

568 Uppsatser om Standardized advertising - Sida 24 av 38

Emotionellt och psykosocialt välbefinnande hos barn med läpp-käk-gomspalt och barn med språkstörning. : Ett föräldraperspektiv.

Children with cleft lip and palate (CLP) and children with specific language impairment (SLI) may be affected emotionally and psychosocially by their disorders. Thus, it is important to investigate the psychosocial risk factors that these children are exposed to. The aim of this study was to examine how parents assess the emotional and psychosocial well-being of children with CLP and children with SLI, and if the two parental groups differ in their assessments using the standardized instrument Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). Participants in the study were the parents of ten children with unilateral and bilateral CLP between ages 6;7-9;0 (mean age 7;5) and the parents of 13 children between ages 6;4-8;8 (mean age 7;3) who are attending preschools and schools for children with SLI. These parents were asked to complete the questionnaires CBCL and Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ). The children with CLP had lower scores than the children with SLI in all domains of the CBCL, indicating that these children with CLP had better emotional and psychosocial well-being.


The aim of this paper is to examine the American movie trailer particularly its history, marketing and functions, presented as an historical overview from the serials of the early 1910s to the trailers of today. A trailer from each decade of the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries is selected which represent typical trends and shows how trailers historically functioned, including their formal, generic differences.The introduction focuses on the market in which the trailer operates, and raises the issue of the entertainment value of art or marketing, how the film industry works and to role of advertising. The second part of the introduction focuses on the development of film stars, and their importance in trailer campaigns. This brings in the question of the growth of Hollywood and new media forms/technologies. The manner in which new media also create a new type of audience is considered, which demonstrates how the trailers capture audience attention in new ways.The second part of the paper focuses on the history of the trailer and examines typical structures, of the different periods.The third part analyses how different trailers operate, and how the trailer industry stands at the beginning of a new era, the so-called Post-interactive era, which is discussed with regard to Spider-Man 2 and The Da Vinci Code..

Varumärkesvänner och relationsreklam - En kvantitativ studie av medarbetarkommunikation på Facebook

Marketers of today are confronted by the fact that it is increasingly difficult to gain the customer's attention, as they first have to break through the ad clutter. In a landscape where the general attitude towards advertising is negative, one way to successfully deliver the message to the customer involves communicating through personal impact. By using stimuli containing identical information with different senders, this thesis seeks to quantitatively explore whether brands can make use of the personal networks of its employees, in their social media marketing strategy. The purpose of the study is to investigate if communication via the employees could enhance traditional communication effects, such as buying intention and electronic WOM intention. Furthermore, the study aims to examine which role the employee should hold when communicating on behalf of the brand, and if the communication effects vary with the degree of product involvement.

Fånga deras hjärtan : En studie om hur företag på ett effektivt sätt skapar långvariga kundrelationer i modebranschen

Media society is under a constant development and in line with this change, firms must adapt to the market. We have investigated what fashion companies in fact are doing to communicate in the dynamic market. We wanted to find out how to communicate and how they can market themselves in a new and innovative way to create long-term customer relationships. We have used a theoretical frame of reference based on marketing communication, fashion marketing, branding and relationship marketing theories. We have assumed four themes throughout the survey which are: customer contact and relationships, emotion in communication, branding and relational communication.

Standardvårdplaner ? till vilken nytta?

Standardvårdplaner är vanligt förekommande inom hälso- och sjukvård och är under ständig utveckling. Standardvårdplaner är i olika grad evidensbaserade och framtagna med skiftande kvalitet. Standardvårdplaner används som ett hjälpmedel för effektivisering och kvalitetshöjning av vården för en specifik patientgrupp och är en på förhand formulerad vårdplan. Behov av ytterligare forskning efterfrågas om standardvårdplaner faktiskt minskar mängden dubbeldokumentation, leder till ökad tidsvinst och ökad vårdkvalitet. Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att göra en beskrivning av de effekter som användande av standardvårdplaner leder till.

Borta bra, men hemma bäst: En undersökning av egna och köpta medier

The rise of social media has put a focus on the division of owned, paid and earned media, where earned media has recently been hyped at the expense of owned and paid media. Due to a novel area we examine the differences and effects of using owned and paid media, specifically for packaging versus newspapers. Owned and paid media showed no significant differences regarding credibility, persuasion and perceived commerciality, which restored owned media?s status, especially since owned media is more cost efficient. The effects of allowing ads for external brands on the owned medium were also studied.

Lean Produktion på mjölkföretag - fungerar det?

