

2854 Uppsatser om Specific surface - Sida 11 av 191

3D-modellen som kommunikationsverktyg

If one looks at physical planning in Sweden today one can see that while talking about densification of existing development, reduced emissions and careful use of important land, urban sprawl is a fact with development of sheer residential districts in the urban edges and shopping malls in each and every municipality. As sustainable development is an essential goal for physical planning to strive towards, it is worth questioning if the direction of today?s planning will lead to the goal. A sustainable development can be seen as an obvious to goal aim at. In reality the aim means a hard and complex work.

Estetiska omdömens paradoxala natur : En jämförelse av Hume och Kant

This work is meant to contribute to the research of adaptation studies by focusing on a special case: the transformation of a fictional diary into a movie. In order to sustain the form of the literary source the adaptation to movie requires certain strategies. Först of all, the diary genre is characterized by a one-dimensional narration. Second, diaries only supply a few written dialogues, hence this "void" has to be compensated and filled by media specific measures. Third, the investigated diary is a story of individualization and emancipation of a single woman.

Nonvisual Society

The exclusion of visually impaired from the information flow presented to us through signs was what led me into this project. With a growing amount of information being presented to us on signs and digital information surface the need of communicating this information in a way that could be read by visually impaired is evident. Looking into different ways of communication, my goal was to create something that filled the need of the visually impaired without branding them as disabled. Having a close relative with bad eyesight is became evident on how much it limited her in her everyday life, not being able to navigate herself without the support of her husband. Through interviews with her and others with varying diagnoses I reached an insight in their situation. To my surprise they still favored a visual form of communication before an auditory or tactile form, because it?s easy to survey and quick to interpret.

Genus i barnboken : En undersökning om hur flickor och pojkar skildras i barnböcker

The purpose of this research is to analyze six children?s books from a gender perspective and thereby investigate in what way boys and girls respectively are portrayed in books.My general question is:How are boys and girls portrayed in children?s books?This question has been broken down into four minor questions:What type of clothes are the people wearing? Are people predominantly male or female? Have people specific attributes which are linked to their sex? Are people performing specific actions which are linked to their sex?In my research I have combined quantitative and qualitative methods and my theoretical framework has been gender.This study reveals a change in children's books with respect to how the different genders are portrayed. The progression is towards a more equal portrayal but despite this, patterns typical for the respective genders shine through..

Enskilda skogsägares mål på avdelningsnivå ? en kvalitativ studie

Half of Sweden's productive forest land is owned by individual forest owners. Research studies show that forest owners have more objectives with their forest than a high net present value, and that the suggestions of the forest management plans doesn?t always correspond to the forest owners? objectives. Through a qualitative study we conducted a discussion about objectives at stand level with the aim of making a more specific formulation of the forest owners? objectives. We asked about the forest owners' objectives at stand level, what forest management they conduct in order to achieve the objectives and how this management affects the net present value of the property. Based on the results of the interviews, we analyzed what kind of factors decide where the objectives place themselves in the landscape and if the objectives at stand level are consistent with the overall objectives for the property. Many forest owners questioned the idea of talking about objectives at stand level, and they didn?t always have their objectives clearly defined.

Svensk vindkraft

Sweden's drinking water quality is considered to be high partly due to a high quality of the raw water and a well developed sewage infrastructure. Despite this, there is water contamination that could be prevented by installation of a sophisticated early warning system. Some of the major players in the production of drinking water have already invested in different types of early warning systems to ensure drinking water of high quality. There are various forms of early warning systems where automatic monitoring of E. Coli is an interesting alternative.

Alternativ till fiskbaserat foder till karnivora fiskar

If one looks at physical planning in Sweden today one can see that while talking about densification of existing development, reduced emissions and careful use of important land, urban sprawl is a fact with development of sheer residential districts in the urban edges and shopping malls in each and every municipality. As sustainable development is an essential goal for physical planning to strive towards, it is worth questioning if the direction of today?s planning will lead to the goal. A sustainable development can be seen as an obvious to goal aim at. In reality the aim means a hard and complex work.

Hårdfräsning i verktygsstål : Förslitning av skäregg

This thesis work is made by Torbjörn Johansson on Karlstad University for Uddeholms AB. The assignment in this thesis work was to investigate tough cutting in three different tool steels: Vanadis 4 Extra, Vancron 40 and Sverker 21. The research was to compare the wear of the tool after cutting in each one of the tool steel alloys. The research was also made to see if the tool cutting in Vancron 40 has a better wear than the tool cutting in Vanadis 4 Extra and also compare the results with Sverker 21. All three of these alloys are a part of Uddeholms AB:s range of products, and is used in applications like forming tools and knife tools. Vancron 40 is a powder steel with a very good combination of mechanical properties like ductility, adhesive strength and hardness.

