341 Uppsatser om Spiral-dynamics - Sida 9 av 23
Fluid Simulation for Visual Effects
This thesis describes a system for dealing with free surface fluid simulations, and the components needed in order to construct such a system. It builds upon recent research, but in a computer graphics context the amount of available literature is limited and difficult to implement. Because of this, the text aims at providing a solid foundation of the mathematics needed, at explaining in greater detail the steps needed to solve the problem, and lastly at improving some aspects of the animation process as it has been described in earlier works. The aim of the system itself is to provide visually plausible renditions of animated fluids in three dimensions in a manner that allows it to be usable in a visual effects production context. The novel features described include a generalized interaction layer providing greater control to artists, a new way of dealing with moving objects that interact with the fluid and a method for adding source and drain capabilities..
Bonussystem : En undersökning av Max Hamburgarerestauranger AB
Incentive programs are one of the most important strategies that a corporation has in order to achieve its major policies and goals. The purpose of this paper is to identify these goals and their function, so that we later can analyze the incentive system?s effectiveness. The paper?s focus is on Max Hamburgarerestauranger AB?s incentive system, that is directed to the managers of all of its restaurants.We had interviews with the CEO, as well as the head of the Economics Department of Max H.
?När man gick därifrån så kände man det här äklaranamma!? : fyra föräldrars upplevelser av Råd- och Stödsamtal
The aim of this study was to increase our knowledge about how the ?Conversational-contact with the social services? is experienced by the parents who attend it. The research was based on a qualitative method consisting of four individual interviews.Main issues of the study:? The parents experience of the content of the meetings with the social workers? Do the parents experience that the conversational-contact has contributed to some changes in their lives?Results indicated that all parents were positiv to the conversational-contact. Afterwards they felt more secure and stable both as persons and in their role as parents.
This project is a learning CD-ROM production aimed at first-time parents. It is
using both sound and images, moving as well as non-moving. The purpose of the
production is to be an interesting alternative to traditional books. We have
been looking at similar productions like drivers license educational CD-ROMs
and encyclopedias for inspiration and ideas on how to proceed. In order to give
the content some dynamics, we've also added the element of 3D-animated
The application is supposed to be run as a simple executable file with flash
Framgångsfaktorer i ett fallförebyggande arbete inom hemtjänsten
In 2005 over 48 000 senior citizens fell so badly that the needed medical care and almost 1200 of them died. This makes falls in the elderly one of our biggest public health problems. Research in this area is extensive and although we know what causes a fall and how we in theory should work to prevent their occurrence, this is a problem that is increasing. There seems to be a gap between research and practice, and research into why this gap occurs is very narrow. The purpose of this study was to identify success factors with fall prevention from a staff- perspective.
"Man borde kanske prata med de man tycker illa om" - tre elevgruppers arbete mot rasism
The aim was to investigate three anti-racist groups of pupils, their thoughts about respectively their work against racism. The aim was divided into the following questions: - What is, according to the groups, racism and what does the situation look like at the schools? - What does the dynamics in the group look like? - What courses of action are the groups using and how can they improve their work? - How can the groups be described according to the terms work group and basic assumption group? To answer these questions I made three group interviews, one with each group. I analysed the results partly according to earlier research and literature, partly according to the group theory of WR Bion, using the terms work group and basic assumption group. My conclusion is that the word racism seems to have been affected by inflation, since the groups include bullying as well as anti-racists.
Empire and Multitude - Den globala klassanalysens nya subjekt?
This essay contains a comparative analysis of Erik Olin Wrights Marxist class analysis and Michael Hardt and Antonio Negris post-Marxist class analysis as presented in their books ?Empire? and ?Multitude: War and democracy in the age of Empire?. I discuss the shift in analytical focus from state level to global level that Hardt and Negri's analysis represent and the ensuing relevance of this for contemporary class analysis. The essay also address the challenge and implications posed to class analysis by the ever increasing economic globalization, from a material production to an ever growing immaterial service economy and the decrease in state power in controlling capital and labor movement. I propose that analytical understanding of class conflict help us to a better understanding of the mechanisms and dynamics that generate social and economical inequalities and that an updated Marxist class analysis still have much to contribute to our understanding to how these issues not only shape our society but also our capacity to counteract them..
Sjuksköterskors negativa bemötande vid omvårdnad av patienter med psykisk ohälsa : En litteraturstudie
Det är sjuksköterskors ansvar att bemöta patienter med respekt, bevara deras autonomi samt att skapa förutsättningar för interaktioner mellan sjuksköterskorna och patienter. Det är också de krav patienterna har på sjuksköterskor. Statliga utredningar visar att dåligt bemötande av patienter är ett problem. Patienter med psykisk ohälsa är en utsatt grupp och det är därför viktigt att sjuksköterskor bemöter dessa patienter på ett bra sätt. Brister i bemötandet kan leda till ett vårdlidande hos patienterna.
