

2854 Uppsatser om Specific surface - Sida 10 av 191

Attityder till implementering av precisionsodlingsteknik :

Different techniques for precision agriculture have been available during the last decade. Some of them are more widely used than others. The main purpose of this thesis was to investigate the different attitudes to precision agriculture that exists among farmers and advisors in Sweden. Eight advisors and sixteen farmers were asked for their opinion of a number of specific techniques for precision agriculture, such as yield-mapping, precision liming, the Yara Nitrogen Sensor and site-specific fertilization with phosphorous and potassium. They were also asked to describe the way in which the counselling in Swedish agriculture is used and also about it's importance for the adaptation of new techniques. The high costs are mentioned to be one of the most important reasons why precision agriculture hasn't been more widely spread. Several farmers refer to their farms as too small to bear the costs that come with the techniques. The individual interest for technique among the potential users plays an important role.

Strejkens röster : En kvantitativ studie av mediernas bevakning av Pappers strejk 2010

The writer has attempted to discuss the distinction between the necessary and the contingent. It begins with a criticism against the possibility for a so-called ?a possible worlds realism? to give a ?philosophical explanation? of this distinction. The writer argues that this is impossible, since it requires that a notion of this distinction be already accepted (more precisely that the necessity of such a theory is already accepted).After this specific criticism, the writer intends to show that this is a more general problem that follows any explanation of the contingent/necessary distinction.The writer then discusses the counter-argument that the requirements placed on these explanations are set to high, therefore the writer shows in theory the problem can be solved and sketches a more specific way how to explain and show the basis for this distinction..

Den polska lastbilschaufförens verksamhet : Att i Sverige betraktas som egenföretagare eller anställd och vad blir inkomstbeskattningskonsekvensen?

Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time.

Utvärdering av en ny typ av lagerinbyggnad för traktionsmotorer

The thesis evaluates a new kind of bearing arrangement in a traction motor that ABB hasdeveloped. Since the arrangement is designed in a new and innovative way it needs to beevaluated to see if it is safe to use. In today?s traction motors, bearings with a big internalclearance (C4-clearance) are used. The basic idea of the new arrangement is to reduce the fitsbetween the bearing and shaft/house.

Minimalytor och Björlings problem

This paper gives an introduction to the theory of minimal surfaces. It is in- tended for undergraduate students with some basic knowledge of differential geometry and complex analysis.After defining the concept of minimal surface and giving a brief histo- rical survey, we look at some well-known minimal surfaces and a few of their characteristic properties. The connection between minimal surfaces and harmonic functions is discussed and the Weierstrass-Enneper represen- tation formulas are introduced. We also present Bjo?rling?s problem and give some examples. .

Tillväxt i medelstora företag: En problem- och åtgärdsanalys för tillväxt hos Sveriges "bortglömda" företag

Many sources point to the same conclusion; throughout the history the research sphere, mass media, governmental industry policies and public life in common have not paid the same attention to medium-sized companies as to small, new or large companies in Sweden. Yet, there are some researchers claiming the need for the medium-sized companies to grow, becoming tomorrow?s Swedish new large companies. Hence, the need for understanding the specific growth conditions of the medium-sized companies are definitely clear. This study aims firstly to identify whether there are specific requirements and obstacles for growth in connection to being a medium-sized company.

Att existera i ögonblicket -Töj, en textil sittmöbel

This project started with an exploration of geometric shapes and textile materials. It resulted in a chair made out of textile bands with different elasticity. The surface for sitting is flat when the chair is not used, and changes in the moment you sit down and gets a new shape. A piece of furniture that adapts to each individual. The chair emphasizes the important relationship between human and product as the person using it becomes a part of the chair for a moment..

Den bäcknära zonen vid små skogliga vattendrag i Värmland : generell beskrivning, förekomst av traktorspår samt kvicksilverhalter i körpåverkat ytvatten

Forest streams and the associated riparian zones are sensitive to disturbances and changes that occur within these riparian areas. Particularly sensitive are small streams of low order, which will have large impacts down-stream. The disturbances that occur in the riparian zones are reflected quickly in the stream. Driving with forestry machines in the riparian zone will have detrimental effects to the soil and water. Driving the machines will lead to changes in the mineral soil composition, resulting in the reduction of porosity, less infiltration, compaction, and an increased bulk density.

