6355 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 37 av 424
Biologiska behandlingsmetoder för rening av rejektvatten från biogasproduktion
In this literature review the characteristics of two free-floating macrophytes, water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and duckweed (Lemna sp.), and two microalgae, Chlorella and Scenedesmus, have been examined regarding their suitability as efficient nutrient removers in the treatment of wastewater with high levels of nutrients and suspended solids from a biogas plant in Loudden. The needs required for the plants to be able to grow in wastewater and the amounts of biomass they can produce have also been studied. The results show that Chlorella is capable of a very high uptake of nutrients in photobioreactors with high nutrient loadings. With an ammonia uptake maximum value at 10900mg/m2/d Chlorella outshines the other organisms in this study. The test organism that performed the closest to Chlorella in terms of nitrogen uptake was water hyacinth with an uptake about 1602mg/m2/d.
Svenska ikoner? : En jämförelse mellan ett internationellt och svenskt bildurval baserad på kriterier för ikoniska nyhetsbilder.
SammanfattningSyftet med studien var att studera skillnader i vilka mål bordtennisspelare använder sig av beroende på målinriktning. I studien deltog 103 bordtennisspelare (60 män och 43 kvinnor) tävlandes i division ett till tre. Metoden som användes i studien var en kvantitativ undersökning och bestod av enkäterna Collegiate Goal Setting in Sport Questionnaire (Weinberg, Burton, Yukelson, Weigand, 1993) och Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (Duda & Nicholls, 1992; ref i Duda, 1998). Resultatet i studien visade flera signifikanta skillnader mellan bordtennisspelarna med högre resultatinriktning och bordtennisspelare med en lägre resultatinriktning när det gäller uppfattning om målsättning. Resultatet visade exempelvis att bordtennisspelarna med högre resultatinriktning oftare satte resultatmål och prestationsmål jämfört med bordtennisspelare med en lägre resultatinriktning.
Varför väljer föräldrar en kristen friskola?
The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the ideas that have influenced parents' choice of a Christian private school and how parents justify their choices. The essay also aims to examine the expectations that parents have in the schools, as well as the pros and cons as they consider private school compared to other schools.My study is based on qualitative data collected through interviews with parents who have chosen to place one or more of their children in a specific Christian private school. Using a qualitative approach has made it possible for me to get a deeper understanding of this investigation. I have also used the previous research on this field and theoretical starting points to explain and connect to my inquiry as Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the school Weber document types and identity in a multicultural society.The study shows that parents seek to or from the public school due to various reasons. To seek out a Christian private school depends on different reasons.
En insyn i faktorer som påverkar gymnasievalet : Att marknadsföra en gymnasieskola
A quantitative survey of students in grades one in high school, where the aim is to find out what factors affected their upper secondary school. The survey is based on marketing, and looks to how to market a high school..
Hur man kan introducera och integrera nyanlända barn i skolan : En jämförande undersökning mellan två skolors verksamhetsformer och de riktlinjer som högre instanser anger
Purpose: Our purpose with this study is to compare how the two selected schools in two different areas in Stockholm chooses to introduce and integrate newly arrived children in Sweden. The schools are located in the suburb and downtown in Stockholm. One school has chosen to integrate the child by placing him or her in a preparatory class and the other school is placing the child into a regular class.Investigation questions: We want to find out how the choosen schools are working with a newly arrived child. How is the child integrated and introduced directly into a regular class through teaching methods and teaching material and how a newly arrived child is integrated and introduced into a preparatory class through teaching methods and teaching material. We also want to find out if the community authorities in the City of Stockholm and the Swedish state have guidelines that schools are supposed to follow in the work with newly arrived children and whether our selected schools are working after these guidelines.Method: The study is based on two methods.
Informationskompetens som mål i högskoleutbildningen: Inställning hos ledning, lärare och bibliotekarier vid en mindre högskola
The aim of this Master thesis is to study how management, teachers and librarians at the university college Swedish school of sport and health sciences (GIH) view information literacy (IL) as a standard in higher education. I have used a sociocultural theoretical perspective, as the focus being on co-operation within the institutional context. The following questions are focused on: Of what importance are the control documents concerning IL as a standard in the educational program? How do the respondents view the value of, and the responsibility for, IL as a standard in the educational program? What are the conditions for co-operation at GIH to reach the standards of the higher education act? The methodology used is qualitative case study. Six qualitative interviews were carried out in order to describe the attitudes of the management, teachers and librarians related to this subject.
Litteraturanvändning i skolan: : En undersökning av lärares och elevers syn på svensk litteratur
AbstractThis research is about how some swedish teachers in high school choose literature in schools. The purpose is to underline the reasons for how some teachers think about selection, canon, classic and contemporary literature. Two survey methods were used to find the answers, wich consisted of interviews and questionnaires. The letter methods was used to obtain informations about student´s views on literature.Previous research shows that there are different opinions in what kind of literature the pupils should read in school. The results of literature, questionnaires and interviews also showed that the underlying reasons for the choice of literature, varied among those interviewed further forward ofthe students also prefer to read books during lessons, and that they prefer reading books by popular contemporary writers..
