

316 Uppsatser om Speed - Sida 1 av 22

Aktivering av trafiksäkerhetskameror : En studie av kameraaktiveringens effekter på fordonshastigheter i Sverige

During 2006 an estimated number of 150 persons are supposed to have been killed in road accidents caused by Speed limit violations. Through Automatic traffic security control (ATK) the Swedish road administration (Vägverket) is working towards lowering the number of Speed related accidents. By placing the Speed cameras on roads they've managed to lower the average Speed at those places. The enlargement of the number of Speed cameras is based upon knowledge about for example how high the risk is for Speed related accidents on the roads. The Speed cameras always measure the Speed in which every vehicle passes, but aren't constantly activated to register Speed violations.

Avståndsvarnare till Mobiltelefon

This report describes a study, description and testing of parts to an application adapted to the operating system Android. The application is supposed to measure the distance to a car ahead. Apart from distance measurements the ability of the application to calculate its own Speed with the help of GPS is tested. From these two parameters, Speed, distance and some constants the theoretical stopping distance of the car will be calculated in order to warn the driver if the car is too close to the car ahead in relation to its own Speed and stopping distance.Tests were conducted on the different applications that were programmed and the result showed that the camera technique in the mobile phone itself limits the maximum distance of the distance measurement application. The max distance the tests in this thesis revealed was approximately 5 meters.

Target Capital Structure and Adjustment Speed- a dynamic panel data analysis of Swedish firms

The purpose of this thesis is to test whether firms have target capital structure, and if so with what Speed they adjust toward this target. Findings that support this purpose are also in line with the trade off theory. One of the key elements of this thesis is the method used, which successfully enables fulfilling the purpose. The panel data method captures the data characteristics of the cross sectional and time series dimension. By using this approach the dynamic effects of capital structure can be studied, thus if there actually is an adjustment towards a target the Speed can be estimated.

Farthinder med förhinder : om acceptans

A great amount of todays drivers? are constantly exceeding the Speed limits on the roads. As a consequense of this, a large number of Speed redusing devises, for example Speed bumps, has been built around the country. As reports in local medias point out, the acceptance for these types of Speed reducing devises, differs and there are many thoughts about location, construction and effect on the traffic safety. This paper approaches the complexity of these problems from the drivers? point of view, based on literature studies and a questionnaire. The goal is not to argue for or against Speed reducing devises, but to try to find the source of annoyment and how to proceed further. Some of the problems turned out to be easy to fix, for example porly marked Speed bumps.

Hastighetsreduktion på genomfartsleder, genom icke-tvingande åtgärder i vägmiljön

The study was conducted with an landscape approach with an subject related approach in the field of environmental psychology to investigate how road design affects drivers' choice of Speed. The purpose was to portray road environments on thoroughfares in urban areas to motivate motorists to keep the Speed limit and thus increase road safety for vulnerable road users. The task question was formulated, how can thoroughfares in suburban settings be portrayed to motivate motorists to reduce Speed? The study was conducted throughout a literature review of motivational Speed measures along with interviews with road design experts at the Swedish Transport Administration. Case studies were conducted on three thoroughfares in the Stockholm suburbs Vallentuna, Upplands Väsby and Danderyd.

Slitage på skogsbilvägar vid virkestransporter

This report discusses questions concerning wear on forest roads. The purpose of the work is to investigate if the wear on the roads will decrease when the Speed limit gets lower for the trucks that transport the wood. A normal forest road, class B, was used in the study. In total 5000 m3f timber was transported on the road. Data about the road was measured with a profilograph car before and after the timber transport.

Implementation av iterativ rastreringsmetod för färgbilder

This report describes the procedure in which we accomplished our task, which was to implement a present algorithm. This was made using C++. The algorithm is developed by Sasan Gooran, who is our examiner in this project. The algorithm uses an iterative method to produce the halftoned images. The reason for this project is to Speed up the existing program which is made in Matlab.

Hastighets- och positionsinterface för motorer

The environmental requirements and laws on combustion engine emissions are very tough today andthey will become even more stringent in the future. To achieve these requirements there are highdemands on the control systems for these engines. An improved precision in the measurement of anengine's Speed and position gives the electronic control system an even better timing when it comes tofuel injection and ignition. This makes the engine more fuel efficient, reducing the emissions. This thesisis part of a collaborative project between Hoerbiger Control Systems and subsidiaries.

