6355 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 12 av 424
Kvinnor och män i sportsidorna : En undersökning av sportsidorna i Örnsköldsviks Allehanda och Sportbladet ur ett genusperspektiv
Our goal with this paper is to see how male and female sport is described through a gender perspective in the newspapers O?rnsko?ldsviks Allehanda and Aftonbladet (Sportbladet).Is there any difference between male and female sport reporting? Are the different sexes described in a certain way? How are they described? Do men and women get as much space in the sport-pages of the newspapers? And are there any differences or similarities over a ten year period?To look on some of these factors we have been doing a quantitative- and qualitative analysis of data. The quantitative analysis to show patterns that could be easy to count. For example we looked if the article was about men our women, what sport, whom had written the article and how much space the article were given. This to easy estimate if there was any differences in the sports reporting.
VISSERLIGEN S? KAN MAN INTE OPERERA EN S?GVERKSMASKIN, MEN MAN KAN JU LIKSOM G?RA N?GOT F?R DEMOKRATIN. En diskursanalytisk studie om folkh?gskolans roll i det nyliberala samh?llet
In this bachelor's thesis, we investigate the Swedish folk high school?s role in neoliberal society, which is analyzed through the lens of Norman Fairclough's critical discourse theory as well as Erving Goffman's theory of social deviants. The focus of our study has been participants in creative education, such as art, theater and creative writing. Our findings include that participants at folk high schools find great value in their education, both creatively and personally. They note that they have experienced a large amount of
personal growth, regarding both openness towards others and higher confidence and their own abilities and identity.
Hur elever läser - En jämförande studie av gymnasieelevers lässtrategier i biologi och engelska; How students read - A comparative study of high school students? reading strategies in Biology and English
The purpose of this study was to identify reading strategies used by high school students when reading textbooks and school-related material. Any differences in reading strategies between Biology and English were also of importance. A study sample of 62 students from three different high schools in Sweden participated in the study and were asked to fill out a survey questionnaire. Eight students from this sample were also interviewed. The findings of this study show that students use a number of different reading strategies of which metacognitive and sociocultural factors play a crucial part.
När rummen råder : En studie om skolan som disciplinerande rum
This study titled When the spaces dominate A study of the school as disciplinary rooms is a study where the emphasis is on quality and where the results are based on observations. The purpose of the research was to analyse rooms and other artefacts in the school as seen from Foucault?s analysis of power. He emphasised that power is expressed in human relationships. To understand how that power is used one can study the techniques adopted and resistance offered.
Alkoholvanor inom det gymnasiala fordonsprogrammet
The consumption of alcohol in Sweden has increased considerably within recent years. Among youths there has been a tendency towards drinking more frequently and increased volumes. Alcohol habits among students on the high schools auto mechanic line has been given a questionnaire to examine their experience of the immediate after effect of alcohol and how et effects their situation in school. It has been proven that participating students are drinking alcohol more frequently than the average among Swedish high school students and girls more often than boys. The general experiences of alcohol after effect are predominantly negative both physically and psychologically, but the students are not concerned of their alcohol habits having an effect on their school work..
Bring your own device i små och medelstora företag inom IT-sektorn
The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of resource schools 1 as a human services organization and institution, based on teachers and principals? perspectives. The purpose of resource schools is to provide the students tools and resources to enable them to return to the regular school within two years. The study also aims to examine more closely how this objective applies to the studied resource schools in the studied municipality, as well as highlighting the success factors and barriers that exist to achieve the goal. Previous studies show that this kind of differential practice tends to become a permanent solution.
Bedömning av laborativtarbete i gymnasiefysik
In the current situation there is not much written about assessment of laboratory work, and the majority of the working physics teachers are retiring and there are only a few newly qualified physics teachers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how physics teachers assess laboratory work within upper secondary schools, with Gy2011 in mind. The new grade system, Gy2011, has a larger focus on the laboratory work then the earlier system Lpf 94. Skolverket has in their man-ual with examples of assessment two different sorts of laboratory experiments. The first assess-ment is regarding the planning of a laboratory work and the other about how able the pupil exe-cutes laboratory work.
Förskollärares syn på Kvalitet i Förskolan
My purpose with this work is to find out how it relates with pre-schoolteatchers view about a quality in comparasion to control document, Lpfö-98, and with factors pre-schoolteatchers consider effects quality in pre-school describe pre-schoolteatchers view on that high quality is in pre- school.The investigation has been done by quality interviews with five pre- schoolteatchers working in pre- school. The results show that they do not make a difference between what are high quality and the factors that affect the possibility of creating high quality. Most important is qualified and engaged educationalist in the pre- school who who shows a good attitude towards the children, and where development and learning is central. The most decisive to a pre- schools quality are the personell who work there. A conditon to achieve high quality in pre- school is a head who knows the pre- school activity and its curriculum, and who takes active part in the activity, invites to discussions and offers pertinent competence development.According to the leading document Lpfö-98 you will achieve high quality by offering children rear and care.
