

6349 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 46 av 424

Skadeståndsansvar inom ishockey

Idrotten fyller en värdefull funktion i vårt samhälle, den verkar som en inspiration och är främjande för den allmänna folkhälsan. Idrotten har även en uppfostrande egenskap för unga i samhället och sysselsätter många människor som få andra företeelser kan mäta sig med. Det är därför av vikt att elitidrotten framstår som ett föredöme, eftersom dess värderingar genomsyrar hela den svenska breddidrotten. Våld inom sport, och i synnerhet inom ishockey, är vanligt förekommande i dagens samhälle. Faktum är att det inte existerar någon lagstiftning som reglerar att den idrottsliga verksamheten skulle vara undantagen från de allmänna lagreglerna om skadestånd och straffansvar.

Digital divide eller digital opportunity i Anacostia High School, Washington D.C. : en studie baserad på sistaårselever i High School

 Purpose/Aim: The goal of this thesis is to examine access and knowledge computers and the Internet among the senior-year students of Anacostia High School. Do the students of this facility have the same opportunity as the residents from better socioeconomical backgrounds or are they being excluded from the technology? Material/Method: To approach the thesis goal I have used a quantitative method. More specifically, a questionnaire was handed out to the senior year students at Anacostia High School. Main results: The study has shown that most of the students of Anacostia had in some way access to computers and Internet.

Ultraljud som diagnostiskt hjälpmedel vid subklinisk mastit hos ko :

This study was performed to investigate the possibility to use ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool for sub-clinical mastitis in dairy cows. Five cows with high cell counts, and four cows with low cell counts were selected as cases and controls, respectively, and their udders examined with ultrasound during a 5 week period. The image of the udders of cows with high cell counts exhibited small, hyper-echoic, rounded foci, approximately 1 cm in diameter, near the milk cisterns and the base of the teats. These changes were not found consistently in all cows with high cell count, however. Ultrasonography may be a valuable complementary tool in the diagnosis of sub-clinical mastitis in dairy cow, but more cases need to be monitored before its full value can be ascertained..

Elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En studie av det stöd som erbjuds i olika skolor i en Stockholmsförort.

Syftet med denna studie är att i en kommun söder om Stockholm undersöka det eventuella stöd som elever i år 1-5 med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och dyslexi erhåller. Studien är baserad på en enkät som skickats till samtliga speciallärare och specialpedagoger i den aktuella kommunen. En telefonintervju med en person på kommunnivå genomfördes för att komplettera undersökningens resultat. Studien visar att alla skolor utom en har speciallärare och specialpedagoger till elevernas förfogande. Rektorn på varje skola ansvarar för stödundervisningen, då kommunen sedan en tid decentraliserat ansvaret för detta.

BIM vid installationsprojektering

Planet rendering plays an important role in universe visualization and geographic visualization. The recent tools and methods allow better data acquisition, usually with very high resolution. However in computer graphics, there is always the limitation on the resolution of geometry and texture due to numerical imprecision. Not many applications can handle high resolution data effectively.This thesis introduces, Implicit Surface Scene, a level of detail scene management inspired by dynamic coordinate system and SCALEGRAPH? which change over time depending on the current camera position relative to the planet surface.

Brukardemokrati i grundskolan - En studie av fyra brukarstyrelsers påverkan på skolledning och politiker

According to the theory of elitist democracy civic political participation should be reduced to participation in the democratic elections. This essay examines whether a high rate of institutionalized political participation beyond the elections leads to: (a) that those who are included gets a more favourable treatment at the expense of the common interest, in other words that their self interest threatens the political equality, (b) reduced freedom of action for the politicians and the headmasters, (c) the emergence of vague conditions of responsibility. These hypotheses are examined in an empirical study of user-boards at four schools on three locations in southern Sweden. In these user-boards the parents are in majority and have the right of decision, which has been delegated to them from the local government and the headmaster. The main conclusion is that, based on this empirical investigation, there is no support in any of the hypotheses.

GPS: Förr, nu och i framtiden

1957 sände sovjetunionen upp den första satelliten av dom 27 i nulägets existerande satelliter som an-vänds för inom GPS. Senare under kalla kriget så påskyndades finansieringen av GPS och fler satelliter tillverkades för att kunna ge bättre och mer exakt position.I dagsläge används GPSen för allt inom tjänstearbete och fritid, från flygplan för att hålla koll på kursen till hobby sport som Geocaching..

"...att kunna studsa in när det händer någonting..." Kuratorers arbete med och samverkan kring elever med ADHD

The purpose of this essay is to study seven different school counsellors? way of working and collaborating with students with an ADHD diagnosis. The informants we met come from different high schools in southern Sweden. The study is based on a qualitative approach and the primary knowledge was established through semi-structured interviews. The secondary knowledge is accounted for the form of previous research and theories.

