

316 Uppsatser om Speed - Sida 3 av 22

CFD-simulering av kallras från fönster : Konvektorers och nischdjupets inverkan på lufthastigheter i rummet

During cold winter days it is likely that people in buildings with older windows or high glass facades experience thermal discomfort due to cold air down draughts. Earlier work has been aimed at finding analytical methods to predict the Speed of the airflow in a room and in practice heating appliances are often placed beneath the windows to reduce the draught along the floor. In a study from 2012 Mohammad Parchami developed a method for estimating the required heating power to counteract the downdraught with such heating appliances. In this study, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was used to evaluate the usefulness of Parchami?s method and also to examine the potential of adapting the depth of the inward window sill as a means of decreasing the down draught.

Marknadsanalys av ett svenskt transportsystem med höghastighetsgodståg.

In Sweden plans to build high Speed railways have been around since the early 1990s and the planshave developed to be more precised since. The future Swedish high-Speed rail network is supposedto consist of two lines. Götalandsbanan; from Stockholm to Gothenburg, and Europabanan fromJönköping through the Öresund Region to Hamburg.The description of the aim to build high-Speed railways in Sweden has in former reports always beento achieve rapid passenger traffic between big Scandinavian cities and Europe. There are almostnothing mentioned about the possibilities of high-Speed transports of cargo on these railways. Thisstudy aims to clarify the freight transport market for Götalandsbanan and Europabanan.Today there is only one transport system with high-Speed freight trains.

En kvalitativ utvärdering av det accelerometerbaserade hältdetektionssystemet ?Lameness Locator? :

Background: Evaluation of lameness in horses is traditionally performed by a veterinarian who subjectively evaluates the movements of the horse. Accordingly, lameness diagnosis varies with the veterinarian and circumstances for which the horse is examined. Research within the area has long tried to establish an objective and standardized method for lamenessevaluation in horses. Several methods have been shown to be reliable and are used regularly within research, for example measurement of forces between the hoof and ground, and measurement of movements with high Speed cameras or accelerometers. However these methods require considerable preparation, standardization, and expensive equipment as well as produce large amounts of data that are incomprehensible for the clinician.

Simulering av miljoner grindar med Count Algoritmen

A key part in the development and verification of digital systems is simulation. But hardware simulators are expensive, and software simulation is not fast enough for designs with a large number of gates. As today?s digital zesigns constantly grow in size (number of gates), and that trend shows no signs to end, faster simulators handling millions of gates are needed. We investigate how to create a software gate-level simulator able to simulate a high number of gates fast.

Småföretagsfördelar vid tillväxt

Growth of small businesses is vital to the Swedish economy, and many entrepreneurs want their enterprises to grow. However, the business climate of today is more changing than ever, and attributes becoming increasingly important for companies in order to deal with this are flexibility, Speed, and adaptability: characteristics normally attributed to small enterprises. As a larger organization often is associated with more rigidity as a consequence of a higher degree of formalization, entrepreneurs are hesitant to seize growth opportunities, as they fear it will have negative impact on the aforementioned competitive advantages their enterprise possesses as a small business. This simple case study of a growing small enterprise investigates the effects of organizational growth on a small business' organizational structure and through its above mentioned advantages. The study finds that avoiding formalization while growing damages the competitiveness of the firm, and concludes that a degree of formalization is a necessity to maintain the flexibility, Speed and adaptability in a growing small business..

Capacity studies on DeLavals sort gate DSG10

In the dairy production it is necessary to be able to sort cows. Dairy cows are sorted for many different reasons i.e. regrouping into production strings or for treatments i.e. inseminations, pregnancy and health checks, vaccinations or hoof trimmings. One labour saving way of conducting sorting is by using an automatic sort gate.

Energieffektivisering på Skutskärs Bruk : Varvtalsstyrning till utvalda pumpenheter på Blekeri 4

In modern society in terms of economics and environmental impact, it is important to ensure that a company is as energy efficient as possible to reduce the amount of energy used. About 10 TWh of electricity used annually to pump drives in Swedish industry. Therefore, pumping system has great potential for energy savings.The objective of this report was to determine how much energy and money that can be saved with the insertion of variable Speed drive to six pumps on Bleach plant 4 in Skutskär Mill. The work was performed with electrical measurements during one week, analysis of pump curves and the compilation of production data over a year.The results show that four of these six pumps were profitable and yielded an annual saving of 1172 MWh of electricity and 560 000 SEK. With an economic lifetime of 10 years and a discount rate of 6.8% the final result for the entire life-cycle savings became 3 355 000 SEK.

Fo?rba?ttringsfo?rslag pa? automatisering av bagagehantering

This report will outline a proposal for the improvement of the baggage sorting facility at Arlanda airport. Swedavia is a state owned company group that operates, owns and develops airports in Sweden. One of their main roles is to create accessibility needed to facilitate and streamline the work at the airport.Swedavia is constantly working to develop new solutions and enhancements that will help to standardize and automate the work at airports without major impact on climate and above all adapt these solutions to work.The project has been aimed to identify and isolate the problem at the check-in counter, investigate the possibility of setting a Speed control on the DC motor driving the luggage conveyer belt at the check-in desk so that the luggage does not lose tracking already there, as well as evaluate the new sorting systems planned to be introduce in the upcoming refurbishment of the sorting area.To determine the parameters that are used to regulate the Speed of the baggage conveyor belt, information about the inputs and outputs that participated in the process was gathered. Information was collected both practically and theoretically. Process was followed and monitored by the supervisor of the company, and a theoretical study was done separately on my own.

