6355 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 10 av 424
Matematiksvårigheter : En undersökning om elever med matematiksvårigheter
AbstractMy essay is about pupils with difficulties in mathematics. I have choosed to do a literaturestudy and interviews of teachers to get some answers to my framing of the questions.· What is mathematical difficulties?· How do we discover pupils with mathematical difficulties?· What can a teather do to facilitate for pupils with mathematical difficulties?· What resources is there to help pupils with mathematical difficulties?I have done my investigationin two schools to be abel to see if the schools are working in the same way and have the same prerequisite of pupils with mathematical difficulties.By doing an interview with both teachers and remedial teachers I have got a better insight how to help pupils in the best way. Both of this schools are putting the pupils in the middle and give them wath they need to get to the destinations that claims. The procedure are not the same between the schools.
USA vs EU 1-0 (1-0, 0-0)
Three years after the Bosman case, it was decided that a socio-cultural approach on sports be introduced in Europe. EU presented a formulation for the same purpose ? The European Model of Sport. The purpose of this formula was to maintain the socio-culture and traditional ap¬proach to all kinds of amateur and professional sports in Europe. If we were to com¬pare this model with the American model of sport, it shows many different ways of thinking in terms of organised sport.
Kan Urban Computing influera Sport-IT? : En studie om nästa generations coachingverktyg
The Swedish government?s objective regarding information technology is to be world-leading in using the possibilities that digitization provides. In some aspects this has already been done, but in some areas much is yet to be accomplished. Although sports and recreational fitness activities are amongst the fastest growing areas of personal and consumer-oriented cloud computing-based technologies around the globe, there are areas within the genre that?s not evolving as quickly.
?Ge mig ett tält med bubbelpool och jacuzzi, då säger jag ja till friluftsliv? : en komparativ studie om friluftsundervisning
AimOur aim with this study was to examine how outdoor education is designed and experienced in three upper (senior) levels of compulsory school in Stockholm, and to compare it with the Norwegian equivalence.MethodOur method has been interviews with ten teachers, of whom six are Swedish teachers and four are Norwegian teachers. Two Swedish teachers are teaching in other subjects than Physical Education, four are teachers in Physical Education, two are teachers in Norway in Physical Education at and two are teachers in Norway at university level. Questionnaires were used to examine the Swedish pupils? attitudes towards outdoor education. 90 questionnaires were delivered, and 70 answered them.
Nyanlända flykting- och invandrarbarns skolintroduktion : En jämförande studie om två skolors arbetssätt
The objective with this study is to investigate the school introduction of newly arrived students, by focusing on the latter years of high school, by comparing two schools method of working.This was done by a qualitative survey based on half structured interviews and existing school documentation.The questions of the study targeted the schools method of working, how well the education was adapted to the students and if it was appropriate to them. We also asked about the school resources to meet the need of the newly arrived students. Our theoretical assumptions were based on Haugs? terms ?including integration? and ?excluding integration?, Lahdenperäs? theory about intercultural education, Vygotskijs thoughts about adapted education and finally Blossings? description of different cooperative cultures. Our results showed that school introduction for newly arrived students were formed from the schools? view on learning development and adapted education.
Mångkulturen ur skilda perspektiv : En studie av gymnasieelevers sociala miljö och dess påverkan av synen på det mångkulturella samhället
The aim of this research is to evaluate whether the social environment of Swedish high school students affects their views on the multicultural society. The research material was collected through the use of two focus groups containing high school students from two different schools, one group is used to a multicultural social environment while the other group is used to a less multicultural social environment. With the researcher acting as a moderator in the focus groups, the students discussed different questions regarding multiculturalism, gender equality and religion. The theory that this research is based on suggests that the social environment and the social capital affects the students views on the multicultural society. The results of the research were evaluated and connected to the theory.
Undervisningsmetoder i fysik : En jämförande studie mellan den svenska och den finska skolan
In the current situation there is not much written about assessment of laboratory work, and the majority of the working physics teachers are retiring and there are only a few newly qualified physics teachers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how physics teachers assess laboratory work within upper secondary schools, with Gy2011 in mind. The new grade system, Gy2011, has a larger focus on the laboratory work then the earlier system Lpf 94. Skolverket has in their man-ual with examples of assessment two different sorts of laboratory experiments. The first assess-ment is regarding the planning of a laboratory work and the other about how able the pupil exe-cutes laboratory work.
