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Fristående gymnasieskolor och skolbibliotek : En kvalitativ studie av fristående gymnasieskolors inställning till skolbiblioteksservice och undervisning i informationssökning
The purpose with this study is to examine what kind of support there is for school libraries at the selected independent upper secondary schools and how these schools ensure that libraryservices is available to their students and their teachers. The purpose is also to examine what attitudes the administrators of the schools have to school libraries and teaching in information seeking. A qualitative method with interviews was used to fulfil the purpose. As a theoretical basis of the study Loertschers taxonomies of the school library media program and Limbergs three levels of pedagogic research were used and the interviews were analysed with these two theoretical frameworks as a background. The result of the study showed that neither one of the three examinated schools has a school library which means that they use the public library instead.
Fristående gymnasieskolor och skolbibliotek. En kvalitativ studie av fristående gymnasieskolors inställning till skolbiblioteksservice och undervisning i informationssökning.
The purpose with this study is to examine what kind of support there is for school libraries at the selected independent upper secondary schools and how these schools ensure that libraryservices is available to their students and their teachers. The purpose is also to examine what attitudes the administrators of the schools have to school libraries and teaching in information seeking. A qualitative method with interviews was used to fulfil the purpose. As a theoretical basis of the study Loertschers taxonomies of the school library media program and Limbergs three levels of pedagogic research were used and the interviews were analysed with these two theoretical frameworks as a background. The result of the study showed that neither one of the three examinated schools has a school library which means that they use the public library instead.
Inomhusklimat i skolor- En jämförelse mellan upplevt och uppmätt inomhusklimat
Students? performance in school is dependent on the indoor climate. This report studies four schools regarding air quality and thermal environment. A survey was made at the schools as well as measurements of carbon dioxide, dampness, thermal climate and, as an indicator for the furniture?s capability to collect dust, shelf factor and fleece factor.
Skolledare och digitala teknologier : En kvalitativ studie i skolledares användning av och tankar kring digitala teknologier, i arbete och för skolan
Today, digital technologies (DT) can be said to play an important role in the Swedish school system. The goal of this essay was to describe DT use by school leaders, in relation to their views on schools? goals and visions, and teachers? and students? use of DTs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five school leaders of secondary schools in Umeå municipality, Sweden. The results show that school leaders? use of DTs center on three key tasks: communication, information and administration.
Undersökning av ljudnivåer på skolgårdar : - samt hur fasad och fönster dimensioneras med uppmätta värden
This report is written on commission by WSP Acoustics. The report studies the outdoor sound levels on school yards in Stockholm. The questions given by the company to be answered was what are the actual sound levels at diffrent school yards with low traffic noise and how can you construct a facade element that reduces the sound level from the outside and meet the indoor requirements. Mesurements for four hours was done at eight schools set north and south of the city centre. The measurement period included one school break and one lunch break.
Granskning av en ridskolas hästkunskapsmaterial
Equestrianism is a big sport in Sweden with many practitioners. It is a dangerous sport and it is important for the rider to be aware of the risks, to study equine ethology and know how to handle the horse, to avoid accidents. Today most people have their first contact with a horse through a horseback riding school. Ölmstad rid- och körsällskap is a riding school that provides their pupils with a different kind of lessons. The lessons are 90 minutes long and contain both riding and horse-knowledge education.
Vägen till och igenom grundsärskolan : En studie om föräldrars upplevelse av hur skolgången sett ut för deras barn med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning.
Students who do not achieve the different credentials that Elementary schools demand because of their mental disability, have the alternative to go to special school. Special school has a reduced course of studies, which correspond to the students' different conditions and qualifications. The students who go to special school have done assessments to establish their need of extra help and support in their education. This paper want to show how the schooling of the children can be experienced from a parental point of view. Parents with children with special needs constantly have to make different choices to promote their children's development. In this study the parents of disabled children have been interviewed about their children's participation and intergration in ordinary schools and later in special schools.
"Nej det är inte våld....det var inte med flit" - Tonåringars syn på våld i nära relation
This is a study about the relation between the Swedish school and the political system of Sweden. I wanted to see if the relation had changed since the election of 2010 as it was in that election the Sweden Democrats got over five percent of the votes and took seat in the Swedish parliament. The thing that is unique about this election is that it was really the first time a right-wing party had been elected into the Swedish parliament. Many experts argue that this is the first xenophobic party that has been elected into the Swedish parliament. This led to a problem for schools and their principals and a difficult question to answer because xenophobia is contrary to the school?s core values and the school?s democratic mission.Should the school still be open for political parties? How do schools manage to distinguish between political information and political propaganda? If parties still are welcome into the schools, which parties should be allowed? The equality ombudsman has said in a report that the schools have to comply with the principle of objectivity, which stipulates that the public sector has to be unbiased.I have chosen to make use of a qualitative method because I think the study then gets a deeper understanding of the topic.
