

316 Uppsatser om Speed - Sida 4 av 22

"Got Skills...?" : En kvalitativ studie om kompetensutveckling baserat pa? StarCraft II

The use of computer games has grown exponentially in the past few years and StarCraft II is one of the most popular e-sports today, played by millions of people worldwide. This study investigates the game?s effect on skills, as perceived by the players of StarCraft II.The study was conducted by using an empirical survey and interviews. The skills being investigated were both physical and mental in their nature. The conclusion was that the majority of players perceived that their skills regarding reaction Speed, multitasking, APM, analysis and strategy were increased the most, while there was a smaller change in social skills and language skills.

Fördelning av frambensskador på ytliga böjsenan hos galopphästar :

Superficial digital flexor tendon injuries are common causes of premature retirement or pre-longed convalescence periods for race horses. The curve gradient at Täby Galopp race track is very small and most races as well as high Speed training are done on the left rein. It is believed that the horses left foreleg is under considerably more strain then the right foreleg when being ridden on the left rein during gallop at high Speed. During gallop on the left rein the horse puts its entire weight on the left foreleg when regaining ground contact. The purpose of this study has been to find out, through analyzing the statistics concerning the horses that visited the ATG clinic at Täby during a period between January 2003 and September 2006, whether there is a higher frequency of superficial digital flexor tendon injuries on the left leg rather than the right and if so, can this support the theory that the design of the race track in combination with continuous left rein races can be a contributing cause of these injuries. The result of the study shows that 57% of the tendon injuries occurred on the left front leg and 38% on the right front leg. The difference is not large enough to support the above theory of the underlying cause of these injuries..

Reducering av produktionstryck i A-linan : Förflyttning av produkt

In the production of pulp, paper and cardboard, a large amount of water is used daily. The water has to be purified in the internal purifying plant before it reaches the receiving body of water. In the biological purifying stage at the Stora Enso Skoghall mill, an aerated basin is used where the microorganisms, using oxygen, oxidize the organic material to carbon dioxide. The air is pumped from the bottom of the basin and the oxygen can then be transported from the air bubbles to the water through diffusion. The problem with aeration of waste water from the forest industry is that wood residues, such as fatty acids, are making the transport of oxygen in water more difficult.

Balanserat styrkort ? ett strategiverktyg även för tjänsteföretag

I dagens samhälle handlar det mycket om att företagen måste se över sin effektivitet ochtillhörande målfokusering för att vara konkurrenskraftiga. Det ökade intresset förmålstyrning och strategiverktyg, ger upphov till ständig utveckling av instrument som tillexempel det balanserade styrkortet.En stor del av processen i styrningen av företaget, handlar om att fördela resurser på bästa sättoch samtidigt ta hänsyn till flera faktorer i organisationen. Det balanserade styrkortet är enstyrmodell där man med stöd av mjuka och hårda styrtal, det vill säga finansiella och ickefinansiellamått, kan styra organisationen. Dessa ska samverka för företagets framtida mål.Det är med andra ord oerhört centralt att alla medarbetare är väl införstådda med företagetsvision och strategier. Tillsammans ses de som den huvudsakliga kärnan i styrmodellen.Genom styrkortets utformning kan man med enkla medel ta fram vägledande feedback, sompå lång sikt ska leda till att företaget når upp till den uppsatta visionen.

Spelrörelsekrav och temporalt mönster i amerikansk fotboll : en deskriptiv studie av försvarsspelare

AimThe aim of the study was to develop a method for the survey of play movement demands and temporal patterns in order to enable a descriptive study of the defensive players in American Football. The overall aim was to  improve the understanding of how American Football is played to create opportunities for enhancement of current or developing new training methods to better suit football.MethodFifty plays from a Division 3 college football game on video from 2005 was divided into sequences of action for one player each from the defensive line, linebackers and defensive backs and analyzed with the video analyzing software cSwing. Every players sequence of action was recorded in a spreadsheet and noted on a scaled football field where distances were measured and together with time stamps from cSwing velocity was calculated.ResultsUsing this method it was possible to describe the play movement demands and temporal patterns which was the main task of the study. The defensive end worked on an average 4.61 seconds per play, the distance was 12.4 meters and average Speed 2.5 m×s-1. The linebacker worked on an average 4.35 s per play, 13.7 m and at a mean Speed of 3.0 m×s-1.

Beräkning av ASME-flänsar enligt EN-standard

In this thesis, a transparent model of the human head has been constructed which was filled with a substance that represented the brain. This model was later crash tested. This was done in order to examine how a transparent model of the human head can be constructed to generate accurate data from crash tests. It was also done in order to examine how impacts on the front of the head can deform the rear of the brain. When a head is decelerating, the brain moves forward inside the skull and may hit the front of the skull.

