6355 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 36 av 424
Om motivation, motgångar och bemästrandestrategier hos hobby- och professionella ryttare
Individer som utövar någon typ av sport utsätter sig för både psykiskt och fysisk påfrestning. Denna påfrestning kan vara något som stressar individen och måste därför hanteras och bemästras på något sätt. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad som motiverar hobby- respektive professionella ryttare, finns det någon skillnad i upplevelsen av motgångar i sin sport mellan hobbyryttare och professionella tävlingsryttare, och om grupperna har olika sätt att bemästra motgångar. Deltagarna var 11 kvinnor, fem professionella ryttare och sex hobbyryttare. Analysen gjordes genom meningskoncentrering, där olika teman utformades efter studiens frågeställningar.
Placeboeffekt? : En utvärderande studie av friskolereformen i Halmstads kommuns gymnasieskolor
This thesis is an evaluative study of the political reform, Friskolereformen, which enabled independent schools to receive state funding. The study evaluates to what extent the incentives, which preceded the reform, have been fulfilled. The evaluation is defined to include upper secondary schools in the municipality of Halmstad during the years of 2005?2010. The reform was enacted on the basis that it would result in a higher standard of quality, efficiency and freedom of choice.
Sex on the table. The formation of a wide-ranging sex education
There is a settled stereotype for women and men which give them different possibilities in our society. The schools, which are one of the most important sources of knowledge, have a great possibility to influence. This is the reason why we are interested in how the schools are working with a project, which we will call X henceforth. What was the purpose with the project and what does it contain? What is missing in the former education, since the project was started? Are there any obstacles or prerequisite in the design of the project or in the school teaching on the basis of X? We have done interviews in the gathering of empirical material to find out all the answers to our questions.
Förekomsten av ersättningsnivåer i internationell expropriationsrätt ? en jämförelse av Nordiska länder
In this report a study is carried out with the aim to identify added values of EPC projects implemented in schools in order to increase the interest of EPC projects on the market. The report examines how the planned maintenance, supervision, maintenance and corrective maintenance is affected, how insurance premiums and terms are affected, the indoor environment and how the tasks of the operating staff is changing. A literature study of energy savings, energy use in schools, maintenance and insurance as well as how energy efficiency improvements are related to the Swedish environmental objectives has been made. Visits were carried out in Ludvika, interviews were also carried out with operation technicians and local strategists in Ludvika as well as employees of insurance companies.Schools often have neglected maintenance and problems with ventilation and indoor environment. Schools also have a large energy saving potential due to their low utilization, mainly because they are empty parts of the year.
Individualiserad matematikundervisning : en kvalitativ studie om lärares arbete med individualisering i förhållande till högpresterande elever
The purspose of this study is to investigate how teachers are working to individualize mathemathics education relative to high-performing students and how they define the therm individualization. According to the Swedish curriculum the teaching process should be based on the students prevoius knowledge and experiences. The teachers should in their preperation take every student in to consideration. To be able to investigate these subjets I prepared following questions:What does the concept of individualization in mathematics mean for the teachers?What does it mean to work with an individualized mathematics teaching?How does teachers individualizes teaching mathematics relative to high performing students?This study is based on a qualitative method with both interviews and observations.
I skolreformernas kölvatten : Statligt kontrollbehov och synen på skolan som agent
This thesis examines the effects of the Swedish school reforms that took place in the early 1990?s. Theories such as Principal-Agent, Stewardship and Lipsky?s street-level bureaucracy are discussed as well as New Public Management (NPM). These reforms were heavily influenced by NPM, causing an increased level of street-level bureaucracy, and according to Principal-Agent theory some outcomes could have been predicted.
Detaljeringsgraden i dagens detaljplaner, en studie av femtio planer för nyexploatering av större bostadsområden
In this report a study is carried out with the aim to identify added values of EPC projects implemented in schools in order to increase the interest of EPC projects on the market. The report examines how the planned maintenance, supervision, maintenance and corrective maintenance is affected, how insurance premiums and terms are affected, the indoor environment and how the tasks of the operating staff is changing. A literature study of energy savings, energy use in schools, maintenance and insurance as well as how energy efficiency improvements are related to the Swedish environmental objectives has been made. Visits were carried out in Ludvika, interviews were also carried out with operation technicians and local strategists in Ludvika as well as employees of insurance companies.Schools often have neglected maintenance and problems with ventilation and indoor environment. Schools also have a large energy saving potential due to their low utilization, mainly because they are empty parts of the year.
Socialpedagogiskt arbete i grundskolan - möjligheter och framtidSocial pedagogic work in compulsary school - potentials and future
This study illustrates the views of working socialpedagogues when it comes to socialpedagogical and social work within compulsary schools. The focus of the study is on how social problems can be prevented and get noticed among children and youths in compulsary school, and what possibilities of development there are in preventive social work. The socialpedagogue?s capability for supporting this development, together with people that are important in the children?s and youths?s lifes, opens up new possibilities in the future for the social work in schools. The main concepts in the study is treatment and attitude, interaction and cooperation with different people inside and outside the school as well as individual- and grouporientated work.