Prediktionsmodeller vid in vitro-fertilisering då ett embryo återförs

This paper gives an introduction to the theory of minimal surfaces. It is in- tended for undergraduate students with some basic knowledge of differential geometry and complex analysis.After defining the concept of minimal surface and giving a brief histo- rical survey, we look at some well-known minimal surfaces and a few of their characteristic properties. The connection between minimal surfaces and harmonic functions is discussed and the Weierstrass-Enneper represen- tation formulas are introduced. We also present Bjo?rling?s problem and give some examples. .

Teknisk utredning för anslutning av vindkraftverk till elektriskt nät

The city of Kalmar has a desire that their 3D maps of the city should come to a greater use and get residents more involved in Kalmar city. The purpose of this report is to show one way to work with these 3D maps when it comes to presenting information about Kalmar for its residents and tourists in a specific area.  The report also includes information about advantages and disadvantages with the use of 2D and 3D maps in different environments. Various reports and other sources indicate an interest in 3D and a use for this, but even that 2D is still seen as a natural way to read a map. By collecting information from relevant literature, interviews and user testing, the group has obtained sufficient background information to present the results of a web site, where the visitor can navigate in both 2D and 3D in a specific area of Kalmar. User tests and surveys have been conducted in two rounds and the web site has been revised after their results..

Befolkningsprognos för kommunerna i Stockholms län under perioden 2003-2012

This paper gives an introduction to the theory of minimal surfaces. It is in- tended for undergraduate students with some basic knowledge of differential geometry and complex analysis.After defining the concept of minimal surface and giving a brief histo- rical survey, we look at some well-known minimal surfaces and a few of their characteristic properties. The connection between minimal surfaces and harmonic functions is discussed and the Weierstrass-Enneper represen- tation formulas are introduced. We also present Bjo?rling?s problem and give some examples. .

Digitala kartor för webben : En turistguide i 2D- och 3D

The city of Kalmar has a desire that their 3D maps of the city should come to a greater use and get residents more involved in Kalmar city. The purpose of this report is to show one way to work with these 3D maps when it comes to presenting information about Kalmar for its residents and tourists in a specific area.  The report also includes information about advantages and disadvantages with the use of 2D and 3D maps in different environments. Various reports and other sources indicate an interest in 3D and a use for this, but even that 2D is still seen as a natural way to read a map. By collecting information from relevant literature, interviews and user testing, the group has obtained sufficient background information to present the results of a web site, where the visitor can navigate in both 2D and 3D in a specific area of Kalmar. User tests and surveys have been conducted in two rounds and the web site has been revised after their results..

Aktörer, nätverk & information : Om informationsförmedling i det akademiska biblioteket

This study focuses on the encounter between the academic librarian and the academic library user with a specific need for information. The aim of the study is to examine the process of mediation of information and to uncover any inherent problems or systemic inertia that may occur within that process.Special attention has been given to information-seeking behaviour in the digital age and the possibility of viewing information literacy as a meta-literacy. The difference between the surface web and the academic invis- ible web is also investigated. Empirical data was collected by the use of ethnographic fieldwork at the Karolin- ska Institutet University Library over a period of five weeks. The data is analysed using actor-network theory as a point of departure.

Folkpartiets syn på svensk säkerhets- och utrikespolitik 1956-1974 : En jämförande analys av Folkpartiets syn på svensk säkerhets- och utrikespolitiska frågor i förhållande till regeringen

The socialdemokrats? long possession of government power from the 1930?s to 1976 gave them the opportunity to put their stamp on Swedish domestic and foreign affairs in the shadow of the cold war. The government policy in security and foreign affairs, therefore, was that of the socialdemokratic party. The stance of the government has been researched, but it lacks focus on the opposition. The purpose of this paper is to analyse Folkpartiet´s view of security and foreign affairs in comparison with government policy.

Att katalogisera kyrkomusik En studie av Dübensamlingen och Statens musikbibliotek

rary of Sweden Statens musikbibliotek [51][pdf.gif] The aim of this study is to investigate how bibliographic description of music materials has improved through history. The historical aspect is given by a study of bibliographic data in different catalogues of a specific collection. The aim is also to understand what specific problems will arise in the work of cataloguing music materials and how the problems are discussed in the literature. The study is focusing of church music material and the history of churchmusic is therefore given an exposition. The origin of musical notation, which took place within the church, is also discussed.

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