

3724 Uppsatser om Stad och land - Sida 2 av 249

Förtätning som hållbar stadsplaneringsmetod : En studie om Örebro stad

Syftet med det här arbetet är att undersöka förtätning som hållbar stadsplaneringsmetod och i det här arbetet kommer staden Örebro att undersökas. Vikten ligger vid att ta reda på hur Örebro kommun arbetar med förtätning i Örebro stad, samt vilka fördelar och nackdelar som förtätning kan ha på Örebro som stad. Exemplet Örebro har valts eftersom att Örebro är en växande stad som fokuserar väldigt mycket på förtätning. Metoden som har används under arbetet är kvalitativ metod, där  semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med planerare i Örebro samt en analys av styrdokument, program och planer från Örebro Kommun.Örebro arbetar frekvent med förtätning i stadskärnan, de byggs på lucktomter och vissa hus har höjts några våningar. Det har även byggts i utsidan av parker i staden men även parkeringsplatser har byggts bort till förmån för byggnader.

En jämförelse av skogsmarksprisets utveckling mellan Sverige, Danmark, Norge, Finland, Estland och Lettland

During the twenty-first century the price of forest land in Sweden has increased heavily. Buying forest land has become more common and the stakeholders have grown in number. The countries around Sweden have through the globalization become connected in the market of round wood and wood products. The price of forest land and round wood are also close connected. The goal with this report is to make a comparison of forest land prices between Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia and Latvia and to see how the prices have developed in the period 2000-2011. The prime factor in the comparison, except the direct price difference between the countries, is the round wood prices. The round wood prices give information about the economic situation in the countries and play an important role in the return on the forest land. The prices of forest land shifts heavily between the countries.

Photovoltaic installations and land allocation under uncertainty : a real option approach

A real option model is developed to examine the crucial factors affecting the agricultural firms? decision to quit the production and rent out the land to a company building a PV power plant. The public policies in support of investments in renewable energies have created the conditions for a market regarding investments in PV installations in agricultural areas.The decision to switch offers to the agricultural firm and to society several economical, social and environmental benefits, representing sustainability. However, PV installations in agricultural areas require the allocation of a certain land area. By assigning a part of land to PV installations, thereby the area of land allocated to agricultural production decreases.

Vilken bild av Malmö stad förmedlar svenska tidningar? - en kritisk diskursanalys av den mediala representationen av bombdådet på Rättscentrum i Malmö stad

Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur media framställer Malmö stad i samband med bombdådet på Rättscentrum natten till den 1 december 2014. Detta sker genom en diskursanalys av sex svenska kvälls- och dagstidningar. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter är Stanley Cohen's Moralpanik samt Ernesto Laclau's och Chantal Mouffe's Diskursteori. De sex kvälls- och dagstidningar som valts ut är de allra första rapporteringarna om bombdådet i Malmö. Under analysen har tidningarna analyserats utifrån sex olika diskurser.

Kvalitetssäkring av kulturmiljö i offentlig upphandling ? En fallstudie av Mölndals Stad

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:20.

Driving forces of land use : underlying factors in peri-urban land use

Swedish agriculture faces future challenges regarding food production and land use. Increased competition for agricultural land creates complex situations, where conflicts may arise when productive crop land is in demand not only for food production but also energy- and fodder production. On top of that there is an obvious conflict of goals between agricultural production and non-agricultural exploitation of agricultural land. In several emerging economic regions it is noticeable how agricultural land is being expropriated for development of urban settlement and infrastructure, carrying potentially significant long-term effects. During the last decade the exploitation of agricultural land in activities other than food production has increased in Sweden and is expected to continue in the same manor. Approximately 700 hectare of land in Sweden is diverted from food production, annually, and in 2013, the Uppsala Municipality showed the greatest change in land use of all municipalities (SCB, 2013).

Bristen på arrendemark som hinder för expansion av lantbruksföretag : arrendelagstiftningens och gårdsstödets påverkan på den svenska arrendemarknaden

Improved profitability, a reasonable yearly income or the possibility to have employees are all incentives for expansion. A prerequisite for farm businesses to expand is for land to be made available, either to buy or to rent. In Sweden, 43 % of the total arable land is leasehold land, which implies that a functioning leasehold market is of great importance for the Swedish agriculture. Several factors can affect the supply of leasehold land, for instance the leasehold legislation and the Single Payment Scheme. The fact that the leasehold legislation is compulsory, in protection of the leaseholder, might keep land owners from leasing their land out.

Stadsutveckling av området Sveaplan i Eskilstuna

I planeringssammanhang är begreppet ?attraktiv stad? vanligt förekommande. För att kunna utveckla en attraktiv stad måste man börja med att definiera begreppet. Dock är det ett begrepp som är svårt att definiera. Detta beror på hur starkt kopplat det är till individens egna värderingar om vad en ?attraktiv stad? är.