Småskalig vattenkraft vid Olofsfors bruksmuseum : Med faunapassage

In Sweden there are 1894 small-scale hydropower plants in operation, which together generate 4.3 TWh of electricity per year according to Swedish hydropower compound (SVKF, 2011). This corresponds to the annual consumption of about 860,000 Swedish households (based on an annual consumption of 5000 kWh). In the mid-1950s there were around 4000 small-scale hydropower plants in operation in Sweden before cheap fossil fuels and uranium competed with them, in the current situation only 1,894 of these are in use. If slumbering small hydropower plants once again would be taken into use and some new ones are built, we would be able to extract about 7 TWh of renewable electricity from these annually in Sweden, representing about 1.4 million households.The thesis intends to calculate and construct a hydroelectric power plant at the existing dam in Olofsfors and give suggestions on how the power station should run during the time that fish migration is greatest in Leduån.The turbine and generator to the station in Leduån at Olofsfors is designed by the height of the fall and the water flow through the dam. The turbine selected for the station is a CK-1000RM turbine with a 4-pole 250 kW generator from Cargo & power turbine Sweden AB, which is expected to deliver 1.2 GWh per year.

Sakprosans genrer: en analys av fyra universella klassifikationssystem

The aim of this paper is to investigate the implementation of genres, pertaining to non-fiction, in four different universal classification schemes BC2, UDC, DDC, SAB. It is not the aim of this paper to answer the question why certain genres are more implemented than others, or vice versa. Instead it is intended to be an investigation into the concept of non-fiction genres with the aim of attracting attention to the many interesting aspects of this concept for library- and information science research. An analysis of the schemes general auxiliary tables is performed by comparison with a specific genre-system devised by Ottar Grepstad. This genre-system is organised by dividing different genres into groups according to linguistic criteria.

Enumerating Atlantic salmon smolt production in River Vindelälven based on habitat availability and parr densities : consequences of using different density estimation methods

Habitat mapping was conducted in the main stem of River Vindelälven in the autumn of 2009 along the salmon distribution area. The aim was to estimate the quantity of potential reproduction areas, including spawning and juvenile rearing habitats. The mapping included 61 km of various stream sections along the river length of 269 km. The total area of stream habitats was estimated to 647 ha of which 396 ha (61%) were considered as either potential or optimal juvenile nursery habitats. The area of these two habitat classes were used to estimate the smolt production in the river by using electro fishing densities of juveniles (0+ per 100 m2).

"Kunden har inte alltid rätt, men man kan låta kunden tro det..." : Roller och känslor i det dagliga servicearbetet

Syftet med denna studie är att få en djupare förståelse för fenomenet emotionellt lönearbete och vad fenomenet innebär för butiksmedarbetare i en organisation som har kundinteraktion både face-to-face och via telefon och/eller e-post. Vi ville undersöka butiksmedarbetarnas gemensamma erfarenheter av att upprätthålla en fasad utåt mot kunderna. Även en jämförelse av resultatet mellan den fysiska butiken och web-shopen har gjorts. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten influerades av den tidigare forskningen som finns och grundas i Erving Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv och Arlie Hochschilds teori om emotionellt lönearbete. Resultatet bygger på sex djupgående semistrukturerade intervjuer ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv.

Funktionella tester och utvärdering av skadepreventiv träning hos kvinnliga fotbollsspelare - en interventionsstudie

The exclusion of visually impaired from the information flow presented to us through signs was what led me into this project. With a growing amount of information being presented to us on signs and digital information surface the need of communicating this information in a way that could be read by visually impaired is evident. Looking into different ways of communication, my goal was to create something that filled the need of the visually impaired without branding them as disabled. Having a close relative with bad eyesight is became evident on how much it limited her in her everyday life, not being able to navigate herself without the support of her husband. Through interviews with her and others with varying diagnoses I reached an insight in their situation. To my surprise they still favored a visual form of communication before an auditory or tactile form, because it?s easy to survey and quick to interpret.

Tillfällig nödvändighet : En möjlig(a) värld(arna)s paradox och den aletiska modalitetens gåta

The writer has attempted to discuss the distinction between the necessary and the contingent. It begins with a criticism against the possibility for a so-called ?a possible worlds realism? to give a ?philosophical explanation? of this distinction. The writer argues that this is impossible, since it requires that a notion of this distinction be already accepted (more precisely that the necessity of such a theory is already accepted).After this specific criticism, the writer intends to show that this is a more general problem that follows any explanation of the contingent/necessary distinction.The writer then discusses the counter-argument that the requirements placed on these explanations are set to high, therefore the writer shows in theory the problem can be solved and sketches a more specific way how to explain and show the basis for this distinction..

Skadeförekomst hos häst relaterat till olika typoch mängd av utevistelse

This study was performed to examine whether horses that are kept alone in smallpaddocks are less likely to suffer injuries, compared to horses kept in biggerenclosures with the company of other horses, or not. In not yet published researchmaterial from 2005, risk factors associated with ?accidental injuries? versus ?wearand tear injuries? (represented by trauma injury and fetlock inflammationrespectively), were compared. That material, based on the results of 507 returnedquestionnaires from owners of horses in a Swedish insurance company, includedquestions about paddock/pasture confinement. The results from those questionswere then analyzed in this study in a so called case-control study, in which thegroups with trauma and fetlock inflammation were compared to a healthy controlgroup.The results show that the risk of fetlock inflammation is greater in a smallconfinement, OR for inflammation in a small paddock is 2,2 (95% KI 1,2-3,9)compared to a bigger paddock.

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