Energioptimering : Resteffektkylning av mellanlager för använt kärnbränsle (CLAB) Oskarshamn

This thesis is done in cooperation with SWECO Energuide in Växjö. They have been assigned by SKB in Oskarshamn to renew their electrical power supply and the ancillary processing systems in their Central provisional storage of spent nuclear fuel, CLAB. Today in the CLAB facility, the spent fuel is cooled down with water pumps, driven by asynchronous induction motors, where the water is regulated by mechanical valves to the desired flow. After the upgrade, the engines will be powered by AC drives that can control the pumps by changing the rotational Speed and thus change the water's cooling effect on the nuclear fuel. In this study, I investigated the interference AC drives causes the feeding network and how to go about averting them.

Lokal anpassning och implementering av Operation Management System

In this thesis, a transparent model of the human head has been constructed which was filled with a substance that represented the brain. This model was later crash tested. This was done in order to examine how a transparent model of the human head can be constructed to generate accurate data from crash tests. It was also done in order to examine how impacts on the front of the head can deform the rear of the brain. When a head is decelerating, the brain moves forward inside the skull and may hit the front of the skull.

Mekanisk modell av människans huvud för simulering av skalltrauma och hjärnskada

In this thesis, a transparent model of the human head has been constructed which was filled with a substance that represented the brain. This model was later crash tested. This was done in order to examine how a transparent model of the human head can be constructed to generate accurate data from crash tests. It was also done in order to examine how impacts on the front of the head can deform the rear of the brain. When a head is decelerating, the brain moves forward inside the skull and may hit the front of the skull.

Energieffektivisering av aerbo reningsprocess : Tillsats av biprodukter i skogsindustriellt avloppsvatten

In the production of pulp, paper and cardboard, a large amount of water is used daily. The water has to be purified in the internal purifying plant before it reaches the receiving body of water. In the biological purifying stage at the Stora Enso Skoghall mill, an aerated basin is used where the microorganisms, using oxygen, oxidize the organic material to carbon dioxide. The air is pumped from the bottom of the basin and the oxygen can then be transported from the air bubbles to the water through diffusion. The problem with aeration of waste water from the forest industry is that wood residues, such as fatty acids, are making the transport of oxygen in water more difficult.

Optisk undersökning av dieselsprayer från en höghastighetsroterande insprutare

There have been changes in Earth?s climate system on both global and regional scale since the pre-industrial era and some of these changes are due to human activities such as the combustion of fossil fuels. This calls for the development of engines with a higher efficiency and less harmful emissions. One interesting concept is the Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine, which has the advantages of potentially low emissions combined with high efficiency. However, HCCI with diesel fuel requires a relatively long fuel/air mixing time to ensure a "homogenous" charge.

Effekter av funktionell träning och medicinbollkast för att optimera kinematic sequence och x-factor stretch i golfsvingen

The interest for functional strength training in golf has grown the last decade and scientists are always trying to find training stategies to improve the biomechanical aspects of the swing. Kinematic sequence contains a proximal-to-distal sequence order towards impact, and an effective kinematic sequence in the down swing begins with a rotation in the pelvis and follows by an activation in thorax, arms and club in the respective order. The rotational torques in the proximal segments wanders through the body and to the more distal segments to create an effective energy ? and power transfer at impact. The x-factor stretch is the seperation between the rotation in the pelvis and the thorax at the top of the back swing and at the beginning of the down swing.

Installation av la?glutande fingaller fo?r fra?mjande av ekologisk funktion i vattenkraftverk : En fallstudie av ett kraftverk i Umea?lven

The purpose of this bachelor degree thesis is to analyze technical issues associated with an implementation of a low sloping trash rack with narrow spacing. A hydropower plant in Umea?lven was used as a case study. The basis for the study was a model where trash racks were dimensioned for inclinations between 25 and 45 degrees. Corresponding head loss, durability and water Speed through the rack were then determined for each inclination.

Skotares bränsleförbrukning :

In published studies it is found that the fuel consumption on a forwarder is relatively constant, on time basis. A certain variation between different sizes of forwarders occurs as well as between different working elements. The aim of the study was to establish a forwarders comparatively fuel consumption when driving on road and in the terrain, loaded and unloaded, with high and low gear and with high and low Speed as well as with hydrostatic and hydrodynamic transmission. A hypothesis was that low rpm gives lower fuel consumption on distance basic, at all trials. The test driving was made with a Hemek 750 which is a three geared hydrostatic machine and with a Hemek 700 which is a hydrodynamic machine with six gears.

qbits : Kombinerar användning och förvaring av bits

Aren?t you tired of never finding stuff? Take a bits as example, do you store these lose in your toolbox or carpenter belt? What if you could have it all accessible and assembled in a tool, always at arm?s reach?Today bits are used together with electric screwdrivers and handheld screwdrivers in a greater spread. For these different types of storage, from pure storage boxes to complex tools with storage built in, exist. The professional craftsmen commonly use some kind of box where the bits can be stored. Even so they tend to store their bits loose in a carpenter belt or toolbox, since they want the Speed and accessibility of carpenter belt over the storage box?s tidiness.The project was started in the fall of 2010 and a referents group was early put together to ensure that the developed product became as user-friendly and attractive as possible.

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