341 Uppsatser om Spiral-dynamics - Sida 10 av 23
Produktutveckling med hjälp och stöd för teknisk projektledning : - en kvalitativ studie av tre högteknologiska företag.
Due to an increasing global market with a growing competition and an escalating technologydevelopment the demands on companies today are increasing. To maximise the output fromtheir recourses they need to be more efficient. The research on product development and how toensure the efficiencies in the process are extensive and companies could by adapting andimplementing the result of this research use its benefits.This master thesis is made for Knightec AB with the aims that through interviews anddiscussions with three companies investigate, collate, justify and give proposals for productdevelopment process together with supporting methods and procedures for technical projectmanagement. Besides Knightec AB three other companies located in Sweden has beenparticipating in this study. Through semi structured interviews and discussions in focus groupsinformation from the three involved companies were obtained.
Tryck här för sanningens ögonblick: Automatiserade och mänskliga servicemöten i komplexa tjänsteleveranser
As self-service technologies become more common in service provisions, a deeper understanding is needed of how customer satisfaction is affected by automated service encounters. Drawing from theories of customer satisfaction, human interaction, and the dynamics of complex service provisions, the differences between automated and interpersonal service encounters in the initial part of a service provision are examined in terms of customers? evaluation of the service encounter itself, overall satisfaction, as well as the service encounter?s impact on global evaluations and evaluations of other non-dependant service encounters. The study was performed on people travelling by air on Swedish domestic routes. Passengers were asked to evaluate the airline?s performance on different attributes of the air travel they had undertaken, as well as to form an overall evaluation of the service.
Mångfald i grupparbete : Hur påverkar det lärandet?
The purpose of this study is to answer how teachers look at diversity in groups, with learning in focus. For this study I chose different high-schools in Sweden teaching Moving Pictures, in Swedish 'Rörlig bild'.These are the research questions: 1) What advantages and disadvantages do the teachers see with homogenity and heterogenity in their groups? 2) Which ascpects of teaching do the teachers bring up when talking about diversity?The method of this study has been a qualitative analysis and investigation in questionnarie form, with qualitative questions. Teachers were asked and data was examined with help of theories in diversity, group work, group dynamics, homogenity and heterogenity by authors like Toseland, Jones and Gellis (2004), Forslund Frykedal (2008) and Hammar Chiriac (2008).It is noticable that the teachers thought of differences in terms almost exclusively of school ability. The result is: - As a whole: homogenity means security, heterogenity means creativity.
Introduktion av nystartade maskinlag :
The comprehensive goal in this study was to examine important factors in an introduction of a new machine team. The aim was to identify what elements should be part of an introduction program for new machine team.
The examination was done together with Stora Enso Skog. A new machine team and their supervisors where analyzed during a six month period. The evaluation was done with open interviews of the team members and their supervisors.
The main question was what should be included in an introduction program to develop a successful machine team as effective as possible? Interviews of the new team and analyses gave good indications how the procedure should be done.
Hej! Kan jag sända mitt privatliv till dig? - En kvalitativ studie om möjligheter och hinder för ett socialt ungdomsarbete på internet
Idag spenderar ungdomar en stor del av sin fritid på den ?nya? scenen internet. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka internet som möjlig arena för socialt ungdomsarbete. Utifrån ungdomars perspektiv belyses faktorer som är möjliggörande respektive hindrande för ett sådant arbete. Frågeställningar:? Vilken betydelse har internet för ungdomars dagliga interaktion?? Hur ser behovet ut av socialt ungdomsarbete på internet?? Hur kan en relation till en socialarbetare skapas och fungera på internet?Tre fokusgruppsintervjuer har genomförts via MSN Messenger, där sammanlagt 12 ungdomar besvarade och diskuterade de aktuella frågorna.