Idrotter på Kronoparken : En kvalitativ studie om flickors syn på Kronoparkens idrottsutbud
Kronoparken is a multicultural area with more than 100 different nationalities. Since we know that girls with a foreign background participate less in sport than girls with Swedish background do, we think it would be interesting to examine what kind of thoughts and experiences young girls on Kronoparken has about sport. The purpose of this study is to examine what the girls think about the activities that are offered today. We also want to examine their thoughts about sport and gender issues.Since the aim is to identify the girl?s experiences around current activities and find out what ideas they have to improve this, we think a qualitative method is best suited. We have chosen to do interviews with two focus groups.
Gräv där du står och ända ner till Kina : En studie av två grundskolors omvärldsrelationer med fokus på hållbar utveckling
The aim of the study was to analyse relations between the school and the surrounding world and how these relations affects the schools? work for sustainable development. This was mainly an interview study but teachers? self-valuations have also been used. Totally six teachers at two primary schools has been interwied.
Sportfånar och Kultursnobbar - om sport- och kulturjournalistikens betydelser ur ett samhälleligt perspektiv
Uppsatsens syfte är att studera skillnader mellan kultur- och sportjournalistik för att kunna undersöka vad dessa skillnader har för grunder och betydelser för vår uppfattning om kultur och sport i samhället. Varför låter sport- och kulturjournalistik så olika? Vad har det för betydelse? Genom att detaljstudera två av Sveriges Radios nyhetsprogram, Kulturnytt och Radiosportens nyheter, görs skillnader mellan de två genrerna tydliga och konkreta. Skillnaderna analyseras utifrån begrepp som genre, hegemoni, dikotomi och uppdelningen
mellan hög och låg samhällelig status.
Uppsatsens slutsatser är att uppdelningen mellan sport och kultur hålls stabil genom journalistiska genrer, vilka i sin tur är skapade efter uttryckens olika samhälleliga status.
Idrottslärares uppfattningar om medier, påverkan och idrottsintresse bland högstadielever
AbstractThe main purpose of this essay is to examine if media-sport influence pupils in their physical education and if the teachers understands it. At the same time the aim has also been to investigate how the teachers can get along with the media influence in their teaching. We have also investigated what teachers in physical education think about the curriculum and if there is space for a teaching method that respect the pupils will.The essay is an empirical qualitative study built on open-ended interviews with 3 respondents from two schools in the county of Värmland, Sweden. The range of qualified teacher is restricted at this school. We asked 5 teachers to join, but only 3 were accepting to join our study.
Förekomst av sex- och samlevnadsundervisning på gymnasienivå - ungdomars kunskaper och attityder angående sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar och kondomanvändning ? en tvärsnittsstudie
Sexually transmitted diseases among youths is a growing problem. Generally, the knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases is relatively good, however, the risktaking among youths is great. The schools education regarding sex is often insufficient. The foundation for avoiding STD is knowledge. However, knowledge does not solve the attitude problem regarding the use of condoms.
Varför lyckas inte alla? : En studie på Hantverksprogrammet Frisör och Florist om skillnader mellan hög- och lågpresterande elever.
Our purpose with this study was to investigate whether there was any difference between high and low performing students from selected aspects such as choice of studies, achievement, self-image, motivation, confidence and career choices.A training professional in today's schools requires knowledge of how young people think about their lives for us to help students develop both high-and low-performing students. Students have different conditions, but no matter good or bad conditions, each individual pupil must be allowed to develop.The concepts used in the study are of study, self-image, motivation, achievement in the future and career choices. In the background, describes these concepts through literature study. The method we have used was semi-structured interviews. Which means a fixed structure, but with room for follow-up questions.The results of our study indicate that there were clear differences between high-and low-performing students.
Biosensorsystem fo?r o?vervakning av vattenkvalitet
Sweden's drinking water quality is considered to be high partly due to a high quality of the raw water and a well developed sewage infrastructure. Despite this, there is water contamination that could be prevented by installation of a sophisticated early warning system. Some of the major players in the production of drinking water have already invested in different types of early warning systems to ensure drinking water of high quality. There are various forms of early warning systems where automatic monitoring of E. Coli is an interesting alternative.
Lite engagemang, tack! : en studie om ideella engagemangets betydelse för demokratin
The aim of this study is to investigate how non-profit engagement influence voting in school election, but also how the school has influenced the pupils to vote and if there are any differences between a big and a small town.The methods which have been used for this study are quantitative and qualitative, both questionnaires and interviews. To be able to see differences between a big and a small town the study was carried out in one school from each category of town.By examine the empirical material and analyse it with theories which are used for this study we have come to the conclusion that there are no obvious differences between pupils in the big town and the small town. Pupils in both schools were pretty engaged in associations, though had the pupils from the small town some higher level of engagement. Moreover, both schools had a high participation for the election. The result of the study showed that there were no noticeable tendencies on if the pupils choose to vote depending on engagement in associations.Furthermore, both schools were very engaged in the school election indeed.