method I used was discourse analysis.

Elektromagnetisk skärmning genom mekanisk omkonstruktion

This is a master degree thesis at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) betweenÅngpanneföreningen and Programma. KTH is the examiner, Programma is the client andÅngpanneföreningen is mentor for this project.Programma has a product called TM1800 that has problems with EMC; the problem is thatthis product does only pass the CE-check with a small safety margin. This problem can besolved by reducing the radiation from the electric components in the product or by reducing offix base frame. In this degree thesis the focus is only on mechanical redesign.The main problems right now depends on the long distance between the screws, there is anisolating layer on most of the parts and the forces between the joints are too small. The mainfocus is to solve these three problems.The best solutions are when the whole base frame is more or less redesigned instead of onlyredesigning some of the connection points.

Från miljöbistånd till hållbart bistånd : - En historisk studie

AbstractWith this c-composition, I am trying to give a view over what has happened in the political area and the issues that concerns environmental aid. My analyze starts in the 60-ies when the environmental debate took of. It continues trough the 70-ies, 80-ies and ends in 1994 with the report that considers the UN-conference in Rio de Janeiro 1992, ?Sustainable Aid? and what the results of the more and more important issue ?sustainable development? has offered the Swedish government ant there work with environmental aid.The question issue is: At what time in history, did the Swedisch government start to addrsess environmental aid? How did the environmental aid come to be addressed and developed in the political area from the Brundtlandreport ?Our common future? from 1987 to the UN-conference in Rio de Janeiro 1992?The result is that the environment is getting more and more important in the political arena as the knowledge about the escalating crises with the environmental problems are being taken more seriously. The problems with the environment has to be considered together with the rest of the aid- and developing questions like economy and the struggle to reduce poverty in the world.

Ägarlägenheter : En studie av tre delmarknader i viss jämförelse med bostadsrätt

Background Apartment ownership is a popular and well established type of housing in many countries, such as Norway, Denmark and UK. During spring 2009 the Swedish Parliament passed a new legislation which made it possible for apartment ownerships also in Sweden. But apartment ownership has had a slow start, which partly can be explained by the recent recession.Purpose & methodThe purpose of this paper is to study the market of apartment ownership in Öckerö, Stockholm and Karlstad. The study is a qualitative examination where relevant companies from the submarkets have been interviewed.ResultThe result of this study shows that the interest for apartment ownership is over all high in all three submarkets. It is yet clear the knowledge about apartment ownership is generally poor among the public, and when the banks still misses proper routines for mortgages, it creates uncertainty, and slows down the market.

True Passion : En studie om varumärket Kosta Bodas profil och image

The purpose of this essay is to increase the understanding of how the management´s core values reflect the brand´s profile and image. To be able to fulfill that purpose, we used three problem statements that questioned how consumers, retailers and the employees of the company Kosta Boda perceived the brand. To accomplish this, we used a qualitative method. We started collecting theories about the topics: brand, image and profile that gave us a good foundation to build our qualitative interviews on and to increase the understanding for the topics. To collect imperical data, we interviewed consumers, retailers and employees at Kosta Boda both by email, phone and face-to-face interviews.

Tonala skillnader mellan en traditionell och en modern gitarrkonstruktion : En jämförelse mellan två klassiska gitarrer

During my studies to become a guitar builder at Carl Malmsten CTD, I have found an interest in the construction of the classical guitar. I am fascinated by the simplicity of its construction. A simplicity that becomes more complex when you start to study it in detail.In my final thesis I will not try to explain this complexity. The subject is to investigate two different principles regarding its construction. I would like to find out if the sayings concerning one of the principles will yield a guitar with greater ability to produce volume and projection.At a close distance the difference between the guitar?s volumes is not to speak of, but a significant difference can be seen regarding one of the guitars ability to project its sound.

Lokal sökalgoritm för initiering av den genetiska populationen i ett praktiskt "vehicle routing"-problem.

  Befintliga studier har påvisat att genetiska algoritmer presterar bättre om de ges en bra startpopulation. I denna rapport presenteras en lokal sökalgoritm för att skapa en population med fokus på ?vehicle routing?-problem. Algoritmen använder sig av heuristik i en blandning av simulated annealing och tabu search för att skapa individerna till populationen. Utvärderingar av algoritmen på ett praktiskt problem visar att den ger en bra start jämfört med en slumpmässig startpopulation, vilket är vanligt att använda.

Att skriva sig till läsning via datorn : Lärarens val?

The purpose of my study is to examine why five primary school teachers chose to start using the method ?Learning reading by writing on computer? in their teaching. How do they perceive that the method works in their classroom and do they perceive that the method affect the children?s literacy?The study consists of a qualitative method in form of interviews with five primary school teachers and also some observations made by me in the classrooms. I will use the findings I made during the interviews and observations and contrast these to relevant literature and research that I have collected.The result of my study shows that all of the interviewed teachers had a self-interest in working with the method ?Learning reading by writing on computers? and that they also worked closely with colleagues.