Base stations for communication in obstructed environments
The purpose of this project was to produce signal relay stations that could receive information via 2.4 GHz radio and relay the information to a designated target station. If a relay station was located outside of signal range for the target station it was supposed to utilize other relay stations to transfer the information to the target station, so called multi-hop.The would-be application of the relay stations was orienteering. When an orienteer punches a checkpoint the signal stations would relay information of who punched the control, when it was punched and the checkpoint that was punched to the speaker tower in the goal area.The work resulted in prototypes which fulfilled the statement of purpose and was tested at an orienteering competition with satisfactory results. The performance of the prototypes was tested and found adequate for the would-be application..
Lärdom och fostran : En vägledning till skolarkiven på landsarkivet i Uppsala
The Regional State Archive in Uppsala [Landsarkivet i Uppsala] has several archives left from various types of educational institutions in the counties of Dalarna, Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland and Örebro. This archiv-al guide reveals the main content of some of the school archives. It goes through the archives of the elementary school, state secondary grammar schools and private secondary grammar schools. A few special schools for the blind and the deaf children are included. The essay also brings up records from community homes and reformato-ries for children and young adults who experienced certain difficulties and therefore could not adjust to the ordi-nary educational system.
Skillnader och likheter gällande mobbning mellan flickor och pojkar i en monoetnisk- och multietnisk skola
The purpose of this study is to explore the differences and similarities regarding the causes of and approaches to bullying among a number of girls and boys in third grade in two schools. One of the schools is in a mono-ethnic area and the other in a multi-ethnic.The purpose isto compare the results between the schools and the questions proposed are:What is the reason for the bullying?What are the differences and similarities in existing opinions on the practice of bullying?What are the differences and similarities of students' opinions on bullying in a mono-ethnic and in a multi-ethnic school?I have chosen to use gender and ethnicity theories and the study was conducted through qualitative group interviews. The results have shown that boys' explanations for bullying are more aggressive than girls, although approaches to bullying were more related with violence among boys. The multi-ethnic school uses more direct bullying compared to the mono-ethnic school where indirect bullying occurred more often.
Vad spelar biblioteket för roll på folkhögskolan?
This report will focus on the folkhigh-school in its general form and the role of the libraries on these types of schools in particular. A library on folkhighschools have a tendency to be forgotten and ends up being somewhere in the middle of the libraryworld and the general educational organisations. The purpose of this essay is to examine and provide general views on the different roles that a library on a folkhighschool can have, as well as looking into the unique aspects of the type of school that a folkhighschool is in terms of influencing the libraries placed there. The methodology used in this study is qualitative. Interviews have been held on three different folkhighschools in south of Sweden.
Sportmarknadsföring & damfotboll : Vad klubblag i damallsvenskan kan göra för att marknadsföra sin produkt
Handelshögskolan vid Umeå universitetInstitutionen för FöretagsekonomiUmeå universitet90187 UmeåDatum: 2007-04-10Författare: Görel ErikssonNivå/utbildning: Master thesis, FöretagsekonomiHandledare: Kifle HamdeTitel: Sportmarknadsföring & damfotboll - Vad klubblag i damallsvenskan kan göra för att marknadsföra sin produktProblem: "Vad kan klubblag i damallsvenskan göra för att attrahera publik till sina matcher, göra dem nöjda och se till att de kommer tillbaka?Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och beskriva det arbete som bedrivs för att marknadsföra de damallsvenska klubbmatcherna i damfotboll.Metod: Jag har utgått från en kvalitativ metod då mitt syfte är att undersöka och beskriva det arbete som bedrivs. Mitt angreppssätt är abduktivt och min omfattande förförståelse i ämnet ligger som bas för min hermeneutiska kunskapssyn. Jag har i studien genomfört 7 stycken intervjuer med totalt sex olika damallsvenska klubblag. Jag har haft ett marknadsföringsperspektiv och analyserat mitt empiriska resultat genom en diskursanalys då jag har en kritisk inställning till självklar kunskap.Resultat/slutsatser: I min slutsats kommer jag fram till att det finns behov och möjligheter av att professionalisera och utveckla de damallsvenska klubbarnas marknadsföringsarbete.
Visuellt & Auditivt korttidsminne
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of sensory modality on short-term memory recall. An exploratory, cross-sectional study was performed. A total of 119 individuals participated. There were 70 female and 49 male subjects, aged 4 to 80 years (M=34,3). The participants were presented with 12 different objects in auditory, visual or auditory/visual mode over a period of 24 seconds.
"Det handlar ju om förutsättningar" : En studie om IT-satsningar i svensk skola
Background:IT development has in recent decades been fast progressing. In Sweden many schools have begun to invest in IT and new technologies. What happens at the schools that are investing in IT equipment and modern technology?Purpose:The purpose of this study is to elucidate the conditions for and the success factors and barriers that principals and teachers will experience in IT. Principals' experiences are complemented and mirrored against the teachers.