

316 Uppsatser om Speed - Sida 2 av 22

Hastighetskameror ? ett brottsförebyggande och normskapande styrmedel? : enkätundersökning kring hastighetskameror

Title:?Speed cameras - an prevention of crime and a standard forming instrument of control??Authors: Markus HanssonTutors: Bo Isenberg & Carl HultExaminator: Ulf DruggeThe School of Human SciencesUniversity of KalmarThe studys purpose is to get a absorbed understanding for peoples attitude, and effect of Speed cameras. The disposition for the study is to integrate earlier studies in the matter, combined with elevating interesting sociological conceptions. As an attempt to understand Speed cameras as an instrument of force on the individual have Michel Foucaults concept Panopticon been used to see its effect, and it?s look upon how crime prevention will be formulated, which can give an explanation of why Speed cameras are being used as an instrument of control on the traffic area.

Fågel fisk eller mittemellan?

The project is a thesis which intends to strengthen the form language and increase the user friendliness of an International Moth. This is a single handed dinghy with only one sail. It sails on two hydrofoils and receives a very high Speed compared to its size, and are therefore often referred to as ?the Formula One on water ?. The result is a new concept where the aerodynamic forces have been used to stabilize the boat and relieve the hydrofoils.

Ögårdsparken - en gemensam park för olika kulturer genom aktivitet

Road safety is the result of measures to reduce therisk of accident and injury. (Nationalencyklopedin,2008). In principle, road safety means to arrive saveand sound.Safe traffic in cities is mainly achieved throughappropriate Speed. In Sweden, more than half ofall rides happen with a Speed above the legal Speedlimit (Holmberg, Hydén m.fl, 1996). To reduceSpeed in order to increase safety requires measureswhich influence a driver?s motives for his orher choice of Speed even if these are not rational(Boverket, 2002).

Sakta ner : åtgärder för förbättrad miljö ochtrafiksäkerhet på gator i bostadsområdeni Varberg, idékatalog ochtillämpning

Road safety is the result of measures to reduce therisk of accident and injury. (Nationalencyklopedin,2008). In principle, road safety means to arrive saveand sound.Safe traffic in cities is mainly achieved throughappropriate Speed. In Sweden, more than half ofall rides happen with a Speed above the legal Speedlimit (Holmberg, Hydén m.fl, 1996). To reduceSpeed in order to increase safety requires measureswhich influence a driver?s motives for his orher choice of Speed even if these are not rational(Boverket, 2002).

Jakten på en effektiv intervention : En kommuns satsning i åk 2 på intensiv lästeknisk träning för elever i lässvårigheter

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of an intervention that focuses on phonics, decoding, reading Speed and phonological awareness for 8-9 year old children in reading difficulties. Participants were selected on the basis of screening test results in grade one (decoding and reading comprehension). The participants were divided into two groups, an intervention group (A1, n=10 children) and a control group (A2, n=10). A1 received 30 minutes of intense reading instruction every day for six weeks from special educational needs teachers on top of their usual classroom based reading instruction. The control group received only their usual classroom-based reading instruction.

Comparison of two methods for evolving recurrent artificial neural networks for

n this dissertation a comparison of two evolutionary methods for evolving ANNs for robot control is made. The methods compared are SANE with enforced sub-population and delta-coding, and marker-based encoding. In an attempt to Speed up evolution, marker-based encoding is extended with delta-coding. The task selected for comparison is the hunter-prey task. This task requires the robot controller to posess some form of memory as the prey can move out of sensor range.

Fysiska strukturer i Umeälvens gamla älvfåra och dess inverkan på laxsmoltens utvandringsframgång

The survival of hatchery reared smolts is generally low after release. To get a better understanding of what variables affecting migration success, Atlantic salmon smolts were studied during their out-migration in the old river channel in the lower part of river Umeälven. The area consists of shifting habitat and complex structures which causes difficulties for smolt on their migration out to sea. The aim of this study was to try to determine the effects of feed restriction, fin conditions and different physical barriers in the river, on the migratory behavior of Atlantic salmon smolts in the river Umeälven. The river was divided into six different sections using acoustic receivers strategically deployed along the river. Two-year old hatchery-reared smolts (n=150), in three different weight classes, were tagged with acoustic transmitters.

Värdering av Speed ? Ett onoterat aktiebolag

Värdet på ett företag kan variera beroende på vilken nytta det kan anses ha för olika individer.Att finna ett värde på ett företag som är fullkomligt sant, objektivt eller obestridligt är därför iprincip en omöjlighet. Resultatet av en företagsvärdering bygger i stor utsträckning påantaganden och subjektiva uppskattningar vilket påverkar bedömningen, men även syftet ochvilken typ av företag det gäller har betydelse för värderingen.Värdering av såväl onoterade som noterade företag bygger på samma modeller och principer,men det är förknippat med större osäkerhet och svårighet att bedöma ett onoterat företag.Problematiken ligger bland annat i att det för onoterade företag saknas löpandemarknadsvärde från börsen. Dessutom är det förknippat med större svårighet att fastställadiskonteringsräntan vid användandet av en diskonteringsmodell och finna ett sannolikt måttpå risk. Problem kan även uppstå på grund av att onoterade företags värde i många fall har enstark koppling till dess ägare.Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva vilka delar som påverkar en värdering av ett onoterattjänsteföretag, för att därefter förklara hur ett teoretiskt förankrat värde kan fastställas. Studienomfattar bemanningsföretaget Speed Management AB och uppsatsen grundar sig på följandefrågeställningar:? Vilka delar bör beaktas vid en värdering av det onoterade företaget Speed?? Vilket värde på Speed kan slutligen uppskattas när teori förankras i empiri?Studien utgår från olika teoretiska värderingsmodeller för att påvisa arbetsgången när ettonoterat företag skall värderas.

