6355 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 6 av 424
Bestämmelsen om utvidgat förverkande och dess gränser
Abstract Many researchers in social work believe that in today's society require the interaction between organisations takes place on social problems. This study examined the interaction between the police, social services and schools.The purpose of this study are as follows; the aim is to investigate the interaction between social services, the police and schools about young people aged 12-18 years who are at risk for abuse and crime.My questions are: How do the different professions interact regarding young people at risk for abuse and crime? How do they meet young people in their daily work? What obstacles can the different professions see in interaction? What effects do the different professions see in interaction?The study is a qualitative study conducted with semi-structured interviews. Respondents have been two from each organisation.The theory used in the analysis of empirical data is new-institutionalismen. New-institutionalism is a theory developed from organizational theories.
Skolan har fatta', det nya är surfplatta! : Implementation av surfplattor i grundskolan.
During the last two decades, technology has developed rapidly. It has become a natural part of everyday life, which we today take for granted. It isn?t until the last few years that technology has quickly become a big part in the school environments. Computers, tablets and other technology is today a big part of the education and teaching.
Vidareutveckling av sport-bh för större byst
I denna studie behandlas vidareutvecklingen en sport-bh för kvinnor med stor byst. Forskning inom relaterade områden, såsom begreppen ?encapsulation? och ?compression?, studier av bröstens rörelsemönster under fysisk aktivitet, storlekssystem och bröstens anatomiska förutsättningar, har studerats för att ytterligare hjälpa utvecklingen av denna produkt. En mindre enkät utfördes bland vanliga, på olika sätt, fysiskt aktiva, kvinnor för att avgöra vilka preferenser dessa hade gällande sport-bh. Denna information har sedan tillämpats, i möjlig mån, på produktutvecklingen.
Motivation som anledning till att fortsätta i ungdomsidrotten : En kvantitativ studie av motivation hos ungdomar som deltar i breddidrott och elitidrott
Studies in Sweden have shown that about 80% of all youth in Sweden have participated in organized sport during their upbringing but at the age of 20 only 50% of these continue. There have been several attempts to understand why youth stop participating in sports but few aimed to understand why they continue. The objective of this study was to examine if there is a difference in motivation between youth (in the ages of 16-20 years) who participate in recreational and elite sports. The study was carried out as a quantitative survey where both recreational (n=35) and elite athletes (n=33) particpated. The study used a Sport Motivation Scale questionnaire translated into Swedish.
Nyemission. Var det värt det? : En studie om nyemissioners effekter på idrottsaktiebolag
This essay has examined the effects that new issues had on the four Swedish football clubs that are organized as sport limited companies. The difference between a limited company and a sporting limited company is that the clubs always have majority ownership by the 51% rule. Previous research on sport limited companies and on new issues has been associated with the agent theory and the pecking order theory in order to explain the effects.The thesis is a qualitative study with an inductive approach, where the interviews have been selected as the method of collecting data. Through the years the clubs have performed new issues several times. The study says that the clubs perform a new issue for two reasons, either for investment purposes or because they have a poor economy and must collect liquid assets.
Undervisning av elever i behov utav särskilt stöd : Fyra skolors arbetssätt
Today?s schools agrees that there are students that are in need of special help in school, but how this help best connects to the students can the schools not agree about.That?s why I in this essay have chosen to look closer at four different compulsory schools and they?re teaching of students requiring special help. I choose to look at two community schools and two open schools.The aim with this essay is to see if the teaching of students in need of special help is different or the same on the four schools. One of the theories that I have used is Haug´s theory about segregated and included integration.In my essay I have used qualitative research interview. I have interviewed one person from each school management.The result shows that it is not the way the schools teach the students that is important, instead the schools see the contacts between families and the school and the personals attitude agents the students as the most important factor when they work with this students..
Är kommersiella strategier synonymt med affärsmässig eller idrottslig framgång?
Commercial strategies are becoming more common in an increasing number of sports - Swedish golf is no exception. Previous research shows that new opportunities for non-profit organizations, to assign parts of their operations to a limited company, do not have any economic importance. The supplementary question arises why more golf clubs nonetheless choose to corporatize its activities? Is the purpose of commercial strategies generally linked to business- or sport-related success? This paper, containing two studies, aims to create an understanding of the underlying drivers of commercialization, and furthermore to quantitatively demonstrate how commercialization is reflected within Swedish golf in terms of strategy and marketing. Swedish golf clubs were categorized as more or less commercial, and examined based on business-related variables such as communications, brand awareness and price discrimination, as well as sports-related variables as success factors and success indicators.
"Man måste erövra begreppen" : En studie av undervisande gymnasielärares attityder gentemot språkets roll i historieundervisningen
This study is about how teachers of history at different upper secondary schools in Uppsala think and talk about the role language plays in the classroom and in education in general. In order to find this out, interviews were carried out with five teachers of history at four different upper secondary schools in Uppsala. This study has an analysis of the statements by and interviews with the teachers in a wide context by using a previous study carried out in Uppsala, which categorizes the upper secondary schools of Uppsala into a social field based upon what assets their students have. These assets are estimated by using Bourdieu?s theory of symbolic, social and cultural capital.