Mobbning och kränkande behandling : En undersökning om skolors förebyggande arbete mot mobbning och kränkande behandling
The purpose of the work is to highlight schools work to prevent bullying and abusive treatment, find out about schools work to prevent bullying and abusive treatment follow what is written in the governing documents and how schools can work preventively against the same. The questions have been investigated through qualitative interviews and analysis of documents or in the theoretical background. The interviewees and partially schools were selected through an arbitrarily selection. In each plan against abusive treatment states that the monitoring and evaluation should be conducted in a manner that is not consistent with the responses from leisure educator 1, 2 and 3. School B's plan does not contain an overview of the measures needed to prevent and stop abusive treatment of children.
Grafritande räknare ? hur påverkar de undervisningen i matematik?
The purpose of the study is to examine how teachers and students believe that graphing calculators affect the teaching of high school mathematics courses. By becoming aware of this, teachers and teacher students have the opportunity to reflect on the use of graphing calculators in their teaching. The empirical base consists of interviews with teachers and a survey among students at two high schools in southern Sweden. The results show that teachers especially consider the graphing calculator as a tool, much like paper and pencil. They use it if and when it is deemed able to contribute in a significant way in their teaching, either to save time and/or to help deepen the understanding of various mathematical concepts and methods.
Strategi för IKT i skolan ? att integrera teknik i ett komplex sammanhang : Mätbart, jämlikt, statusfritt
Today there are many studies that have shown positive results in the treatment of ICT at an early age. The focus of the studies vary, and they target everything from the actual implementation of teaching resources in ICT, to student performance with ICT support. Regardless of the amount of studies on the subject, there is no precise strategy for how to implement, working with ICT, integrate ICT in different subjects, utilizing the hardware and software that is or how it will eventually respond to new technologies. This work will there by focusing on trying to develop a basis for further research and hopefully in the future to develop an ICT strategy at a national level.In order to provide a basis, a comparison was made of ten different schools. The schools were entered into a table showing the similarities and differences .
En kvalitativ undersökning om mobbning : En studie om skillnader och likheter mellan organisationen Friends och skolans arbetsmetod att motverka mobbning
This qualitative study is about the differences and similarities between the organization Friends and schools? methods to prevent bullying. Aggression, bullying and discomfort in schools result in that many students do not dare to go to school because of their fear that they might get attacked and become systematically bullied. Bullying is a universal and persistent problem. In this study the reader will receive a better understanding and get an insight into the problems that teachers and students experience and struggle with every day in dealing with bullying in schools.
Infrias brukarstyrelsernas demokratilöften? - en komparativ fallstudie om brukarstyrelser i grundskolor
This thesis examines and evaluates user boards in Swedish public schools from a democratic perspective. In order to evaluate whether the democratic values are fulfilled five different democratic ideals are selected to serve as a theoretical fundament. These ideals derive from the Swedish Government Official Reports that preceded the reform of user boards in schools, and are identified as the following: participation, dialogue, trust, democratic schooling and influence. The study is based on cases and involves two schools with user boards and two comparative schools with informal parental influence, so called school advisory boards. The study concludes that the main difference between the two types of parental influence is the level of formality.
Hälsa och datorkonsumtion bland pojkar i årskurs nio : En komparativ tvärsnittsstudie
The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of computer consumption among boys in ninth grade, and to see if there were any differences with regards to physical activity, sleeping habits, breakfast habits and BMI. The study has cross sectional design with a comparative and a quantitative structure and is based on a former study called ?Food & Health 2007?. The respondents were represented by 181 boys in ninth grade, recruited from ten different schools in the county of Uppsala, who were answering questions about media consumption, breakfast habits, physical activity and sleeping habits. Daily computer consumption was reported up to one hour for 12 % of the respondents, one to three hours for 65 % and over three hours for 42 %. The boys who had a high physical activity level were less frequent in computer consumption while those who had a low physical activity level spent more time by the computer.
Uppfattningar om Futsal : En studie om futsal och etablering av idrott
Jonas, Buhr & David Nordin. (2011). Uppfattningar om futsal ? En studie om futsal och etablering avidrott (Opinions on futsal ? A study on futsal and establishing of sport) Bachelor Essay in Swedish.Umea: Umea university, Department of Education.AbstractThe study is based on an assignment from Vasterbotten Football Association that because of poorparticipation in futsal activities wants to find out what clubs, the coaches and players in Vasterbottenthink of futsal. The aim is to find out the opinions on futsal and what these opinions are based on.