

2854 Uppsatser om Specific surface - Sida 61 av 191

Kommunikationsverktyget intranät

AbstractThis report discusses how the intranet as a communication tool can bedeveloped to become a daily work tool. An intranet can help the organization to get information out to the employees fast, and the employees can choose when they want to take part of the information. This report also discusses how the functions and the presented information can be developed to be even better. The proposals has been developed out from information gathered from a survey,the people who has answered the survey has been given their point of view of the intranet, and also proposals for improvements, which we have implemented in to our theory part. There is no company or organization that uses the exact same intranet solution.

Den ?okunniga? invandraren : Språkproblem för en invandrare

The aim of this study is to have a deeper understanding about the motivations and the obstacles of an immigrant?s language learning. I have studied the problem with focus on integration and language learning. The study is principally based on deep interviews with Turkish immigrants. I have studied the question by means of a socio-cultural perspective of learning; Mead?s conceptions I, Me and the generalised other; Scheff?s conception, the social bonds and Freire?s conception, dialog and Asplund?s conception social responsiveness.

3D-modellering i AutoCAD -att skapa en digital huskonstruktion

3D-modelling in AutoCAD This thesis is done in cooperation with LB-Hus in Bromölla, and have aimed to establish a digital AutoCAD model of one of the company?s house types and to find out what opportunities there are to do visualisations in the form of images directly from the programme. Modeling has been carried out so that the very construction of the house is included. Interiors and installations, with the exception of the ventilation system, have been left out in the model. The model has been created with solid models after a comparative study made between solid models and surface models to find out which option in this case was the easiest to handle and took up the least space.

Mastcellens roll vid atopisk dermatit hos hund

SAMMANFATTNINGDenna litteraturstudie har gjorts med syfte att utöka kunskapen om atopisk dermatit hos hund med fokus på mastcellens roll i immunopatogenesen. Atopisk dermatit är en relativt vanlig sjukdom som kan drabba alla hundar oavsett ras; den är oftast livslång och kräver visst arbete för att diagnosticera och behandla med gott resultat. Förutom att det är ett problem hos hundar, finns även ett nära samband med atopiska sjukdomar hos människa, och hundar fungerar som en bra modell för forskning på humansidan.Trots omfattande forskning, vet man fortfarande inte varför sjukdomen uppkommer. Många teorier finns kring den immunologiska bakgrunden, men stora delar är fortfarande okända. Att mastcellen spelar en nyckelroll är dock allmänt vedertaget.

Folkbibliotekarie på lika villkor? en intervjuundersökning om folkbibliotekariers kvalifikationer och vad kvalifikationerna betyder för folkbibliotekarierna och folkbibliotekets verksamhet.

We studied the understanding of public librarians of the required qualifications for a public librarian, what these qualifications embody and how they should be used, and if there are any differences between geographic regions. We also compared our results to the Library Code, which describes the responsibilities of the public libraries. To complete our study, we interviewed fourteen public librarians at eight different public libraries located in both urban and rural areas in Sweden. Our results showed that even though the qualifications specified by the Library Code were identical, they were emphasized and used differently by the public libraries included in our study. This illustrates that the public libraries prioritize and focus differently on the various aspects of the Library Code.

Varumärkets betydelse - en jämförelse mellan hur unga och äldre påverkas i köpprocessen

The thesis strives to answer the question whether there are any differences between how young customers, in comparison with older, are affected by brands when buying different products. The purpose is to get a clearer idea about the brands' importance in the future and in that way also to give guidance to companies about how to best market themselves and there products.To answer the question, an experiment was conducted with 480 respondents taking a survey where they had to rate a product after reading a short text about it. Some of the texts stated that a specific brand was behind the product while some said the product was produced by an unknown brand.The result of the study was that young people showed a greater propensity of rating products with a brand higher than products without brands, in comparison with the older respondents. This gives reason to believe that brands progressively will become an even more important tool for marketers and an unmatched asset for companies in the future..

Ekonomisk värdering av användandet av underbett på timmerbilar

Holmen Skog has in some places in their operation area access to timber trucks with centre mounted scrapers. They make transportation more flexible and reduce reliance on contractors for road maintenance. The trucks with centre mounted scrapers have a higher tare weight, making them less productive and therefore they receive compensation with a 0.75 % increase on transportation price. The purpose of this study was to investigate what actions a timber truck with centre mounted scraper can perform with acceptable quality in winter, and to examine if it is an economically profitable solution for the truck operator and charterer. The study was done in three stages; interviews, performance analysis of the transportations carried out and an economic analysis with the help of Sven Erik Gilles spreadsheet tool. The study included the districts Delsbo and Hudiksvall.

Medarbetares behov av kommunikation : Ett medarbetarperspektiv på kommunikation vid en organisationsförändring

Changes are occurring in most organizations today and due to the fact that changes often are harder to implement than they seem, it often takes much longer time to implement them than the management have planned. During an organizational change theorist claim that communication between managers and employees is one of the most important things to consider. Therefore, in this essay, our aim is to closer investigate which needs of information and communication co-workers have during a planned organizational change. To collect data, we interviewed five co-workers and one manager who works in an organization which has gone through a major change. Our theoretical framework comprises former research of organizational communication, employee?s needs of communication, change communication and theories of uncertainty during organizational change.