De mångbottnade männen och de enkla kvinnorna : En feministisk och genusinriktad undersökning av det manliga och kvinnliga i Stephen Kings Pestens tid

The purpose of this study is to explore specific pedagogical activities that benefit the student's verbal language development and to learn more about how our schools use teaching methods to achieve the ambitions in the governing documents in Sweden. The aim is finding the correlation between theory, research, governing documents and the educational work in our schools. This study contains an empirical survey in intention to see how teachers, pupils and school administrators experience school activities, to see if those activities are formed with the intention for pupils to reach the learning goals according to the governing documents.The aim of this study has been achieved by relating empirical data with theories and previous research on conversation analysis. Goffman's and Norrby's research on the importance of dialogue and previous research on dialogicity studied by Dysthe, Vygotsky and Bakhtin are presented. Those are related to empirical data and show that most teachers realize the importance of integrating dialogues in daily activities and in different learning contexts.

SJ- OCH TJ-LJUDENS STAVNING : En empirisk undersökning bland andraspråksinlärare på SFI- och SVA-nivå

This paper investigates the presentation of Islam in textbooks used in the study of religion in high schools. The papers focus on two main questions concerning the ways in which Islam is presented in the analysed textbooks, and how the new curriculum has influenced the portrayal of Islam in the materials. Here, the paper utilizes a method of critical discourse analysis with Faircloughs three-dimensional analysis. The paper then concludes that the presentation of Islam is negative in nature, with the content and view of Islam having been simplified and stereotyped. Often the textbooks studied frame Islam as being an aggressive and oppressive religion, especially in matters con-cerning women.

Arbetet, hemmet eller salongen? : En studie av flickskoleutbildning i praktiken 1884-1929

One hundred years ago, boys and girls in Sweden went to school in two parallel educational systems. The girl schools were privately owned and had two educational goals; education for the household and education for work outside the home. The girl schools were free to give the education they thought was right, but around the turn of the century women?s education became an issue of growing political interest.The purpose of my study is to shine light on the idea-political impact on the teaching in the turn of the century independent girl schools. I ask two questions; What types of subjects did girl school pupils write essays about, and how do they change over time? Seen from a genus perspective, what is the relation between the essay subjects and the idea-political trends at a higher societal level?I conduct a quantitative study of Swedish essay subjects at a girl school in Växjö between the years 1884-1929.

Är det media som bestämmer genusordningen? En innehållsanalys av sportsidorna ur ett genusperspektiv. Do media decide the gender hierarchy? A content analysis of the sport pages from a gender perspective

Syftet med undersökningen är att utöka förståelsen på vilket sätt media förmedlar idrott ur ett genusperspektiv, och diskutera dess konsekvenser. Vi vill med undersökningen få en ökad insyn i medias makt kring föreställningar om kvinnligt och manligt på sportsidorna. Vi har med hjälp av kvantitativ innehållsanalys i kombination med kvalitativ textanalys argumenterat kring olika tänkbara svar. Underlaget för vår studie baseras på ett omfattande kodningsschema där sportbilagan i Dagens Nyheter (DN) under februari månad 2011 utgjort empirin. Resulta-ten av kodningsschemat har jämförts med litteratur om genus, media och idrott.

När backa inte längre var ett alternativ : Genomförandet av Arenastaden i Växjö

This thesis suggest an explanation for is how it is possible to understand that the large arena project in Växjö grew to cost sums of money that initially in the project not would have been an alternative to discuss, how goals changed and how the institutional environment changed the prerequisites of the project. As empirical part of the research, to describe and analyze the project, the municipality?s documentation of the project have been analyzed and semi-structured interviews have been made. Theoretical perspective is taken from the neo-institutionalism in sociology of organizations and change, and theories of the complexity of large projects with major symbolic value and importance. The project starts with the municipality?s investment and cost to be hold back, defined as a necessary condition in order to fulfil an ambitious drive towards new sport arenas.  Eventually the necessary condition was abandoned and the arenas were built with the municipality responsible for the investment, cost and risk in the project.

Drama i skolan och på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ undersökning om några pedagogers och elevers uppfattningar om drama

The study aims to examine some teachers' and students' conceptions of drama in schools and in after-school centers. ?Educator? in this study refers to after-school leaders and drama teachers.  The study is limited to three educators and three students at a public school in the Stockholm area. This study considers the following questions: How do educators use drama in schools and in after-school centers? How do students perceive drama in schools and in after-school centers? What importance do educators think that drama has for students?The study draws on the socio-cultural theory on teamwork and social interaction.

LÄTT ATT GÖRA RÄTT VAL? : En uppsats om den profilerade högstadieskolans kommunikation med blivande elever och deras föräldrar.

AbstractTitle: Is it easy to make the right decision? An essay about how the profiled senior level schools communicate with their future pupils and their parents. (Lätt att göra rätt val? En uppsats om den profilerade högstadieskolans kommunikation med blivande elever och deras föräldrar.)Author: Erika CassmanAim: My hypothesis is that parental influence is higher when the students are going to a detached school than when the students are going to a school with a profiled program because in the profiled program they are going to study a course that they love and is chosen by themselves. The aim of this essay is therefore to find out if this thesis is right or wrong.

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