

3554 Uppsatser om Speech-test - Sida 7 av 237

Fonologi hos svenska 5- och 6-åringar med typisk språkutveckling : Referensmaterial till det fonologiska testmaterialet LINUS

A new phonological test, LINUS, for Swedish-speaking children between the ages of three and seven, has been developed at the speech and language pathology department at Linköping University. The aim of the present study was to create a reference manual for the long version of the new test. The participants in the present study were children between the ages of five to seven in a medium-sized municipality in the Northern part of Kalmar County, Sweden. In total, 124 native Swedish-speaking children (58 girls and 66 boys) with typical language development participated. The children were divided into two age groups, 5;0-5;11;31 and 6;0-6;11;31 years.

Pratbubblan: den röda tråden : En studie av Karlstads Stadsnäts visuella kommunikation

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Karlstad City Fiber Network visual elements in the form of a pair of speech bubbles fit into the organization's holistic external communication and branding. The study examines whether Karlstad City Fiber Network image of the organization and the speech bubbles match the stakeholders view and how the visual elements are perceived and recognized by stakeholders. The theory associated with the study is theories of corporate visual identity, image, identity and branding and visual communication. These three elements are important to be aware of when a generation of an effective external communications. Qualitative interviews with employees at Karlstad City Fiber Network and Karlstad municipality has undertaken to give an idea of ??what the organization wants to achieve and what their opinions are.

Att arbeta tematiskt, ämnesintegrerat-fördel eller nackdel-sett ur ett lärarperspektiv

Examensarbetet behandlar en jämförelse av Server Message Block 3.0 och föregångaren 2.1 i ett befintligt nätverk. Jämförelsen utfördes i fyra laborationsmiljöer bestående av fyra operativsystem: Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 ochWindows 8. Sammanlagt har fyra tester utförts: Förstudie, Test 1, Test 2 och Test 3. Förstudien utfördes för att testa nätverksprestanda mellan två datorer. De andra testerna satte SMB 2.1 och SMB 3.0 på prov.I Test 1 ansågs SMB 3.0 prestera sämre än SMB 2.1, för att bekräfta resultaten kontaktades Jose Barreto på Microsoft.

Arbetspsykologisk testning : Vad mäter ett situationsbaserat bedömningstest?

Tidigare forskning har varit oenig gällande vad ett SJT (situational judgment test) mäter. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad SJT mäter genom att korrelera SJT-poängen med poängen på personlighets- respektive begåvningstest. Ytterligare en frågeställning är huruvida SJT skulle kunna vara ett användbart komplement till övriga arbetspsykologiska test. Totalt genomförde 130 personer fyra olika test; ett SJT, ett personlighetstest samt två begåvningstest (ett logiskt och ett matematiskt test). Resultatet av en regressionsanalys, med poängen på conscientiousness, agreeableness och g-faktorn som prediktorer av SJT-poäng, gav R = .31 och Adj R2 = .07.

Experimentell undersökning av provkroppar för trälimfogar

This thesis engages the topic of test methods for wood adhesives. Two test methods were evaluated, EN 302-1, a European standard, and ASTM D905, an American standard. The total amount of specimens manufactured and tested was more than 500. The adhesive bonds were tested in shear with an increasing load on the specimen until failure.The adhesives used were epoxy-resin, phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde and a 2-K polyurethane. The test programme included five different types of intentional errors per method, in order to investigate the sensitivity of the test methods.

Matematisk kreativitet

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur man kan mäta matematisk kreativitet på olika sätt och att jämföra den matematiska kreativiteten mellan olika åldrar och mellan könen. 142 elever från åk 6, åk 8 och åk 1 i gymnasiet gjorde två test, test A och test B. Resultaten från test A visade att eleverna i stor omfattning saknar den kreativitet som behövs för att inte fortsätta att använda samma strategi när den inte är optimal längre. I detta test visade pojkarna bättre resultat än flickorna. När det i test B gällde att komma på många rätta lösningar var det deltagarna från åk 8 som visade större kreativitet än de övriga deltagarna i detta test.

Reaktionerna på Tage Erlanders metalltal : En analys av aktörers identitet och intressen

The Swedish Prime Minister, Tage Erlander, made a speech on the 22 of August 1961 in which he dismissed speculation that Sweden was seeking to abandon its neutral stance and non-alignment in foreign policy with a view to requesting membership of the European Economic Community. The reason was that the EEC was supposed to have a political part where a connection with NATO should have existed. This speech led to a domestic discussion which has been called the most intense debate of foreign affairs in recent history. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the reactions of the other parliamentary parties to Erlander?s speech.