The contact company, LRF Konsult, is a consulting firm specialized in areas of law, real estate, finance and taxation. Discussions on the subject of agricultural improvement in the area of Lean, has primarily been driven by the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, where LRF Konsult also participated. This thesis can be seen as a preliminary study of how Lean can work within agricultural enterprises.The thesis primarily focuses on the possibilities dairy farms have to improve operations. What practical benefits they can obtain through the implementation of Lean. And how an implementation could take place.By visits to two dairy companies, and through interviewing their respective business leaders, an image of the companies activity for improvement, in connection to this thesis was established.

OnTag Scorekort : Utveckling av en mobilapplikation för Android

In recent years seemingly everything has become digital. Some areas, like classical sports, have been slower to adapt to new technical development. Golf is an example of this. Usually when people play golf they bring their clubs, golf balls and a paper scorecard on to the golf course. The advantages of keeping score in a digital way areevident.

Ständiga förbättringar i lagerverksamhet på Nedis AB

The thesis has been carried out at Nedis AB in Jönköping. The aim was to develop proposals on approaches that could help the company to continually improve their warehouse operations by eliminating unnecessary operations, making the warehouse more structured and how they better could use the staff's suggestions for improve-ment. The collection of data consists of observations, interviews with a total of nine people from the staff of Nedis AB and a benchmarking conducted at Husqvarna AB. A number of shortcomings and weaknesses in procedures at the warehouse were iden-tified. Packing stations were not standardized and they were seen as poorly structured and messy.

Sinnesmarknadsföring : Ett effektivt verktyg för folkbibliotek?

Sensory marketingAn effective instrument for libraries? We are living in a world of constant communication and information and because of that, marketing in general seem to have no distinctive effect. Consumers become overwhelmed by all the advertising messages. Due to this, it is clear that organizations like libraries must create a deeper and more personal connection to increase user satisfaction and foster the use of services, among both users and potential users. One way to achieve this is to make use of all the emotional elements of a product or a service.

Att fånga det svårfångade  : En studie av bakgrunden till och tillämpningen av bedömningsinstrumenten ASI och DOK

ABSTRACTStandardized assessment instruments have increasingly come to be used in social work. Although national studies of ASI and DOK's reliability and validity has only been examined to a limited extent. In order to improve knowledge of assessment instruments conditions, relevance and scope, this present literature study highlights the background and the application of the interview methods ASI and DOK, used in swedish abuse and dependent care. In answering the survey questions, a qualitative content analytical method has been used. ASI and DOK are multidimensional interviews which take into account that several areas affecting the client's treatment outcome.

Vad är lantbrukarens syn på länsstyrelsens djurskyddskontroll?

Indications on poor understanding for the animal producers situation from the inspectors of animal welfare control have been seen in papers from farmers interest organizations. The aim of this study was to investigate what farmers view is on the animal welfare inspections done by regional Swedish authorities as well as the animal welfare inspectors work. The study investigated whether or not there were any differences between different counties in Sweden. There were also questions asked to see what animal producers thought could change in the animal welfare inspectors work so it would benefit them. The study was conducted using a telephone interview questionnaire.

Logotypiskt : En studie om hur digitaliseringen harförändrat logotypers utseende

In this study we are seeking to discover the norms in the design of logotypes and how they havechanged over time. To achieve this we have chosen to analyze the logotypes of twenty companies withthe largest expenditure on advertising in Sweden. We mapped chosen design attributes within the logoto discover the similarities and then we selected the five oldest brands to analyze how their logos havechanged over time. The design changes in the logotypes over time is can be related to the changingattitudes of the general public and the designers ambitions to draw on convention to create iconic designthat will spark brand-recognition. However many changes can?t be directly explained through changesin convention.

De kan säga dig vad en pommes frites är, men inte en potatis... : En studie över amerikanska överviktspreventiva skolbaserade program

This study has focused on obesity prevention efforts in schools in the United States of America. The study was conducted in two states, Oklahoma and New Hampshire. In New Hampshire, the study was focused on more minor efforts which were the "CSHP", HEAL, Early Sprout, FIT, AFHY, 5210, and Kids CATCH Club. In Oklahoma, the focus on the study was on the program It's All About Kids.Method: Unstructured interviews and observation, analysis from an national policy document. A total of seventeen interviews conducted, seven of them in New Hampshire and ten in Oklahoma.

Valmöjligheter i samband med prefabricerade badrum

This report deals with prefabricated bathrooms and the advantage, during the production process, they have compared to ordinary produced bathrooms.The work is done together with the building company JM. The common task is to investigate if the manufactures, in spite of standardized design can meet the concept of JM, i.e. high flexibility and adjustment towards the customer. In JM they are doubtful to the method, as they did not yet worked with prefabricated modules and think that the choises for the costumer will be limited.There will be a short resume of the progress of the bathrooms and its importance as sanitary and wellbeing.The recent problems with damage caused by damp in bathrooms. Have resultade in regulations.

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