Dans i grundskolans tidigaste år : Dans i skolan på kommunala skolor respektive friskolor
Examensarbete lärarutbildningen 2010-06-16 Madelen Handell Svensson Vt 2010 Estetiskt lärande och SpecialpedagogikAbstractIndividualized is among the most important things for students. The teacher always has to provide for every pupil's needs, both special needs and challenge.Dance is a rhythmic exercise that often is carried out to musical. Dance uses human body as a medium and is movements, rhythm and expression of feelings. Dance is a combination of various feelings[1].Dance awakes feelings that are easier to describe in experiences than in words. The word dance is defined differently in different countries, it varies as well from time to time and from person to person[2].
Lunchlektion : En undersökning om den pedagogiska måltiden i två svenska grundskolor.
The purpose of the study is to get a deeper understanding in how the teachers work withthe students during the pedagogic meal. This by observing teachers during the schoollunchand see which pedagogic activities takes place. The paper intends to investigatehow teachers relate to, and act according to the guidelines that are applicable to theeducational meal by both the Swedish government and the schools.The study was conducted with the help of observations studies in two elementaryschools. The two municipalities looks different on the pedagogic meal. At both schoolsthe survey was conducted in the school canteen.
Kontexten som tillgång, begränsning och möjlighet ? En studie av gymnasiebibliotekariers användarundervisning ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv
The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between user education at high schools and the context in which it takes place. In order to accomplish this qualitative interviews have been executed with librarians at five Swedish high schools. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on the sociocultural perspective and four approaches to user education developed by Olof Sundin. Based on the empirical material six themes have been identified. Each one represents a contextual factor which influences the user education.
Datorspel - en lek eller sport? : En studie om hur tre svenska dagstidningar framställer e-sport och datorspel 2000-2013
This essay examines how three big Swedish newspapers depicts e-sports and computer gaming and how the depiction change during 2000-2013. The study will also examine whether e-sports is being portrayed as competitive sport. The purpose is to investigate which attitudes that can be identified towards computer gaming and its culture in major newspapers such as Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet and how these attitudes eventually changed over time. The sources that will be used in both the quantitative and qualitative analysis are based on web articles, mainly because the paper editions does not provide much, if any, information about computer gaming and e-sports and also because of the convenience of being able to quickly find articles to study. Results indicate that computer gaming is being depicted in a clear negative fashion during 2000-2006, and that the depiction of e-sports is somewhat positive but not as glorifying as for the years 2007-2013. During this period, there is a apparent tendency of e-sports being introduced to readers who are unfamiliar with the gaming culture. As for the attitudes towards computer gaming, the depiction is still somewhat negative, mainly because the debate about computer games and violence was revived because of several acts of violence in shape of school massacres and mass murder.
Ägarstrukturens påverkan på skolkvalité - En jämförande studie över friskolor före och efter uppköp
Sweden's school voucher reform has made the Swedish school system into one of the world's most liberalized. The debate concerning the ownership of Swedish schools is intense and the Swedish Minister of Education is open to restricting private equity owned companies from running schools. Interestingly, fewer calls are heard for restricting smaller profit-driven companies from owning schools. This essay aims to examine whether or not the quality of education provided by an individual school changes if it is acquired by a large private equity owned school group. This is done by conducting a comparative study on four independent schools recently acquired by AcadeMedia, Sweden's biggest private equity owned school group.
Sport manager : en kartläggning av rollen inom golf och ishockey
Att det har hänt väldigt mycket inom idrotten sedan dess start vet vi, men frågan är hur idrotten kommer att utvecklas i framtiden? Ett begrepp som blivit alltmer modernt inom svensk idrott på senare år är Sport management. Med tanke på att management eller sport inte är några nya företeelser så är sport management eller management of sport heller inga nya företeelser. För flera tusen år sedan anordnades matcher och tävlingar som arrangerades av managers. Idag har kommersialiseringen och professionaliseringen ökat och vuxit sig allt starkare inom den nationella idrottssektorn.
Fristående skolor - ett socialdemokratiskt dilemma : En undersökning av Socialdemokraternas politik i frågan om fristående skolor
During the 90?s, several reforms took place in order to change the educational system. The reforms intended to increase the freedom of choice and to facilitate the start-up process for driving independent schools. A broad alliance of political parties from left to right supported these reforms. Twenty years later, the independent schools constitute a substantial part of schools in Sweden.