Alarmerande eller förväntat? : En studie av hur ett screeningtest kan tolkas ur ett andraspråksperspektiv

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extent LS ? a standard screening test for dyslexia ?is also relevant for the purpose of finding second language students with dyslexia. Starting with an overview of recent studies in the field, I have analyzed texts from parts of the chosen material. After a brief presentation of the test, I have presented it from a second language point of view. Furthermore, I have analyzed the way in which the test measures phonological awareness, lexical accessibility and correctness in language.

Situation majtal : en komparativ analys av tre socialdemokratiska ledares första maj-tal från 1954, 1978 och 2011

Based on the concept of rhetorical situation, the purpose of this study is to compare and describe the three Socialist leader's May Day speech from the years 1954, 1978 and 2011. The results of the analysis showed that there is a big difference in how the leaders chooses to appeal to the rhetorical audience. Erlander, 1954, never appealed directly to his audience which Palme, 1978, did both initially as repeatedly throughout his speech. Juholt, 2011, has a personal and frequent appeal which is repeated throughout his speech, which is interpreted as a sign of the intimization of the public language. It proved difficult to discuss the Socialist rhetoric as one unified form.

En undersökning om typografins betydelse för läsbarhet av ord i rörelse

The purpose of this work was to determine how important a word?s setting was for the readability of typography in motion. Facts regarding how reading works and the importance of the words formation for the readability were used to form a computer test. This test was performed by 15 test persons and the results were analyzed. The results show that the serif was easier to read than the sanserif.

Andraspråksstudenters konnektivbruk : En kartläggning av vanliga fel i konnektivbruket hos studenter med svenska som andraspråk

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extent LS ? a standard screening test for dyslexia ?is also relevant for the purpose of finding second language students with dyslexia. Starting with an overview of recent studies in the field, I have analyzed texts from parts of the chosen material. After a brief presentation of the test, I have presented it from a second language point of view. Furthermore, I have analyzed the way in which the test measures phonological awareness, lexical accessibility and correctness in language.

Stuttering Severity Instrument 3: Svensk översättning och utprövning

The main purpose of this study was to translate Stuttering Severity Instrument 3 and to evaluate its reliability and validity. Five speech-language pathologists assessed 35 adults who stutter with this assessment tool. Overall the results showed a very high inter- and intrarater reliability. A highly significant correlation between Stuttering Severity Instrument 3 and ratings of severity, made by the speech-language pathologists, strengthen the validityof Stuttering Severity Instrument 3. No correlation was found between the total score of Stuttering Severity Instrument 3 and the self-report measure Overall Assessment of the Speaker's Experience of Stuttering, whichindicates a lack of social validity in Stuttering Severity Instrument 3.

Öppna test ja?mfo?rt med blindtest : Hur pa?verkas lyssnarens bedo?mning?

Denna underso?kning so?ker ett svar pa? hur den relativt vana lyssnarens bedo?mning av ljudkvalitet pa?verkas av ett sa? kallat o?ppet test, da?r det som bedo?ms a?r ka?nd fo?r lyssnaren, ja?mfo?rt med ett blindtest, da?r detta objekt a?r oka?nt. Fra?gan appliceras pa? kvalitetsbedo?mningen av digitala kodningstekniker, d.v.s. hur lyssnaren pa?verkas av att valet av kodningsteknik som avlyssnas a?r ka?nd eller inte.

Pimp My Test Process : Introducing Test Automation and Process Maturity in an IT Consulting Context

Ipendo Systems in Linköping, Sweden, is a small IT consulting firm developing among other things custom portal applications based on Microsoft Sharepoint 2010. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the test tools TestComplete and LoadComplete provide sufficient compatibility for functional and non-functional testing of Ipendo Systems? Sharepoint based applications, as well as design testing related activities to be incorporated into their existing software development framework. A test process maturity framework was chosen and applied for the design of the testing activities, while the test tool investigation resulted in guidelines on how to apply the tools effectively and circumvent any issues discovered..

Utvärdering av röstträning på logopedprogrammet i Göteborg

The purpose of this study was to examine if there were anychanges in quality in the voices of speech and language pathology studentsafter four years of study at the University of Gothenburg. Recordings oftwenty student voices from the first and eight semesters were evaluatedperceptually by six speech-language pathologists. The parameters judgedwere: vocal fry, glottal attacks, strain, breathiness and resonant voice, usinga scale from 0 to 10. Acoustical measures were made of F0 mean andmedian to detect possible differences between the two recordings. Theresults show a significant decrease in vocal fry, glottal attacks and strain aswell as an increase in resonant voice and a significant decrease in F0 meanand median.

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