Informationsdelgivningsreglerna i MiFID II : Uppnår informationsdelgivningsreglerna behovet om ökat inesterarskydd?

The securities market was to undergo a major change with the entry of MiFID I in November 2007. EU´s establishment if the directive sets high standards for investment firms to establish internal guidelines in accordance with MiFID I. As right now, the securities market is facing further change with the proposal for MiFID II.MiFID II seeks to overcome MiFID I´s shown deficiencies. The greatest need for change are the rules that secure investor protection, with specific focus on regulation on information service from investment firms to customers. This essay deals with the rules on information service enacted in MiFID I compared to the changes presented in MiFID II to investigate whether the changes could strengthen investor protection as desired.MiFID II is a more detailed framework than its precursor.

Effects of Driver, Vehicle, and Environment Characteristics on Collision Warning System Design

The purpose of the present study was to examine effects of driver, vehicle, and environment characteristics on Collision Warning System (CWS) design. One hypothesis was made that the capability of collision avoidance would not be same among a driver, vehicle, and environment group with different characteristics. Accident analysis and quantitative analysis was used to examine this hypothesis in terms of ?risk? and ?safety margin? respectively. Rear-end collision had a stronger focus in the present study.

BOSTADSUTVECKLING & SOCIAL HÅLLBARHET : JM AB:s projektutveckling och dess sociala effekter

This report tries to discuss the concept of social sustainability; what it means and how residential development can be made more socially sustainable. This is done by interviewing several and various representatives in JM AB, the municipality of Uppsala and residents of Åriket to explore how JM AB as a housing developer and the municipality are working with issues regarding social sustainability and what the residents in one of the new housing projects themselves think of these issues. The result of these interviews will be compared and analyzed with the prospect of finding common variables and hopefully ways of improvement.This will result in our own recommendations of areas of improvement either by broad initiatives or specific actions to increase the social sustainability. Areas such as meeting places, sustainable functions and joint efforts between different parties. During the work on the report we come in contact with several other areas of interest that we are not able to process ourselves and therefore recommend them for future studies..

Krigföringens grundprinciper i nutida marina insatser

Uppsatsen tar sitt avstamp i ämnet krigsvetenskap och den förändring av försvarsmaktens verksamhet som de kombinerade uppgifterna, insatsförsvar och fredsbevarande insatser har skapat. Den del av krigsvetenskapen som uppsatsen riktas mot är krigföringens grundprinciper och tillämpningen av densamma inom de nya ramar som försvarsmakten agerar inom.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida en skillnad mellan teori och praktik har uppstått gällande krigföringens grundprinciper. Genom att avgränsa området till taktisk och operativ nivå, de grundprinciper som finns i den svenska marina doktrinen och det svenska ytstridsvapnet, görs en problemformulering och uppsatsens frågeställning definieras till: Vilka skillnader kan utrönas mellan den teoretiska innebörden av krigföringens grundprinciper och den tolkning av dessa som görs inom dagens svenska ytstridsvapen?En kvalitativ metod, där litteraturstudier och intervjuer används som forskningstekniker, fastställs som lämplig metod för uppsatsen. Därefter diskuteras validitet och generaliserbarhet samt källorna ur en kritisk synvinkel.

Informatörer och professionalisering

The foundation for this thesis lies in whether or not, and how, the body representation in printed commercials, specific products directed to the body (shampoo, body lotion etc.), has changed during the last fifty years. Four years have been chosen because of the changes in society that we believe might have had an impact. The commercials that have been picked out are the ones that best represent the general view of the body. We have found that the changes when it comes to body presentation has followed the social development to a certain degree, but it is difficult to say how much the society has had an affect on the body ideal in advertising. Representations of the male body is something that has escalated since the early 70?s, fifteen years earlier few commercials was made with male models, and the few there were, never showed more than the face.

Gradering av vindkraftslägen i Lerums kommun med hänsyn till infrastruktur och läge

The aim of this master thesis was to find and grade suitable sites for wind turbines in the rural district of Lerum at the reguest of Göteborg Energi. The rural district of Lerum consists of very complicated terrain which was the reason why we picked Lerum.The assignment was achieved by using the software program ArcGIS and its attendant tools. In step 1 an overall analysis was made in order to sort out the least suitable sites. Step 2 consisted of a 3D analysis in ArcScene together with a more precise analysis in ArcMap. As result we found two interesting sites, which met our demands and specific constraints.

IT-outsourcing ? dolda kostnader

Many corporations turn to IT-outsourcing to focus more on their core competence or to cut the IT-budget. There is one caveat, the costs presented at a first glance does not always present the entire truth. Instead the costs run deeper and so-called hidden costs exist beyond the contractual cost. Reducing these hidden costs may very well be crucial to the entire IT-outsourcing endeavor. However many firms are not aware of these costs and as such they have a reduced chance of success.

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