FRAM i främmande farvatten : En funktionell resonans analys på högfartsnavigering i maritim miljö

This is a study that was conducted during a three day exercise of the Swedish Armed Forces called ?Amfibieförbandet?, which is shortened as AMF, in Gothenburg. During the exercise three scientists followed the crew on the boats and this is one of the studies that became the result of the observation made during the exercise. The boats that was used during the three days were the boat called ?Stridsbåt 90H? by the Swedish armed forces.

Konceptstudie av drivmodul till bandskotare med hybriddrift

BAE Systems Hägglunds has a long history of producing high performance terrain tracked vehicles (mostly for military applications), and they are now aiming at developing a tracked forwarder with similar techniques.The forwarder will be of series hybrid type where a diesel engine via a generator will power the motors (one for each drive wheel). Thanks to individually controlled motors and the gentle rubber tracks, this forwarder is calculated to have a considerably higher average Speed in the terrain and to be more gentle to the soil. The forwarder with a weight of 11 metric tons and a load capacity of 15 metric tons is specified to have an average working Speed of 7-10 km/h, a top Speed in terrain of 15 km/h and a top Speed on roads of 40 km/h.This master?s thesis aims at developing a conceptual design of the forwarder?s drive module which includes electric motor, gear unit, brake and drive wheel.To investigate if the requirements can be fulfilled a study of the dimensioning loading scenarios has been carried out. The resulting needs regarding the torque has been considered in order to determine the required gear ratios for different motor options.

Det energiproducerande huset

We are heading towards a huge switch of how energy is produced with fossil fuels being replaced by renewable energy sources. It is not difficult to replace the energy you use in the house and there is no need for futuristic technology. There are already many established products on the market such as high efficiency vacuum solar collectors, heat pumps & small wind power stations that can supply the energy being used in a house. The company Sol & Energiteknik SE AB in Huskvarna has many different products which can reduce the need for an outside energy distributor. An average house in Sweden uses 15 000 kWh for heating, 5000 kWh for tap water and 5000 kWh for electricity.


This master thesis is about designing and dimensioning a boat for transport of caravan, car, trailer or ATV. Buoyancy and stability are important properties as the pontoonboat should also be able to serve as a workboat. Many of the vessels on the market today that is being used for similar purpose are stable enough, but their hull is often similar with barges and thus too slow. This work has been to construct a boat that has good stability but also has a hull that enables it to move faster, is more maneuverable and having a more attracting design than today?s barges.

Design och konstruktion av mätuppställning för induktiv mätning av magnetisk spinndynamik

Development in spin dynamic occurs in the whole world because of therising demands on fast electronic storage for example hard drivesand RAM (Random Access Memory). Measuring the spin resonance of amaterial gives you the insight of the theoretical Speed for amagnetic memory. This means the maximum storage Speed is below thefirst resonance. All magnetic materials have different propertiesthat will inflict the resonance frequency which brings that theconstructors of memories need to know which magnetic material theywill use to obtain best results. In the market for normal users themaximum storage Speed in a RAM memory is 1.6 GHz.

Att Vara eller inte Vara - invånarnas image av Vara kommun

I dagens samhälle handlar det mycket om att företagen måste se över sin effektivitet ochtillhörande målfokusering för att vara konkurrenskraftiga. Det ökade intresset förmålstyrning och strategiverktyg, ger upphov till ständig utveckling av instrument som tillexempel det balanserade styrkortet.En stor del av processen i styrningen av företaget, handlar om att fördela resurser på bästa sättoch samtidigt ta hänsyn till flera faktorer i organisationen. Det balanserade styrkortet är enstyrmodell där man med stöd av mjuka och hårda styrtal, det vill säga finansiella och ickefinansiellamått, kan styra organisationen. Dessa ska samverka för företagets framtida mål.Det är med andra ord oerhört centralt att alla medarbetare är väl införstådda med företagetsvision och strategier. Tillsammans ses de som den huvudsakliga kärnan i styrmodellen.Genom styrkortets utformning kan man med enkla medel ta fram vägledande feedback, sompå lång sikt ska leda till att företaget når upp till den uppsatta visionen.

Hantering av varumärken

AimThe aim of the study was to develop a method for the survey of play movement demands and temporal patterns in order to enable a descriptive study of the defensive players in American Football. The overall aim was to  improve the understanding of how American Football is played to create opportunities for enhancement of current or developing new training methods to better suit football.MethodFifty plays from a Division 3 college football game on video from 2005 was divided into sequences of action for one player each from the defensive line, linebackers and defensive backs and analyzed with the video analyzing software cSwing. Every players sequence of action was recorded in a spreadsheet and noted on a scaled football field where distances were measured and together with time stamps from cSwing velocity was calculated.ResultsUsing this method it was possible to describe the play movement demands and temporal patterns which was the main task of the study. The defensive end worked on an average 4.61 seconds per play, the distance was 12.4 meters and average Speed 2.5 m×s-1. The linebacker worked on an average 4.35 s per play, 13.7 m and at a mean Speed of 3.0 m×s-1.

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