To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologieshave been developed. Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is a CO2 capture technologywith the CCS framework, and at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg,Sweden, a 100 kW chemical looping combustor has been built.This project aimed to investigate to what degree air can replace helium as the uidizinggas for uid dynamical studies in a CLC cold ow model of the above mentioned 100 kWfacility. Experiments were performed using air and helium separately as uidizing gas andpressure data were obtained, which formed the basis for the comparison. The project alsoaimed to investigate uid dynamics in the uidized bed and study when the risk of sluggingoccuring was greatest. The results were presented in the form of figures and tables dividedinto pressure, concentration and standard deviation of the pressure.The results obtained showed that air as uidizing gas did not create the same uid dynamicsas helium over the entire fuel reactor.
När gruppen ökar värdet av FAMM : Så kan gruppdynamik öka prestationsförmågan i en organisation
En väl fungerande grupp kan vara oerhört attraktivt att se på men det verkligt intressanta är att förstå hur gruppen tar sig till det stadiet där de fungerar tillsammans som en enhet och presterar bra. För att tillämpa metoder att nå dit finns tillvägagångssätt som Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) och en allmän strävan efter att erhålla en perfekt gruppdynamik.Studien ämnade undersöka om samspelet mellan SHRM och gruppdynamik ökar produktiviteten i en organisation inom hotell- och restaurangbranschen.Studien grundades på fem vetenskapliga artiklar som granskades, analyserades och sammanfattades. Analysen av artiklarna redovisades i resultatdelen i uppsatsen. Där behandlades bland annat studier om SHRM och att sammanhållning visat sig ha en positiv effekt på grupprestation. Från resultatet fördes en diskussion om huruvida det var gynnsamt för en organisation inom hotell- och restaurangbranschen att dra nytta av lärandet om hur individer fungerar ihop för att organisationen bättre ska kunna applicera detta för att tillgodose gästens behov och önskemål.
Syfte med denna uppsats är att kritiskt granska och analysera Irving Janis begrepp groupthink samt bedöma om det är en hållbar teori.De frågeställningar jag valt att behandla är:? Vilken kritik har och kan riktas mot Irving L Janis groupthink teori?? På vilket sätt har groupthink teorin utvecklats sedan uppkomsten?För att besvara frågorna och uppfylla mitt syfte så genomförde jag en litteraturstudie där jag utgick från en kvalitativ ansats.Resultatet visade att sedan Janis myntade begreppet 1972 har kritiken främst riktats mot det bristfälliga stöd teorin fått, dess negativa utformning samt Janis snäva inriktning på när groupthink leder till fiaskon. Utifrån denna kritik och min egna analytiska förmåga kommer jag fram till groupthink teorin inte är att ses som en hållbar teori. Det sätt groupthink teorin utvecklats på är att den gett upphov till flera andra förklaringsmodeller när det gäller beslutsfattande i grupp samt att den verkat som en katalysator för detta område inom smågruppsforskningen..
Ljudabsorbent - Origamiblomma
To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologieshave been developed. Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is a CO2 capture technologywith the CCS framework, and at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg,Sweden, a 100 kW chemical looping combustor has been built.This project aimed to investigate to what degree air can replace helium as the uidizinggas for uid dynamical studies in a CLC cold ow model of the above mentioned 100 kWfacility. Experiments were performed using air and helium separately as uidizing gas andpressure data were obtained, which formed the basis for the comparison. The project alsoaimed to investigate uid dynamics in the uidized bed and study when the risk of sluggingoccuring was greatest. The results were presented in the form of figures and tables dividedinto pressure, concentration and standard deviation of the pressure.The results obtained showed that air as uidizing gas did not create the same uid dynamicsas helium over the entire fuel reactor.