En studie av förebyggande arbete mot mobbning på två kommunala skolor i Sverige : Skillnader och likheter i modell och handling
This study deals with an important and challenging issue that each school is facing today, that is the prevention work of bullying. The purpose is to investigate how two elementary schools define bullying and how the work of prevention looks like today. The study highlights two models, Farsta and Friends, that many schools follows in their work and struggle against bullying. We conducted this study by looking at how bullying looks at two elementary schools. How these schools developed working method in order to secure a safe environment for all children in the school.The findings in this study highlighted the involvement of these two schools in the work of prevention against bullying, which methods they used and how these schools worked intensively with organisations such as Friends.
Hälsoprojekt : idé till rehabiliteringsmodell för långtidssjukskrivna
Aim and questionsThe purpose for this study was to investigate how marks and mark settings are formed in physical training at some compulsory schools. We also wanted to see how the criteria for marks are formed. These were the main questions during this study.? How do the students find the evaluation and the making in physical training?? Are there differences between different student groups when it comes to their experience around estimation and marking in physical training? (gender, marks, schools etc.)? How do the teachers motivate their marking in physical training?? Are there any differences between the criteria for marking between different schools?MethodThe study was carried out during the spring 2005 at eight schools in a municipality in the middle of Sweden. The study involved 339 students opinion polls and 12 teacher opinion polls.
Attityder till design : samt studie- och yrkesvägledare
The background to this study is the government’s investment in design and the increase of design education around the country. As a future design teacher (industrialdesign) at high school/college, it is of great interest for me to look closer at student’s attitude towards design and design educations at high school.Questions that have been investigated are student´s attitude towards design; design as a concept but also as a phenomenon. How does the student counselor inform the students of the differentchoices before choosing high school?Does the students view on design correspond to what the student counselor say?What opinion does the student counselor have to the concept design as well as design in highschool? Is design just a craze or here to stay?To get answers I have made interviews with student counselors at two different schools, I have also been in contact with a student counselor on the internet. Their thoughts will clarify thesituation that the students might be in.
Idrotts-självförtroende och motivation : Hos kvinnliga och manliga elit- respektive amatörspelare i bandy
The purpose of this study was to exam the possible differences in the experienced self-confidence and motivation among the elite players in bandy and amateur players in bandy. In addition, any differences between boys and girls within the same area to be studied. A total of 112 athletes participated of whom 52 of them classified as elite players and 60 amateur players, with 62 boys and 50 girls. The athletes filled at one point in the questionnaires The Sport Motivation Scale, Harter?s (1980) ?competence scale? and The Sport Confidence Inventory.
Tillämpad idrottspsykologisk verksamhet med inriktning mot tävlingsidrott och prestation : en komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Serbien
AimThe main aim with this study is to research weather there are differences in applied sportpsychology activities between Sweden and Serbia, with a focus on competitive sports andperformance. What are the differences and similarities, and in which way is the sportpsychology helping the sportsmen and sportswomen? The main goal with this study is tocome to conclusions that can be of importance to both countries development in applied sportpsychology activities.MethodFor this study the qualitative method was used and the design is descriptive and comparative.A practical comparison in the form of interviews has been done. Eight persons wereinterviewed at different times, four in Sweden and four in Serbia, one researcher in sportpsychology, one practitioner in sports psychology (a common term for a sport psychologist,mental trainer, performance coach etc.), one sports coach and one sportswoman in eachcountry. For the interviews an adequate interview guide was designed and used.ResultsPractical application in the form of various training opportunities within the sport psychologyfield, sports psychology advisory services and research in sports psychology are applied to agreater extent in Sweden then in Serbia.
Socialt och emotionellt lärande i grundskolan - hinder och möjligheter vid implementering
Social and emotional learning is getting more and more common to work with in Swedish schools today. That has made it more actual to do studies of how you best can implement a method in health prevention and promotion in schools and how you do for to keep the work sustainable. There are some American studies that describe implementation of methods in schools and a few studies that describe implementation of methods for social and emotional learning in schools. It is important to see implementation as a process and not as an individual event. The process never end but continues as a cycle in three phases; readiness phase, planning phase and implementation phase.The aim of this study was to describe teachers and principals experiences of obstacles and possibilities at implementation of an evidence based program for social an emotional learning in compulsory school as a part of the schools health promotion activities.
Anslaget till Handslaget-vad fick vi för pengarna? : en utvärdering av samarbetet med skolorna i Gästrikland andra året
AimThe Swedish government has allocated a milliard Swedish Crowns on the project ?Ett handslag med idrotten?, (A handshake with sports), to make it possible for more children to participate in sports. The project goes on for four years and my work is an evaluation of the projects that have received fundings from Gästriklans Idrottsförbund for the second year. One aim is to see how many pupils that have been involved with the projects and especially the numbers of pupils earlier not active in a sport club and the number of girls. It is interesting to see what?s in common in the sport clubs that have had a large number from those two groups.