Automatisk trimning av drivsystemreglering från MATLAB

This master thesis covers the development of an automatic tuning process for the existing Speed controller for drive systems. The drive systems are resonant two-mass systems where a motor is used to drive a load connected by a shaft. The developed method relies heavily on system identification and the construction of a complete mechanical model of the process. With this approach, the common problem with poor load Speed control that derives from measuring only the motor Speed can be addressed and solved for a majority of such processes.The automatic tuning method has along with general test functions been implemented in a complete tool for automatic tuning, testing and performance evaluation and reporting for drive systems..

En studie om styrkor och svagheter hos sudokulösande algoritmer

Sudoku is a popular game of logic in the form of a puzzle. Sudoku puzzles are printed daily in Swedish newspapers. The challenge of solving these puzzles have inspired many programmers to develop Sudokusolving algorithms. These algorithms use different approaches in order to quickly and efficiently solve the puzzles. One such approach is the use of logical strategies initially developed for human players.

Parallell beräkning av omslutande volymer

This paper presents techniques for Speeding up commonly used algorithms forbounding volume (BV) computation, such as the AABB, sphere and k-DOP. Byexploiting the possibilities of parallelismin modern processors, the result exceedsthe expected theoretical result. The methods focus on data-level-parallelism(DLP) using Intel?s SSE instructions, for operations on 4 parallel independentsingle precision floating point values, with a theoretical Speed-up factor of 4 ondata throughput. Still, a Speed-up between 7?9 are shown in the computation ofAABBs and k-DOPs.

Hemlösas situation i Kalmar : Exkludering ur ett genusperspektiv

Title:?Speed cameras - an prevention of crime and a standard forming instrument of control??Authors: Markus HanssonTutors: Bo Isenberg & Carl HultExaminator: Ulf DruggeThe School of Human SciencesUniversity of KalmarThe studys purpose is to get a absorbed understanding for peoples attitude, and effect of Speed cameras. The disposition for the study is to integrate earlier studies in the matter, combined with elevating interesting sociological conceptions. As an attempt to understand Speed cameras as an instrument of force on the individual have Michel Foucaults concept Panopticon been used to see its effect, and it?s look upon how crime prevention will be formulated, which can give an explanation of why Speed cameras are being used as an instrument of control on the traffic area.

Stereoseende i realtid

In this thesis, two real-time stereo methods have been implemented and evaluated. The first one is based on blockmatching and the second one is based on local phase. The goal was to be able to run the algorithms at real-time and examine which one is best. The blockmatching method performed better than the phase based method, both in Speed and accuracy. SIMD operations (Single Instruction Multiple Data) have been used in the processor giving a Speed boost by a factor of two..

Utveckling av dynamiska farthinder

The aim of this Master of Science Thesis is to develop guidelines and improvementsuggestions of RiNOVA Traffic AB?s dynamic Speed bump. The project started with athorough pre study of the design and its function to find out how passing vehiclesaffects the dynamic Speed bump. The majority part of the pre study was to createnecessary mathematical models to explain the arisen forces and strains.The results of the mathematical models gave necessary information about the designregarding weaknesses and flaws. The most critical ones where those which interferedwith the design?s performance and reliability, and therefore needed to be corrected.These problems where more thorough analysed and discussed with experts before thefinal guidelines and improvement suggestions where developed.The parts of the design that had to be redesigned were the extension springs and thebearing that enables the dynamic properties.

Fortkörning - en inkomstfråga? : En studie utav inkomstens påverkan på benägenheten att köra för fort

The purpose of the thesis is to investigate whether a higher income make individuals more likely to exceed the Speed limit. In addition to income the variables age, sex, perception of the Speed of the average driver and offense history for the last three years are taken into account.The method used is based on a survey performed at the mandatory annual motor-vehicle inspection (Bilprovningen). 177 individuals were asked to participate, of these, 124 completed the survey which in turn left us with 117 usable observations.The analysis is based on two forms of regression, a linear regression and an ordered logit regression to confirm the results for the ordinal data.The final model indicates a result where income and age are statistically significant. Sex is considered insignificant for our data material and is excluded from the model. Age has a negative effect on the propensity to exceed the Speed limit while income has a positive effect.

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