"Snigeln på en flaggstång" : Laborativ matematik för elever med svenska som andraspråk

This essay follows a Media Teacher in her work as a coordinator and an artistic leader for a European project called Legalopoli concerning laws and ethics in a senior level school for 13-16 year-olds in Mora, Sweden. The students write film stories about how their characters have to make choices in ethical dilemma situations. Then the learners create interactive computer games together through practical film work. At the same time we can see how the educator also gets into difficult ethical situations, when she is working with the students. This forces her to self-reflection.


Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur den faktiska undervisningstiden används igymnasieskolan. Vi använde oss av icke deltagande, semistrukturerade observationer (n ~18). Resultatet visade att den faktiska undervisningstiden (enligt vår definition tiden mellanen lektions start och slut) endast var några få minuter kortare än den schemalagda tiden.Vidare var uppdelningen av den tid som läraren undervisade hela klassen och den tid someleverna arbetade självständigt eller i grupp lika fördelad. Sena ankomster påverkade inteundervisningstiden nämnvärt. Under tid för eget arbete lämnade ett större antal eleverklassrummet och var frånvarande under betydligt längre tid.

Ny förpackning för Renat Brännvin åt Vin & Sprit AB

The purpose of this degree project is to come up with a new package to Renat Brännvin for »Vin & SpritAB« and make the product more attractive on the market of bars, restaurants and hotels. The commissionhas included to decide the material of the package, whether it´s possible to manufacture the productand to make an estimation of the costs.The conditions that »Vin & Sprit AB« set up was to make the product attractive to a younger targetgroup, in this case people from 20 to 40 years old. As Renat Brännvin is considered to be a product of firstclass it´s of great importance that the package reflects the look of a premium product.At first we looked at the history of the company »Vin & Sprit AB« and Renat Brännvin. We decidedthat the package schould consist of a bottle, glasses and a device used when serving the liquor. To getinspiration before sketching we studied different kinds of bottles, glasses and serving devices.

Plasmaendotelin och blodtryck hos hästar med dietinducerad fetma

Fetma är ett tillstånd som har visat sig öka risken för utvecklandet av metabolt (MS) syndrom hos människa. MS karaktäriseras av fetma (framförallt bukfetma), insulinresistens (IR), diabe-tes mellitus och högt blodtryck. Idag anses fetma även vara en av orsakerna till utvecklandet av ekvint metabolt syndrom (EMS) som ses hos hästar. EMS liknar till stor del den sjuk-domsbild som ses hos människor med metabolt syndrom. Förutom fetma är regionala fettan-sättningar och IR vanligt förekommande hos dessa hästar som ofta även utvecklar fång.

Fördelar och risker med samsovning med spädbarn

Bakgrund: Under de första veckorna efter ett barns födelse möter föräldrarna flera olikarepresentanter för hälso- och sjukvård. De ska hjälpa familjen till en god start på föräldraskapet ochen säker omvårdnad om barnet. Det förekommer att föräldrar får olika och motstridiga råd om varoch hur barnet bör sova. Samsovning i föräldrarnas säng uppmuntras av vissa för att främjaamningen, och avråds ibland från, för att förebygga plötslig spädbarnsdöd (SIDS). Syfte: Att belysaaktuell kunskap för att kunna ge vetenskapligt underbyggd information till föräldrar om fördelaroch risker med att samsova med sitt spädbarn.

Den som vinner barnen, honom tillhör framtiden - Valfrid Palmgren och Stockholms barn- och ungdomsbibliotek 1911-1927

In 1911 Valfrid Palmgren founded the Children's Library of Stockholm, the very first in Sweden.She was a well-educated woman, who believed in social and educational equality for all.During a journey to the USA in 1907, she was deeply impressed by the public libraries, andshe put many of the public library ideas to use in the Children's Library of Stockholm. Palmgrenstrongly opposed to the Swedish libraries not allowing admission to children, since shefirmly believed that educating the people had to start with the children.Other reasons for opening a children's library were to give children an alternative to roamingthe streets, to give children a quiet place to read, to give an alternative to the cheap trashliterature that flooded the market and to teach the young ones how to extract information frombooks. Of great importance was that the library should be equal to all classes in society.In 1927 the children's library was taken over by the new public library of Stockholm..

Förskolan - en start på det livslånga lärandet. : En studie om förskollärares förhållningssätt.

Syfte och frågeställningar: Vårt syfte är att belysa hur nättidningarnas makt konkret kommer till uttryck i beskrivningen av romer. Syftet nås genom följande forskningsfrågor: Hur konstrueras bilden av romer i inrikesnyheter i Aftonbladets och Dagens Nyheters nättidning? Hur förhåller sig nyhetstexterna till romernas utsatta situation? Vilka diskrimineringsmekanismer och maktstrukturer kan identifieras i sättet att skriva om romer? Metod och material: Undersökningen bygger på sex inrikesartiklar publicerade i Dagens Nyheters och Aftonbladets nättidning under 2014. Dessa artiklar har analyserats med hjälp av Teun A. van Dijks kritiska diskursanalysmodell, men även Kristina Boréus typologi kring diskursiv diskriminering används som ett komplement. Huvudresultat: Studien visar att nättidningarna framställer romer i negativa sammanhang och konfliktartade situationer där de beskrivs som diskriminerade, oskyldiga offer.

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