Visionsystem för industrirobot
To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologieshave been developed. Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is a CO2 capture technologywith the CCS framework, and at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg,Sweden, a 100 kW chemical looping combustor has been built.This project aimed to investigate to what degree air can replace helium as the uidizinggas for uid dynamical studies in a CLC cold ow model of the above mentioned 100 kWfacility. Experiments were performed using air and helium separately as uidizing gas andpressure data were obtained, which formed the basis for the comparison. The project alsoaimed to investigate uid dynamics in the uidized bed and study when the risk of sluggingoccuring was greatest. The results were presented in the form of figures and tables dividedinto pressure, concentration and standard deviation of the pressure.The results obtained showed that air as uidizing gas did not create the same uid dynamicsas helium over the entire fuel reactor.
Analys av förvridning vid hålning av rör : Analysis of metal torsion in rotary piercing
Hålningsprocessen är det inledande bearbetningssteget vid varmvalsning av sömlösa rör. Det är en tvärvalsningsprocess i vilken ett cylindriskt ämne valsas mellan två dubbelkoniska val¬sar över en plugg. Valsarna är snedställda med en viss mat¬ningsvinkel, vilken ger upphov till en axiell drivkraft genom ver¬ket. Hela denna pro¬cess är roterande. Detta i kombination med bl.a.
Optimering av satellitbredband offshore
To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologieshave been developed. Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is a CO2 capture technologywith the CCS framework, and at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg,Sweden, a 100 kW chemical looping combustor has been built.This project aimed to investigate to what degree air can replace helium as the uidizinggas for uid dynamical studies in a CLC cold ow model of the above mentioned 100 kWfacility. Experiments were performed using air and helium separately as uidizing gas andpressure data were obtained, which formed the basis for the comparison. The project alsoaimed to investigate uid dynamics in the uidized bed and study when the risk of sluggingoccuring was greatest. The results were presented in the form of figures and tables dividedinto pressure, concentration and standard deviation of the pressure.The results obtained showed that air as uidizing gas did not create the same uid dynamicsas helium over the entire fuel reactor.
Modellering av mekatroniksystem för spjällstyrning
To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologieshave been developed. Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is a CO2 capture technologywith the CCS framework, and at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg,Sweden, a 100 kW chemical looping combustor has been built.This project aimed to investigate to what degree air can replace helium as the uidizinggas for uid dynamical studies in a CLC cold ow model of the above mentioned 100 kWfacility. Experiments were performed using air and helium separately as uidizing gas andpressure data were obtained, which formed the basis for the comparison. The project alsoaimed to investigate uid dynamics in the uidized bed and study when the risk of sluggingoccuring was greatest. The results were presented in the form of figures and tables dividedinto pressure, concentration and standard deviation of the pressure.The results obtained showed that air as uidizing gas did not create the same uid dynamicsas helium over the entire fuel reactor.
Recept- och rapporthantering inom blandningsteknik
To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologieshave been developed. Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is a CO2 capture technologywith the CCS framework, and at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg,Sweden, a 100 kW chemical looping combustor has been built.This project aimed to investigate to what degree air can replace helium as the uidizinggas for uid dynamical studies in a CLC cold ow model of the above mentioned 100 kWfacility. Experiments were performed using air and helium separately as uidizing gas andpressure data were obtained, which formed the basis for the comparison. The project alsoaimed to investigate uid dynamics in the uidized bed and study when the risk of sluggingoccuring was greatest. The results were presented in the form of figures and tables dividedinto pressure, concentration and standard deviation of the pressure.The results obtained showed that air as uidizing gas did not create the same uid dynamicsas helium over the entire fuel reactor.
Deliberation och gruppolarisering på Internet : En netnografisk studie av politiskt beteende
Gruppolarisering innebär att bl.a. social jämförelse leder till att isolerade grupper med likasinnade genererar mer extrema åsikter. Gruppolarisering på internet kan vara ett oroväckande fenomen för den deliberativa demokratin. Istället för att människor med konkurrerande ståndpunkter utbyter idéer och tankar med varandra samlas de i isolerade diskussionsforum på internet där social jämförelse i värsta fall kan utmynna i hattal och terrorism. Med netnografisk metod studeras här politiska diskussioner online i två olika typer av forum, ett politiskt och ett icke politiskt.