Det var tydligt att hon ville : Genus och könsmaktsordning i våldtäktsrapportering
Gruppolarisering innebär att bl.a. social jämförelse leder till att isolerade grupper med likasinnade genererar mer extrema åsikter. Gruppolarisering på internet kan vara ett oroväckande fenomen för den deliberativa demokratin. Istället för att människor med konkurrerande ståndpunkter utbyter idéer och tankar med varandra samlas de i isolerade diskussionsforum på internet där social jämförelse i värsta fall kan utmynna i hattal och terrorism. Med netnografisk metod studeras här politiska diskussioner online i två olika typer av forum, ett politiskt och ett icke politiskt.
Equine metabolic syndrome
Obese horses with insulin resistance are often also afflicted with laminitis. Horses with these symptoms are given the diagnosis equine metabolic syndrome (EMS). Signs of insulin resistance are excessive accumulation of adipose tissue on the neck, around the withers and on the dorsal area of the hindquarters. Insulin resistance means that the function of insulin is defective and does not stimulate glucose uptake by the cells in the body in the correct way. This will result in an increased insulin release.
EN SKOLA I FÖRÄNDRING : En studie av en ny åtgärd - språkregeln
Focus of this study is an examination of the Swedish school today, its transformation and complexity when also the community outside of school undergoes changes in shape of among other things a different population composition and new political ideas. More specific the aim of the study is to understand how Gustav Adolfsskolan in Landskrona, a compulsory school in south of Sweden, legitimates the language rule that is in effect in the school. It?s a relatively new measure undertaken in the school and both the problems in the school and this measure have been widely discussed in the public media. The theoretical sources of inspiration have come from Weber, Galbraith and Elias and include power relations and dynamics within social mobility when people establishes in new places.
Utformning av ett grafiskt användargränssnitt till en försvarsapplikation
Saab Bofors Dynamics, SBD, är ett dotterbolag till Saab Technologies. SBD utvecklar avancerade missilsystem för det svenska försvaret och för andra länders försvar. SBD är ett teknikföretag vilket märks på att mer än 50 % av de anställda är verksamma inom området utveckling och teknik där de har ett nära samarbete med deras kunder. De viktigaste teknikområdena är systemteknik, styrning och navigering, sensorteknik, modellering och simulering samt stridsdels- och framdrivningsteknik. I samband med ett utvecklingsprojekt av en prototyp öppnades möjligheten till att använda ett grafiskt användargränssnitt.
Objektivitet ? en ekonomisk fråga?: Urvalsfaktorer bakom inköp av utländska dagstidningar på svenska folkbibliotek
The purpose of this thesis is to describe and understand the existing factors behind the selection of foreign newspapers in Swedish public libraries. We wanted to study this subject because the political situation in many countries is reflected in the newspapers and can cause difficulties in the selection process. Examples of this can be how to avoid newspapers with political propaganda and with censored content. Another reason for our interest in this subject is based on our prejudice that newspapers from other countries are important for people with foreign background. To answer the question we have conducted qualitative interviews with five persons who are responsible for the purchase of foreign newspapers at four libraries.
En utvärdering av VaR-metoden Historisk Simulering : Vilken simuleringsmängd skattar risken bäst?
Gruppolarisering innebär att bl.a. social jämförelse leder till att isolerade grupper med likasinnade genererar mer extrema åsikter. Gruppolarisering på internet kan vara ett oroväckande fenomen för den deliberativa demokratin. Istället för att människor med konkurrerande ståndpunkter utbyter idéer och tankar med varandra samlas de i isolerade diskussionsforum på internet där social jämförelse i värsta fall kan utmynna i hattal och terrorism. Med netnografisk metod studeras här politiska diskussioner online i två olika typer av forum, ett politiskt och ett icke politiskt.
Hemlösas upplevelse av hälso- och sjukvården och sin hälsa : En litteraturöversikt
Idag lever cirka 34 000 personer i Sverige som hemlösa. Enligt socialstyrelsen finns det fyra kategorier som beskriver olika former av hemlöshet. Detta examensarbete inriktar sig på de personer som befinner sig i kategori ett; vilket innebär akut hemlöshet. Det innefattar personer som bor på ett akutboende, sover utomhus, på härbärgen eller på ett jourboende. Personer som lever i hemlöshet löper 50 % större risk att vårdas på sjukhus på grund av ohälsa, fysiska sjukdomar och skador.