Motivationsreglering inom idrott: ett självbestämmande perspektiv.
Syftet med studien var att undersöka människors motivation till deltagande inom lagidrott, vilken motivationsreglering som påverkar en idrottare till deltagande inom idrott samt hur uppfattat självbestämmande stöd från tränaren påverkar motivationsreglering, beroende på kön och spelarposition. Undersökningsdeltagarna var 146 idrottare, 59 kvinnor och 87 män, som var medlemmar i olika idrottsföreningar. Insamling av data gjordes i form av personlig kontakt med en enkät som innehöll mätinstrumenten Sport Motivation Scale och Sport Climate Questionnaire. Resultatet visade att det fanns en skillnad mellan könen i yttre reglering. De inre motivations-regleringarna i studien hade positiva korrelationer med yttre motivationsreglering, alltså om den inre motivationen höjs hos en idrottare så blir även den yttre motivationen förhöjd.
"Hjälper mig att förstår vad text handlar om" : en undersökning av två skolexterna läxläsningsverksamheter
?This is a study of two school extern homework activities dedicated to helping students with their homework. The questions at issue are 1) how are the homework activities organized when it comes to financing, planning, marketing and implementation? 2) Who participates as staff as well as students and what are the requirements for participants? 3) What are the reasons for students to attend school external homework sessions? Material was gathered by a survey among the students at the activities and by interviews with principals for each activity. Two main findings are that the homework activities are almost exclusively visited by students with immigrant background and that the main reasons for participating are difficulties with the Swedish language, and parents not being able to help their children with homework.
Likabehandling, lika behandling eller bara behandling : En exempelstudie av upplevelsen av likabehandlingsarbetet i skolan
Equal treatment in school is an on-going debate in the Swedish society. At the same time teachers around the country struggles to make ends meet because of a heavy workload. Voices have been raised that teachers no longer have the time to actually be teachers since they get piled up with paper work and other administrative tasks. However, schools are bound by law to take action against harassments and discrimination of any kind. There is also an overall policy in the Swedish national curriculum that every school must embrace diversity and actively teach students about solidarity and respect.
Mina elever är mina resurser : En jämförelse av hur verksamma lärare arbetar med läsundervisning i Sverige och Sydafrika
The purpose of this study is to investigate the teaching of literacy in two schools in different countries, South Africa and Sweden. The basis for the comparison was the decline of the two countries in the international PIRLS assessment. The aim of this essay was thus to identify possible similarities or differences between the two countries, possibly contributing to the decline in the literacy level of young students. The study was conducted by interviewing teachers of young children in South Africa and Sweden about their views on teaching literacy. The research shows that there are several factors contributing both positively and negatively to the literacy of young children.
Etik och moral inom ridsporten : med fokus på fälttävlan
Eventing is often called as the formula 1 in equestrian sports and comprises three disciplines: dressage, show jumping and cross-country. The sport provides excitement, challenge and joy and is the ultimate sport for intelligent riders and horses. Many are fascinated by the challenges the sport offers while other consider it foolhardy to ride a cross-country. Eventing is not a risk-free sport and has even been given the label of being one of the world´s most dangerous sports. What do those risks mean to the horse? And particularly, is it associated with good animal ethics to use the horse for eventing? Finding answers to these questions is not easy as it probably is not a clear and simple answer.
Hedersrelaterad problematik : - En kvalitativ studie om skolans möjlighet till förebyggande arbete
The issue of honour related problems in schools are important social problems in Sweden. It?s not unusual that honour related problem has had serious consequences before any action has been inserted by society. Sometimes the efforts made by society have had no impact whatsoever due to them being inserted too late. We can conclude based on our literature and our interviews, the importance of prevention.
SammanfattningSyftet med studien var att studera skillnader i vilka mål bordtennisspelare använder sig av beroende på målinriktning. I studien deltog 103 bordtennisspelare (60 män och 43 kvinnor) tävlandes i division ett till tre. Metoden som användes i studien var en kvantitativ undersökning och bestod av enkäterna Collegiate Goal Setting in Sport Questionnaire (Weinberg, Burton, Yukelson, Weigand, 1993) och Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (Duda & Nicholls, 1992; ref i Duda, 1998). Resultatet i studien visade flera signifikanta skillnader mellan bordtennisspelarna med högre resultatinriktning och bordtennisspelare med en lägre resultatinriktning när det gäller uppfattning om målsättning. Resultatet visade exempelvis att bordtennisspelarna med högre resultatinriktning oftare satte resultatmål och prestationsmål jämfört med bordtennisspelare med en lägre resultatinriktning.
Vem får synas i texten? : En maktanalys av de nationella proven i svenska 2006-2010 ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv
In this study I have analysed the national tests in Swedish between the years 2006-2010. These tests are given to all students in the public schools in grade 9 and 10. I wanted to see if I identified an over-representation of a certain category of people in the texts given to the students. I analysed the texts from an intersectional perspective and I used primary Lena Martinsson (2007), Framtidens feminister and her categories and theories and Moria von Wright (1998) Genus & text- när kan man tala om jämställdhet i fysikläromedel?, and her gender categories in my study.