Konsekvenser av ny teknik på en sjukhusmottagning

An often encountered problem when implementing a mass flow regulator in a rolling mill is the one with measurement of Speed. The most widely used solution is to fit a pulse counter to a wheel that is in contact with the strip. Common problems with this design are for instance scratch marks on the strip and problems with the flatness measuring system.  One way of circumventing the aforementioned problems would be a non-contact measuring system. The market of today only offers systems based on the Doppler principle.This report evaluates three different systems for non-contact Speed measurement. Important areas in the evaluation have been the ability to operate under normal rolling conditions, integration in existing control system and how well the sensor can be fitted to the rolling mill.

Val av teknik för hastighetsmätning i kallvalsverk

An often encountered problem when implementing a mass flow regulator in a rolling mill is the one with measurement of Speed. The most widely used solution is to fit a pulse counter to a wheel that is in contact with the strip. Common problems with this design are for instance scratch marks on the strip and problems with the flatness measuring system.  One way of circumventing the aforementioned problems would be a non-contact measuring system. The market of today only offers systems based on the Doppler principle.This report evaluates three different systems for non-contact Speed measurement. Important areas in the evaluation have been the ability to operate under normal rolling conditions, integration in existing control system and how well the sensor can be fitted to the rolling mill.

Enklare korglutning

This project was led on behalf of Bombardier Transportation in Västerås, Sweden, incollaboration with KTH Stockholm and EPFL Lausanne. This project is connected to thedevelopment of a new and simplified tilt system for rail vehicles.Growing competition from other means of transportation has forced railway companiesthroughout the world to search for increased performances.Travelling time is the mostobvious performance indicator that may be improved by introducing high-Speed trains.They require very large curve radii and long transitions curves not to impairridecomfort, another performance indicator. Building new tracks adapted to high Speedtrains is very costly and can only be justified where the passenger base is large.Trains with the capability to tilt the carbodies inwards the curve is a more cost efficientalternative. The tilt inwards reduces thelateral force felt by the passengers allowing thetrain to pass curves at enhanced Speed with maintained ride comfort but increases thefrequency ofmotion sickness.The benefits of tilting trains are improved Speed capability in curves and enhancedpassengers comfort, but at higher buying and maintenance cost. As the conventionaltrains increase their Speed in curves, the performance advantage of tilting trains isreduced while their prize is still kept significantly higher and constant.

FE safety analysis of a high speed wood planer cutter. An alternative method to achieve the requirements of EN847 standard

In the last decades, high Speed cutting has become an attractive technology in the wood industry. The possibility of reducing global costs in addiction with an increase in productivity, were the main reasons for the enlargement of the use of this technology. As usual, these advantages are accompanied by disadvantages that should be carefully analyzed. If on the one hand cutting forces are reduced with increasing cutting Speeds, on the other hand, the centrifugal forces affecting the tool are higher. Exposed to such high loads, there is a considerable risk of tool failure that embeds hazards for both machine and workers.

High speed network adapters

Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att undersöka om Mt Memotekniks produkter uppfyller ISO/IEC 11801:2 standarden, eller om de med hjälp av kondensatorer kan klara kraven för överhörningar. Vi har även jämfört deras produkter med AMP?s Keystone jack som redan klarar kraven för Cat 6 standarden. Memoteknik tillverkar en kretskortsprodukt som består av nätverksmoduler för Ethernet. Dessa kabelsystem skall uppfylla en viss standard för kategori 6.

Överföring av digital video via FireWire

Transmission of digital signals is today more frequently used than transmission of analog signals. One reason for this is that a digital signal is less sensitive to noise than an analog, another reason is that almost all signals today are handled in a digital format. This thesis describes the development of a system that receives digital video signals through FireWire. The standard for FireWire, which is a high performance serial bus, is under development. Today the standard of the bus supports transmission of data with a Speed of up to 400 Mbit/s.

Strömningen i och över en skog : utvärdering av en 'mixing-layer' hypotes

A new theory for predicting the windprofile over a canopy has been evaluated. The theory was first presented by Harman and Finnigan (2007). The theory relies on the forming of a mixing-layer above the canopy, due to different mean wind in and above the canopy. Characteristics from both mixing-layer and Monin Obukhov similarity theory have been used to develop the governingequations that give the wind profile. The theory has been used to calculate wind profiles for sixdifferent atmospheric stabilities.

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