Landsbyggdens egnahem i Malmöhus Län 1905-1040. En studie av markförsäljningen till fastigheter som beviljades egnahemslån

During the period 1905 to 1940 it was possible to get a loan from the state to buy land and build a small farm or a house in rural areas. This loan act and its effects have been studied earlier in different ways, but never as a total study for a geographic region. The region Malmöhus Län has been chosen. The purpose of this paper is to study in which parts of the area loans were taken and who sold the land that was used for these purposes. Earlier studies have looked at a larger geographical area for some specific years.

Den bilfria staden : om hållbarhet och levnadsstandard

Privatbilismen i städerna är ett fenomen som har växt fram under det senaste halvseklet. Trots att bilismen endast funnits en såpass kort tid har den helt förändrat hur våra städer ser ut och hur vi lever våra liv. Bilen har blivit en så självklar och viktig del av samhället att trots att vi idag är väl medvetna om dess negativa inverkan på miljön och på oss så diskuteras nästan aldrig möjligheten att göra städerna bilfria. Med detta arbete vill jag ifrågasätta bilens självklara plats i våra städer och i vår stadsplanering. Jag har valt att se på frågan ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv och med fokus på hur bilismen påverkar våra sociala liv, vår mobilitet, trygghet och livskvalitet i stort. Huvuddelen av arbetet kretsar kring de tre fallen Vauban, Köpenhamn och Kuba.

Vägar och markanspråk inom vindkraftsparker i Västerbottens län : Hur verkliga mått förhåller sig till vad som uppges i miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar

The purpose of this study was to increase the level of knowledge in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for wind power. The study includes six wind power farms in the County of Västerbotten in northern Sweden. The main questions were: What are the real dimensions of roadways and land claims for both roads and wind power turbines? How do those dimensions correlate with the dimensions stated in the EIA? Are there any differences in values of the dimensions between the wind power farms that are included in this study? The width of the roadways and the land claims for both roads and wind turbines in wind power farms were examined on site. The results from the examinations were compared with the dimensions available in the EIA for each wind power farm.

Förekomst av reaktiva syreföreningar itransportsperma från hingst

Rental rates and land prices have gone through substantial changes the last two decades. The prices have both gone up and down since 1990 but from 1995 to 2008 land prices increased with 272 percent and rental rates with 61 percent. What factors that have the largest impact on rental rates and land prices are hard to determine but factors that may affect the price are the desire to live in the countryside and the expected profitability in agriculture. Prices of products and inputs are factors that affect the profitability in agriculture, but the profitability is also affected by agricultural policies. The economic for Swedish agriculture have changed several times over the last 20 years as a result of changing agricultural policies.The agricultural policies largely affect farmers behavior and decisions.

Privata markägares syn på vindskadeförebyggande åtgärder :

Wind and wind damage has become a hot subject because of the storm ?Gudrun? in January 2005. The main purpose of this study was to establish how the land owners attitude toward preventive wind damage actions was changing immediately after they had been struck by a storm. The result of the study was built on interviews. In springtime 2005 a total number of 20 private land owners were interviewed. Ten of the landowners lived in the province of Småland and ten in the province of Värmland.

Jordbrukspolitikens inverkan på mark- och arrendepriser i Sverige : en studie av mark- och arrendeprisers förändring över tiden

Rental rates and land prices have gone through substantial changes the last two decades. The prices have both gone up and down since 1990 but from 1995 to 2008 land prices increased with 272 percent and rental rates with 61 percent. What factors that have the largest impact on rental rates and land prices are hard to determine but factors that may affect the price are the desire to live in the countryside and the expected profitability in agriculture. Prices of products and inputs are factors that affect the profitability in agriculture, but the profitability is also affected by agricultural policies. The economic for Swedish agriculture have changed several times over the last 20 years as a result of changing agricultural policies.The agricultural policies largely affect farmers behavior and decisions.

Sambandet mellan projektering, skötsel och skötselnivåer : en studie kring tre allmännyttiga bostadsbolag i Göteborg

Rental rates and land prices have gone through substantial changes the last two decades. The prices have both gone up and down since 1990 but from 1995 to 2008 land prices increased with 272 percent and rental rates with 61 percent. What factors that have the largest impact on rental rates and land prices are hard to determine but factors that may affect the price are the desire to live in the countryside and the expected profitability in agriculture. Prices of products and inputs are factors that affect the profitability in agriculture, but the profitability is also affected by agricultural policies. The economic for Swedish agriculture have changed several times over the last 20 years as a result of changing agricultural policies.The agricultural policies largely affect farmers behavior and decisions.

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